HomeMy Public PortalAbout06-29-21 First Budget Workshop - Community Group Presentations.pdfM IN U T E S F IR S T B U D G E T W O RK S H O P - C O M M UN IT Y G R O U P P RE S E N T A TI O N S K E Y B IS C A YN E , F L O RI D A T U E S D A Y , JUN E 2 9 , 2 0 2 1 C O UN C IL C H A M B E R 5 6 0 C RA N D O N B O U L E Y A RD 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The meeting was called to order by the Vice Mayor at 6:05 p.m. Present were Councilmembers Franklin H. Caplan, Luis Lauredo, Allison McCormick, Brett G. Moss (arrived 6: 11 p.m.), Ignacio Segurola and Vice Mayor Edward London. Mayor Michael W. Davey was absent. Also present were Village Manager Steven C. Williamson, Village Clerk Jocelyn B. Koch and Village Attorney Chad Friedman. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Mayor London led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. BRIEF COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: Councilmembers Lauredo and McCormick addressed the Council sympathizing with those affected by the Surfside tragedy; Councilmember Lauredo also recognized the Building, Zoning and Planning Department's increased workload and also requested limiting the number of workshops and Council meetings per year in order to be more efficient; Councilmember McCormick also noted staff will be looking closely at the buildings within the Village regarding safety and also stated support for the community groups presenting tonight; Councilmember Caplan addressed the Council thanking Ms. Ann Taintor for making two homemade pies and also thanked all the civic minded contributors who add to the quality of life within the Village and Vice Mayor London addressed the Council stating it is a balancing act on what the Village should provide in the way of services for the community regarding community group funding. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The following people addressed the Council: Vivian Gallego Mendez, 644 Crandon Boulevard; Jamie Tompkins, 730 Curtiswood Drive; Jonathan Mendez, 161 June 29, 2021 C ra ndon B ou levard; M arta Zapata, 881 O cean D rive; R obert B ro okes, The Pines of Delra y N orth, D elra y B each and Jenn ife r Stearn s B uttrick, 180 C ape Florida D rive, C ounsel fo r the K ey B iscayne C om m unity Foundation. 5. BUDGET PRESENTATIONS: The fo llow ing com m unity gro ups gave FY 2022 presentation s, current updates and m ade their presentations in the fo llow ing order: • K ey B iscayne C ar w eek w as presented by M ary Tague, 610 N orth M ashta Drive and Fra nces R eeves, 251 C ra ndon B oulevard. • V ill age of K indness/K indness in the Schools w as presented by Laudy Ibarr a, 482 Fern w ood R oad. • K ey B iscayne C hildren's B usiness Fair w as presented by Fern anda Torr es, 181 Cra ndon B oulevard. • Y outh L eadership w as presented by Patricia W oodson, 1725 Tigertail A venue, Coconut G ro ve. • A ctiv e Seniors on the K ey C lub w as presented by Edw ard Stone, 170 Ocean Lane Drive. • H istorical Society w as presented by A nn Taintor, 170 Ocean Lane Drive and Ron Erbel, 786 Fern w ood R oad. • Tra p, N euter & R elease Pro gra m w as presented by Lisa C orn sby, 590 Ocean Drive. • A Zero W aste C ultur e/C om posting w as presented by Taim a Hervas, 250 Galen Drive and H elena Itur ra lde 150 SE 25th R oad, M iam i and team m em bers: Jonathan M endez, 161 C ra ndon B oulevard; M art a Zapata, 881 O cean D rive; Enzo Fuque, 555 Cra ndon B ou levard; M aria A viles, 10 7 East Enid D rive; G loria Jo hn son, 269 W est M ashta Drive and Ja ckie K ellogg, 115 Sunr ise D rive. • 4th of July C om m ittee-Para de w as presented by R afa M om ene, 300 Sunr ise Drive. • K ey B iscayne Piano Festival w as presented by A m arylli Fridgegotto, 550 Ocean Drive. • 4th of July B B Q by the R otary C lub of K ey Biscayne Foundation was presented by Robert B ro ok es, The Pines of D elra y N 01th, D elra y Beach. • C ity T heatre w as presented by Susan W estfa ll, 525 A llendale Road. • K ey B iscayne C ham ber of C om m erce w as presented by Tatyana C hiocchetti, 88 W est M cIntyre Street. A t this tim e, V ice M ayor L ondon excused him self at fr om the workshop at 7:54 p.m . and C ouncilm em ber Laur edo chaired the rem ainder of the w orkshop. • K ey B iscayne C om m unity Foundation w as presented by M elissa Wh ite, 370 Heather Lane. • V ill age of K ey B iscayne 30th Y ear A nn iversary w as presented by M elissa Wh ite, 370 H eather L ane. C ouncilm em ber Laur edo addressed the C ouncil regarding the 30th Ann iversary Party budget. C h ief Fin ancial O ffi cer B enjam in N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regarding the 30th A nn iv ersary Part y budget. M s. Wh ite addressed the C ouncil regarding reim bursem ent fo r expenses and the C omm unity Foundation's fe e fo r service contra ct w ith the V illage. 2of4 June 29, 2021 Councilmembers McCormick and Lauredo addressed the Council regarding the above items. The Manager addressed the Council reporting that the 30th Anniversary Party's budget was approved in FY21. There was discussion from Council and Ms. White regarding the above items. Councilmember Caplan addressed the Council requesting point of order. Councilmember McCormick addressed the Council requesting that for the future only community groups requesting funding should make a presentation at the budget workshop and not the Key Biscayne Community Foundation since the Foundation provides a different role and service as being an independent contract service provider. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding the above items. Vice Mayor London returned to the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Councilmember Lauredo thanked all the community groups who made a presentation and requested the support of Council for all of them. Councilmembers Caplan and McCormick also gave support and appreciation for the community groups. Councilmember Segurola addressed the Council requesting that all community groups requesting funding from the Village, give an accounting of what was accomplished with the money spent in the previous year and to provide this information to Council within the next 30 days. Councilmembers Segurola and Caplan addressed formalizing and completing the requested forms from the community groups. 6. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of future meetings and events was presented to the Council. 7. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 8f.¾11:,· Kod---- Jo lyn B. ch Village Clerk Approved this 12th day of October 2021: 3 o/4 June 29, 2021 Vice Mayor IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 4 o/4