HomeMy Public PortalAbout1960-09-24 Meeting80 A letter from Mr. Andrew Murcia, Jr. requesting the Council to issue a temporary license for the use of an unmetered limousine to operate in Bal Harbour until the end of the present license year was read by Mr. Webb. Mr. Webb explained to the Council that there had been no complaints regarding the one limousine which is o,.ned by Mr. Cauchois and was licensed last December and that he did not anti— cipate any difficulty regarding the addition of a second limousine, which is also owned by Mr. Cauchois, Mr. Beatty then moved that a temporary license be issued to Mr. Cauchois for the balance of the license year, which will allow Mr. Murcia to operate said vehicle. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Faulkner and unanimously approved. It was the decision of the Council that there would be no meeting held in August and that the next regular meeting would be on Saturday morning, September 24th. There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned upon motion of Mr. Beatty and seconded by Mr. White. Mayor ATTEST: Village Clerk July 11, 1960 : JUN61L MIND fdG September 24, 1960 The Council of Hal harbour Village met 9:36 A.M. at, the Village Hall on September 24, 1960. Those present were Messrs. Hart, Beaty, Uroeman, Faulkner and White. Alto present_ were W. H. ',lebb, Village Manager: and Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk. The meeting was calleo tc order by Mayor Hart and after hearing the roll call, the minutes c,f the meeting of July 11, 1960 were accepted as submitted upon motion ty Mr. Beatty, secondeo by Mr. Breeman and unanimously apprnveu. The first item under consideration was the approval of trustees for the Police and Fire Pensicn Funds as required by Ordinances Nos. 76 and 77. The Village Manager explained that the Police Department had held an election a+ which time they hac chosen Detective Costs❑ and Officer Dowe to serve with the Chief of Police and Mayor Bart and that it would be necessary for the September 24, 1960 81 Council tc appoint (ne citizen representative to serve on the Board. It was the .recomrnendetirn of the Village Manager that Mr. W. E. Beckham be appointeu to this Board. Mr. 6ebb also advised that Lt. Devlin had been elected to serve as trustee of the Fire Fund with the Mayor and Chief of the Fire Department. Mr. Jeatty then moved that Mr. Beckham be appointed the citizen representative to the Police Pension Board in accoru— ance with the recommendation of the Village Managex and the em— ployee representatives to the Police and Fire Funds be approved. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broeman and unanimously approved. Mayor Hart then announced that the first item tc le crn.:irered under New Business was the Apr,licetions for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity as follows: (]) Jean Cauchois — unmetered limousines (2) Morse Taxi e. Baggage Transfer, Inc. — 16 metered taxis (3) North Peach Yellow Cab Company — if metered taxis (4) William J. Prcut — 1 unmetered limousine (5) Surf Cab, Inc. — 15 metered taxis Mr. }fart explained that it was his recommendation that the Council revert back and grant the applications in accordance with the numbers that had been issued over the past 10 to 15 years. He further explained that fxcau a traffic standpoint, policing stand— point and for the good of the Village as a whole that he felt that 42 cabs were sufficient tc take care of the demand: It was also brought out during the discussion that at any time clueing a convention when more taxis were required tc handle the demand, they would be allowed to bring rnore cabs in frcrn the outoide. Mr. Broeman then moved that the Council issue permits the same as they had in the past years up to 195, with the people that had asked for permits. Mayor Hart asked Mr. droeman if he meant the number of permits to be issued to be lh permits to Morse Taxi and Baggage Co., 2 permits to North .;each Yellow Cab Co., 4 permits to .Surf Cab Co. and 3 unmetered limousines. Mr. Brceman then stated that was correct. Mr. White seconded the motion and it was un— animously approved by the Council. Whereupon, Mr. Edwin M. Moore of the law firm of 'Walter, Moore and Costanzo, attorneys for Yellow Cab Company objected `n the manner in ehich the applications were handled. Mr. Moore brought out the fact that they have a contract tc fulfill with the Americana Hotel