HomeMy Public PortalAbout20151130 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesBOH November 30, 2015 Minutes Page 1 Approved January 11, 2016 BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street, 3rd Floor Meeting Area Monday, November 30, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Members Present: Paul Winshman, Chairman and Jennifer Belesi, Vice Chairman, Dr. Philip Cohen Also Present: Edward Wirtanen, Board of Health Director Absent: Late Arrival: The meeting was called to order at 7: 04 p.m. by Chairman Winshman Request to Approve Board of Health Meeting Minutes Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve the following meeting minutes:  November 16, 2015 Dr. Cohen motioned to approve the meeting minutes of November 16, 2015. Vice Chairman Belesi seconded. Chairman Winshman, Vice Chairman Belesi and Dr. Cohen in favor. Request for a Variance From State Plumbing Code (Post-Installation)-45 South Street/Arteriocyte Present: Eyal Mark, Pi Piper, Inc.; Kolby Day, Arteriocyte VP General Manager of Research & Development Mr. Mark and Mr. Day requested the Board’s approval for two variances from the Board of State Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters to allow the installation of two direct connect ejector pumps and to have the discharge (gray water) be pumped to a floor drain between 40 and 60 feet from the sink into the existing sewage disposal system. Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the waste indicated in their letter is part of the manufacturing process and would be under the Title 5-State Environmental Code requirements of prohibiting such waste from being discharge into the sewage disposal system. He stated that an industrial holding tank would be required for this waste and also asked where the current waste is being placed at. In addition, the variance application from the Board of State Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters that was submitted by Mr. Mark is for a Post-Installation which indicates that the job has already been completed. Mr. Wirtanen indicated that he needs clarification as to whether the job has been completed or not. Mr. Mark noted that the job has not been started and that he filled out the wrong application, which he was not aware of, and will get the correct one (Pre- Installation) to the Board of Health as soon as possible. Dr. Cohen asked several questions regarding the handling of the bio-hazard waste, OSHA compliance and confirmation that bio-waste is not being disposed of into the septic system. BOH November 30, 2015 Minutes Page 2 Approved January 11, 2016 Mr. Day confirm to Dr. Cohen that there is absolutely no bio-waste going into the septic system, confirmed that only gray water would be and is deposit into the septic system and that everything in their lab complies with OSHA. He explained that there are two hoods stationed and one hood is for the bio-waste which will be deposited into a container (which he showed the Board) and will be hauled away by a bio-waste company and the other hood will be for hazard waste with the same procedure. Mr. Day noted that they have contracted with Heritage Waste Removal and Stericycle for SHARPS container removal. Mr. Wirtanen expressed his concern that he needs to verify that wastes from all sinks and toilets are being disposed of in the septic system and requested a letter of declaration indicating that along with conducting a site inspection. Dr. Cohen also requested that Mr. Day supply the Board with the plumbing design of the building so they would be able to confirm that no bio-waste is being deposit into the septic system. Dr. Cohen motioned to approve the Variance From the State Plumbing Code for 45 South Street as requested with the following conditions: a site visit will be conducted by the Board of Health, a letter of declaration indicating that all waste from all sinks and toilets drain into the existing septic system, a plumbing schematic of the building to be submitted and the correct Variance application to be filled out and resubmitted to the Board of Health. Vice Chairman Belesi seconded. Chairman Winshman, Vice Chairman Belesi and Dr. Cohen in favor. Open Session (Unanticipated Topics) Present: Jim Sullivan, 18 Huckleberry Road; Rob Scannevin, 26 Huckleberry Road and Jennifer Belesi, 24 Huckleberry Road (Ms. Belesi is speaking as a resident) Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Scannevin and Ms. Belesi come before the Board to voice their concern regarding flooding, caused by beaver dams, encroaching their property along the border of Whitehall Brook and the Pratt Property and asked for the Board’s direction and support. They expressed apprehension regarding the water level continually increasing and the upcoming winter weather and noted that they are serviced by private wells and septic systems. Mr. Sullivan said that the water is stagnant and has created serious issues with mosquitoes on his property. He said that when he moved in 8 years ago the water level was a small running creek and now it has grown 30-40 feet wide. Mr. Sullivan said that he has been told that the Whitehall Brook is owned by the State and that their homes boarder the Brook and the Pratt property which is now owned by the town. He stated that he has submitted pictures of the increased water level from the brook and the Pratt property to the Town Manager already. Mr. Sullivan showed the pictures that were given to the Town Manager to the Board. The Board engaged in a lengthy conversation regarding the different avenues of relief, who is the responsible entity for relief and also heard concerns from Mr. Scannevin and Ms. Belesi. The Board asked Mr. Wirtanen for his comments regarding the issue of relief and what can the homeowner do under the Board of Health’s regulations, if any. BOH November 30, 2015 Minutes Page 3 Approved January 11, 2016 Mr. Wirtanen stated that the homeowners have an option which falls under the Board of Health Regulations as the Emergency Permit for Beaver Trapping, which entails dam breaching or installing a water flow device(s), only for their own property. He also indicated that the Town Wells is under the auspices of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and that the Pratt Farm and the Fruit Street property are under the Town of Hopkinton’s domain. Mr. Wirtanen also indicated that the resident’s properties boarder wetlands. The Town has recently formed the Pratt Farm Committee and indicated that this may be an avenue for a resident to be a member of and also stated that the Town should have a beaver mitigation plan in place, which they don’t at this point, for the Pratt and Fruit Street property. Ms. Belesi voiced that she reached out to Jamie Hellen, the Operations Manager to the Town Manager, regarding their concerns and suggested that the Town conduct an engineering