HomeMy Public PortalAbout10-12-21 Regular Council MeetingM IN U T E S RE G U LA R C O UN C IL M E E T IN G KE Y B ISC A YN E , FL O RI D A T U E SD A Y , O C T O B E R 12 , 202 1 C O UN C IL C H A M B E R 56 0 C RA N D O N B O U L E Y A RD 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The m eeting w as called to order by the M ayor at 6:03 p.m . Present w ere C ouncilm em bers Fra nk lin H . C aplan, Luis Laur edo, B rett G . M oss, V ice M ayor E dw ard London (arrived at 6:07 p.m .) and M ayor M ichael W . D avey. C ouncilm em bers A ll ison M cC orm ick and Ignacio Seguro la w ere absent. A lso present w ere V ill age M anager Steven C . W illiam son, V ill age C lerk Jo celyn B. K och and V ill age A ttorn ey C had Friedm an. 2. INVOCATION: Father A ndrzej Foltyn, St. A gnes C atholic C hur ch gave an invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: M ayor D avey led the Pledge of A llegiance. 4. BRIEF COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: M ayor D avey addressed the public thank ing the organizers of the C hildren 's B usiness Fair and V illage staff fo r the great com m unity event; C ouncilm em ber M oss addressed the C ouncil stating that the second reading of C hapter 30 Zoning C ode Am endm ents w ill be presented at the next R egular C ouncil M eeting on O ctober 26, 2021 and to send any questions to the C lerk; C ouncilm em ber C aplan addressed the C ouncil requesting fr om the adm inistra tion a blackline copy of the zoning code changes dating fr om last fa ll and also addressed the C ouncil regardin g the accident, event and tra ffi c on V irginia K ey this past w eekend and C ouncilm em ber Laur edo addressed the C ouncil thank ing M ayor D avey, C ouncilm em bers M cC orm ick and M oss and V ill age residents fo r joining him in speaking at the M iam i-D ade C ounty C omm ission m eeting last w eek regarding the R ickenbacker C ausew ay. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: T he fo llow ing residents addressed the C ouncil: C ecile Sanchez, 260 C ypress D rive and E steban Sam osa, 300 Sunr ise D rive. O ctober 12 , 20 2 1 6. A G E N D A : Councilmember Lauredo requested that the Clerk read all of the Agenda resolution titles and vote for all at one time. There was discussion from Council and the Attorney regarding the above request. The Clerk requested to defer the special presentation to the next Regular Council Meeting. The agenda, as amended, was approved by a 5-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 7. S P E C IA L P RE SE N T A T IO N S : There were no presentations given to Council. 8. C O N SE N T A G E N D A : Councilmember Lauredo made a motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. The Clerk requested to add the Consent Agenda vote to the July 27th, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. The minutes of the June 29th, 2021 First Budget Workshop. The minutes of the July 27th, 2021 Regular Council Meeting, as amended. At this time the Clerk was· directed by Council to distribute the minutes of a Council Meeting within two weeks of the meeting occurring subsequent to tonight's Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Manager regarding Impact-Concurrency fees. The Manager addressed the Council regarding the above item and will report back to Council in January or February 2022 regarding Impact-Concurrency fees. The consent agenda, as amended, was approved by a 5-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. At this time Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Manager requesting to add to subsequent agendas a note for each action item stating whether the Manager recommends or does not recommend the item. There was no objection to this request. 9. O RD IN A N C E S : There were no ordinances considered by Council. 10. RE SO L U T IO N S : The Clerk read the following resolutions by title: A RE S O L U T IO N O F T H E V IL L A G E C O U N C IL O F T H E V IL L A G E O F K E Y B ISC A Y N E , F L O RI D A , A U T H O R IZ IN G T H E V IL L A G E M A N A G E R T O ISSU E A W O RK O RD E R T O M O F F A T T & N IC H O L , IN C . FO R E N G IN E E RI N G , SU R V E Y IN G , A N D M A RI N E B IO L O G IC A L SE R V IC E S R E L A T IN G T O T H E B E A C H 2of6 O ctober 12 , 2021 RENOURISHMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $63,150; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A $50,000.00 FLORIDA RECREATION FOR DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEP) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO LAKE PARK AND APPROVING A STANDARD GRANT AGREEMENT RELATED TO THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A $50,000.00 FLORIDA RECREATION FOR DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEP) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO HAMPTON PARK AND APPROVING A STANDARD GRANT AGREEMENT RELATED TO THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS OF BLAS MANUEL MINARRO MARTINEZ IN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000 TO BE PAID BY THE VILLAGE'S INSURER; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR FIRE, RESCUE, AUTOMATIC AID, AND ANCILLARY SERVICES AT AN ANNUAL COST OF $573,144.00; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS EASEMENT AND DEDICATION AGREEMENT WITH THE SANDS OF KEY BISCAYNE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. RELATING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 605 OCEAN DRIVE; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Caplan made a motion to approve the above resolutions. