HomeMy Public PortalAbout2000/06/22 An Informal Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Council President Remy Quinones at approximately 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Court! Police Facility, 230 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: Councilmember James O'Brien " Janet Santoro " Remy Quinones " Patrick Crilley Noted absent were Councilmembers Fazekas, and Sohayda. Noted present was Nicholas Goldsack, Business Administrator. Also noted absent was Borough Attorney Craig Coughlin. Mailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on June 16,2000. To discuss Sewer Improvements. Borough Engineer, Al Beninato stated that they were all asked to attend a special meeting tonight to discuss the ingredients of what was proposed to be a sewer ordinance for 2000. It was something that was originally back in December a part of the preparation for the budget for the year 2000. Instead we find in February of this year as part of the study that is being undertaken by the... (inaudible)... for consideration of privatization of the Borough's sewer systems. From what I have distributed to the Council, there is a copy of a table that was prepared and utilized in the report done by ... (inaudible).... It identifies the sewer projects for the year 2000 and then future projects we are looking to forecast for the study. This brings us to the second portion of the project table. I would like to try to go through the top projects and explain each one of them and the necessity for them and why the Borough needs to consider if not the total Two Million Dollars then certainly portions of it. If the annual sewer maintenance and Emergency service contract, which is something that has been authorized to prepare it was a Five Thousand Dollars preparation of contract. This is the annual sewer repair contract that the Borough has already gone after. That contract terminated on April of this year there were some residual funds remaining from the prior year that if there were emergencies or circumstances they could be addressed but they would be of a very small nature. So there is One Hundred Thousand Dollars included in the budget for the sewer.. .(inaudible)... emergency or repair contract that is not something that has to be spent but something that is available should there be an emergency relative to the sewer and storm. Councilmember Santoro asked if they have been doing this every year. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered every year. JUNE 22, 2000 INFORMAL MEETING ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF MEETING NOTICE PUPOSE DISCUSSION JUNE 22,2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED Councilmember Santoro asked how did they pay for it. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered that in prior years it was taken out of surplus, out of sewer surplus, some funds were appropriated out of sewer surplus into an ordinance or a fund to allow for it. Councilmember Santoro asks if it was around the same amount every year. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that the prior year it was One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars. Councilmember Quinones said One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars of the estimated cost of the budgeted amount. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated yes that was the budgeted amount the estimated cost of the contract based on the quantity that (inaudible). It is recognized that some of those projects or repairs were not really emergencies but never the less they were things that needed to be done. The emergency contract is a premium... (inaudible). He felt that they could identify some of the lesser important projects under some of the other programs. Councilmember Santoro asked would they be facing this again next year? Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated on an annual basis. Councilmember Santoro stated so we would bond this year rather then to pull it out of our account. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that it could not come out of the account in any large basis if there is no surplus there. What the auditors identified when the study was being done is that there was going to be a difficulty maintaining a surplus for the future years Councilmember Santoro asked why? Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that the sewer charges are not sufficient to carry the expenses of the year. Councilmember Crilley stated because we have to much rain water going into the system that is our biggest problem, x amount of dollars are budgeted for treatment of sewer and every year it gets higher and higher. Councilmember Santoro stated that they did assess that to see if we could make up for some of the difference in the regular because the surplus had been depleted. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that is were it was being funded it's a line item that should be incorporated to the sewer expanses so that it is a part of your annual cost. It should not be (inaudible). The repair would be of a permanent nature. It is not something that would 2 be temporarily repaired; it is a physical long-term repair of the sewer systems so that it will last over an extended period of time. The next item is a continuation of the illegal connection and the III reduction program. You can see this is identified as a mandated project that there is a mandated from the D.E.P. to continue on with this program to identify the illegal connections in the Borough. To remove those connections as they are fund. As you are well aware, we are working on that project. We have identified suspect areas.. . (inaudible). .. based on the last authorization of the Council we were able to set up smoke testing of those areas to further verify any illegal connections... (inaudible)... The continuation of this program and the amount has been budgeted here allowed for that upon completion of the smoke testing we will verify were that smoke is coming from as we locate it. There might be further television inspection, internal inspection, dye testing pull all of this together in a final report ... (inaudible)... and implement the repairs, replacements the interconnections, whatever needs to be done that comes out of this study, and that is what was budgeted here. Councilmember Santoro asked how far does this take us into being complete. Just having them have a solid record and idea of where we stand with these. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that under the program that was identified with D.E.P and the area throughout the Borough that were identified have been repaired and that phase of the work are completed. That is only one of the items that was identified by the D.E.P. The other was III for all the rain water inflow that is coming in. This study goes to identify the source of the inflow. Once identified they will see what needs to be done to correct that. A few have been detected for example the stormwater system improvements- Pinho A ve. and Columbus school area. Councilmember Santoro asked if two or three year's back was there ever a test of this. At approximately 7:15 P.M. Councilmember Sohayda was noted present. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that up until now they really had no documentation of the testing done by D. E. P., but from this point, they are properly documenting everything. A discussion continues on the plans for the III reduction project most of, which is (inaudible). The next item on the table was the Dorothy Street Pump Station Upgrade. This is a major requirement. He states they have been authorized to undertake the design of the pumping station of all the pumps and controls that need to be replaced. The station is approaching a danger of failure at any time. Discussion continues that it needs to be repaired as soon as possible (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro asked if this was the one with the electric storm. Unidentified voice answered yes. 3 JUNE 22,2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED COUNCILMEMBER SOHAYDA NOTED PRESENT DISCUSSION CONTINUED JUNE 22 2000 DISUSSION CONTINUED Councilmember Santoro then stated if anyone had found out if there was anything that could be done with the insurance. She asked if there was anything because it was electrical or because that caused it was there any help we could get. She said it was asked at one of the first meetings. Councilmember Crilley asked Al was they are anything to that. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that we did get some sort of helps from the storm Floyd. A discussion continues on whether or not the insurance help to cover expenses for damage caused by the storm. Councilmember Santoro asked if someone could please try and find any information on whether or not we received any help because it was an electrical storm. Borough Engineer Al Beninato moves on to the next project, which is the Roosevelt A venue Pump Station Improvements, which is a required project. One part of the pump has already failed and the other side of the pump is in poor condition, it is in danger of failing. This is the main pumping station for the Borough. Harrison Street Pumping Station is one of the remaining pumping stations that the Borough has not considered for an upgrade in recent years. Haywood Avenue and (inaudible) Avenue Pumping Stations were done about four years ago, but they have had premature failure.. . (inaudible). .. fifteen million gallon a day capacity. Failure of that station.. . (inaudible). ., Bergen Street is going through upgrade because of some premature failure of some of the compounds particularly the pumps as recent as two year after they were installed they were experiencing problems. Saboe is being replaced that contract is under consideration for award tonight . ..inaudible)... Saboe currently pumps to Dorothy and one of the problems that we have is.. . (inaudible).. . So the only remaining station that has not been addressed or had some sort of attention would be the Harrison Street Station. The last two items are not as urgent as the Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition. This is the plant located near the Roosevelt Avenue Pump Station. Age structure is to the point were they could be some collapsing. Some of the buildings have a lot of cracking in the halls. This is something that needs to be done. It is not something that's absolutely required or mandated at this time but there was some consideration that this area be utilized for possibly upgrading and or replacing the public Works Facility, but that line item was included on an ordinance for consideration. The last item that you see there in the top portion of this outline is Storm Water Improvements- Pinho Area and Columbus School. We have identified a series of inlets, storm inlets located in the courtyard of the school located in Pinho Street that discharges unsanitary sewers. Councilmember Santoro asks was this in West Carteret because he has Pinho Street. Borough Engineer Al Beninato explains Pinho is a separate thing. He is speaking of Columbus School but Pinho's problem is similar in nature. 4 Councilmember Santoro asked Al if he ever talked with the school on this yet? There is a discussion that takes place at this point about the problem at Columbus School. They are all talking at once. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answers that was around the wintertime we confirmed it as a part of our study. Council member Crilley then asked about Pinho. He wanted to know when was that identified. Borough Engineer AL Beninato stated Pinho is just a flooding area that has serious storm water problems. Councilmember Santoro asked if he was talking about the whole stretch of Pinho. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated Pinho, Sabo Street area (inaudible). There is a conversation here that is totally inaudible. Councilmember Santoro stated she though that was looked into when they were dug up awhile back in that area and separated because she knew that had been a problem. She said she remembers going through that maybe two or three years ago. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that there was a West Carteret Sewer Project that was repaired. Councilmember Santoro asked if the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars was the estimated price for both areas. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that it was a budget for both areas, for upgrading storm systems in the Pinho and for the storm line and to reconnect those inlets at Columbus School. Councilmember Santoro responds that maybe a meeting needs to be set up with the schools to speak with them on that situation. Councilmember Quinones asked if he knew what the condition on that would be as far as pricing. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated he believes the cost would be One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars budget for... (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro asked about Noe's Creek Area. She would like to know how was the priority in each project determined because some of the areas in Carteret flood unbelievable. How did we come up with the order priority to start these projects? Looking at Noe's Creek some of these projects she feels should be addressed in the top half of project description. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated there are certainly some projects that could be moved forward. One of the things is that the Borough 5 JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED has been working through Federal Funding. Some of the Federal Funding is for storm and sanitary improvements. The line items get significantly higher as you look a little lower on the table, and it is those five years that was anticipated not initially to be funded by the ordinance but would be done under Federal and or State Loan Programs. Councilmember Santoro asked what about the more important ones? We are looking at it because of the money side of it, but it would seem that they are really some of the neediest area and they need to be addressed first? Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated Noe's Creek flooding is certainly a problem and that is why it is here as a project in 2001. It is not extended to anything beyond that, it is a project that we are anticipating to work the next years. Councilmember Quinones asked Borough Engineer Al Beninato if he could list in priority which ones he felt need to be addressed first. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered.. .(inaudible). Part of the Construction of the Industrial Road included a storm system being installed. The large diameter storm was to continue and discharge out into the Author Kill. The project was never completed and terminated at this point because of the difficulties that the Borough had at that time with acquiring property, conflict of utility, and problems with the railroad. It terminated at that location as the result of construction (inaudible). What was done in the interim to improve it was the installation of a pumping station that just discharges into Industrial Road. It is temporary relief after a storm, but it does not address the storm system. What a prior consultant designed was a storm system that would continue along Industrial Road and work it's way out to the Rahway River. It is a significant project. A large diameter storm sewer has an estimated cost of about One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. When the Borough was looking to reconstruct and pave Industrial Road, which was done this pass year, we went to the D.O.T. to ask for funding to cross the Industrial Road with these segments of the storm system. The goal was to have it completed prior to the road being reconstructed and paved. Fortunately, the D.O.T. came across the money Three Hundred Thousand Dollars for that crossing plan. Unfortunately, it came after the roadway was constructed. So, the funding is in place to actually do this segment of the project. We still need the continuation of that storm system. It is a storm system with about a One Million Five Hundred Thousand price tag, which during very high tides and during very extreme storms there still will be problems in the Beverly Street area. This is heavily influenced and there are tide gates that were going to be installed for this discharge. As a result we identified an alternate project to compliment this one that would be an expanded pumping station here that would by pass this and discharge during high tide situations. There is a developer right now considering improvements of this property trucking concerns we have met with them this week. Councilmember Santoro asked if it was LangFord? Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered yes LangFord Trucking. We have met with them this week and identified this problem that the 6 Borough has with Beverly Street flooding area. We've identified that an area here that's been designated for a possible (inaudible) basin and an upgrade of it's pumping station possible replacement, and improve discharge would be a significant interim benefits to the Borough for Beverly Street area. As part of there developmental front, they are examining that in addition to that (inaudible) installation of the storm system. (Inaudible) It is a One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollar price tag certainly something beyond the scoop that the Borough is contemplating this year, but it appears there may be some consideration by the developers to assist the Borough (inaudible) and possibly participating in that interim project. Councilmember Santoro asks when is this going to be coming about with them. Is that sitting presently as a consideration? Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated he is meeting with their consultant this week and they are meeting with the Planning Board Engineer next week. We will also participate in that discussion. Apparently, the developer would like to proceed fairly quickly with that project (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro asked is that a condition? Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered that would be a possible condition to address some of the flooding concerns, but what we're also suggesting is that in addition we... (inaudible) .. .of the trucking operation similar to.. (inaudible) ..Wall to Wall in the area to keep the sound from affecting the residents. What we expressed to the developer was that... (inaudible). We suggest that they come back to the Borough with a more cooperative effort to assist the Borough as part of their offer on the front rather then making at this time a conditional. The ...(inaudible)... would be a conditional. Councilmember Santoro states that she remembers in one of the meetings that the Industrial Road did not help the situation down there so we do not need something else not helping out. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated Industrial Road created a barrier.... (inaudible)..... and that is one of the items that were considered for future improvements to the storm system.... (inaudible).. .The turnpike area storm water improvements were.... (inaudible).... upgrades primary cleaning of the storm system in that area but in light of the proposals that are on the table by the County, which is under review by the Turnpike Authority,..... (inaudible). The last is just a budget of sewer pumping station upgrades. Just a budget that we would suggest is considered as on ten-year bases. Every ten years it may be five more thousand dollars for upgrading or maintenance. Councilmember Santoro ask how much money do you think possibly would we be looking at for help with the Government or grants, or any kind of loans or any kind of situation that we are looking at Twelve Million Dollars. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that is the overall program through a year and, 7 JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED Councilmember Santoro interrupts ok we will take One Million Dollars off and only looking at 2003 that is a Five year period were looking at Eleven Million Dollars. Borough Engineer AI Beninato stated that what the Mayor has reported at some of the prior meetings is that we've had very positive communication we've met in Congressman Menendez's Office about possibility of federal funding for the beginning of this coming year. Weare hopeful that the first round of funding could be in order of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars... .(inaudible)..... continuation of similar funding in similar years. Councilmember Crilley asked was it an annual thing? Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered that it is not really identified as an annual, but it is identified that once we are into the program.... (inaudible) ....that could possibly be favorably considered for similar funding... . (inaudible). Until we have a good clear understanding of that... . (inaudible). The Borough would then be able to identify other alternatives.... (inaudible) .. ..which is something that we had discussed as the loan program through the D.E.P. That is where half of the cost is offered from the State at 0% interest and half of the cost would be offered at market rate. Councilmember Santoro stated that two of the Two Million Dollars might be a grant. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered we are not sure the condition it could be 75% grant and State portion and the balance would be (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro asked how about if we bond for these in the meantime and we get money to offset. Borough Engineer Al Beninato responded that the Wastewater Trust program would not allow for previously bonded projects to be compensated.. . (inaudible). They would have to go through that program. If the Borough demonstrated the ability to finance... (inaudible) .. ..and that may compromise... (inaudible). We need to go to the Federal Government for funding. The report that we have submitted to Congressman Menendez's Office express the problem that the trust needs.... (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro said basically that if we got the Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars that would be besides the Two Million Dollars that would be... (inaudible)... bonding. So, that might just take us into that second phase. Borough Engineer AI Beninato responded that is correct. That can take the Borough into the prioritized phase of the second... (inaudible). Councilmember Santoro stated that if not then we are going to be faced with bonding additional.. .(inaudible). Borough Engineer Al Beninato states that as these projects become absolutely necessary.. . (inaudible) 8 Councilmember Santoro said when we are bonding sewers separate and it is being paid out of sewer account. Borough Engineer Al Beninato answered yes. Councilmember Santoro asked what kind of a balance do we have in the sewer account right now. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack stated that presently we have Three-Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, as reflected in the... (inaudible). Council member Santoro asked why are we not paying that maintenance of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars out of that. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered her stating if she recalled they utilized initially approximately Two Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Dollars on Two of the on going pump station projects. Councilmember Santoro said ok so we do not have Three Hundred Thousand Dollars available. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack said we had Four Hundred Thousand Dollars available. Councilmember Santoro asked what did they have available. Business Administrator stated we have Four Hundred Thousand Dollars we reallocated some of the money initially. We have Four Hundred Thousand unincumbant funds. Councilmember Crilley stated so that's your projection for the year or is that as of today. