HomeMy Public PortalAboutSitePlan Minutes 2008-03-05 TOWN OF ORLEANS TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 09 APR 29 AM 10: 53 cp1lay- For Official Use Only SiTEPLANREvmw COMMITTEE MARCH 5, 2008-Minutes A meeting of the Site Plan Review Committee was called to order at 10:00 a.m.in Skaket Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Departments Present: George Meservey(Planning); Mark Budnick (Highway); Ericka Wood(Health); Capt.Robert Felt(Fire); Brian Harrison(Building);Todd Budzick (Water); Jennifer Wood(Conservation). INFORMAL REVIEW: Architects Studio,LTD (Joyce A. Cuming), 100 Route 6A The applicant, Joyce Cuming discussed an Informal Site Plan proposal to purchase the property at 100 Route 6A. Cuming explained her plan to use two phases to renovate and expand the property with retail space on the first floor(level with the parking area),professional offices on the second floor(level with Route 6A)and a two-bedroom apartment on the third floor. Cumming indicated her intention to install a full septic system and restructure the basement of the building. Comments Fire: Smoke detectors will be required in the residential areas. No sprinklers will be required. Access for emergency vehicles is adequate. Health: A variance will be necessary for the septic system and its proximity to the lot line. For professional office space, 75 gallons per day of flow is calculated. The proposed professional office space can not be used by doctors or dentists,it is only allowed for business use such as archictects or lawyers. The phases proposed for the project are subject to the regulations at the time the project is constructed. The septic system will only be approved for what exists at the time it is permitted and subject to future regulation changes. Water: The water service was originally installed in 1968 as a 1"main which wound be sufficient for the present building use, but the applicant may find it prudent to upgrade the size of the water main for the proposed uses. Since the building is situated on a state road,all water service work will require a state road opening permit. A letter must be obtained from an engineer and then the Water Department will arrange with the State for the work to be done on the state road (Route 6A)with regard to obtaining a road opening permit. The water meter must be accessible at all times and cannot be covered up. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—March S, 2008 Page 1 of 4 Highway: There are no Highway Department issues Conservation: There are no Conservation Commission comments. Building: The plan may require a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals for a proposal over 2,500 square feet. All exterior lighting must conforin to the Orleans Lighting bylaw(shielded and pointed downward) and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan. Buffer plantings must be provided for residential uses. Shared parking must be coordinated with the owner of the adjacent parking lot and must be approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The parking area must consist of a dustless, durable, all-weather surface. 25-year storm drainage must be contained on-site and drainage calculations must be prepared by a Professional Engineer and provided to the town and shown on the Formal Site Plan.No runoff is allowed onto the public way. The building code requires smoke detectors as an R3. Fire extinguishers will be required. The two egress balconies violate the setbacks and must go to grade and cannot be beyond 30 square feet in the setback. The building code must be adhered to regarding floor/ceiling assemblies and fire separation. The building must be handicapped accessible and may require an elevator between the first two floors. There must be an accessible route from the back parking lot to the office space on the second floor. Applicant must work with the Architectural Access Board on access issues. Planning: Applicant needs to gain approval of one of the phases of construction for the ]Formal Site Plan Review. Adequate parking must be made available for the uses on the site,possibly through the approved use of shared parking with adjacent parking areas and must be clearly shown on the site plan. No parking is allowed in the side yards. Parking must remain outside of the 10' setbacks from any building,property line or street line. Wheel stops or painted lines must be provided for the parking spaces. Landscaping must be provided on-site and shown on the site plan. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw(shielded and pointed downward)and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan. All proposed signs must meet the requirements of the Orleans Zoning Bylaws 164-35. No business shall have more than three(3)signs. Any exterior changes must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. A floor plan must be provided showing the location and size of all exam rooms. Floor Area Ratio must be shown on the site plan. Dumpsters must be fully enclosed and screened and shown on the Formal Site Plan. Building transparency must be adhered to for 1/3 of the area of the first floor facade facing the street showing building interior or window displays unless a Zoning Board of Appeals exemption has been obtained. 25-year storm drainage must be contained on-site and drainage calculations must be prepared by a Professional Engineer and provided to the town and shown on the Formal Site Plan. Relief from on-site parking must be obtained from the Zoning Board of Appeals. There was a consensus of the Site Plan Review Committee that this application will have to come back for a Formal.Site Plan Review. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—March S, 2008 Page 2 of 4 INFORMAL REVIEW: Steve Bellorini(Dentist),8 Cummings Road Norm Michaud and Grace Bakker represented the application for an Informal Site Plan for a single dental practice. The proposed application could include the expansion of the building with four anticipated employees. The applicant acknowledged concerns with the lack of adequate parking and indicated that septic system issues may be resolved regarding Title 5. Comments Fire: This is a change of use and may require a monitored smoke detection system. Emergency vehicle access to the building is adequate. Health: Due to the septic system location,no parking is permitted in front of the building. The flow calculation for a dentist office is 200 gallons per day;research will be done to determine whether hygienists are included in this calculation. The septic system will need to be inspected and a letter must be received from the engineer stating that the system is adequate for the intended flow. If there is a change in the footprint,a reserve area must be shown on the Formal Site flan. Water: The water meter must be kept fully accessible at all times. The Water Department will need to do a backflow survey inside the building. Highway: 25-year storm drainage must be contained on-site and drainage calculations must be prepared by a Professional Engineer and provided to the town and shown on the Formal Site Plan. A curb cut application may be needed for any changes to the parking area. Conservation: There are no wetlands on the site. Building: All exterior changes must be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw(shielded and pointed downward)and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan. Buffer plantings must be provided for residential uses along the property lines and must be shown on the Formal Site Plan. A 10'green space must be provided from all lot lines. The minimum parking requirement is 3.5 spaces per exam room for a total of 11 parking spaces. The parking area must be dustless, durable, all-weather surface. 25-year storm drainage must be contained on-site and drainage calculations must be prepared by a Professional Engineer and provided to the town and shown on the Formal Site Plan. Fire extinguishers may be required. The building must be handicapped accessible and must be approved by the Architectural Access Board. At least one of the parking spaces must be handicapped accessible. A variance may be required from the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding parking issues. Planning: Parking must conform to the 10' setback requirements from the building and property lines as noted in the zoning bylaws. Cars are not allowed to back into any street. The applicant may want to wrap the driveway around the building with a one-way flow and angled parking spaces to accommodate the small parking area. A fence divides the property from the abutters on the right and rear of the property. The applicant may need to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a waiver for shared parking. Handicapped parking spaces must be provided. There was a consensus of the Site Plan Review Committee that this application will have to come backfor a Formal Site Plan Review. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—March 5, 2008 Page 3 of 4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 20. 2008 MOTION: On a motion by Bob Felt, seconded by Todd Bunzick,the Committee voted to approve the minutes of February 20, 2008. VOTE: 5-0-2 The motion passed by a majority. (Mark Budnick and Erika Woods abstained) The meeting adjourned at 10:37 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary Site Plan Review Committee Nlinutes—.March S, 2008 Page 4 of 4