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. There was discussion from Council regarding the following resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI 3 o/6 O ctober 12, 2021 FOR FIRE, RESCUE, AUTOMATIC AID, AND ANCILLARY SERVICES AT AN ANNUAL COST OF $573,144.00; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Fire Rescue Chief Eric Lang and the Manager addressed the Council regarding the above resolution. The resolutions were approved by a 5-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The were no residents that addressed the Council. 12. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The following items were discussed: Village Manager. Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Director Todd Hofferberth addressed the Council reporting on the status of Paradise Park's construction and proposed timeline to begin on December 5th, 2021. Interim Chief of Police Jason Younes addressed the Council reporting on the status of citations and warnings for bicyclists and vehicles on Rickenbacker Causeway from September 16th to October 12th, 2021. And also reported on a Rickenbacker Causeway multi-agency enforcement detail to start next week. There was discussion from Council regarding the above items. Mayor Davey addressed the public regarding the Law Enforcement Officer's event held this past weekend on Key Biscayne to honor and celebrate the lives of fallen police officers throughout the country. Chief Lang addressed the Council reporting on the vaccines administered at the October 6th, 2021 Covidl 9 pop-up event at the Key Biscayne Community Center. At this time Chief Resilience and Sustainability Officer Dr. Roland Samimy addressed the Council reporting on the status of the kite surfing program, permitting and enforcement issues. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding the above items, safety and enforcement concerns. There was discussion from Council regarding beach rangers and/or reporting to the Key Biscayne Police Department. At this time Building, Zoning, Planning and Public Works Director Jake Ozyman addressed the Council reporting on three additional homes hooking up to the sewer system, enforcement and fines. The Attorney addressed the Council regarding the above items. 4 of6 O ctober 12 , 20 21 At this time Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding Item 12B 1 and it was the consensus of Council to defer this item to the October 26th 2021, Regular Council Meeting and for the item to have a motion and be actionable at that meeting. Dr. Samimy addressed the Council reporting on an update of the beach maintenance plan; in August, 40 trucks of seaweed were hauled out of 50 predicted; in September, 11 trucks of seaweed were hauled out of 50 predicted; by mid-October, 25 trucks of seaweed were hauled out of 50 predicted. Dr. Samimy also reported on a proposed Miami-Dade County pilot composting program on Virigina Key. There was discussion from Council, the Manager and Dr. Samimy regarding the above pilot composting program. Dr. Samimy addressed the Council regarding the USACE shoreline and protection, and stabilization program and the Village will be included in the tentatively selected project being considered for Miami-Dade County. The Manager addressed the Council stating that the administration plans to present the above plan to Councilmembers individually, some of the members of the HOA's and the residents as a whole prior to the November 4111, 2021 release date. There was extensive discussion from Council regarding the above items including infrastructure, roadway elevations, the general obligation bond and federal investment on the oceanside. Chief Building Official Rene Velasco addressed the Council reporting on an update regarding Building recertifications and compliance. Director Hofferberth addressed the Council regarding the Fall and Winter Community activities and reported on postponing the 30th Anniversary of the Village's incorporation to September 2022 due to Covid 19 safety concerns. Mayor and Councilmembers. Councilmember Lauredo' s discussion item was deferred to the next Regular Council Meeting on October 26, 2021. Village Attorney. The Attorney did not submit a report. Village Clerk. The Clerk did not submit a report. 13. OTHER BUSINESS/GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was no further business discussed. 14. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of future meetings and events was presented to the Council. 15. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. 5 o/6 O ctober 12, 2021 Respectfully submitted: ~~-ll06 Village Clerk Approved this '11 11 day of December ~-~ Michael W. Davey Mayor 2021: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 60/6