HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210907 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes – September 7, 2021 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA - Room 215/216 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present: Irfan Nasrullah, Chair, Amy Ritterbusch, Vice Chair, Brendan Tedstone, Mary Jo LaFreniere, Muriel Kramer Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER : Chair Nasrullah called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in Room 215/216 of the Town Hall, stating that Muriel Kramer is participating remotely and all other members of the Board are present in the Town Hall. He confirmed that Muriel Kramer could hear and be heard. He stated that the public has the option of attending the meeting in person or via Zoom, the meeting is being recorded, and all votes will be taken by roll call vote. Irfan Nasrullah entertained a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions, and negotiations with non-union staff, Fire Chief, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 6) to consider the purchase,exchange, lease or value of real estate, land at 0 Frankland Rd. (Assessors Map U7 Block 7 Lot 0), because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; to approve executive session Minutes (8/3/2021); to discuss strategy with respect to the purchase, lease, sale or value of real property in relation to Open Space Preservation, Trails Coordination and Management and Upper Charles Trail (Assessors Map parcels R8-1-0, R7-5-0, R7-8-0, R16-21-0, R16-22-0, R28-59-0, R28-61-0, U25-16-A, R10-15-0, R34-17-C, Tennessee Gas easements, Granite St. easement, East Main St. Mezitt property) because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; to allow Norman Khumalo and Elaine Lazarus to participate in the discussion; and to convene in Open Session after the conclusion of Executive Session. MOVED by Mary Jo LaFreniere and SECONDED by Brendan Tedstone.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve :Yes-5, No-0. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION:Chair Nasrullah reopened the Public Session with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 PM in Room 215/216. PUBLIC FORUM: Tim Kilduff, 26.2 Foundation, noted that the 125th Boston Marathon will take place in a few weeks, which is a significant day in the running world and for Hopkinton. He stated that the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce and the 26.2 Foundation will salute the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) and the 125th running, at an event 1 on September 23. He stated the Select Board would be offered an opportunity to participate and make a presentation to the BAA during the event. CONSENT AGENDA : The Board reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda, and Brendan Tedstone requested to break out the Ambulance Fund gift item for separate vote.MOVED by Amy Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Brendan Tedstone to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of: approving the Minutes of the August 3, 2021 meeting, approving a Parade Permit for the CF Cycle for Life on October 2, 2021, approving a Parade Permit for the Title 9 Women Only Triathlon on September 12, 2021, and accepting the resignation of Michelle Heeney from the Cultural Council.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve :Yes-5, No-0. Brendan Tedstone thanked The Whitehall Learning Group and others who have donated to the Ambulance Fund.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch to accept a $300 gift to the Ambulance Fund from The Whitehall Learning Group in memory of Lawrence Tedstone, Kristin Webb and George Jongeling.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes. Vote to Approve :Yes-5, No-0. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION:Irfan Nasrullah stated that the Board will recognize Kathy Laflash, who served on the Personnel Committee for 26 years. He stated that the nomination for recognition was submitted by Bob Levenson who noted that Kathy’s guidance, counsel and wisdom have helped the Town successfully address the numerous and complicated Human Resource related challenges for many years, and that employees and residents have benefitted from her contributions. Irfan Nasrullah thanked Kathy Laflash for her service and her contribution to the community, and Norman Khumalo thanked Kathy Laflash for her service on behalf of Town employees. Kathy Laflash thanked the community for the opportunity to serve. EAGLE SCOUT PROCLAMATIONS: Eagle Scouts Daniel D’Alleva and Ryan D’Alleva appeared before the Board and described their projects, building a patio at the Senior Center and creating a map of the United States on the ground at EMC Park, respectively. Board members congratulated and thanked each, as well as Eagle Scout Noah Schonhorn, who could not attend the meeting. FIRE CHIEF CEREMONY:William Miller, Fire Chief, appeared before the Board. Norman Khumalo referred to the Section 