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered as of today. Councilmember Crilley asked what are you projecting for the end of the year as far as surplus in that account. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered well it depends if we spend that Four Hundred Thousand Dollars. Councilmember Crilley answered if we do not spend it? Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack stated we are getting closer to the One Hundred - Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. It all depends on the revenues collected back and the projected expanses for this year. Council member Crilley stated that he knows that but he what he would like to know is that with this projection assuming that there is no additional bonds to pay, no additional emergencies. What is he projecting as a year end surplus in the sewer account. 9 JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack stated that he did not have that information. Councilmember Crilley stated that is Fair. Councilmember Santoro stated that estimated on a Two Million-Dollar Bond what is the estimated cost that is going to be paid out of the account. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack stated initial down payment of Five % or approximately One Hundred Thousand Dollars this year. Councilmember Santoro stated that we would have a balance in our sewer account right now that we could have the ability to go for this Two Million-Dollar bond. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered that is correct. Councilmember Santoro stated, and not increase or offset even though we sat through a program stating that were going to be in trouble with the amounts of the sewer department. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack asked is that for this year? Councilmember Santoro answered coming up for next year. Wasn't there a situation told to us that if we continued at the rate that we were collecting that we were depleting it and we would possibly be running into a deficit. - Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered not next year no. Councilmember Santoro asked well which year would it be? Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered 2002 would be the deficit year. Councilmember Santoro responded that if next year is being identified as a tight year now with out this additional bonding right then we are cutting it even closer. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered that is correct, but these are projects that have to, correct me if I'm wrong, these are projects that have to be on going based on D.E.P. Councilmember Quinones responded that some of them are. Councilmember Crilley stated that some are mandatory and some are based on quality of life for the people of Carteret. These are projects we have to undertake and have to find a way, as the Mayor has always said, creative ways to get it done. Councilmember Santoro stated that means maybe sitting down planning now so we do not face that defeaset down the road. We know we have to do this so we need to start making corrections now to offset what is going to happen a year or two from now. 10 Councilmember Crilley stated that he thinks one of the hopes is the Federal Funding that the Borough Engineer Al Beninato spoke about. The hopes that it is a yearly continues thing that's going to help offset the cost, but there are things that need to be addressed today. That is basically what we are talking about. We are not talking about prioritizing things that we can do now, later or next year, we have all those. We know those are in front of us, we are talking about the things that need to be addressed tonight for the quality of life for the people in the town. Councilmember Santoro stated that they have to figure out how to pay for them. Councilmember Crilley responded yes we do. In the end when we figure out how to do it; and there is no money left in the sewer account; and it's down to zero; and we have done some of these things or most of these things if not all of these things then we win and we start all over and we address it like Councilmember Santoro said. We address the future today we can certainly do that, but we also need to address what we need to get done now. Borough Engineer Al Beninato stated that in the report that was done by... (inaudible) ..and the order it identified he feels the framework of a .. ..(inaudible). Councilmember Santoro stated that is why she is saying if they are going to be doing this then they need to also be addressing some of the concerns that have been identified to them. They did sit through a meeting and they all realized that if they are going to do that, certain steps have to be taken. There is... (inaudible). For example, she is sitting with the State asking about Borough Hall, there is no promise, no guarantees, and they still need to do the work. She is just saying if they can kind of hedge how they are going to be hit paying for it down the road they have to look at it. Borough Engineer Al Beninato statement in response to what Councilmember Santoro said is inaudible He is speaking about bonds. Councilmember Santoro asked how much did they have bonded now? Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered Twenty Million Dollars Council member Crilley asked how much is for the sewers. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered about thirteen. Councilmember Santoro asked if they could go up to Thirty. The capability you have it if need be we would still fall under it to reach it. Councilmember Crilley asked are there any bonds reaching and end soon Patrick? Borough Treasurer Patrick DeBlasio answered no not really they are structured in a way were we are going to start seeing debt reduction in about six or seven years. 