HomeMy Public PortalAbout09-08-21 First Budget HearingMINUTES FIRST BUDGET HEARING KEY BISCAYN E, FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 COUN CIL CHAMBER 560 CRA NDON BOULEY ARD 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The meeting was called to order by the M ayor at 6:00 p.m. Present were Councilmembers Franklin H. Caplan, Luis Lauredo (arrived 6:07 p.m .), Allison McCormick, Brett G. Moss, Ignacio Segurola, Vice Mayor Edward London and M ayor Michael W . Davey. Also present were Village Manager Steven C. Williamson, Village Clerk Jocelyn B. Koch and Village Attorney Chad Friedman. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Davey led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. BRIEF COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: Mayor Davey addressed the public offering condolences to the family for the passing of former Village police officer Sharon Ernesto, also announced there will be a Village ceremony this Saturday for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 and announced the date of the Second Budget Hearing on September 21 si, 2021, also announced that Miami-Dade County Commissioner Raquel Regalado will hold a Town Hall Meeting on September 22nd, 2021 at the Key Biscayne Community Center regarding the Rickenbacker Causeway RF P and encouraged the public to attend and also wished the public a Happy Rosh Hashanah; Councilmember Caplan addressed the Council thanking staff for the audio/IT work completed for the Council Chamber and Councilmember McCormick addressed the public thanking staff for the work putting the budget together. The Attorney addressed the public regarding public comments for the millage resolution and the budget ordinance at that time. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no speakers that addressed the Council. Sep te m b er 8 , 2 0 2 1 5. MILLAGE RESOLUTION: The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2021, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2022, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 200.065 (TRIM BILL); SETTING A DATE FOR A FINAL PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT THE MILLAGE RATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DA TE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. Councilmember Moss made a motion to table the resolution. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor London. The Mayor opened public comments. There were no speakers present. The Mayor closed public comments. The motion to table the resolution was approved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, McCormick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 6. ORDINANCE: The Clerk read the following ordinance on first reading, by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR THE FIS CAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2021 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 PURSUANT TO SECTION 200.065, FLORIDA STATUES (TRIM BILL); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to adopt the ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. Vice Mayor London made a motion to table the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. The Mayor opened the public hearing. The following resident addressed the Council: Pedro Kono, 425 Allendale Road. The Mayor closed the public hearing. The motion to table was approved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, McCormick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. The Manager addressed the Council giving a presentation of the FY22 proposed budget and an overview of the following items regarding the Village: challenges and opportunities, mission and values and strategic goals. The Manager also presented the top 7 Deliverables for FY22 including developing and deploying a community policing program across the entire community with the 2of8 Sep tem b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 new C hief of Police; building Para dise Park; m aintain our beach, im pro ving C ra ndon Boulevard tra ffi c fl ow and safe ty; im pro vin g our youth pro gra m s and in part icular access to athletic fields and courts; pursue all options fo r R ickenbacker C ausew ay to insur e it m eets the V ill age's needs and develop and begin to im plem ent the V ill age's long-term resilient infr astru cture plan. T he M anager addressed the C ouncil regarding the budget sum m ary stating that the G enera l Fund B u dget is $35,66 1,666 and recom m ending a m ill age ra te of 3.2 188. The tra nsfe r of fu nds to the C apital Im pro vem ent Pro gra m is $3,316,983 and the G ra nt R evenue is $3,316,983 and the tra nsfe r to the Parks and R ecreation O pen Spaces Land T ru st is $252,858. T he D ebt Service is a decrease of $1,26 1,409 or 38%. B uilding, Z oning, Plann ing and Public W or ks D irector Ja ke O zy m an addressed the Council regarding the 5-year C apital Im pro vem ent Pro gra m w ith an overview of the fo llow ing: G enera l S ervices; Public Safe ty ; R esiliency and Q uality of L ife -T ra nsport ation, Facilities and Parks and O pen Space. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil regarding the V illage's fl eet replacem ent policy, keeping tra ck of vehicl e repair costs and fu el efficiency. D irector O zym an and C hief Financial O ffi cer B enjam in N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regardin g the above item s. T here w as discussion fr om M ayor D avey and D irector O zy m an regarding the vessel excl usion zon e, resiliency and shoreli n e pro tection and cl arify ing pro posed cost allocations. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil, the M anager and D irector O zy m an regarding pro fe ssional services agreem ents fo r the resiliency pro gra m , K -8 School centra l basin, undergro unding and Florida, Pow er & Light. C ouncilm em ber M oss addressed the adm inistra tion requesting to bring back at the next Budget H earing w hat the value added is fo r the $624,000 fo r the pro fe ssional services agreem ent fo r the resiliency pro gra m . C ouncilm em ber C aplan request to add cl arifi cation of w hat has been filled by the $500,000 and a Plann ing D irector and the difference of these buckets of responsibilities. There w as no objection to these requests. V ice M ayor London addressed the Parks, R ecreation and O pen Spaces D irector Todd H offerbert h regarding spin bike replacem ent. C ouncilm em ber M oss addressed the C ouncil regarding pedestrian safe ty. T here w as extensiv e discussion fr om C ouncil, the M anager, D irector H offerbert h and D irector O zy m an regarding B each Park im pro vem ents and sew er extension, repairing show ers and LE D light replacem ents. There w as additional discussion regarding the B each Club sew er extension. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil regarding C alusa Park and w hat the V illage's com m itm ent is and w hat the interl ocal agreem ent states about C alusa Park. 3 o/8 Sep tem ber 8, 2021 T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil and D irector H offerbert h regarding V ill age G reen interior sidew alk renovation and safe ty concern s regarding electric scooters. C FO N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil reporting that ad valorem taxes are 71 % of the total revenue. C O L A is at 4%, collective bargaining agreem ent changes and m erit and step increases are all fa ctored into the budget. The A dm inistra tion w as able to negotiate a substantial decrease in in sura nce prem ium s of $438,000. T here w as extensive discussion fr om C ouncil and D irector N ussbaum regarding not incl uding the debt service in order to see the V illage's opera ting expenditur es. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil regarding budget gro wt h concern s, m illage ra te, effi ciency, and fiscal pru dence. C FO N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil report ing on consolidating existing debt of $11,238,000 at an interest ra te equal to 1.235% per ann um . There w as a R equest fo r Pro posal fo r a new Financial A dvisor, a civ ic center bond m atur ed, an equipm ent and auto loan m atur ed, and the V illage issued a new bon d to pur chase a fir e engin e at an interest ra te of 1. 7 64 % per ann um . C F O N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regarding the C ouncil's budget. C ouncilm em ber Laur edo addressed the C ouncil regarding the pro fe ssional services budget of $56,000 and requested this lin e item be m oved to the M anager's budget. There w as no objection to the request. C ouncilm em ber M oss requested to change the w ording on the C ouncil's budget from "A dvisory B oards" to "In itiativ es" to cl arify that this fu nding is fo r the C ouncil's Initiatives and not fu nding going directl y to the A dvisory B oards. C ouncilm em ber M oss also requested to change the fo ll ow ing listed item s: the nam e "V ision B oard" to "V ision" and "E ducation A dvisory B oard" to "E ducation ". There w as no objection to these requests. C F O N ussbaum and the C lerk addressed the C ouncil regarding the V ill age Clerk disaster com m unication s budget change, legal advert ising costs and subscriptions and m em berships. C FO N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regarding the A dm inistra tion 's budget. T he A tt orn ey addressed the C ouncil report ing on the changes to the A ttorn ey's budget w hich in cl udes $15 ,000 fo r the C hart er R eview C omm ission . D irector O zy m an addressed the C ouncil regarding the B uilding, Planning, Zoning and C ode C om pliance budget incl uding adding a new C ode C om pliance O fficer position. V ice M ayor London addressed D irector O zy m an regarding elim inating the Plan Review er position . D irector O zy m an addressed the C ouncil reporting that the B uilding D epart m ent issued 2,263 perm its, 6,0 37 plan review s w ere com pleted and 7,007 inspections w ere com pleted. A lso reporting 4 o/8 S ep tem ber 8, 202 1 the Accela Citizen Access Portal permitting system was implemented with a goal to be fully electronic and paperless by the end of the year while delivering high quality service and quick turnaround times. At this time Councilmember McCormick left the Council Chamber. There was discussion from Council regarding the necessity of threshold inspectors and the spike in construction. Director Ozyman addressed the Council regarding a Building, Zoning and Planning Director, records technician, building fee schedules and planning to present to Council a revised fee schedule soon. Director Ozyman addressed the Council regarding the Public Works Department reporting on the completion of the following projects: Safe Routes to Schools, Fernwood Road drainage and parking improvements, the Crandon Boulevard beautification and finalizing the beach and dune restoration. Also reporting that next year's focus will be delivering a long-term capital and maintenance plan. Also reporting that the Chief Resilience and Sustainability Officer shifted to Public Works and the addition of a Public Works Superintendent position and a Capital Improvements/Grants Manager position. There was discussion from Council regarding the Resiliency Coordinator position, the GIS system, an inspection and maintenance and repair program. The Manager addressed the Council regarding facilities management protocols and procedure and maintenance and operations. Interim Chief of Police Jason Younes addressed the Council reporting on new community policing initiatives, community engagement and programing for youth and seniors, reclassifying a Deputy Chief to Lieutenant and other personnel changes including the hiring of two additional police officers. There was discussion from Council, Interim Chief Younes and the Manager regarding staffing for community policing, marine patrol, traffic enforcement, school police officers and GPS systems in police patrol cars. Councilmembers Moss and Lauredo addressed Interim Chief Younes regarding Crandon Boulevard traffic, ticketing, pedestrian crossing safety concerns and shopping center parking lot enforcement. Fire Rescue Chief Eric Lang addressed the Council regarding a new accreditation process for the Fire Department, a new fire engine which will be delivered this coming summer and the addition of a full-time inspector to our fire inspection bureau. Councilmember Lauredo addressed Chief Lang regarding the availability of booster shots for the community. 