19(b)(1) form filed by William Miller to the Board as his appointing authority, which describes a relationship with brother-in-law Lt. Krauss, who works in the Fire Department. He stated that Mr. Miller provided all the material needed for a review, which has been conducted by Town Counsel and the Town Manager, who have examined all the potential conflicts. Irfan Nasrullah stated he has read the form and understands the issues, and the fact that Town Counsel is satisfied is positive. Brendan Tedstone stated he is confident in Mr. Miller ’s ethics in this matter. Amy Ritterbusch stated she is glad to see that the issue is in writing and it is clear. Muriel Kramer stated she is satisfied as to the ethics issue, and asked who Lt. Krauss reports to in the absence of a Deputy Chief. Mr. Miller stated that the Human Resources Dept. is involved in working out this issue.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by 2 Amy Ritterbusch that the Board has reviewed the Section 19(b)(1) form filed by William Miller and the financial interest identified, and the Board determines that the financial interest is not so substantial as to be deemed likely to affect the integrity of the services which the Town may expect from him.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve :Yes-5, No-0. Irfan Nasrullah noted that at the last meeting the Board voted to appoint William Miller as Fire Chief subject to successful contract negotiations, which has been completed. Town Clerk Connor Degan administered the oath of office to William R. Miller, Fire Chief. Chief Miller thanked his family and his extended family of the fire service, former Chief Slaman, and the Select Board, noting it is a great honor to be in this position. COVID-19 UPDATE: Shaun McAuliffe, Public Health Director,provided an update on the Town’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. He noted that the Town’s metrics continue to improve, and recent cases indicate that travel is one of the leading risk factors in Hopkinton at this time. He noted that 85% of the cases since August 1 are the delta variant. He stated that the Town’s positivity rate has dropped to 1.66% and the goal is to be below 1. He stated Hopkinton has a very high vaccination rate, which is exceptional and is largely due to the responsiveness of residents. APPOINTMENTS - BOARDS/COMMITTEES & OFFICIALS:The Board reviewed the list of proposed appointments on the agenda.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch to appoint Firefighters Kyle Stark and Allyson Rothenberg as Traffic Constables, to terms expiring 6/30/2024.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. It was stated that there are vacancies on the Council on Aging for 1 full member and 2 associate members, and the Board has received an application for reappointment from Gale Levine and an application from Susan Pearson, who is new to the Council on Aging.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Mary Jo LaFreniere to appoint Gale Levine as a full member of the Council on Aging, to a term expiring 6/30/2024 and to appoint Susan Pearson as an associate member of the Council on Aging, to a term expiring 6/30/2024.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve :Yes-5, No-0. It was stated that there is one vacancy for a citizen member of the Marathon Committee and there are two applicants, Alex Danahy who is requesting reappointment, and Paula Garland. It was noted that the Committee works directly with the BAA and members have specific responsibilities, requiring some training. The Board reviewed a recommendation received by email from Dorothy Ferriter-Wallace, Chair, Marathon Committee, requesting that Alex Danahy be reappointed to the Committee. Mary Jo LaFreniere stated that Alex Danahy has been on the Committee since he was in High School, and assists with the wheelchair group. She recommended his reappointment. Amy Ritterbusch thanked Paula Garland for her interest in 3 serving, noting there may be openings on other committees that may be of interest.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Mary Jo LaFreniere to appoint Alex Danahy to the Marathon Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024, and to clarify that Marathon Committee terms for citizens are for 3 years in length.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. Chair Nasrullah noted that the Marathon Committee also includes Town Department representatives, appointed for one year terms. He read the list of Department representatives submitted to the Board.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch to appoint Joseph Bennett (Police Dept.), John Porter (Police Dept.), William Miller (Fire Dept.), Mike Mansir (DPW), Tim Persson (Schools), and Liisa Jackson (Parks & Rec. Commission) to the Marathon Committee as representatives of their respective departments/boards, to terms expiring 6/30/2022.