HomeMy Public PortalAboutSPRC Minutes 2006-08-16 SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE AUGUST 16, 2006-Minutes A meeting of the Site Plan Review Committee was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Meeting Room A of the American Legion Hall. Departments Present: George Meservey(Planning); Mark Budnick (Highway); Pat Ballo (Health); Bill Quinn(Fire); Brian Harrison (Building); Lou Briganti(Water); Jennifer Wood(Conservation). INFORMAL REVIEW(Continued): Orleans Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a Orleans Toyota owned by Jack Carter), 16 O'Connor Lane Attorney Andrew Singer and Jack Carter were present for this meeting. Meservey stated that this application was reviewed by the Cape Cod Commission due to a discrepancy between the plan that was previously exempted from Cape Cod Commission review and the plan received by the Town of Orleans for review. The Cape Cod Commission's Regulatory Committee voted to affirm their exemption of any Development of Regional Impact review at the County level. Meservey noted that the applicant has addressed all issues that were previously raised. The applicant noted that this application is scheduled for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals on September 20, 2006. There were no significant comments from the Site Plan Review Committee members. MOTION: On a motion by Bill Quinn, seconded by Jenny Wood, the Committee noted the Cape Cod Commission affirmation of the exemption of this application from Development of Regional Impact review, and voted to approve the Formal Site Plan application dated May 26, 2006 revised June 12, 2006 for Orleans Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a Orleans Toyota owned by Jack Carter), located at 16 O'Connor Lane. VOTE: 5-0-1 The motion passed by a majority. (Pat Ballo abstained). FORMAL REVIEW: Bill Yuen2lin2, 148 Route 6A(former Lot Cabin farms property) Stephanie Sequin(Ryder& Wilcox)presented the Site Plan Review Committee with a new proposal plan splitting ten apartments between 3 buildings (as opposed to the 2 buildings previously proposed), with an increase to 1,516 square feet of proposed retail space. Sequin stated that a hardened surface (possibly with future landscaping)is proposed to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. Parking configurations have been made in order to maintain a 75' buffer between all buildings and the wetland. Sequin stated that this Site Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Conservation Commission with an Order of Conditions. Sequin stated that the access driveway has been straightened out to meet existing curb cut to meet the requirements of the proposed increased retail space. Sequin noted that the existing driveway cuts across a small triangular piece of an abutting property, and Yuengling has an accepted offer to purchase that piece of property, thus causing both properties to be in the same ownership and according to Sequin, they will remain in the same ownership. Sequin noted that the parking calculations now include garage spaces and with 31 outside spaces and 10 garaged parking spaces which total 41 parking spaces provided(well over the 32 parking spaces that are required). Sequin stated that a new water main is shown on the plan and will connect with the adjacent condominium property. The timber wall issue will be resolved, according to Sequin. Site Plan Review Committee August 16, 2006 Page 1 of 3 Comments: Fire: All buildings must be sprinklered with an option to have one sprinkler system which can be piped underground with one alarm valve. A yard fire hydrant(on the property) must be installed in front of building 3 to avoid laying a fire hose across Route 6A causing traffic tie-ups. All other issues can be addressed at building permit time. Emergency access to all of the buildings must be clearly marked on the Formal Site Plan on file with the Town. Highway: Drainage calculations must be included and on file with the Planning Department. Drainage and runoff must be contained on-site. Grading contours and spot grades must be shown on the plan. Health: The applicant must meet with the Board of Health regarding I/A systems for all of the buildings. Building: All exterior lighting must comply with the Orleans Lighting By-Law. Special Permits will be required for the business, retail and apartments. Separations between buildings must be increased to 20'. All signs must comply with the Orleans Sign Code. Water: A water easement will be required and details on the Condominium Association must be provided to the Town. The water main must be sleeved if it is going underneath the retaining wall. All utilities must be shown on the plan on file with the Town. An 8"water main and hydrant with 1"water services to each unit are required. The existing water service must be cut and capped, or used for the front building. A 5' separation must be maintained from all utilities and a 10' separation from sewer lines. The water line to Unit 5 is too tight to the foundation. There must be a fire hydrant at the end of the water main. Foundation plans must be provided for all proposed crawl spaces. Conservation: This Site Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Conservation Commission with an Order of Conditions. Planning: A nitrogen removing component will be required, even on the front building. Applicant needs to provide a grading plan showing all contour changes. Dumpsters need to be screened and shown on the plan. Parking for residence in mixed used must be separated from retail parking. Signs and lighting my comply with all Orleans bylaws. MOTION: On a motion by Bill Quinn, seconded by Pat Ballo, the Committee voted to continue the application for Bill Yuengling, 148 Route 6A (former Log Cabin farms property) to September 6, 2006, subject to the receipt of updated plans addressing the following issues: 1. Two fire hydrants must be provided; 2. Sprinklers must be installed; 3. Drainage calculations must be provided; 4. Grading contours and spot grades for the drainage must be provided; 5. I/A systems will be reviewed by the Board of Health; 6. Increase separation between two buildings to 20'; 7. Completed water easement must be provided; 8. Details for water connection must be provided; 9. 8"main must be sleeved going under the wall; 10. All utilities must be shown on the plan; 11. The existing water service must be cut and capped or used for the front building. Site Plan Review Committee August 16, 2006 Page 2 of 3 12. The water line for Unit 5 is too tight to the foundation; 13. Foundation plans must be provided for crawl spaces. VOTE: 7-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 19, 2006 MOTION: On a motion by Bill Quinn, seconded by Mark Budnick, the Committee voted to approve the minutes of July 19, 2006. VOTE: 5-0-1 The motion passed by a majority. (Pat Ballo abstained) Meeting Adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary Site Plan Review Committee August 16, 2006 Page 3 of 3