HomeMy Public PortalAboutTri-Town Groundwater Protection District -- 2012-02-15 Minutes ORLEANS, BREWSTER, EASTHAM GROUNDWATER PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 2012 Board of Managers Present: John Kelly, Chairman, Orleans; Martin McDonald, Eastham. Others Present: Jay Burgess, Chief Operator; Cyndi Bachman, District Secretary; Beverly Carney, Orleans resident. I. Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m.. 2. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to approve the Board of Managers Minutes dated January 12,2012 as amended. This motion was seconded by John Kelly and unanimously approved and passed. 3. Citizen's Forum: • Beverly Carney, Orleans resident, handed out her written comment to the Board for their review, and asked if the security cameras were ever installed at the compost building, and would the Board of Managers consider forming a Citizen's Advisory Committee? • John Kelly stated the installation of the security cameras have not been installed as of yet by the Town of Orleans and he has no interest in considering a Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Tri-Town Board. • Martin McDonald asked what would be the function of a Citizen's Advisory Committee? • Beverly Carney stated it would not cost anything and would assist the Board and the citizens of the District, looking at the issues, educating the public about what is going on here and taking some pressure off of Jay. • John Kelly stated the plant had a Technical Advisory Committee in the past, consisting of nine members. • Jay stated there were two or three members from each town on the TAC Committee for the start up and upgrade of the plant. • John Kelly stated there has not been an active committee at Tri-Town for over twelve years, other than the Tri-Town Board of Managers, which is the appointment of each of the Chairman of the Boards of Selectmen. At this point the plant and the future direction of the wastewater planning rests with the Boards of Selectmen. I don't see a further need for a Citizen's Advisory Committee. It ends up taxing more hours of staff time, because they are going to go to Jay for information. The intention may be good, but I don't see any merit in that suggestion. a ORLEANS, BREWSTER, EASTHAM, GROUNDWATER PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 2012 AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF BOARD OF MANAGERS MINUTES: • January 12, 2012 3. CITIZEN'S FORUM 4. CHIEF OPERATOR UPDATES—JAY BURGESS 5. FINANCIAL UPDATE: • Bank Balances 6. APPROVAL OF TREASURY WARRANT NO. 9 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT MAY LEGALLY COME BEFORE THIS BOARD • Jay stated the Technical Advisory Committee was very helpful in helping us prove the point that the existing innovative and alternative system that they put in place did not work and that we needed additional items in order for it to become usable. They were very helpful in helping us pilot test various units and deciphering the data and presenting it to the State. Once it was functioning, a few of them wanted to hang on and try making the wheel even rounder so to speak. I would find some of them here without telling me, hanging around dangerous equipment that could have killed them. • Martin McDonald stated he has seen Citizen's Advisory Committees on projects that are just getting started but has never seen a committee when the project has been completed. Citizens can always come to a Board of Managers meeting like Beverly does. She is the only citizen that I have seen at any of the meetings. I don't see any initial merit to a committee, however, there are a couple of things in Beverly's handout regarding maintenance, fences, and security, which is worth paying attention to. • Jay stated the graffiti issues at the Compost Building are the Town of Orleans concern. We have been told to stay away from that area. The fencing issues have been brought up time and time again, and there is no money to fence the entire perimeter of the property. It is on record in many of the Board of Managers Minutes. • Martin McDonald asked if there is a security problem. • Jay stated we have security cameras here at the plant. We have not had a problem up here. However, the compost building does have a band of young kids that go down there and spray paint. • John Kelly stated when they get caught, they have to repaint the buildings and then it becomes a new blackboard and they come back and paint again. For some reason it has been an attraction since it was built, and a gathering place that is accessible by the bike trail. Due to the