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. It was noted that the remaining board/committee member appointments are unopposed, and Chair Nasrullah asked if members would like to break any out for separate vote. There was no request for separate votes.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch to appoint the following board and committee members: ●David Godfroy to the Permanent Building Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024; ●Patricia Duarte to the Personnel Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024; ●Cynthia Esthimer as the Parks & Recreation Commission designee on the Upper Charles Trail Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024; ●Steven Jackson to the Veterans Celebration Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024; ●Seldon MacNeill to the Veterans Celebration Committee, to a term expiring 6/30/2024. ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. Norman Khumalo described the background and experience of Shannon Casey, who has been appointed as Public Safety Dispatcher. Meaghan DeRaad, Communications Director, added that it was a unanimous recommendation of the interview panel. Shannon Casey noted that she has been working as a dispatcher part time and is happy to fill the full time position and to be part of the team.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch to confirm the Town Manager ’s appointment of Shannon Casey as full time Public Safety Dispatcher.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. HOUSING AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT : Irfan Nasrullah stated that the Select Board and remaining members of the Housing Authority will interview candidates Nancy Drawe and Joseph Tobin, and consider voting to fill one Housing Authority vacancy. He noted that there is a second vacancy for the Governor ’s appointee. Rebeka Hoffman, Chair, Housing Authority, joined the Board in the meeting room, and Darlene Hayes, Housing Authority member, joined the Board via Zoom. Rebeka Hoffman stated that the Housing Authority voted at its last meeting to support Nancy Drawe’s candidacy. Nancy Drawe stated that she has lived on Davis Road for 4 20 years, and has attended meetings as a tenant and as Vice President of the tenant’s association. She stated she has always been interested in the Housing Authority’s work, and would advocate for the residents. In response to a question, Rebeka Hoffman stated that she would forward the information on requesting the Governor’s appointment to Joseph Tobin. Joseph Tobin stated that he likes the vibrant community on Davis Road, and it would be a pleasure to serve.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Mary Jo LaFreniere to appoint Nancy Drawe to the Housing Authority, to a term expiring at the 2022 annual town election.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes. Rebeka Hoffman stated that the Housing Authority already voted 3-0 to recommend Nancy Drawe at its last meeting, and declined to participate in the vote at this meeting.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL CEREMONY : The Board referred to a September 11 Memorial Ceremony sponsored by the Town of Hopkinton,the Veterans Celebration Committee, American Legion Post 202 and Old Guard New England, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the nation, on the Town Common at 3 pm. QUARTERLY DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT REPORT FROM TREASURER:Chris Heymanns, Treasurer/Collector, reviewed the Quarterly Deposit and Investment Report for the period ending June 30, 2021. He noted that at the end of the fiscal year the Town was in good cash position. He noted that the short term borrowing of $5,300,000 during this period was at a net interest rate of 0.822%, which indicates the Town’s financial strength. He stated that there was a 98% collection rate on all tax bills in FY2020, and that in the coming months the Treasurer ’s office will focus on year end reporting and a new automated cash management software platform. Board members thanked the office staff for their work, and Norman Khumalo thanked Chris Heymanns and the finance team for institutionalizing these reports. Tim O’Leary, Finance Director, reviewed with the Board a new dashboard on the Town website which compiles financial information for the public. TOWN MANAGER REPORT: Norman Khumalo referred to his memo to the Board, included in the meeting packet. He noted that an upcoming milestone for the Main Street Corridor Project will be the electrical infrastructure, including large vaults. David Daltorio, Town Engineer/Facilities Director, stated that there are five vaults to be installed in the roadway that are 8 to 10 feet wide and 16 feet long. He stated it will take 4 to 6 weeks to do the work, and a traffic management plan is being developed. Norman Khumalo noted that it is time to renew the Town’s license with Comcast, and requested that the Board delegate the public hearing to the Town Manager.MOVED by Brendan Tedstone and SECONDED by Amy Ritterbusch that the Select Board delegate to the Town Manager the task of conducting the