HomeMy Public PortalAbout20150602 - Select Board - Executive Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen Executive Session Meeting Minutes June 02, 2015 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA. Selectmen present: John Mosher, Todd Cestari, Ben Palleiko, Brian Herr, John Coutinho. Administrative staff present: Norman Khumalo, Jamie Hellen. CALL TO ORDER:​ Chairman Palleiko called the public meeting to order at 6:10 PM in Room 211. The Chair entertained a motion to enter executive session to discuss strategies with respect to collective bargaining updates by the Town Manager relative to Police,because an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the bargaining positions of the Board.to allow town staff Norman Khumalo and Jamie Hellen to participate;and,to enter public session at the conclusion. MOVED​ by Mr. Cestari and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Mosher. ​ROLL CALL​: Mr. Mosher-Yes, Mr. Cestari-Yes, Mr. Coutinho-Yes, Mr. Herr-Yes, Mr. Palleiko-Yes. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0​. DISCUSSION: Police Department Collective Bargaining Updates​: The Town Manager informed the Board that the union has requested to talk to the Board directly for collective bargaining contract negotiations. Mr. Khumalo informed the Board members that the Town has offered a 2.5%, 1.75% and 1.5% for each year, respectively, of a 3-year contract. As of the time of Executive Session, the union has not countered the Town’s offer; but, rather, sent a letter asking to negotiate with the Board directly. [​Mr. Herr left executive session in the middle of the discussion​] The Board discussed various strategies for the negotiations. The members came to a reasonable resolution of 2.5%, 2% and 2% for three-year contract. The desire was to avoid any lengthy arbitration process. If rejected by the union, the Town will proactively file for arbitration. The Town Manager mentioned there are a dozen or so housekeeping items that both sides agree, as well as consensus on other items the Town is asking for, specifically control over health insurance premium contribution rates. MOVED​ by Mr. Mosher that if there is not significant movement by the Union by July, the Board authorized the Town Manager and Special Labor Counsel to file for mediation/arbitration SECONDED​ – Mr. Coutinho ​ROLL CALL​: Mr. Mosher- Yes, Mr. Cestari, Mr. Coutinho-Yes, Mr. Palleiko-Yes. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. The Chair entertained a motion to exit executive session and reconvene in public session. MOVED​ – Mr. Mosher ​SECONDED​ – Mr. Palleiko ​ROLL CALL​: Mr. Mosher- Yes, Mr. Cestari, Mr. Coutinho-Yes, Mr. Palleiko. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. The Board moved into public session at 6:34 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Benjamin L. Palleiko, Chairman