way they sign their graffiti, we are able to track them down. They get community service and have to paint the buildings along with their parents. This has happened several times. • Jay stated they never do it during operation hours. I came in one night for a process alarm and took a ride to the compost building. There were about twelve kids on bikes, from ages 10— 14 years old. • Martin McDonald stated it could be a potential liability problem, if they fall through something. • John Kelly stated we have put dirt on the floor to try to keep the skateboarders out, and Jay put concrete barriers in front of the doors. • Jay stated the doors were welded shut so they couldn't break into the building. • Martin McDonald stated a fence won't keep the kids out, because they would probably just break it. • John Kelly stated there is a fence down there and they have dismantled it in the past. • Martin McDonald asked if the police patrol that area regularly. • John Kelly stated there are regular patrols trying to catch them. • Jay stated during the summer the patrols are about every two hours. 4. Chief Operator Updates—Jay Burgess:, • Process—Nitrates were 25 mg/I; BOD's 5 mg/I; Solids and Effluent 6 mg/I; and ecoli bacteria with seven colonies per 200 mg/1 are all well within permit. • Maintenance- We replaced two UV disinfection banks. We get about a year out of each bank and it costs us about$50 to build a bank. There was a degritter failure last week, which took us down for about four hours. We had spare parts on hand due to the history of various parts breaking on this machine and were able to discharge septage during that time. Two of the recharge beds were cleaned and are ready for summer. We will continue cleaning the other beds when weather and time permits. Tank cleanings have been put on hold until the winter sale is over. The effluent dosing well has also been cleaned. After a tank cleaning, we are going to try to wash the carbon in the odor control system to see if we can get one more year out of it. As you know, the cost is about$80,000 to remove the carbon, dispose of it, and purchase new carbon. • Flow—The January flows beat the average flow for that month, and February is also on track to beat the average for February. Last year we were $43,000 behind in revenues versus expenses,this year we are only $4,000 behind. • Martin McDonald stated he checked the website for the Town of Eastham and the Winter Sale is now on that site. • Non-Compliance Notice—Two years ago we were issued a Notice of Non-Compliance. We have not had a nitrate issue since then. October 2010 was the last violation. We complied with the State's requirements beyond the time frame they requested. I have been leaving messages for Brian Dudley, DEP and have not been getting returned calls. I also called Patty Kellogg, DEP last week but she was on vacation. I will call her this week and see if I can get any action. They made us step up our testing to three days a week, whereas the permit calls for one day a month, and these additional tests are costing us a few hundred dollars a month to try to keep up with testing. • Martin McDonald asked if it would be worth sending a letter to them. • Jay stated he has sent them e-mails and has electronic copies of them. He has left both phone messages and e-mail messages. • John Kelly asked if Jay is still sending the monthly reports as well as the additional work to the State. • Jay stated that he is and the additional work was not required to go on the State Report which is a form that they created and he fills it out. The additional work that he submitted hasn't been looked at since he submitted it for the deadline date. We will continue to run the flow that way because it appears to be helping out. • John Kelly stated as far as the record keeping, are you submitting it or holding it? • Jay stated we are holding it. • John Kelly stated other than the added work you are doing in-house, you are not sending the tests out anymore. • Jay stated we are sending out one test a week. • DEP—Jay stated apparently the DEP is reviewing its records on the Clean Water Shed Needs Survey and that is how they get their funding to do their projects at the Federal and State level. They would like us to forward our engineers contact to them so that they can fill out whatever survey they have. I don't see any problem with it but it's up to the Board to make that decision. • Martin McDonald stated in the letter from DEP, it states they are going to provide the funds for our engineer to respond to this survey. • John Kelly stated as long as they are going