HomeMy Public PortalAbout2002/09/30 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 An Agenda Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of AGENDA MEETING Cartere~' proceeding the Regular Meeting of October 3, 2002 was held on September 30, 2002, Community Center, 100 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. The following were noted present: NOTED PRESENT Mayor James A. Failace Councilmembers Frank Parisi " Daniel Reiman " Ronald Rios " Janet Santoro " Buddy Sohayda " Brian Sosnowski Statement of Meeting Notice was mailed to the Home News STATEMENT OF MEETING Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on NOTICE September 20, 2002. To Address Governing Body: TO ADDRESS GOVERNING a) Carteret Redevelopment Agency/Nolan & Heinz BODY b) Borough Engineer Robert Heinz - Nolan & Heinz, you are going to hear some ROBERT HEINZ comments from various developers. He said he would like to make it clear to everyone that all the dealings with the developers were for purely educational and to allow them to get some background for some changes for the (inaudible). Mayor Failace spoke to Mr. Aleksandrich and asked if they were going to get anything in their hands (inaudible). Mr. Aleksandrich said he understood they were going to distribute plans tonight to (inaudible). Borough Attorney Robert Bergen said he was sure they all knew how the process works the Council has not formally adopted the Redevelopment Plan for this area. We need to do so by Ordinance and it has to go to the Planning Board. Over the past year the Redevelopment Authority has done significant work and they wanted to come that evening to propose some changes and __ modifications to the plan that was originally proposed by the Council. Councilmember Santoro asked after they adopt it, where will it go next? The Borough Attorney said they don't have to adopt it but they can recommend (inaudible). Ultimately we have to adopt it by SEPTEHBER 30, 2002 Councilmember Santoro asked if they picked a developer to do the work? DISCUSSION Mr. Aleksandrich replied no. We had to take input from all these CONTINUED developers to come up with the best possible plan. He said he knew it sounded backwards and it pretty much is and we have to go out for proposals and that is when they will pick out the developer. We'll have negotiations and we'll talk about different items. Mayor Failace stated that they originally went out for proposals and the RFP... Mr. Alekandrich said some of the proposals were pretty elaborate and we made it pretty clear, that when the letter went out that by Resolution from the Borough was nearly a proposed plan according to the Redevelopment Agency. We were looking for developers to say this will or won't work. What everyone needs too is the initial plan that was the proposed plan was never scrapped. We have kept this pretty confidential so one out side of the Commissioners and our Council and Engineer have seen those proposals. A lot of the basics and a lot of the demographics and a lot of the information (inaudible). Mayor Failace said this is terrible with all these changes. He said he wouldn't know because he had not seen it. Mr. Aleksandrich said all of a sudden he received calls from a newspaper and others and said the plan was lousy. BRUCE RYDEL - CME ASSOCIATES BRUCE RYDEL CNE ASSOCIATES Mr. Rydel reported that what the Chairman is indicating is recognizing that the Borough has three gateways to the Community (inaudible) plus the Turnpike Interchange. This is a critical area of the Borough and you really want this to be a gateway neighborhood and to that end, having reviewed the Schoor DePalma initial plan what they are calling the revitalization plans for the purpose of the redevelopment plan. He said they have taken the information regarding demographics and retail sales and molded that into what the Commissioner felt what was the best for the community. What distinguishes this redevelopment plan for the revitalization plan are a few elements. Number one is revitalization in terms of rehabbing buildings in that particular neighborhood were felt by the commissioners not in keeping with the Borough's best interest. The degree to which that particular neighborhood, not all the buildings, but many of the buildings have falling into disrepair (inaudible). It lends itself more to the revitalization (inaudible). With that in mind that the Engineers suggested that they draft, in accordance with the State Redevelopment Plan and in accordance with Redevelopment and Housing Laws in the State of New Jersey, an element which would bring this forward in conformance with the Statute in a manner that is financially feasible. This is not something that is being suggested by a 3 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 Mr. Rydel said not to get into the money but this is very important to be looked at with