HomeMy Public PortalAbout1995-09-07Rev 9-20-95 Town of Truckee REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 1995, 6:00 PM Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA MINUTES CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cross called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. ROLL CALL. Town Manager Wright called the roll with Council Members Carpenter, Drake, McCormack and Mayor Cross being present. Council Member Eagan was excused. Town Staff present included Town Manager Steve Wright, Town Attorney Dennis Crabb, Public Works Director Jon Lander, Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook, Finance Director Jill Brown and Staff Assistant Jim Smith. Also present was Nevada County Fifth District Supervisor Sam Dardick, and Nevada County Planning Commissioner Barbara Green. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Barbara Green. PUBLIC COMMENT. 4.1 Brad Stanley. spoke as a private citizen, and not as a representative of the Truckee Sanitary District (TSD) regarding the Town's plan to construct a sand barn at the Town's Corporation Yard (TSD property). He and neighbors are concerned about plans to bring in sand tracks on Reynolds Way causing road damage and citing safety concerns to children. On behalf of the neighbors, Mr. Stapley requested public notice of the planned construction. Mr. Stapley also referred to former Mayor Eagan who had reported during negotiations to acquire the property that no sand macks would be using that facility. Mayor Cross stated that he did not recall anyone saying that. Town Manager Wright responded stating there would be a public notice process and the Town has an engineer currently developing improvement plans for the site that would include layout, site analysis and assessment. The minutes would be reviewed relating to any prior statements about use of the property. Mr. Stapley inquired how the sand delivery macks would enter the property, whether it would be via Reynolds Way or River View Drive. He further inquired when the public notice period would commence. Town Manager Wright stated that it should start within 30 days, and the Town would provide notification. 4.2 Michael Milmer addressed the Council regarding his attempts to acquire the proper permits required of both Nevada County and the Town to operate his commercial white water operations on the Truckee River. He was asking the Council to adopt a river management plan to allow outfitters on the Truckee River. He also expressed concern about receiving no response from the Town to prior requests he had made. Mr. Miltner also requested a joint negotiation meeting with Town, Nevada County and Placer County representatives regarding development of a water use/river management plan for all of the Truckee River. Mayor Cross outlined the current priorities that are taking precedence over development of such a plan, but the issue will be dealt with in the future as it is not of benefit to the majority of the community at this time. The Mayor directed the Town Manager to place this issue on the Town's priority issues agenda. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 HIV Prevention/Community Plannine Grant Presentation. Chris Spencer of the Tahoe Truckee AIDS Task Force and Dr. Richard Burton, Nevada County Health Officer, made a joint presentation to the Council regarding current activities of the Task Force and distributed an information sheet related to planning for the Tahoe- Truckee community regarding HIV/AIDS education and prevention. Dr. Burton reviewed the three community meeting dates and locations, and also stated that additional public meetings are being planned for the end of the year to review and discuss a regional community health plan. Council Members voiced support for the Task Force and the need for continuing education in this area for all segments of the community. 5.2 Nevada County Budget Update. District 5 Supervisor Sam Dardick gave the Council an indepth review of the County's $100,548,000 budget citing many County departments, as well as the many difficulties facing the County. The current budget utilizes $2.2 million in County reserves to keep various departments operating. He stated that there are only two years' reserves left in some areas and that 11 other counties in the State could be facing bankruptcy in a few years, including Nevada County if no changes are made. The County's level of service is being impacted and the County is considering department consolidation, and hiring temporary summer workers. Truckee received very few cuts in the level of service for the Eastern County and some departments will have the same level of service for this year with some enhancement in the area of human services. Supervisor Dardick also reviewed the renovations at the Joseph Center and noted that some social service agencies and private non-profit organizations have already moved into the facility. Some non-profits are sharing space to save costs, sharing operating costs as well as establishing a shared referral system. The County's bed tax revenue has increased which will result in more dollars to the local chambers of commerce; the County has restored full funding to the library system for one year only and he stressed the need for all County communities to assist in obtaining funding in future years. Various education entities are working on a new collaborative plan to keep all libraries open and may establish an electronic