HomeMy Public PortalAboutMay 2017 - 1st Newsletter 1 RIVERDALE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday April 4, 2017, Riverdale City Hall FFrroomm tthhee CCiittyy ooff RRiivveerrddaallee 556633--335555--22551111 111100 MMaannoorr DDrriivvee RRiivveerrddaallee,, IIAA 5522772222 MMaayy 22001177 LANDSCAPE WASTE BURNING REMINDER!!!! • Be considerate of your neighbors • Only burn yard waste from your property • Adult attendance is required • Must have a reachable water source nearby • Must be completely extinguished from dusk to dawn • Burn barrels are not allowed • May not burn in City Streets or on City property • Must be 20’ from property line or structures We do not want to lose this privilege due to a couple of people who refuse to abide by the law. The Sheriff has been instructed to write citations for burning infractions Independence Day Celebration Tuesday, July 4th Volunteers are needed!!!! Volunteer Chairpersons Needed for … Set up: Open Parade: Open Family Games: Open Ice Cream Social: Open Tear Down: Open Call City Hall 355-2511 to volunteer (Leave a message if after office hours) 2 RIVERDALE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday April 4, 2017, Riverdale City Hall Mayor Sonya Paddock opened the regular session of the Riverdale City Council at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, with all standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Council: Cheryl Channon, Linda Hupp, George Seaberg, Doug Littrel, Dean Halsey. Also present: George Miller-Maintenance, Floyd Bruns-Fire Chief, Mike Walker & Courtney Wilson- City Attorneys, Tim Long- Consultant, Nick Wagner & Christian Cooper of MSA, JoAnn Welch, Carol & Jim Tucker, Dean & Judy Hiles, Ernie Halston, Jim Long, Steven Townsend, Julie Naab, Sue & Mark Griswold, Ann Schoultz, Marie Randol, John & Nancy Ulrich, Tom Dalton, Jim Beran, Eric & Wendy Syverud, Bonnie Wolff, Bert Waldner, Teri Stickler, Karen & Steve Hanna, Jeffrey Grindle, Harry M. Pelton, Patrick & Judy Tray, Lois Kempton, Ken Hughes, Andrew & Maggie Iverson, Don & Pat Fisher, Tim Curran, Dennis & Melanie Glew, Joe Stewart, Linda Veit, Kevin Adams, Don & Barb Wright, Shanon Musal, Troy & Laura Welvaert, Bob Kramer, Jay Richter, Marcus & Ellen Welding, Ed Collins, Dale Hupp. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Paddock entertained a motion to approve the Agenda. MOTION by Channon, seconded by Seaberg to approve the agenda. Roll Call: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, Littrel-aye, Halsey-aye. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION by Littrel, seconded by Halsey to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Channon-abstained, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, Littrel-aye, Halsey-aye. Four ayes, one abstention. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS LIST APRIL 4, 2017 VENDOR NAME REFERENCE TOTAL Century Link City Hall/F.D. Telephone $206.25 City Of Davenport Pym to Dvpt Plant Operation & Capital Improve. $4502.32 Cribbs Landscaping Snow Removal $910.00 George Miller F.D. Training $21.00 Hopkins & Huebner, P.C. Legal Expenses $20,006.34 Intergrated Solutions Computer Expense $110.00 Mid-American Energy Co. City Hall, Streets, Parks, Utilities $1320.28 MSA General & Sewer Engineering $2060.18 Myra Halsey Janitorial Service $350.00 Tri-State Fire Control F.D. Uniforms $5203.65 . Total General $28,477.52 Road Use Tax $910.00 Sewer $5,261.03 Sewer – Capital Projects $41.47 Total $34,690.02 PAYROLL APRIL 4, 2017 Mary Frances Blevins $1,012.18 George Miller $608.58 Total Payroll $1620.76 PRESENTATIONS: Nick Wagner – MSA provided the Mayor and Council with a memo regarding a listing of items for consideration to the Welch property Development Agreement. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COUNCIL: Mayor Paddock thanked the Council for their endurance with this job and always looking out for what is best for the city and commented that she expects the meeting to be run in an orderly and civil manor with those speaking to an issue to stay on that issue and do so with respect. Residents need to be prepared when they address the Council in a formal setting. Mayor suggested often questions could be addressed in the office prior to the meetings or by calling one of the Council Members. She asked that only one attendee speak at a time and only when recognized by the presiding officer. The topic at this time is where the viable options are for the road access into the Welch property and that this is a discussion phase and the Council is seeking legal council on all proceedings regarding the development. Mayor said she has nine months left of her term and will not allow disrespect in these chambers. 