study and have the Town and the State share the responsibility of relief. Chairman Winshman recommended that they bring their plight to the Board of Selectmen and that the Board of Health fully supports their concerns and also added that their trepidations are considered a potential public health issue due to the their private water supply, septic systems and standing water. The Board thanked the resident’s for coming before them with their dilemma and wished them well in their presentation to the Selectmen. Request for a Room Count Variance/51 North Mill St/Ed Tarca Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that Mr. Tarca on behalf of the owners, Dan & Gail Tonelli, is requesting a 4 bedroom deed restriction for an existing 10 room house which was built in 2000 and is serviced by a private well. The proposed basement renovation will add 3 rooms. At this point Mr. Tarca, informed the Board that the owners will be selling their home and are requesting to finish part of their basement and are offering a 4 bedroom deed restriction Chairman Winshman asked if a Title 5 Inspection was conducted on this property and whether the inspection had passed and what will the functions of the new rooms be used for. Mr. Tarca indicated that he did not know if there has been a Title 5 inspection and/or whether it passed or not. The basement room functions will be for a theater, exercise and billiards room. The Board reviewed the floor plans, which Mr. Tarca brought with him and did not submit prior to the meeting tonight, and concluded that the plans had a total of 10 rooms including the basement’s 3 new rooms, which was confirmed by Mr. Tarca that the new basement rooms were not being used as bedrooms. Chairman Winshman motioned to accept a 4 bedroom, 12 room deed restriction and to approve the Building Permit Plan Review to finish the basement with 3 rooms, as presented by Mr. Tarca, for 51 North Mill Street. Vice Chairman Belesi seconded. Chairman Winshman, Vice Chairman Belesi and Dr. Cohen in favor. BOH November 30, 2015 Minutes Page 4 Approved January 11, 2016 Informational Correspondence Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the following is for their information, review and/or action:  Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Policy & Information-Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the Town Manager’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Policy and Budget Schedule is enclosed in their packet for their review. He said that the budget cycle is now 27 days ahead of its normal process which is much earlier than in past years. The budget message is that all budgets are to be level funded except the continuing contractual obligations and mandates and that the budget is due to the Chief Financial Officer no later than Friday, December 4, 2015.  Revised Fiscal Year 2017 Board of Health Budget-Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the department’s fiscal year 2017 budget reflects the following: incremental cost for contractual employees and mandates, merit increases for staff, additional money for inspectional services and for a records scanning management database and/or a new office location (to be reunited with the department’s records). He cautioned, the Board that, the Town Manager has never approved the proposed department’s budget as submitted and that the process has been extremely confusing with the town having 5 different Chief Financial Officer’s since he has been employed here.  Reduction of Board of Health Fees-Mr. Wirtanen reminded the Board, that now that the Town has fully funded the Board of Health’s salaries and expenses, they will be continuing their discussion of reducing the department’s fees at their next meeting. He stated that since the Town has acquired the department’s 53½ account (BOH is the only department that has given the Town Manager its revenue account in lieu of the department’s Administrative Assistant position) the Town should not be in the business of making a profit.  Avian Flu Information-Mr. Wirtanen notified the Board that the Avian Flu Campaign is in full force and presented the Board with information for their knowledge and review. He also stated that he has given this information to the Animal Control Inspector and has also supplied him with the appropriate wear gear if he should encounter an avian flu incident. The information will also be placed on the Department’s web page. Board of Selectmen & Capital Request Hearing Dates Mr. Wirtanen told the Board that he will be attending the Board of Selectmen’s meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday, December 1, 2015) at 8:30 p.m. to inform them of the Board of Health’s records scanning management database and/or the relocation of the office with its records. He also informed the Board that he will also be attending the Capital Expenditures Committee on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:00 P.m. to discuss the same items. BOH November 30, 2015 Minutes Page 5 Approved January 11, 2016 Request to Approve Board of Health Director’s Fiscal Year 2016 Objectives Worksheet & Summary Forms for Merit Increase Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve his Fiscal Year 2016 Objectives Worksheet & Summary forms, which is now on the proper forms, per the Human Resources Department, the Board had approved the goals at their June 2015 meeting. Vice Chairman Belesi motioned to approve Mr. Wirtanen’s Fiscal Year 2016 Objectives and Summary forms, per the Human Resources Department, for his merit increase. Dr. Cohen seconded. Chairman Winshman, Vice Chairman Belesi and Dr. Cohen in favor. Meeting with Town Manager Mr. Wirtanen asked Vice Chairman Belesi if she is still meeting with the Town Manager regarding his ongoing wage issue as discussed previously and which has been pending since 2009 along with the placement of his position under the new Salary Administration Plan. Vice Chairman Belesi noted that she has every intention to speak with the Town Manager regarding those pending issues and that she will meet with Mr. Wirtanen to further discuss these items at length. Board of Health Future Meetings The Board voted to meet on the following dates:  Monday, December 14, 2015  Monday, January 4, 2016  Monday, January 25, 2016  Monday, February 8, 2016  Monday, February 29, 2016 Payroll Authorization Mr. Wirtanen requested Chairman Winshman’s signature and payroll authorization for the following weeks: ≈ December 7-12, 2015 ≈ December 14-19, 2015 ≈ December 21-26, 2015 ≈ December 28-January 2, 2015 Chairman Winshman signed Mr. Wirtanen’s payroll as requested. ADJOURN: Dr. Cohen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm. Chairman Winshman seconded. Chairman Winshman, Vice Chairman Belesi and Dr. Cohen in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Board of Health Administrative Assistant