HomeMy Public PortalAbout1995-10-05 Town of Truckee REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING October 5, 1995 6:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA MINUTES CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cross called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.. ROLL CALL. Town Manager Wright called the roll with Council Members Carpenter, Drake, Eagan, McCormack and Mayor Cross being present. Also present were Town Manager Steve Wright, Town Attorney Dennis Crabb, Public Works Director Jon Lander, Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook, Associate Planner Duane Hall, Finance Director Jill Brown, Police Chief Jack Bayer, Lieutenant Jon Trauner and Executive Secretary Barbara Johnson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Cliff Hartwell. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Law Enforcement Presentation Police Chief Jack Bayer introduced Mr. Bob Wood, Nevada County Sheriff's Department Administrative Assistant. Mr. Wood explained that the Sheriff's Department has been studying their work load in an attempt to assess current and future needs for additional staffat the Truckee Substation. Mr. Wood explained the categories used during the survey and entered into the computer data base . According to the computer analysis report there is currently a lower level of service in several areas relative to the recommended level of service in some cases. Discussion ensued regarding this in-house survey. It was consensus of Council that this topic warrants further effort and should be reviewed during a Town Council Workshop. 5.2 Nevada County Library issues Councilmember Kathleen Eagan addressed the Council regarding the Nevada County Library Steering Committee. After brief discussion regarding the direction of the Steering Committee, it was moved by Councilmember Carpenter and seconded by Councilmember McCormack to approve the appointment of Councilmember Eagan to the Nevada County Library Steering Committee. Said motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Minutes of September 12, 1995 Special Council]Planning Commission Meeting. Minutes of September 13, 1995 Special Council/Planning Commission Meeting. Minutes of September 19, 1995 Special Meeting. Minutes of September 21, 1995 Regular Meeting. Treasurer's Report, August 1995 Appointment of Mayor as Chamber of Commerce Liaison. Road Construction Design Standards resolution. Renewal of Cooperative Agreement with Nevada County Resource Conservation District Town Manager Wright requested item 6.7 be removed from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Councilmember Drake and seconded by Councilmember Eagan to remove item 6.7 from the Consent Calendar and approve same. Councilmember Drake stated that he would abstain from voting on item 6.4. Said motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.1 Application No. 95-020/ZC-TPM (Poulsen Zone Change/Subdivision) Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook stated that the application before the Council was a Zone change from the existing zone designation (R-3). Staffwas recommending the approval of a PD Overlay zone for this property allowing the division of the applicant's property to two (2) parcels equaling 9,137 square feet each. The recommended approval would also allow for an exception to the minimum street frontage of the newly created lots, The Planning Commission held a public hearing and a continued public heating regarding this matter to be sure that all concerns regarding this application were addressed. Discussion ensued regarding snow storage and placement of the proposed single family dwelling on the newly created vacant parcel. Further discussion ensued regarding parking for the vacant parcel in relation to the proposed single family dwelling unit. Mayor Cross opened up the Public Hearing. Applicant Craig Poulsen stated that the proposed use of the property does blend with the surrounding property which has mixed uses. Mr. Poulsen further stated that the application has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and concerns of both the neighboring property owners and the Town have been addressed. Mayor Cross closed the public hearing and opened the meeting to Council discussion. Councilmember McCormack stated for public information that the newly created vacant parcel does have several large trees on the property which will not be removed due to the proposed construction of the single family dwelling unit. Some smaller trees will be removed to provide for the new construction. Discussion Town Council Minutes Page 2 ensued. Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook explained that the PD designation allows for customized standards such as special building setbacks and snow storage definition. It was moved by Councilmember Drake and seconded by Councilmember Carpenter to adopt a Negative Declaration for the project based on the findings of the Initial Study; waive the first reading and introduce Ordinance 95-15 amending the Town Zoning Map to establish a Planned Development (PD) overlay on APN 17-170-19 with a minimum building site area development standard 50 feet of street frontage, based on the findings contained with Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-06 and to approve the submitted tentative parcel map as attached to the staff report as Exhibit "A" to divide the 18,274 square foot parcel into two (2) parcels of 9,137 square feet subject to the conditions of approval attached to the staff report as Exhibit "B". Said motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 8.1 Proposed Policy for Town Consideration of Impact Fees. Mayor Cross announced that he had a conflict of interest with item #8.1 and passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Carpenter and left the Council Chambers. Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook explained the proposed impact fee resolution which would provide a framework for future consideration and imposition of development impact fees for growth related impacts on services and irrffastructure. The fees controlled by the Town are that of the Recreation and Park District, the Fire District and School District, (if seeking impact fees beyond the $1.76 per square foot which is allowed by State law) and the Town's own impact fees. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Drake stated that he was interested in the suggestion made by the Board of Realtors' correspondence to review/consider increases in impact fees once a year. Discussion ensued regarding setting fees prior to the building season. Community Development Director Lashbrook explained that impact fees could only be used to rna'retain level of service provided by the districts, not to increase the level of service. Vice Mayor Carpenter opened up the meeting for public comment. Mr. Tom Grossman, local contractor, stated that impact fees choke development. Town Council M/nutes Page 3 Mr. Gmssman gave examples of impact fees currently being charged for development and further stated that he is opposed to any increase of impact fees. Mr. Tony Hesch of the School District stated that Truckee needs adequate school housing for their children. He explained that currently the District collects the mitigation fees for development and suggested that for public convenience the Town consider providing customers with one place to pay for all fees in relation to development. Mr. Jerry Gould'mg stated that, in his opinion, Town Council should review requests for additional fees, a common collection point would be helpful and uniform fees throughout the Town limits should be applied. Mr. Goulding supported the idea of reviewing requests for additional impact fees once a year and further stated that building construction is already down 20% this year from last year at this time. Jim Bush representing the School District stated that the School District would like to impose fees to future projects including those in conjunction with zone changes and subdivision maps. The fee imposed would be $2.83 per square foot. Mr. Bush further suggests that the Town consider something longer than a five (5) year plan window for the impact fees. Mr. Bush further stated that the current level of service to educate our children is not desirable. The School District is trying to house the numerous children entering the district due to the development occurring within Truckee. CliffHartwell stated that funds recently used to build the Glenshire school have been exhausted and Truckee is in need of two (2) new schools. The fees collected for new construction is the only source of funding provided to the School District which allows for the construction of new school buildings. Pat Rulinzi, local business owner, stated that he would like the Council to clearly address what is considered new development in the Tahoe Donner subdivision. He currently owns a parcel in that subdivision and has plans to develop said parcel in the future. He has been paying taxes on the parcel and feels it is unfair to impose impact fees to his property upon development of same. Margaret Urke, representative of California Association of Business, Property and Resource Owners (CABPRO) provided Council with background information regarding CABPRO and further stated that the organization she represents is strongly opposed to any new taxes or fees being imposed. Mrs. Urke stated that the Town needs to discuss how much charged in impact fees is too much. If the construction work is in Truckee then the contractors will spend their money in Truckee, if not they will spend the money wherever the work is. She further stated that the Council Town Council Minutes Page 4 should consider that these special districts not reduce their level of service but reduce benefits to employees, make sure that facilities are not lavish and that other employee "perks" are reduced. Council should also make sure that the districts are working efficiently. She further asked that Council consider delaying the impact fees and spread said fees out over time. Mr. Bill Owens stated that he would like the Council to adopt a checks and balances