5 o/8 S ep tem ber 8, 2021 Parks, R ecreation and O pen Spaces D irector T odd H offerbert h addressed the C ouncil reporting on the star t up of sport s team s at the C omm unity C enter. A lso reported on the status of the Para dise Park project and the very beginn ing of resolving som e recreational and field space needs w ith neighborin g com m unities. C F O N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regarding Special R evenue Funds stating that these are not fu nded fr om the genera l fu nd and that they have a dedicated fu nding sour ce: the Tra nsportation Fund fr om the half cent sales tax fr om M iam i-D ade C ounty w hich has increased this year due to the econom y. D irector N ussbaum also report ed the V illage spends the bulk of these revenues on the Freebee tra nsit service. The V illage is w orking w ith the M iam i-D ade C ounty Transport ation Plann in g O rganization (T PO ) to fu rt her expand the Freebee Pro gra m . C FO N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil reporting that FY 21 w as the final year of the 15-year interl ocal revenue sharing agreem ent betw een M iam i-D ade C ounty and the V illage fo r county toll bridge revenue. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncilm em ber M oss and the A ttorn ey regarding the expira tion of the above interl ocal agreem ent. T here w as discussion fr om C ouncil regarding Freebee and conn ecting Free bee to B rickell A venue tra nsport ation access points. C F O N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil reporting Special R evenue Funds incl uding Parks, R ecreation & O pen Sp aces Land Tru st Fund. C FO N ussbaum addressed the C ouncil regarding the E nterprise Fund and that the V illage has m oved fr om the M iam i-D ade C ounty W ater & Sew er depart m ent (W A SD ) to the M iam i-D ade Pro perty A ppra iser's offi ce to assess the fe es w hich w ill im pro ve collections and reduce adm inistra tive burden on the staff. The V illage w as able to locate an additional 697 ER U 's not previou sly bill ed resulting in an additional over $14 0,000 in revenue. C ouncilm em ber M oss com m ended the adm inistra tion using SW O T analysis at the last budget w orkshop and hoped this w ill be incorp ora ted in the fu tur e. M ayor D avey m ade a m otion to rem ove the m illage resolution fr om the table. The m otion w as secon ded by C ouncilm em ber M oss and appro ved by a 5-1 voice vote. The vote w as as fo llow s: C ouncilm em bers C aplan, Laur edo, M oss, Seguro la and M ayor D avey voting Y es. V ice M ayor L on don voting N o. C ou ncilm em ber M cC orm ick w as out of the ro om at the tim e of the vote. T he A tt orn ey read into the record that the pro posed m ill age ra te fo r the V illage of K ey B iscayne fo r the fi scal year com m encing O ctober 1, 202 1, thr ough Septem ber 3, 2021, be and is hereby fi x ed at the ra te of 3.15 63 m ill s and the pro posed m illage ra te is 3.2 188 m ills w hich is 0.0625, or 1.98% over the ro ll ed-back ra te. C ouncilm em ber M oss m ade a m otion to appro ve the m ill age resolution. The m otion w as seconded 6 o/8 Sep tem ber 8, 202 1 by Councilmember Caplan. Vice Mayor London made an amending motion to lower the millage rate to 3 mills. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Segurola. Councilmember Segurola made an amending motion to set the millage rate at the roll back rate of 3.1563. Vice Mayor London accepted the amending motion. There was discussion from Council and the Attorney regarding the above amended motion. The London amended motion failed by a 3-3 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Lauredo, Segurola and Vice Mayor London voting Yes. Councilmembers Caplan, Moss and Mayor Davey voting No. The Moss motion failed by a 3-3 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmembers Lauredo, Segurola and Vice Mayor London voting No. There was discussion from Council and the Attorney regarding the above vote. Vice Mayor London and Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council deciding to amend their votes regarding the Moss motion out of courtesy and consideration for Councilmember McCormick's emergency absence. It was the consensus of Council to withdraw the Moss motion vote and direct the Clerk to call the Moss motion vote again. The Moss motion was approved by a 5-1 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember Segurola voting No. Mayor Davey made a motion to remove the budget ordinance from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Moss and approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember Caplan made a motion to approve the budget ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Moss and approved by a 5-1 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, Moss, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember Segurola voting No. The Clerk announced the second reading of the ordinance will be on September 21, 2021. 7. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of future meetings and events was presented to the Council. 8. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 p.m. 7of8 Sep tem ber 8, 2021 Respectfully submitted: ~ce~'t)\(o~ szi: B.Kih Village Clerk 8of8