basically no impact to the Borough. As little as searching for money to do this job, more cash in hand there is definite interest and the resources are available. DISCUSSION CONTINUED Councilmember Santoro said they were large developers .. Mr. Rydel said they are very limited in what they can get into. Mr. Aleksanddch asked how that would impact the town and how would it pose opportunities for everyone. He said he thought that was the most important thing because it would have served the means of the community. He said they are very excited about (inaudible) within the Borough. Unidentified person said some of the things that have come up and some of the concerns of the people are that they are kicking people ... It is important to know that in the general developer agreement part of what would be this plan is that relocation is the responsibility of the developer. You can not just someone out. It is very critical that we realize that no one is getting displaced. He said he would imagine that properties that are being built that there are no guarantees ... Councilmember Santoro said since the inception of this agency, isn't it noted that anybody buying property or coming in is told that this is a redevelopment area? Unidentified person response was inaudible. Councilmember Santoro said so they are aware that this is going to be taking place? Bruce Rydel replied absolutely. Mr. Aleksandrich said he thought it was important to recognize that the agency was created in July of last year so they have done quite a bit of work. Councilmember Santoro asked if they would go to the Planning Board in November. When will the work actually begin? Mr. Rydel said in June but you are talking about execution and if things go the way they could ... You are also talking about property acquisitions. There is a very big "if', but it could start earlier or a little bit behind. It is pending on what comes back Mr. Aleksandrich said it is a good market right now, especially __ housing. One good thing, we are last. Everyone else has pretty much gone through redevelopment in the towns around us. Yes, we're late but that may be best because the potential is that we are running out of places we can go. The other thing is that we don't want to get sued. We have seen other towns tied up in litigation beyond belief, look at Perth Amboy and the litigation surrounding the pizzeria and all kinds of good things (inaudible). Those are the things that we don't want to get into. What they are (inaudible). SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 Brace Rydel said he knew this was eminent domain and he knows it is Borough parcel .... The Porough Attorney said he knew the Redevelopment Authority is on a very tight schedule so everyone has their proposal so they should take a look at it and compare it to the short plan. Any comments that you have you can get back to (inaudible) very quickly... Councilmember Santoro asked if they were looking for a time line? The Borough Attorney said they have a meeting the next night. MR. CAROLL THOMAS- C. THOMAS MCEOC Carroll Thomas said November 1~t is National Literacy Day and RE: NATIOBIAL the Library Association asked for a Resolution to publish some LITERACY DAY flyers.. He asked the Council to read to someone once a month. They offer a computer course to Seniors. If the MCE'OC agrees to make a $6,000.00 Grant available to the Library to purchase books, the library has agreed to provide space (inaudible). Mayor Failace addressed Mr. Thomas and said on the days we come in to read to the children and however many children there are that day, we would give one book to one family and they will be able to keep the books. What we agreed to was if we don't get over twenty five it will cause a budget problem (inaudible). What we hope is that each family will be able to have a book for three to eight year olds. He then asked if they were looking at one day a month. Mr. Thomas said yes, we are looking at one day a month, Saturday mornings. The library will be able to coordinate the schedules. What we want to do is make reading a life long process and they have found the best way to do it is if we put the books in the kids hands. We think it will take the entire community to get behind and it will also allow the Library Association a lot of leeway to (inaudible). Mayor Failace said what you are asking for is a Resolution from the Borough, you are asking for the Mayor and Council to read at least one time a month to the children and a check not to exceed $500.00 for promotional, setting up posters, etc. Mr. Thomas said they would like to get something in there to include (inaudible) and those type of things. We don't think it will -- exceed $500.00.. Couneilmember Rios asked how many other towns have done this. Mr. Thomas said this town is the first and Perth Amboy will be next . In New Brunswick we already