HomeMy Public PortalAbout1961-03-25 Meeting96 There being no further business before the Council, a motion was made by Mr. Broeman to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Mr. Faulkner and unanimously approved. ATTEST: Village Clerk February 25, 1961 COUNCIL MINUTES MARCF 25, 1961 Mayor The Council of Bel Harbour Village met on Larch 25, 1961 at 9 :20 A.M. in the Village Hall. All members of the council were present. Also present were W. N, Webb, Village L1anager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas H. Andersen, Village Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Brce:an, the minutes of the previous meeting of February 2`., 1961 were approved as submitted. Mayor Hart suggested that the Council consider an appli— cation fer a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Thereupon Mr. John Bond spoke in behalf of the Red Top Sedan Service for chauffeur —driven limousines operating on an hourly basis flora the Americana Hotel. Mr. Ander;cn suggested that the Council take this matter under consideration until the April council meeting pointing out if the Red Top Sedan Service, Inc. has a legal right to operate under their certificate from the Florida Railroad b Utilities Commission, it would be pointless for the Council to deny permission. Mr. Beatty moved that the Seuncil accept Mr. Anderson's recommendation. 1t was seconded by Mr. Brceir.ar, and unanimously ap— proved. Mr. Webb advised the Council that the bids for the pumping station for storm drainage would be ready for the April council meet— ing. Mr. Webb read letters from the Balmoral Hotel and the Sea View Hotel expressing their appreciation of the Beach Nourishment Program. He advised the Council that he was successful in having the Army Engineers designate our Erosion Cistrict as a spoil area for an estimated 24,000 cubic yards of sand to be dredged ;ru:. the" Intracoastal waterway. This will constitute the first of the annual or bi—annual nourisIrcent progra.: tc be Lulu for by bade County. lie further stated that there is now an additiunai area to be dr;djed amounting to about 5,000 runic yarns a::: inasmuch as the Count,/ 6::— giueers did not wish to ask the uade County dummission fur additional money, they had su:igested that Hal harbour might wish tc purchase the additional sand for about 13,'50.00. kx. Broerian said be dig' nrt think the Council shoulu authorize this expenditure as it would L.encfit (Ally the Ocean Front taxpayers. Ater furth,r 6ibcnssito kr. Broom -tau moved that we not i. 'urchmse anymore sand at tt:i2 time, and that kr. douc should try to get the sa.cd by some other method if ; usciole. laic tiun was seconded by i.:r. Faulkner and unoni;acusly passed. The Village Clerk stated that at the close of kegistraticn for the April 4, 1961 election there were ldi reyictereci voters and asked that the list he approved as submitted if there were no chal— lenges. ;Ir. Broeman move: to approve the vcti;:q reyistr.'.ion list as sent out by the Village clerk. P,.. Beatt -.:ccndec the e n.otitn an: it t as unanimously approve°. The selection of Barbara 1:. Beckham; and dulen . . Oilcan or alternate as clecticn Clerks for the election Lc C.e hula on ANrii 4, 1961 was approved on motion c.f :.:r. Brueman, seucne.ud by i..r. Fa 1kner and unanimously voted. i.r. .+ebb thee, showeb plans for thc: extension of Collins Avenue tc the Council advisir,o that the estimated cost o th.: turn around is 110,000.00 not including lauuscut,inq. After discussion it was decided that Cr. Anderson rihouiu hew: co_e time to louk into the Lathod of financin; this cork, and it r,a„ unanimously agreed uy all that it be tabled until the A: rf i council .nee t:_nq. Mr. 'b'ebh read a utter fro.:, the F:::crica:ca hotel thanking r. Le=.tty for t:is efforts in cringing the Home Builders .;unventiou to the Americana l;o'el pointing out that this would ;mean 10G0 rooms to the Bel ,.arbour area in A;; lust, 1`!ifL. The ..;embers of the Oc..uncil extendeu their congraiul,ticns to kr. Beatty. ,tScLLTlu :: ..L. 76 llvritit: LC3 ia't. :i ;ci.21.7 was passed upon ;notion of C.r. Faulkner, seconded L, uneniaously approved by the Llounci1. t3roe.l:an and There being no further business to come before the douncil, the meeting Pus adjouxc:ed upon motion of kr. Bcdtty, secc:1;ed by :..r. Alto. Attest: Village Clerk Larch 25, 1961 hc.�n t Vkcil tiayor