11 JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack stated 2007 there is a substantial reduction. Councilmember Crilley states that that is one of the theories that the people who use it will contribute to the... (inaudible) Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack states that in the consultant's analysis all these capital projects were taken into consideration. There were certain assumptions that were made by them and one of the assumption was the... (inaudible)... authority of which he thinks they had an approximately seven or eight percent increase this year and what he thinks was done is that they utilized that number through out there projections. Plus they also adressed the fact that some of the fees have to be looked at especially on the industrial side. Councilmember Santoro asked are they going to be looking into this. Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack responded yes. Councilmember Santoro asked soon Business Administrator Nicholas Goldsack answered yes. Councilmember Quinones said that you can probably pay as you go she is not sure how that works. - Councilmember Santoro said that they did have that discussion with the company and now it has gone away. Councilmember Quinones stated that she does not feel that anyone disagrees with Council member Santoro in theory it is just these things are. Councilmember Santoro interrupts her statement and says that the only thing she is concerned about is the Hill District they are flooding whether that is something that we target to wait for 2002. That is possibly the worst flooding in the area. Borough Engineer Al Beninato states that what we recognize is that there was interest in that property and that we are with anticipating to do something immediately to help abate the problem. We have gotten a Three Hundred Thousand Dollars discretionary grant from the D.O.T. to cross Industrial Road. So, there are segments of the project that can get underway... (inaudible)... It is something that is needed as they can see it is a required project. The framework of the study that was done by...(inaudible)... suggested that a Two Million Dollar.. .(inaudible)... so that is how this was laid out. The only project on top that is not imminent is the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Councilmember Santoro asked could they do something for the Hill District instead. Borough Engineer response is totally inaudible. 12 Councilmember Crilley states that the III Reduction is the crucial items. What that is going to do is it will allow them to have more money in the sewer account because hopefully they will not be paying as much...(inaudible)... and that's our problem we're spending a fortune when it rains. And we have to reduce that in order to be able to afford these items. Councilmember Santoro stated that she is just asking that if the Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition for Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars isn't going to start one of the other Phase to correct it then she would rather see that. ..(inaudible)... The Borough Engineer spoke but the discussion was mostly inaudible. It dealt with bringing Beverly Street to the forefront so that the problem there could be addressed as soon as possible. Councilmember Santoro asked The Borough Engineer how safe are we since the D.E.P. has been involved in this III program in identifying the problem. ...(Inaudible)...that there not going to come back to us later on and say that we haven't been thoroughly investigated and then go back and find some more problem areas. She asked him was he comfortable with the fact that this was pretty much it that you have identified what there is to identify. Borough Attorney Craig Coughlin was noted present at approximately 7:40 P.M. Borough Engineer answered that the mandate from the D.E.P. stated the Borough needs to verify the location of every sewer..(inaudible) in the Borough. This has been seen as not only.. . (inaudible).. . We come up with a program that has a reasonable approach to the problem that would identify suspect areas and then they would look into those suspect areas. They are satisfied with the monthly reports being submitted regarding progress. There was going to be an administrative consent order... (inaudible)... But they have not forced t hat issue they are allowing the Borough to proceed based on performance that they have been given so far. They are watching carefully they do there part for inspection and if we do miss a beat, they will definitely come down on the Borough. Are there any other questions? Mayor James Failace was noted present at approximately 7:55P.M. Councilmember Santoro said the Annual Sewer Maintenance Cost on the bottom Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (200,000.00) Borough Engineer answered it is for future years. Mayor James Failace stated that he was certainly sorry he missed it but that he felt comfortable, He has talked with the Borough Engineer a lot about the projects that are necessary. Councilmember Santoro said that the only thing we asked about is the Hill section was there something that could be substituted to start their project. 13 JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED BOROUGH ATTORNEY CRAIG COUGHLIN NOTED PRESENT MAYOR JAMES FAILACE NOTED PRESENT JUNE 22, 2000 DISCUSSION CONTINUED Mayor Failace answered that is not a problem. He certainly knows that Killam has put them in a priority order. Basically if there is something that can be done that we certainly will, but they have got to move forward on this. They can not wait any longer he believes that they have to at the next Council meeting take a long hard look at a possible bond to move this forward. If they get half Million Dollars from the state that puts us way ahead of the game. One way or another we have to do them and we have to fund them. ADJOURNED There being no further business or discussion, upon MMS&C, by Council member O'Brien and Crilley and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~¿¿~~ KATHLEENM.BARNEy,R c Municipal Clerk KMB:tr 14