process for the Special Districts. He said districts should be accountable for the funds spent. Mr. Tony Hesch stated that the Town Council is the appeal body for the impact fees of the Special Districts and the Council needs to adopt procedures for reviewing the proposed fee increases. At this time Community Development Director Lashbrook addressed some of the comments made by citizens regarding this matter. Discussion ensued regarding comments made by those attending the Council meeting. Councilmember Eagan stated that the policy proposed is very good. Vice Mayor Carpenter stated that all comments made this evening were very good. Council will not make final decision regarding this matter tonight. The agenda item is the policy to be used by Town Council regarding the consideration of future impact fees. This item is not for discussion o£specific proposed or in-place impact fees. He concerns that the proposed policy is a good one. Town Manager Wright stated that staff could rework the proposed resolution and bring it back to the next regular meeting of October 19. 1995. Community Development Director Lashbrook stated that he will review and consider the comments made this evening and redraft section 7© of the proposed resolution. The issues to consider are: establishing review time frames, clarifying desired level of service vs, mitigating impacts and creating flexibility in the review cycle for the School District. Councilmember Eagan commended Community Development Director Lashbrook on the proposed policy and stated that the Town should try to develop a consolidated fee collection process. Discussion ensued regarding the correspondence received from the Board of Realtors and the Master Plan. RECESS: 8:32 P.M. - 8:40 P.M. Vice Mayor Carpenter called recess at 8:32 P.M. Mayor Cross rejoined the meeting at 8:40 P.M. Town Council M/nutes Page 5 9.4 STAFF REPORT (taken out of order) TSD Request - Truckee River Crossing/Bikeway. Town Manager Steve Wright suggested that item 9.4 be moved on the agenda to enable said item to be addressed since representatives of Truckee Sanitary District were in attendance. Item 9.4 was moved up on the agenda. Town Manager Wright stated that the Town Council, at the last regular meeting, received a request from the TSD to consider funding the cost of engineering and construction of a bicycle/pedestrian deck which would attach to a proposed TSD river crossing east of Highway 267. The bicycle/pedestrian bridge structure would cost $146,000 and the District is asking the Town/Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District to assume $10,000 of the total engineering/administration costs, as well as the added construction cost. Town staff has met with Steve Randall, manager of the Truckee Donner Parks & Recreation District, regarding this project. Both the Town and District have legal authority to expend their revenues for such a project. The Town is not currently involved in bikeway/pedestrian maintenance and for that reason it was proposed that Council request the TDR&PD assume on-going maintenance responsibility. The facility will also not be accessible or productive unless public easements are established which make the bridge functional. Council was recommended to request that all agencies work together to establish those easements prior to the expenditure of the construction funding for the project. Staff recommended budget amendment in the amount of $5,000 from Proposition 116 funds, request the TDR&PD provide financial support for engineering costs in the amount of $5,000 and agree to provide ongoing maintenance of the bridge and work cooperatively with the Town in securing a funding source for construction costs, further that Council request that the TSD and TTSA work with the Town to establish permanent easements from the bridge to the regional park and Glenshire. Discussion ensued. Oz Butterfield, General Manager of the Truckee Sanitary District stated that the Public Utility District has declined to participate in the river crossing. The total cost of the river crossing is $830,000, TSD owns land on both sides of the proposed bridge and is willing to give easements to the Town in order to access the bridge. He further stated that there is a 150 foot fishing easement along the river that might be useable along the TTSA property. Discussion ensued regarding the Truckee Donner Parks & Recreation District involvement in the project. Town Council Minutes Page 6 9.3 TSD General Manager Oz Butterfield stated that TSD is willing to provide the Town with necessary easements, however, TI'SA may not be willing to give the Town easements on their land. There are future plans to allow baseball fields to be installed on TSD land in this area. Local citizen Tom Grossman stated that it appears that the Town Council has already made up their minds regarding the bridge. He feels that money should be spent on existing bike and pedestrian pathways. The bridge does not go anywhere and in his opinion the only reason that TSD is here is to benefit themselves. Charlie White of Donner Lake stated that the