Town of Hopkinton’s cable television license renewal public hearing to be held in September or October of 2021, but not later than October 23, 2021, for the limited purpose of providing members of the public and interested persons the opportunity to offer comments on local cable needs and the performance of Comcast Communications to assist in the process of the Town’s consideration of a possible license renewal. The foregoing hearing shall 5 be further limited in accordance with the following: No final actions will be taken at this information gathering hearing and as license Issuing Authority, the Board is required to reserve final decision making authority concerning any future approval or denial of a renewal license and final renewal license decisions; Consistent with the foregoing you the Town Manager is delegated to be the hearing officer and may assist with the gathering of information and comments for the hearing record and with continuing ascertainment of renewal needs. Amy Ritterbusch asked if Board members can attend the hearing, and the response was yes. Norman Khumalo stated the Town should also advertise for residents to serve on the Cable Advisory Committee. ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. Mr. Khumalo noted the Board will hold a work session on September 13. He noted that with respect to a potential connection to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), discussions with the Town of Southborough have been positive so far, and Pare Engineering is working on this project. Mr. Khumalo stated that he has been looking at the cost of the Town’s outsourced engineering services, and has concluded that it would be more cost effective to hire an engineering inspector as a town employee. He stated that the workload of Dave Daltorio and John Westerling anticipated over the next few years because of the projects approved at the last Annual Town Meeting is considerable, and having someone else undertake this work may improve their support to Town boards. He stated that traditionally, only a few boards have required engineering services regularly, but there are now many others. He stated that it will save money, considering the outside consultants that would be hired for Town projects. Amy Ritterbusch asked if the position is already budgeted, and Mr. Khumalo required yes, within the budgets for each project. MOVED by Amy Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Mary Jo LaFreniere to support creating a new staff position engineering inspector, funding for which is included in the budget for Town projects.ROLL CALL:Irfan Nasrullah-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Brendan Tedstone-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes; Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES: Mary Jo LaFreniere stated that the Marathon Committee is working on the 125th Boston Marathon and is meeting this week. Muriel Kramer noted that Claire Wright has resigned from the Cemetery Commission, and thanked her for her public service over the years. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS : Investigation into municipal cable (Nasrullah); The Chair should look at the list of future agenda items suggested by board members, prioritize them, and schedule them on an agenda (Kramer). MOVED by Amy Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Brendan Tedstone to adjourn the meeting. 6 Adjourned: 8:28 PM Approved: September 21, 2021 Documents used at the meeting: ●Minutes of the August 3, 2021 Select Board meeting ●Parade Permit Application submitted by Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and supporting documents, for CF Cycle for Life event on 10/2/2021 ●Permitting Team Comments, Parade Permit-CF Cycle for Life, SB Meeting 09/07/2021 ●Parade Permit Application submitted by Tim Richmond, Max Performance, and supporting documents, for 14th Annual Title 9 Women Only Triathlon ●Permitting Team Comments, Parade Permit-Title 9 Women Only Triathlon, SB Meeting 09/07/2021 ●Email dated 8/25/21 to Select Board from Michelle Neeney re: Heeney cultural council resignation ●Disclosure by Non-Elected Municipal Employee of Financial Interest and Determination by Appointing Authority As Required By G.L. c. 268A, § 19, William Miller ●Board/Committee Appointments - Select Board Meeting 9-7-2021 ●Application Forms submitted by Gale Levine, Susan Pearson, Alex Danahy, Paula Garland, David Godfroy, Patricia Duarte, Steven Jackson, Seldon MacNeill, Nancy Drawe, Joseph Tobin ●Email dated 9/7/2021 to Select Board members from Dorothy Ferriter-Wallace, re: Marathon Committee Reappointment Alex Danahy ●Memo dated 8/5/2021 to Norman Khumalo from Chris Heymanns, re: Quarterly Deposit & Investment Report, Period Ending 06/30/21, and supporting documents ●Memo dated 9/2/2021 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, re: Staff Report - Select Board September 7, 2021 Meeting ●Script & Motions for Hybrid Meeting, Board in Person, Public in Person & Via Zoom; Select Board 9/7/2021 7