have a literacy program in conjunction with PBS because they are out of district. Councilmember Rios asked if it was similar to this? 7 SEPTEMBER 30, 20C2 crazy. The other thing were edging on that the extension for one (inaudible) but Verizon is now renegotiating its contract and for the school districts it is one third (inaudible). They are renegotiating that now and if they do that will allow the Library and the Head Start Center to be a part of the Vo-tech agreement. That is actually cheaper and faster (inaudible) and that should be done by the end of November . There are resoumes that are available .... Couneilmember Santoro asked the Municipal Clerk to do the Resolution for the Library. Mayor Failace said they would put everything on for next Thursday. The Borough Attorney addressed Mr. Thomas and told him that the other item that they spoke about will be discussed at the Council Meeting. LIBR/kRY Councilmember Santoro asked who is the President of the Library Board. Is it Jeff Pino? She then said to Mr. Pino that they had been asking if somebody from the Library Board to come forward about the audit. Municipal Clerk Kathleen Barney said that the auditor couldn't make it and so they cancelled. Councilmember Santoro asked Mr. Pino to look into that because (inaudible). BOROUGH ENGiNEER REPORT - Donald Norbut BOROUGH ENGINEER REPORT Little Rascal's has started their curb work and the drainage work on Hagaman Street. Over thc next couple of months there will be quite a bit of roadwork going on. Thc County will bc in also, taking care of roads. The sewer linc at the Carteret (inaudible) has been repaired and they have received the permit for the Waterfront Park. They have a meeting with the contractor who is looking to start !he demolition next Monday. Thc Borough has received a $60,000.00 Grant from thc county under the Downtown Business District Program. The original cost was to wait and include some UEZ funding to do a larger streetscape project. The UEZ has laid out, time wise, it is important that they usc this $60,000.00 this year before it is in jeopardy of being lost. What he suggested is thc idea to include it in the (inaudible) order as a change order. It will be easier to do a small $60,000.00 contract then to include a larger contract (inaudible).It includes doing sidewalks and curbs .... Councilmember Santoro asked if he was going to take the money from the streetscape, $60,000.00 and roll it over into the road? The Borough Engineer replied that they were going to take the $60,000.00, add it to the road program and increase that contract by $60,000.00 (inaudible). 9 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: September 19, 2002. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL COMMENDATIONS: Police Officers Craig and Renda. COMMENDATIONS POLICE OFFICERS Councilmember Santoro said she is pulling that because they won't CRAIG & RENDA be there. The Municipal Clerk said she would hold the commendations. PROCLAMATIONS: PROCLAMATION a) Domestic Violence Awareness Month b) Columbus Day c) Spinal Health Month d) Fire Prevention Week e) Peter J. Sica At approximately 8:05 P.M., Mayor James A. Failace was noted NOTED PRESENT present. MAYOR FAILACE RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTIONS 1. Directing the Issuance of Various Raffle Licenses. 2. Refund of Tax and/or Sewer User Fees. 3. Authorizing Various Contractors to Perform Rehabilitation of Homes Pursuant to COAH Regulations. 4. EUS - O'Gorman & Young, Re: Insurance Coverage - Disability, AD&D. Councilmember Reiman said this is changing our life insurance RE: LIFE INSURANCE and (inaudible) is the current broker. This changes its policy for Prudential to (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro asked what the price would be. Councilmember Reiman replied that it would be $11,000.00 cheaper for the premium. It is the same coverage; this company has a better history as far as rate increases. Councilmember Parisi asked if they needed any approval by Resolution? 5. Review of 2001 Audit. RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED __ REPORTS: REPORTS 1. Clerk's Office - September 2002. PAYMENT OF BILLS: PAYMENT OF BILLS 1. List of bills properly audited and signed. 11 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Parisi, Santoro, Sohayda and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Reiman and Rios voted no. 2. NJ DOP a) Notice of Promotional Examination, Re: Truck NOTICE OF PROMOTIONAL EXAM RE: TRUCK DRIVER Driver Do Do Not want a test. The Mayor asked the Municipal Clerk what this was about. The Municipal Clerk replied that they have one additional serving in the title so that automatically generated a notice of promotional exam because he is provisional. b) Supervisor/Sewers, Supervisors/ Streets - the Municipal Clerk said she thought that would be Closed Session. 