bicycle/pedestrian river crossing sounds like a good idea to him. He inquired of the availability during the winter. Geoff Stephens of Glenshire stated that this project takes some vision. This would be a safe risk for the Town Council to take. He feels that the Town Council should move forward with the project. Discussion ensued amongst the Council. It was moved by Councilmember Eagan and seconded by Councilmember Drake to approve funding and a budget amendment in the amount of $5,000 from Proposition 116 funds for a 50% share of the engineering costs; request the Truckee Dormer Recreation & Parks District provide 50% of the engineering costs in the amount of $5,000, agree to provide ongoing maintenance of the bridge once constructed and cooperatively work with the Town in securing a funding source for constructions costs; request that the TSD and TTSA work with the Town to establish permanent bikeway/pedestrian easements from the bridge both to the regional park and Glenshire. Said motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cross noted that the issue of long term maintenance of the bikeway facilities was open to further discussion. Loader Purchase Agreement - TTSA/Overall snow removal policy (taken out of order) Public Works Director Jon Lander stated that the Town has the opportunity to purchase 2 (two) Caterpillar 950F all wheel drive snow loaders through a contract agreement with Truckee Sanitary District utilizing their existing competitive bid which establishes a "mm-in price" as well as a fixed price for repair on the piece of equipment. The successful bidder was Cashrnan Equipment, Staff further recommends that Council authorize the Town Purchasing Agent to declare as surplus property two (2) Clark and two (2) Austin Western motor graders. Councilmember Carpenter stated that Public Works Director Lander submitted a great Snow Removal Policy. He feels that the policy needs to be communicated to Town Council Minutes Page 7 the public. Discussion ensued regarding snow removal equipment and the need to develop an overall equipment Master Plan. Councilmember Eagan suggested that Town Council review the Snow Removal Policy at a future Workshop. Mr. Bob Waltman stated that Town Council should consider purchasing an additional snow blower. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of the Town purchasing an additional snow blower. It was moved by Councilmember McCormack and seconded by Councilmember Carpenter to authorize the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with Tahoe Truckee Sanitation Agency (TI'SA) to utilize an existing bid for two (2) Caterpillar 950F all wheel drive loaders with purchase to be made on a "Total Cost Bid" approach, and authorize the Purchasing Agent to obtain financing for the two loaders; authorize the Purchasing Agent to declare as surplus property two (2) Clark and two (2) Austin Western motor graders. Said motion carried unanimously. Town Council set a workshop date of Tuesday, October 17, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. to review the Snow Removal Policy. Staffhas been directed to advertise this meeting, letting homeowners associations and contractors know that Council will be discussing this subject. The motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 8.2 Consideration of input to the Nevada County Board of Supervisors for presentations at the County General Plan Hearings scheduled for October 10-13. At this time Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook commended Mr. John Echols and his students for televising the General Plan meetings and Council meetings. Councilmember Eagan stated that she has received a lot of comment in regards to the improved quality of televised meetings. Community Development Director Lashbmok stated that the County General Plan process will be reviewed by the County Board of Supervisors October I0 - 13. Discussion ensued regarding comments made by the Town in the past identifying those comments that were addressed by the County and those that were not addressed. Concerns not addressed include the Highway 267 bypass and a phasing policy related to construction surrounding that area, as well as consideration of the need for application of the same town policies affecting the future Town Sphere of Influence as now applied to the Grass Valley and Nevada City Sphere areas. Town Council Minutes Page 8 9.1 It was the consensus of Council to address a letter to the Nevada County Board of Supervisors recognizing what the County has done in regards to comments previously addressed and asking for reconsideration of the two remaining Town issues. Community Development Director Lashbrook was directed to draft a letter for the Mayor's signature, and attend the Board of Supervisors meeting to present the letter with Mayor Cross. Councilmember Carpenter stated that he would also attend the Board of Supervisors meeting. Donner Lake Watercraft Ordinance Town Manager Wright stated that Staff held a public hearing of which 200 notices were mailed to those that took the time to write or attend the earlier