HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210614 - Zoning Advisory Committee - Meeting MinutesZONING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, June 14, 2021 7:00 PM REMOTE MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Mary Larson-Marlowe; Ron Foisy; Curtis Smithson; Rachel Rossin; Sundar Sivaraman; Madhu Chandrasekar Members Absent: John Coutinho; Ted Barker-Hook; Ria McNamara Others Present: John Gelcich, Principal Planner Ms. Larson-Marlowe read through the remote meeting script. Ms. Larson-Marlowe called the meeting to order at 7:02PM. 1.Update relative to 190 Ash Street/0 Chestnut/ 0 Smith Street application before Planning Board Ms. Larson-Marlowe gave a brief background on the applications for the above referenced parcels before the Planning Board, specifically that the preliminary subdivision plans filed were used to freeze the zoning on the parcels. Mr. Gelcich gave additional background on the legality and process of the zoning freeze. ZAC generally discussed this issue. 2.Stone Wall guidelines Ms. Larson-Marlowe reviewed the draft for stone wall guidelines. Mr. Foisy asked if the guidelines would apply to non-scenic road walls. Ms. Larson-Marlowe said yes, but it would be voluntary. ZAC generally discussed the purpose of these guidelines. Ms. Larson-Marlowe continued reviewing the proposed guidelines. ZAC generally discussed the standards proposed. Ms. Chandrasekar suggested adding language to encourage people to restore their stone walls or build new stone walls, if that is the goal. Ms. Chandrasekar suggested including “identification of the type of stone wall” and include references. ZAC generally discussed potential edits to the guidelines,including grammatical and wording edits. Ms. Larson-Marlowe said she intends on sending it out to other stakeholders for comment prior to finalizing for Planning Board review. 3.Discuss priorities among the following for the coming few months: a.Tree Protection/ clear cutting - edit previously proposed bylaw b.Affordable (attainable) housing changes - conversions and new build of multi-family (consider whether and where to allow and encourage) c.OSLPD modifications (to incentivize use of these developments and improve) d.Revise parking requirements based on use of building (primarily business/ industrial) Ms. Larson-Marlowe read through the recent priorities as noted above. Mr. Foisy said the Chamber of Commerce sees the parking requirements as a big issue. He said basing parking on square footage may provide too much parking and limit growth of companies. Mr. Gelcich suggested focusing the discussion on a new metric to base parking on. ZAC generally discussed streamlining permitting.ZAC generally discussed MGL 43D permitting and the pre-submission meetings recently instituted for the Planning Board. Ms. Chandrasekar suggested having “quick wins” helps morale with ZAC. Mr. Gelcich suggested including some housekeeping items,improving the definitions section, and drafting a use table. Ms. Larson-Marlowe asked that each member identify their top priority for the coming year. The group generally chose the parking requirement revisions as the top choice. Mr. Foisy said he has not had enough time to discuss parking with the Chamber of Commerce so Ms. Larson-Marlowe suggested focusing on tree protection and OSLPD changes first. 4.ZAC Work Plan The discussion on the work plan was discussed along with the items above. 5.Future Meetings ZAC generally discussed holding meetings in person versus remote and what the Commonwealth has done about allowing for future remote meetings. Ms. Larson-Marlowe suggested using Town Hall and HCAM studios for future meetings. Ms. Larson-Marlowe said we will meet via Zoom on July 19th if possible, in person if not. The meeting after July 19th will be held on August 2nd. Ms. Larson-Marlowe also suggested August 16th and then a meeting in mid September. ZAC generally agreed the end of August would not be good due to anticipated member absences. 6.Minutes of May 24, 2021 Ms. Larson-Marlowe asked for comments. None were offered. Mr. Smithson moved to approve the minutes of May 24,2021 as written, Mr. Foisy seconded the motion. The Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Sivaraman moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Smithson seconded the motion. The Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Approved:July 19, 2021 Documents:Zoning Advisory Committee Agenda 06-14-21 ZAC Work Program 2021.0608 Stone Wall Guideline Draft 2021-0613 Zoning Advisory Committee Minutes of May 24, 2021