which they cannot possibly do with only two permits. Mayor Hart stated that the Council is not interested in any private contracts between the hotels and out— side Companies. Mr. John Wahl, attorney for Morse Cab Company, commended the Council on the manner in which they had handled the applications and he also filed a recoro with the Village Clerk e❑ the operations of Morse Cab Company far the period of January through .;eptember 1960, Mr. Broeman moved that the Kirkeby Hotels, Inc. application for Liquor License be approved up:;n recommendation of the Village Manager, but that the Village Attorney should notify the new officers of the existence of the Agreement between the Village September 24, 1960 82 and the previous cz,ners regarding the setback encroachment and parkin. agreement. This motion was eeccnded by Mr. White and unanimously approved. Miss Wetterer, the Village Clerk, distributed the annual $1.00 salary tc each of the councilmen for this fiscal year. Mr. Webb, the Village Manager, explained the reason for Ordinance No. 7E amending Ordinance No. 11 changing the set- back line on the north side cf Tract "E", Ocean Front Addit.i(n of Sal Harbour, was that Dade County had negotiated with Mr. Taplin and his company, the owners of Tract "E", so that the county would have a 50 foot easement, to keep the seawall in repair. Therefore, we are amending our zoning ordinance to have the building line coincide with the ease- ment lines. Mr. Beatty then moved that the Council accept the recommendation rf the Village Manager and that ORDINAN-E NU. 78 AN ORDINANCE Al'E;DING SECT1L,N 3, ATEA DISTRICT M7 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11 OF SAL HAi_SOUR VILLA3E. be adopted. This motion was seconded by Mr. 3rceman and unanimously approved. The Village Manager requested that in accordance with the Village Charter, .jection 44, that he be allowed to transfer funds between departments to balance the budget. Mr. Faulk- ner moved that the Village Manager Le authorized to transfer funds within the various departments in order to balance the budget for the year. :;aid motion was seconded by Mr. i:eatty and unanimously approved. Mr. 'Webb explained to the Council that the Owners of Tracts C, D, 3 E, Ocean Frcnt Addition of 13a1 Harbour, had requested the Council to declare an emergency condition in the removal of the old seawall in front of Tracts C, D, and E and establish a lien which would he payable within three years. Mr. Faulkner moved that the Village attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution to set up said lien pro- vided it is legal to do so. The motion was seconded by Mr. White and unanimously approved. Mr. Webb, the Village Manager, requested permission from the council to obtain plans and figures for the cost of construction of a box culvert to run under the Harbour Way Parks from Collins Avenue to the Yacht Basin. He explained that this would relieve the bad flooding condition on Collins Avenue and. speed up drainage for the Village. Mr. Brceman moved that the Village Manager be authorized tc obtain the plans and figures for said construction. The motion was seconded by Mr. Beatty and unanimously approved. September 24, 1960 83 ORDINANCE NO. 79 ABLLI5HIN;; TEAFF1C ORDINANCE NC. 51 OF BAL HARBOUR VILLA,;E was approved upon motion by Mr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. White and unanimously approved since all traffic problems in Dade County are now under the Metropolitan Dade County Ordinances. In accordance with a request to the Tax Assessor from the attorneys representing the Diocese of Miami, Mr. Broeman moved that inasmuch as the property located on Lot 15 of Block 5 of the Residential Section of Leal. Harbour is being used for church purposes and Dade County has granted such an exemption, that said property be exempt from taxes in Ba1 Harbour Village. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Beatty and unanimously approved by the Council. There being nu further business to come before the Council, the meetin; was adjourned upon motion by Mr. Lroeman, seconded by Mr. Faulkner. Mayor ATTEST: Village Clerk September 24, 1960 \\-N,„\\ November 4, 1960 The Council of Hal Harbour Village met at 9:30 A. M. Friday, November 4, 1960 at the Village Hall.. A11 the members of the Council were present. Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk and Thomas Anderson, Village Attorney. November 4, 1960