meetings. Limited responses were received/ The lack of comments and the mixed responses received lead staff to recommend the continuance of public information and enfomement campaigns which were implemented earlier in the year. The Town also received a letter from the Attorney Generals' Office requesting that the Town Council immediately rescind that portion of the Town Ordinance related to age limit of motor watercraft operators. Town Ordinance restricts the age limit to 16 years of age and the Attorney Generals' position is that State Law preempts and thus the Town cannot establish a more restrictive age limit. Town Attorney Crabb stated that he had been in contact with the Attorney Generals' Office who made several suggestions to amend the ordinance in order to comply with State Law. Council discussed the matter, receiving input from Town Attorney Crabb and Town Manager Wright. Mr. Charlie White of Donner Lake addressed the Council stating that he had not received as many complaints this year from his renters as in prior years. He further suggested that enforcement of the ordinance be staggered, to allow for enforcement in the evening. Council considered placing conditions in a revised ordinance that would trigger use of the 16 year age limit if ti were subsequently allowed by a revision in State Law. It was moved by Councilmember Drake and seconded by Councilmember McCormack to amend Ordinance No. 95-07, deleting Section 12.02.020 of Article 2 Motorized Watercraft on Donner Lake. It was noted that Council did not like being told that they had to alter their ordinance and felt that the ordinance including section 12.02.020 which served the citizens of Truckee well. Said motion being put to a vote passed with Councilmember Eagan voting to not approve the amendment since it did not include the trigger mechanism. Town Council Minutes Page 9 9.2 Donner Terrace Avalanche Control Policy Town Manager Wright stated that the Town has continued to clear a portion of South Shore Drive for the purpose of creating a "bench" to provide some level of avalanche protection for homes built in the Donner Terrace area of Donner Lake. The Town assumed this service function upon incorporation, including the Donner Terrace PRD which created a mechanism for collection of assessments from 17 parcels located within the PRD. Two letters received from property owners were in favor of the Town continuing to clear the "bench". Discussion ensued regarding insurance liability to the Town in clearing this "bench" and further background information was provided. Mr. Charlie White of Donner Lake stated that he attended a hearing where sometime ago Norm Wilson admitted that when drawing the avalanche lines there was no evidence of avalanche in that area. There were, however, reported land slides. Discussion ensued. It was moved by Couneilmember McCormack and seconded by Councilmember Carpenter to continue the South Shore Drive "bench" clearing practice established last year though the use of the existing PRE) and to direct staff to pursue contracting with the Donner Terrace homeowners to provide snow plowing service to Town on the "bench", providing their own insurance which the Town will pay for utilizing the PRD funds. Discussion ensued. The motion was changed to add the following wording: Council directs staff to continue evaluation of public liability exposure during the development of the Town's Development Code and Zoning Ordinance for consideration of establishing furore limitations to development in this avalanche zone area. Said changed motion was made by Councilmember Eagan and was seconded by Councilmember McCormack. The amended motion passed with Councilmember Carpenter voting nay. 9.5 Town/County Road Maintenance Mutual Aid Agreement Town Manager Wright asked Mayor Cross to pull this item from the agenda to be placed on the next regular session of Council on October 19, 1995. 10. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS: At this time the Council discussed the Annual League of California Cities conference and the resolutions to be voted on by the League. Voting Delegate Councilmember McCormack asked the pleasure of the Council in relation to resolutions which are to be voted upon but which do not have any effect on the Town of Truckee. Discussion ensued regarding how Council will address the resolutions to be considered. Mayor Cross stated that the Council has selected a Voting Delegate and that Delegate is familiar with the Town of Tmckee's issues and should make those decisions as a representative of the Town of Truckee. It was consensus of Council to agendize this Town Council Minutes Page l0 11. subject at the next regular session of Council with the recommendation being that the Voting Delegate shall have the authority to make his/her own decision in the voting of resolutions at the League of California Cities Annual Conference. ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Cross adjourned the meeting at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Town Clerk Approved the 19th day of October. Town Council M~nutes Page 11