3. Open Public Meetings Act - Amendment The Borough Attorney said he was sorry, he didn't know if anyone read it but there was a change in Statute that the governor signed that requires that at every meeting that the public body has there be a session for the public to discuss any item important to them. He said he didn't raise this at the last meeting because you have so many open sessions but he forgot that during the Agenda Meetings you don't have open sessions. Now you are required to have a public session at every meeting. The question is do you want to DISCUSSION have it at the beginning or the end of the meeting? Mayor Failace asked if they had something to change the Rules of RE: RULES OF COUNCIL Council to do that. The Mayor said the Borough Attorney said they have to have an open public session at every meeting that we have. The Borough Attorney replied that was the reason he was proposing it because they really need to discuss if you want to do it in the beginning, the middle or the end. The people can comment on any item or issue that comes before the Township related to education or virtually anything they want to discuss. Councilmember Santoro said they already do that. Mayor Failace said they would have to pass a Resolution changing the Rules of Council. Com)ailmember Parisi asked if this was every Governing Body. Including the Board of Education? Because they have Agendas as well. Councilmember Rios said that is only for what we have to (inaudible) over ....He asked if the United States Congress passed an (inaudible). The Borough Attorney said the only reason why he is brining this up now is, and he doesn't think it is critical but you may want to consider where in your Agenda you would like to have it. 13 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 The Borough Attorney asked Councilmember Rios if he wanted to discuss this in closed session because we do have the other track driver. He said that Councilmember Rios can discuss this in open you just the other truck driver position and they may come together. Mayor Failace said he had a question for Council. He said he understood there was a Park Vehicle that was taken home and it was in an accident. Mayor Failace made a motion to open to the Public. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Reiman and Sohayda Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, A MOTION I/AS MADE Rios, Santoro, Sohayda and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. TO OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPENED TO THE PUBLIC: Mr. Tom Lang wanted to say that the Parks Department did a PRAISE FOR PARKS wonderful job with the Ethnic Day Fireworks. It was an excellent DEPARTMENT - ETHNIC DAY FIREWORKS show. He then said that the streetlights by the Turnpike are out again. Councilmember Parisi said that is an ongoing project and there is a lot that the Council is still trying to do. Councilmember Rios said the lights are not broken they are designed to go on and off. DISCUSSION Unidentified person said one of the reasons that they go on and off is because there is a fuse in there and it gets so hot it shuts itself off · It is a matter of changing the bulb or changing the transformer. It is correctable. The Borough Attorney said they also do that to save electricity but they are not supposed to go off at the same time. What we are trying to find out, are they all off at the same time or not? Mr. Lang said it appears that they are all off at the same time. Councilmember Par/si commented that he had seen it too. He said he also knew that Teddy Surick had seen it. Mr. Lang said the other thing is this business with the Board of Education and the Teachers. There doesn't appear to be any after COMMENTS 8, COMPLAINTS school activities as far a clubs or anything where the teachers stay __ on their own time. He asked if their contract expired or are they in negotiations? Counc~lmember Parisi said their contract is expired and they are in negotiations. They are supposed to have a meeting next week. Mr. Lang then said they are going in as a group when they are supposed to be there (inaudible). He said he understood (inaudible) to a point but this is ... 