HomeMy Public PortalAbout20150825 - 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee - Meeting Minutes HOPKINTON 300TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE AUGUST 25, 2015 5:30 PM TOWN HALL, BASEMENT Minutes I. Call to Order: Chair Jean Bertschmann opened the meeting 5:37 pm with the following members pre- sent: Jean Bertschmann, Chair Scott Richardson Hanan Cohen Craig Stanley (absent) Michelle Murdock Associate Member: Ann Click (absent) Also Present: Paul Whitcher, Eric Sonnett II. Acceptance of Minutes (action required) On a motion made by Hanan Cohen, seconded by Michelle Murdock, the Committee voted to approve the minutes of:  August 4, 2015 VOTE: Favor: 4 Against: 0 Absent: 1 (Craig Stanley) III. Reports to the Committee A. Chair Report  Jean Bertschmann updated the Committee on planning for the September weekend.  A second Table Top Walk Through meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 9/9 at 9 am with all involved Department Heads to review planning and contingency planning. The planned rain date of 9/11/15 is no longer viable, given new information from the fireworks vendor. The new rain date for Fireworks is 9/13/15.  The YMCA reported that there has been low participation in its 300th Anniversary Fitness Challenge.  Several residents requested that town buildings be decorated with bunting in advance of the celebration weekend. Jamie Hellen has facilitated that reqest. B. Friends Committee Report  Not available. C. Sponsorship Report  Scott Richardson updated the Committee on new sponsors: Unibank, Yogurt Beach. The check from EMC was finally delivered and deposited. Outstanding checks are from Solect, CVS, and Carbone’s. Scott and Michelle will follow up with the sponsors.  The Board of Selectmen voted to accept all sponsorship gifts to date at their 8/11/15 meeting. IV. New Business A. Invoices for Payment On a motion made by Hanan Cohen, seconded by Michelle Murdock, the Committee voted to approve an invoice from the Friends Committee in the amount of $19,100 to pay Parade Bands, and an invoice for $1,530 to Rackmania for t-shirt design and production. VOTE: Favor: 4 Against: 0 Absent: 1 (Craig Stanley) B. Schedule Upcoming Meetings The Committee scheduled its September meetings for 9/8 and 9/22. Jean Bertschmann will also post the 9/9 Table Top Walk Through meeting, in case other members wish to attend. V. Old Business A. Fireworks Simulation Review The Committee reviewed a simulation of the fireworks show. By general consensus, the Committee was pleased with the show, and suggested some minor modifications to the end of the show, which Jean Bertschmann will forward to Atlas. B. Light Up the Night Veteran’s Recognition Michelle Murdock and Eric Sonnett will work together to plan an appropriate veteran’s recognition at the Light Up the Night celebration, potentially including a moment of silence and a request to all veteran’s to stand and be recognized when the Metrowest Symphony Orchestra plays the Military Medley. C. Light Up the Night/Parade Walk Through The Committee reviewed the plans and schedule for the celebration weekend. Planning is well underway, and on track for success. The events for the Friday night celebration on the Common with Cake and turning on the Claflin Fountain needs additional planning. Invitations have been sent to all dignitaries, sponsors, and local VIPs. D. Budget Update With the receipt of the EMC check and several new sponsors, the financial situation is vastly improved. Jean Bertschmann will continue to work with Jamie Hellen on the receipt of the MOTT grant funds. E. Merchandise Update – Ann Click – none presented VI. Adjournment On a motion made by Hanan Cohen, seconded by Scott Richardson, the Committee voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm. VOTE: Favor: 4 Against: 0 Absent: 1(Craig Stanley) Respectfully submitted, Jean Bertschmann, Chair Documents reviewed: Meeting minutes: 8/4/15 Fireworks simulation