HomeMy Public PortalAbout07-08-21 V WorkshopM IN U T E S V IR T U A L W O R K SH O P Z O N IN G C O D E A M EN D M EN T S K E Y B ISC A YN E , FLO R ID A T U E SD A Y , JUN E 8, 2021 1. C A L L T O O R D E R/R O L L C A L L O F M E M B E R S: The m eeting was called to order by the M ayor at 6:00 p.m . Present w ere C ouncilm em bers Fra nklin H. C aplan, Luis Laur edo, A ll ison M cC orm ick (arrived at 6:04 p.m .), B rett G . M oss, V ice M ayor Edw ard London (arrived at 6:03 p.m .) and M ayor M ichael W . D avey. C ouncilm em ber Ignacio Segur ola was absent. Also present w ere V ill age M anager Steven C . W illiam son, V illage C lerk Jo celyn B. Koch and Village A tt orn ey C had Friedm an. 2. D IS C U SSIO N : T he M ayor w elc om ed the C ouncil and the public to the workshop. Z oning Plans R eview er/Planner O lga G arcia and C ouncilm em ber M oss addressed the public and C o uncil giving a slide show presentation on pro posed Zoning C ode am endm ents in regard to gra ding and dra inage, docks and m ooring, pervious drivew ay m aterials, dense landscaping, parking spaces, defi nitions, scrivener's erro rs, non-confirm ing pro visions, duplex subdivision; covenant in lieu of unity of title, survey requirem ents, variance requirem ents, allow able encro achm ents into required yards: canopies and tem pora ry stru ctures and supplem ental use regulations. T here w as extensive discussion fr om C ouncil, the A ttorn ey and B uilding, Zoning, Plann ing and Public W orks D irector Ja ke O zym an regarding the above item s. C ouncilm em ber Laur edo addressed the C ouncil and the A ttorn ey regarding concur rency and im pact fe es. T here w as extensive discussion fr om C ouncil and the A ttorn ey regarding concur rency and im pact fe es. June 8, 2021 T he fo ll ow ing resident addressed the C ou ncil: M ichell e E stevez. C ouncilm em ber M oss addressed the C ouncil stating there have been three Zon ing C ode A m endm ents W orkshops this year and if there is any additional feedback to send an em ail to the C lerk or the M anager. 3. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of fu tur e m eetings and events w as presented to the C ouncil. 4. ADJOURNMENT: T he m eeting w as adjo urn ed at 7:0 1 p.m . Respectfully submitted: SE~ "6 . (oct--- Village Clerk ---"-.l""'"u ..... ly __ 2021: I Michael W. Davey Mayor IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 2 o/2