3 Mayor Paddock asked Acting Assistant Clerk to read the letters to the Council that were received prior to the meeting. Blevins read letters from Don Fisher, Marie Randol, Art & Bert Rose and James T ucker. Mayor Paddock stated she received phone calls from Tim Staub who is okay with the development but against TIF and Lou Wren who is for the development but against TIF. Hupp said she received a call from Mrs. Hillsten who would vote for the old farm house road. Mayor Paddock emphasized that an entrance will not be chosen tonight but Council are finding options during this discussion phase and points that are presented by residents that need to be addressed. At the recommendation of the City Attorney, we are to pick the top two options and have the City Attorney, Engineer and City Consultant work on it. Mayor Paddock asked Council if they wanted a time limit for attendees to speak. MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Hupp to allow four minutes per speaker. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. The following attendees spoke followed by abbreviated comments: Mark Griswold, 140 Elmhurst Ln–Welch farm is not land-locked, ability to enter from State Street, no City funds used Sue Griswold, 140 Elmhurst Ln – concerned about impact on residents and traffic on Manor Dr. and keeping hill stable. Dean Hiles, 211 Circle Dr-preference for the road is off State Street Maggie Iverson, 101 Circle Dr-against road off Circle Dr. and Manor Dr. Linda Veit, 105 Elmhurst Ln-too much stress on Manor Dr. and dangerous, needs second way out Barb Wright, 225 Manor Dr-not against project but only two options are off State Street, light is the better option Dennis Glew, 320 Manor Dr-against Manor Dr. due to safety issues along with deterioration of street Judy Hiles, 211 Circle Dr-favor development but entrance only off State St, keep ambiance of present neighborhood Joe Stewart, #1 Windsor Dr-questioned cost of Manor Dr. and if part of TIF Carol Tucker, 204 Circle Dr-not in favor of entrance off Manor or Circle Dr., only on State Street Andrew Iverson, 101 Circle Dr-State St. is best option, safety is primary consideration, need two accesses for emergencies Eric Syverud, 219 Circle Dr-road should come off State St only, opposed to TIF Jay Richter, 409 Manor Dr-fear is emergency road will turn into permanent road Teri Stickler, 334 Circle Dr-too many concessions already to Woods, 1. Access off State St. 2. Developer pay for road John Ulrich, 210 Manor Dr- support the State St. entrance Julie Naab, 220 Circle Dr- is for State St. because not wanting to deal with mud and issues with heavy trucks Tim Curran, 243 Circle Dr-in favor of development, but not at residents expense, only option is State Street, no TIF Kevin Adams, 343 Manor Dr-thought entrance was always off State St., will process start over Harry Pelton, 624 Fieldcrest Rd-Manor Dr. is not the place to put road in. State St. is the best option and no TIFs Jim Beran, 234 Manor Dr-suggested a gravel road off State St for construction and all is needed is permit from DOT Mayor Paddock commented on the history of the process in dealing with developers. Mr. Tom Dalton added comments on the history of dealing with other developers in that Woods was the first showing interest. Then other developers looked at it and said the State St. entrance and up the hill was too expensive. All but one of the other developers wanted to pursue TIF. Mayor Paddock reported the IDOT said there could be a preliminary application done which was approved by the council. Mayor Paddock stated that this is only the fact finding period and a decision needs to be made on the accepted entrance before any more work is done. Seaberg thanked the residents for attending the meeting and said this is what the community is about, to come and voice your opinions. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS and DISCUSSION closed at 8:28 p.m. UNFINISHED BUSINESS commenced at 8:28 p.m. 1. Mayor Paddock stated that a Development Agreement would be agreed upon between the City of Riverdale and the developer prior to any decisions being made regarding plats of the property and development beginning. There are too many factors to make an informed decision and the City Attorney recommended choosing two options to research. Mayor Paddock asked Tim Long, Consultant, to give a brief explanation of TIF regarding residential areas. Judy Hiles thanked the Council for taking time to listen to all of the residents. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Seaberg to proceed with a traffic study for both State Street entrances to determine which one would be the best. Roll Call: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, Littrel-no, Halsey-no. Three ayes, two nays. Motion carried. 2. Mayor Paddock commented on a phone call from Lou Wren regarding the Development Agreement in that it should include a Surety Bond for road repairs. NO ACTION 3. MOTION by Channon, seconded by Seaberg to approve the Second Reading of Ordinance Second Reading Of Ordinance 2017-202 Rezoning Parcels 842333002, 842349002, 842351001 & 842601006AD Known As “The 94.85 +/- Acres Of The Welch Farm” Located At 4742 State Street In The City Of Riverdale, Iowa From “R-1” To “R-1A”. 4 Roll Call: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, Littrel-aye, Halsey-aye. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: 4. MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Hupp to schedule the Employment Interviews with Council on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, starting at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, Littrel-aye, Halsey-aye. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE REPORT: Hupp thanked the residents for their attendance and stated that the park was originally developed by a land donation from ALCOA. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL AND OTHER OFFICIALS: Mayor Paddock presented a purchase request from George Miller for an AED battery in the truck that needs to be replaced. MOTION by Halsey, seconded by Littrel to allow the purchase All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Halsey to send George Miller, Maintenance to a meeting in Marion, Iowa, by MSA and the State of Iowa covering the topic of Storm Water and cover his expenses. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Halsey to adjourn. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Sonya Paddock, Mayor Attested By: Scharlott Blevins, Acting Assistant City Clerk MINUTES RIVERDALE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Mayor Paddock opened a Special Session of the Riverdale City Council at 6:08 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. ROLL CALL: Present: Cheryl Channon, Linda Hupp, George Seaberg. Absent: Doug Littrel, Dean Halsey. Attendees: Michael Walker and Courtney Wilson-City Attorneys, Steve Huber, Steve Townsend, Ronald Fullerlove, Heather Tewkesbury, Mary Frances Blevins. Mayor Paddock led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Paddock entertained a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion by Hupp, seconded by Channon to approve the Agenda. ROLL CALL: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye, All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Paddock opened discussion regarding Interviews for Clerk/Treasurer and stated there were 20 resumès received and we had scheduled 4 interviews tonight. One interviewee e-mailed and cancelled at the last moment due to an emergency. Mayor Paddock introduced Ronald Fullerlove, Steve Huber, and Heather Tewkesbury. Mayor Paddock introduced Ronald Fullerlove who proceeded to introduce himself listing his qualifications and why he is interested in the position. Mayor Paddock introduced Steve Huber who stated he wanted a closed session. Mayor Paddock called for a Closed Session stating: PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE SEC 21.5(1)(i), To Evaluate The Professional Competency Of An Individual Whose Appointment, Hiring, Performance Or Discharge Is Being Considered When Necessary To Prevent Needless and Irreparable Injury To That Individual’s Reputation And That Individual Requests a Closed Session. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Channon to close the session at 6:15 p.m. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. CLOSED SESSION began at 6:16 p.m. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Channon to re-open the session at 6:30 p.m. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Paddock introduced Heather Tewkesbury who stated she wanted a closed session. Mayor Paddock called for a Closed Session stating: PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE SEC 21.5(1)(i). MOTION by Channon, seconded by Hupp to close the session at 6:31 p.m. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Hupp to re-convene the Open Session at 6:59 p.m. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. OPEN SESSION: Mayor Paddock thanked the interviewees for coming. 5 MOTION by Seaberg, seconded by Hupp to hire Ron Fullerlove for the position of Clerk/Treasurer at the beginning salary of $22.00 per hour. ROLL CALL: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Seaberg to CLOSE SESSION PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE SEC. 21.5 (1) (c) To Discuss Matters In Litigation With Councel. ROLL CALL: Channon-aye, Hupp-aye, Seaberg-aye. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. OPEN SESSION reconvened at 7:56 p.m. Mayor Paddock opened discussion regarding the Storm Drain Issue on Manor Drive. George Miller stated the catch basin is washed out and needs to be repaired. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Seaberg to approve George Miller to repair the catch basin on Manor Drive not to exceed $500. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Hupp, seconded by Channon to adjourn the meeting. All ayes, MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Sonya Paddock, Mayor Attested By: Scharlott Blevins, Acting Assistant City Clerk RIVERDALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 18, 2017 – RIVERDALE CITY HALL Mayor Sonya Paddock opened the regular session of the Riverdale City Council at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Council Roll Call: Present: Cheryl Channon, Linda Hupp, , Doug Littrel, Dean Halsey. Absent was George Seaberg. Other Attendees: Ronald Fullerlove, Scharlott Blevins, Nick Wagner (MSA), Marie Randol, Steve Hanna, Steve Townsend, Ann Shoults, Mark Griswold, James Beran, Sue Griswold Mayor Paddock led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Paddock entertained a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion made by Channon, and seconded by Littrel. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Consent Agenda was not allowed due to absence of Mr. Seaberg. Approval Of Council Minutes For April 4, 2017. Motion to approve minutes by Channon, sconded by Hupp to approve minutes. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of Council Minutes for April 11, 2017. Motion to approve minutes by Channon, seconded by Hupp. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Aproval Of Warrants For April 18, 2017. Motion to approve warrants by Channon, seconded by Hupp. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS LIST APRIL 18, 2017 VENDOR NAME REFERENCE TOTAL AAA Storage & RV Parking Storage Rental $75.00 American Water Usage Records $53.50 AJ Gallagher Risk Mng Service F.D. Emt Liability Insurance $2,626.00 Bi-State Regional Community Quarterly Membeship $275.50 Cribbs Landscaping Parks/City Hall Mowing $2,214.50 EMC Insurance Companies F.D. Insurance $27,579.00 K&K True Value Hardware F.D. Training 36.75 K&K True Value Hardware City Hall Misc Expense $11.98 K&K True Value Hardware Parks Misc Expense $26.11 6 K&K True Value Hardware Street Misc Expense $8.11 K&K True Value Hardware F.D, Vehicle Maintenance $35.77 Mediacom Computer Expense $63.02 MSA Storm Water Engineering $2,476.25 QC Employ Me Ad Publishing $122.00 Quad City Times & Journal Publishing 275.55 Republic Services Garbage Contract $3,193.32 River Valley Wildlife LLC Deer & Coyote Removal $325.00 Scott County Library System Library Payment $7,589.00 Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Rewards Fee $50.00 Wells Fargo F.D. Training $215.97 Wells Fargo C.H. Street Sweeper Training $162.07 Wells Fargo C.H. Misc Expense $25.76 Wells Fargo Streets Misc Expense $25.76 Wells Fargo Parks Misc Expense $25.76 Wells Fargo Snow Removal Expense $25.76 Wells Fargo Annual Egg Hunt Expense $129.85 Wells Fargo Certified Mail $183.60 Wells Fargo Publishing $401.00 Wells Fargo F.D. Appreciation Dinner $1,387.59 Wells Fargo F.D. Misc Expense $47.49 Total General $49,537.61 Total Road Use Tax $25.76 Total Sewet $136.00 Total $49,699.93 PAYROLL April 18, 2017 Sonya Paddock $749.38 Mary Frances Blevins $1,079.56 George T. Miller $541.29 Scharlott A. Blevins $938.65 Total Payroll $3,308.88 Approval Of City Clerk/Treasurer Attending Training July 17-21 Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute In Ames MOTION to approve training by Channon, seconded by Hupp. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. PRESENTATIONS: MSA Engineering Update: Nick Wagner, PE reported on the projects that MSA is currently engaged with. He stated that the permits have been submitted for the Welch property Project, and that information would be presented at the next Council meeting regarding the Storm Siren project for Haven Acres. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COUNCIL: Mark Griswold inquired as to the plans for the access road for the new addition. The response was that the City is pursuing the access from State Street. James Beran commented on the City-wide yard sale. He volunteered to head up the project, and and stated he would coordinate with others regarding communications to the community. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Third and Final Reading Of Ordinance 2017-202 Rezoning Parcels 842333002, 842349002, 842351001 & 842601006AD Known As “The 94.85 +/- Acres Of The Welch Farm” Located At 4742 State Street In The City Of Riverdale, Iowa From “R-1” To “R-1A”. Motion to approve Ordinance by Hupp, seconded by Halsey. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Discussion And Possible Action On City Wide Garage Sale. James Beran volunteered to head up the project and will report as appropriate. 3. Discussion And Possible Action On RESOLUTION 2017-13 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE CITY CLERK – CITY TREASURER. Motion to approve Resolution by Littrel, seconded by Channon. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION #2017 - 13 7 RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE CITY CLERK – CITY TREASURER WHEREAS, on April 11th, 2017, the City Council interviewed and approved the hiring of Ronald Fullerlove as the City Clerk – Treasurer; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to officially appoint Ronald Fullerlove as City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Council approves the Mayor’s appointment of Ronald Fullerlove as City Treasurer; and WHEREAS, both the City Council and the Mayor agree to combine the position of City Clerk and City Treasurer as one position; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Riverdale, Iowa appoints Ronald Fullerlove as the City Clerk/City Treasurer at a pay rate of $22.00 an hour. This Resolution shall take immediate effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 18th day of April, 2017. 4. Discussion And Possible Action On RESOLUTION 2017-14 A RESOLUTION RETURNING THE ACTING CITY CLERK-CITY TREASURER TO THE PREVIOUS POSITION OF ASSISTANT CITY CLERK. Motion to approve Resolution by Halsey, seconded by Littrel. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION #2017 - 14 RESOLUTION RETURNING THE ACTING CITY CLERK – TREASURER TO THE PREVIOUS POSITION OF ASSISTANT CITY CLERK WHEREAS, on February 21, 2017, the Riverdale, Iowa City Council appointed the Assistant City Clerk to Acting City Clerk – Treasurer to temporarily fill the position until the City could hire a Clerk-Treasurer; and WHEREAS, Mary Frances Blevins previously served as the Assistant City Clerk for the City of Riverdale, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk-Treasurer position has been filled and the City Council desires to return Mary Frances Blevins to her previous position at a pay rate of $20 per hour; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Riverdale, Iowa appoints Mary Frances Blevins as the Assistant City Clerk – Treasurer at a pay rate of $20.00 an hour with the adjusted pay rate beginning at the start of the next pay period. This Resolution shall take immediate effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 18th day of April, 2017. 5. Discussion And Possible Action On RESOLUTION 2017-15 A RESOLUTION RETURNING THE ACTING ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TO THE PREVIOUS POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Motion to approve Resolution by Hupp, seconded by Channon. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION # 2017 - 15 RESOLUTION RETURNING THE ACTING ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TO THE PREVIOUS POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WHEREAS, on February 21, 2017, the Riverdale, Iowa City Council appointed the Administrative Assistant to Acting Assistant City Clerk to temporarily fill the position until the Assistant City Clerk could return to that position; and WHEREAS, Scharlott Blevins previously served as an Administrative Assistant for the City of Riverdale, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Clerk is returning to that position and the City Council desires to return Scharlott Blevins to h er previous position at her current pay rate of $15 an hour; and WHEREAS, the City occasionally needs someone to take City Co uncil Minutes in the event the City Clerk/Treasurer is unavailable; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Riverdale, Iowa, returns Scharlott Blevins to her previo us appointment of Administrative Assistant continuing at the current pay rate of $15.00 an hour and specifically authorizes her to continue to take the City Council Minutes if needed. This Resolution shall take immediate effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 18th day of April, 2017. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Discussion And Possible Action On RESOLUTION 2017-16 A RESOLUTION CORRECTING LEDGER ERROR CONCERING MISC REVENUE –GENERAL 001-950-4700 AND LOCAL OPTION REVENUE 121- 950-4090. Motion to approve Resolution by Hupp, seconded by Channon. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 2017 – 16 RESOLUTION CORRECTING ACCOUNTING LEDGER ERROR CONCERNING MISC REVENUE-GENERAL 001-950-4700 AND LOCAL OPTION REVENUE 121-950-4090 WHEREAS, on November 12, 2015, $4980.62 recorded as “UNKNOWN DEPOSIT FROM ST. IOWA” was placed in account 001 -950- 4700 MISC REVENUE-GENERAL which should have been recorded in account 121-950-4090 LOCAL OPTION REVENUE; WHEREAS, the recent audit by the State of Iowa found the ledger error; WHEREAS, the ledger error can be corrected by transferring $4980.62 from the 0 01-950-4700 MISC REVENUE-GENERAL to the 121- 950-4090 LOCAL OPTION REVENUE account; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Riverdale, Iowa authorizes the transfer to correct the l edger error by transferring $4980.62 from the 001-950-4700 MISC REVENUE-GENERAL to the 121-950-4090 LOCAL OPTION REVENUE account. This Resolution shall take immediate effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 18th day of April, 2017. 7. Discussion And Possible Action to allow for Up to 5 days Training With Data Technology On Summit Software, Approximately $700 Per Day Plus Travel Expense. Motion to approve training by Hupp, seconded by Littrel. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 8 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BETTENDORF, IA PERMIT NO. 28 1. Discussion And Possible Action On Changing Council Meeting Dates. Discussion presented was to change the regular Council Meetings to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month. There being no objection, the Mayor was directed to prepare a Resolution effectively changing the meeting dates as of July 1, 2017 COMMITTEE REPORT: Dean Halsey reported an a successful Easter Egg Hunt,and thanked all who helped. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL AND OTHER OFFICIALS: PMZ Training will be held May 15, 2017. James Beran commented on the water pressure. It was reported that the water company has already been notified. ADJOURNMENT: Motion made to adjourn by Halsey, seconded by Littrel. All AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 P.M. Sonya Paddock, Mayor Attested By: Ronald E. Fullerlove, City Clerk Council &Their Committee Appointments: Sonya Paddock (355-6363) - Mayor Cheryl Channon (332-4730)- Mayor ProTem, Contracts & Budget Dean Halsey (355-2013) - Infrastructure, Parks & Safety Linda Hupp (355-3386) - Parks, Contracts & Budget Doug Littrel (209-7479) - Infrastructure, & NPDES Management, George Seaberg (359-1835) - Safety, NPDES Management Infrastructure Lou Wren (355-1300) - Zoning Inspector. Please contact him regarding any Construction projects. City Hall (563)355-2511 www.RiverdaleIA.org CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE Tentative date for the Garage Sale – May 20 The possibility of changing the date(s) to June is being considered.More information will be available after the May 2, 2017 Council Meeting.