15 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 his garage you have to be careful why you're stopping unless you change to an R60 and that would be 6,000 square foot lots. Richie Greenberg said his problem is that there is no one here to protect these people or the value of their houses. You have these nice houses on Jackson Avenue where you have people slamming houses in between them. That is mining the neighborhood and if he DISCUSSION was a property owner on that street (inaudible). Councilmember Reiman replied that he agreed with Mr. Greenberg but for different reasons especially in light of the comments Mr. Greenberg made. He said they knew what was going on there .... Mr. Greenberg interrupted and said he did not say that. What he said was (at his time they were all speaking at once and it was inaudible). HE then said he was there to ask the council to look at the zoning laws and to take these laws and make them where people who have existing houses here don't have to worry about a guy buying a building and then subdividing his lot and knocking down part of his house. Councilmember Reiman said he agreed with Mr. Greenberg but not with the comment he made. Mr. Greenberg replied that he didn't care if he agreed with his comment because Mr. Reiman misunderstood the comment. He then said he wasn't there to argue with Councilman Reiman but he didn't know what he was talking about. The Borough Attorney said he wanted to interject. As the zoning exists there is nothing that you can do to restrict somebody from tearing down his or her property. If the property conforms and they want to subdivide it they are going to be allowed to do it. Even if you increase the size of the lot it would still not preclude somebody from buying a piece of property and tearing down whatever is on it if they want to sub divide. Mr. Greenberg asked if they were telling him that all the houses on Carteret Avenue, Taylor Avenue, Tyler Avenue etc. can be packed in. Councilmember Santoro said they have to be on 50 x 100 lots. Mayor Failace said he thinks that is the reason he came up here and made the statement. Councilmember Santoro said the only other way is to look at the zoning law and she doesn't know who would need to change it or look ,~ other towns where they have increase (inaudible). As it stands now an R50, which means if that person owns that property they can do it. If you want to change it then go back (inaudible) to change the zoning laws. The Borough Attorney said ultimately it is going to be proposed, referred to the Planning Board. 17 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 Mayor Failace said what you heard was strip mall. That is what is going there. The Mayor then addressed Mrs. Gagdos and said there were going to be seven two family homes and a strip mall. Mrs. Gagdos said that was what she heard. Mayor Failace said for her to tell whoever told her that to tell them that it is a strip mall not a strip joint. Mrs. Gagdos said she would tell her friend that the Mayor looks good. Mayor Failace thanks her and said he thought he was looking pretty good too. Jim Stone said what Mr. Greenberg said was very tree. You have to understand that we have to look at the laws because there are too many people coming into this town, going before the Zoning Boardi subdividing the property, building houses that are within the limit and they are chopping up the town. The cost to educate their children is $30,000.00 and all it does is cost the taxpayers money. We need to re look at the laws and say hey, property has to be so much by so much. He said he was at the meeting that Mr. Greenberg was talking about and a lot was said at that meeting. Lots of people are saying they should sell their homes and chop COMMENTS & them in half and double their money. The real-estate market has DISCUSSION never been better. People are coming in, they want to buy homes and they want to subdivide. We have to keep the ascetics of the town the way ~t ~s. We can get overpopulated; we have 19,000.00 ' e people as it is. We can t hay 30,000.00 people here. We have to educate their children. 45% of the people are senior citizens and they have to pay for their education and we don't have the money to pay for it. The economy is in the (inaudible). Everybody has lost money and it is up to the council to re- look at the laws and say they have to stop this. That man was within his rights when he came in and said he wanted to build a home next door from my brother. If the Board had gone against him we would have had a lawsuit that cost us a lot of money. It can't continue to go on this way because if the Council allows it and the town allows it we're going to be overpopulated, overtaxed .. Councilmember Santoro replied to Mr. Stone and said to him that is away to solve it, you can't stop somebody that is allowed to do it. Mr. Stone replied that someone on Clauss Street asked for an easement for a front porch. And if the board had voted him down it would have been nipped in the bud but they gave him the right to do it. They saw that he was building three more homes but they had no right to vote on that because that wasn't presented to them. The only thing presented to them was the front porch and they allowed it to go through. What they said to the builder was that he had the first step in the door, continue what you are doing and go on and present it to the other people. If Richie Greenberg would have voted it down and he believes he would have. The board needs to re look and set up something that is proper for the people. 19