to fund it we might as well say yes. • Jay stated he will notify them. • U.S.G.S. Report—Jay stated he received another call from U.S.G.S. regarding an extension to June 30, 2012 for the final report. • John Kelly asked Jay to ask U.S.G.S. to give us a commitment to the new date and tell them we are a little disappointed due to the significance of the information and having it in a timely manner. There are a lot of people interested in those results. • Reminder to Pump Letter—Jay stated he has sent out the reminder to pump letters to the Town Administrators, Health Agents, and Boards of Selectmen of Truro, Wellfleet and Provincetown, but has not heard anything as of yet. • • Draft FY13 Budget—Jay reviewed the draft FY13 Budget with the Board. • John Kelly asked that the FY 13 Draft Budget be placed on the Agenda for the next Board of Managers Meeting to be finalized with the potential for COLA options and Capital Expense options, with the available $19,000, based upon the draft budget. • John Kelly asked if there is an update on the delinquent hauler accounts. • Jay stated Robert Waters Septic Service was sent to the collection agency and has since paid his bill in full. We have another hauler we notified that his account was going to be sent to the collection agency because his account is over 90 days past due. He has since paid his invoices over 90 days, which brought his account to 60 days past due, and he is shut-off for discharge until that amount is paid as well. Those two accounts are the only delinquent accounts. All others have been paying on time. • Jay also stated the Ocean Edge account is back and they have been in during our Winter Sale, which will end the last day of February. Ocean Edge will continue to get the sale price through the end of March. 5. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to authorize John Kelly to sign the U.S.G.S. Amendment of Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations to June 30,2012. This motion was seconded by John Kelly and unanimously approved and passed. 6. The Board reviewed the District's bank balances. 7. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to approve Treasury Warrant No. 9 for payment. This motion was seconded by John Kelly and unanimously approved and passed. 8. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 a.m.. This motion was seconded by John Kelly and unanimously approved and passed. Respectfully submitted, � ,, �� ( \, ' Li •, Cyndi Bachman District Secretary 15 ftd 2012 rrr=Twos&ard of/lfaNapre- PaL/c Comorevt-8 eia,o of/4N4aii4o 02653 4 it t6t%t tie sear Drl4agt aiagd000 ti Weflit-Reeee CWI'fP /eeetaelleor, tE%t Distrrct rioald eor1Nat e.ohn j►6/Ne'itto treat tie teroice area, eitio;tirteater to ooertee webs aid operat oNal?roles; and a�rere°'4-°'1ekkkr / aotlalit r oitropar cr,alte, Dar fne s p Mee a ci d 1/0w 4'ttroot and thole to the /adont of oar 44at4d:t4/aa►oosHest t,Fat Tr/metro le tie ',vies t seeds.aoa teato4al aaelj/owt. for(ro e record, lariat to aerie/le f Brewster fnr looat?Np a pakp-oat to rlEC// aaeak/art year, /t woald 64,s4tfir tEit rejOsallroaNdwa4e protee6sw eNtitiread, to Feo%t%t 1e4%o toe Aaa1Nl toed to Mont dreet/jo seem tie bow i'co,t, NsN-projrt, aNd nraNiepalprop4rtiet Market. /yr C,airMao, a/pa M%trepreeeot to My, BacS'tAat Tris dteAd/pe peeor%t ee'4 et tAdt Dee /toe t it eeruved aota12014? loeo tiat Dr/eaot ow'o th /aoa; 4 Aat °deaot oot ade9aate4► aa'di tdd tiit jfuettOo s tetarrt� T e are tto+era/ Kew decodes al4N, tie per,•Areter "eike, tie,Mott daopeeoat dei j ct oll tie bile trail or tie Nort,E Aartp/eNai . r,Eere it,eoeaed o rho ,oo tie iorwe/°C,A,poot Mow etorate 6wbdR� gooareot raN-o &ter; age/Noy dead aNd driit true'. {yore tie,reeario cadre at 4aee Arade goeeaU`ooa,07 !Aoald ties de of eooee" to t k Board?Te�DEatters Bos /artdeer id oe a/Mott a teeed Doer ad No Mae leoetkr frow a Ale"%N eth,nal a40itat to a specie o f tact 8p4C/a6 aoaeeeo /aga4 at,G 0rlhaor to rep/aee al/troth%, reetek rdN-o#keit/t�ttamp atet ara'ite, aNdprettcate ar/a /te oar /<ope t,Eit Board wile at a M%N%Maori /n#M a 6Gieot,4dmiory Comou ttee, T pat,t 6/antl e4Aie take care of f roe 6atiNere or let off tie ,Popper. ORLEANS, BREWSTER, EASTHAM, GROUNDWATER PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 2012 AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF BOARD OF MANAGERS MINUTES: • January 12, 2012 3. CITIZEN'S FORUM 4. CHIEF OPERATOR UPDATES—JAY BURGESS 5. FINANCIAL UPDATE: • Bank Balances 6. APPROVAL OF TREASURY WARRANT NO. 9 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT MAY LEGALLY COME BEFORE THIS BOARD