Town Council Minutes Page 2 5.3 5.4 message system between the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, all the libraries, and Sierra College. Supervisor Dardick reported on the Sheriffs Department noting that no cuts were made at the Truckee Substation. However, he did indicate that a level of service investigation for the entire department will be forthcoming, and that the Jail Department is taking over management/supervision of the home detention and probation programs from the Probation Department as a cost cutting technique. The elimination of the Department of STAR is under review and transit programs could be shifted to the Nevada County Transportation Commission or a Joint Powers Transit Authority in which case the Town of Truckee may be asked to join. The Building and Grounds Department was discussed and Supervisor Dardick said that no maintenance for emergency generators is being provided in the event of power failure at the Joseph Center. The County also hopes to relinquish title to the Intermodal Transportation Terminal to the Town by October of this year. Mayor Cross suggested that contracting with the Town regarding issuance building permits, inspections and snow removal services could provide the County with additional costs savings. Supervisor Dardick said that this option is currently under discussion by the Board of Supervisors. Mayor Cross also asked what the County was doing to improve economic development within the County. Supervisor Dardick said that the County Economic Resources Council had received a $25,000 grant to entice industries to relocate to Nevada County and that the City of Grass Valley had joined that effort. It was consensus of the Council to establish another joint meeting with the Supervisors on a predetermined specific agenda to discuss various ways each municipality might be of assistance to the other. Low Income Housine Update. Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook informed the Council that the grant application previously approved by the Council for a low income housing program between the Tahoe Truckee Housing Corporation, Gregory Development, and Western Financial Group had been withdrawn. The parties were unable to negotiate a partnership agreement resulting in no project, and no application being submitted. General Plan Process Update. Director Lashbrook stated the Draft General Plan documents have been released and the public review process is now underway. Copies are available for public review at Town Hall, Truckee Library and the Copy Center where copies can be purchased. The Sierra Sun will be conducting a series of articles on the main areas of the Draft General Plan in the weeks ahead. Mr. Lashbrook also reviewed upcoming public meetings: September 12 (Fiscal Analysis), Town Council Minutes Page 3 September 13 (overview of the entire Draft Plan); October 4, October 5 and October 10 for the Planning Commission to receive public comment. Council Member Drake expressed concern that the general public does not read the legal notices and that the Town needs to provide a mom extensive program to make the community aware of the scheduled meeting dates and the need for public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR. Items 6.6, and 6.12 were pulled for discussion; 6.13 was pulled for reconsideration at a future meeting. Council Member Carpenter moved to approve items 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, and 6.11. Council Member Drake seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 6.1 Minutes of August 17, 1995 Regular Council Meeting -- approved. 6.2 Minutes of September 1, 1995 Regular Council meeting -- approved with Council Members Drake and McCormack abstained as they were not present at that meeting. 6.3 Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the Municipal Code Adding Chapter 9.12 (Nudity on Piers & in Public Parks) -- adopted Ordinance 9515. 6.4 Ordinance Amending Title 10 of the Municipal Code Adding Chapter 10.18 (Parking Regulations at Donner Lake) -~ adopted Ordinance 9516. 6.5 Abandonment of Public Utility Easement between Lots 399 and 400 in Unit 4 Prosser Lakeview Estates Subdivision -- approved Resolution 9531. 6.7 Town Attorney Contract -- approved. 6.8 10th Annual Tahoe Donner International Wheelchair Tennis Proclamation -- approved with Town Manager Wright reading a thank you letter received from the event organizer, Bonnie Sue Hickson. 6.9 Alcohol & Drug Prevention, Treatment & Recovery Month Proclamation -- approved. 6.10 Section 18 Agreement for Purchase of Alpine County Pamtransit Vehicle -~ approved Resolution 9533 after Public Works Director Lander explained a recently discovered financial discrepancy that was being resolved and that he would return to the Council on September 21, 1995 for authorization to request a 20% reimbursement from the Local Transportation Fund. 6. I 1 Emergency Services Operational Area Formation -~ approved. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 6.6 Final Map Approval for River Village. Discussion centered around the Multi- purpose Easements (MPE) on the Final Map. Director Lashbrook noted these are offered for drainage, snow storage, and slope easements, but there is not a homeowner's association for this development, it is unclear who would maintain the facilities. Director Lashbrook requested a condition of no sale of parcels until an agreement is established. Attorney Crabb explained to the Council that a subsequent Maintenance Agreement can be recorded simultaneously with the Final Map. Council Member Drake moved to adopt Resolution 9532 authorizing the Mayor's signature on the Final Map of River Village Subdivision, accept the Public Utility Easements, defer the acceptance of the street rights of way within Town Council Minutes Page 4 the subdivision, and require a written agreement for maintenance on the Multi- Purpose Easements. Council Member McCormack seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 6.12 Bid Award for Paratransit Taxi Service. Council Member McCormack pulled this item for discussion and questioned the cost to the Town for fides outside of the downtown zone and expressed concern that the Town might be encouraging use of the program for trips outside the immediate area. Town Manager Wright will monitor the program to see if a new demand is being created. Tom Sexton, Manager of Yellow Cab, is responsible for taxi operations from Incline Village, Tahoe West Shore and the Truckee Donner areas. He stated the company operates 40 cabs, 10 of which are committed to Truckee. He reiterated Yellow Cab's commitment to paratransit service, stated the company also provides paratransit service to TART (Tahoe Area Regional Transit), and thanked the Town for consideration of Yellow Cab's proposal. Council Member McCormack moved to award the bid for paratransit taxi service to Yellow Cab Co. of Kings Beach. Council Member Drake seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 7.1 Downtown Citizens Advisory Committee Appointment. Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook briefly recapped the need for the replacement of the citizen at large representative as Chris Mann had left the area and Ralph Hunt was also unable to serve. Two applicants from the original selection were reviewed (Craig Threshie and Robert Jensen) to fill the current vacancy. Council consensus was that since Mr. Jensen is a full-time resident and a licensed contractor that his services would be useful to the rest of the Advisory Committ6e. Council Member Drake moved to appoint Rober~ Jensen to fill the vacancy; Mayor Cross provided the second, and the motion passed unanimously. Council Member Carpenter requested that meeting notices be sent to Mr. Threshie since he had expressed a continuing interest in the Downtown Specific Plan study area. STAFF REPORTS 8.1 Tmckee-Donner Chamber of Commerce Liaison. Town Manager Wright reviewed the Chamber's August 11, 1995 letter to the Town. The Chamber had adopted a change in the organization's structure to allow for community representation to the organization. Four community liaisons had been selected include the Town Council, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, the Downtown Merchants Association, and the North Tahoe VCB. These positions are non-voting, non-board seats. Council discussed the appropriateness of the Town working this closely with the Chamber since the Town provides a portion of the Chamber's funding. Mayor Cross volunteered if the appropriateness of such an appointment could be determined. It Town Council Minutes Page 5 was felt that in order to communicate effectively in such a scenario, the Town Council needs to understand how the Chamber operates. Council Member Drake concurred. Council Member Carpenter raised the question of whether other community organizations will be seeking the same or similar representative. Town Attorney Crabb suggested the Council proceed cautiously if an official appointment of a Council Member is made, coupled with the Town's partial funding of Chamber activities as this appointment could trigger requirements of the Brown Act on the Chamber's activities. Mayor Cross offered to attend the September 14th Chamber meeting to gather additional information and will report back to the Council at its September 21st regular meeting. 8.2 Public Works Department Staffing. This item was deferred to September 1, 1995 Special Meeting at 6:00 PM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO COUNCIL MEMBERS 9.1 SB1105. Mayor Cross reported that SB1105 had successfully made it out of the Senate and the Bill was going to Governor Wilson for final review and signature. Council Member Carpenter suggested thank you letters to all in Sacramento who voted in favor of this piece of legislation. 9.2 Truckee River Basin Water Group. Council Member Carpenter reported that the Draft Environmental Statement is nearly ready for public comment. Due to the very technical content, it may become necessary for the TRBWG to hire a consultant to review upstream water issues, and all agencies on the Water Group could be requested to contribute approximately $5,000-7,000 each to pay necessary costs for a consultant. 9.3 Truckee-North Tahoe Transportation Management Association. Council Member Drake provided a brief report on the work of the TMA, noting that since Placer County approved a 2% increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax, that the recently formed Resort Association is already working on a Tahoe City improvement plan that would include sidewalks and beautification amenities. 10. ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Cross concluded this portion of the meeting at 7:35 PM and adjourned to Wednesday, September 13, 1995 at 6:00 PM at Town Hall to take up discussion of the Public Works Department Staffing. ~e Approved this 21st day of September, 1995. Town Council Minutes Page 6