HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1301 ORDINANCH N0. 1301 CHAPTER 12 1/2 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE SECTION 12 1/2 STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION, FINDINGS OF FACT, PURPOSF, AND METHODS Sec. 12 1/'L-l.. STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. The legislature of the State of California has in Government Code Sections 65302, 65560 and 65800 conferred upon loca]. government units authority to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizenry. Therefore, the City Council of City of Lynwood does ordain as follows: Sec. 12 1/2-'L. FINDINGS OF FACT (1) The flood hazard areas of City of Lynwood are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life and and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmenta]. services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood. protection and rel.i.ef, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the publ.i.c health, safety and general welfare. (2) These flood losses are caused by the cumial.ati.ve effect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards which increase flood heights and velocities, and when inadequately anchored, damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inadequately floodproofed, elevated or otherwise protected. from flood damage also r_ontribute to the flood .loss. Sec. 12 1/2-3. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. It i.s the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to Y].ood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed: (a) To protect human .fife and heaa.t,h; (b) To minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; (c) To minimize the need for rescue and relief ef.'forts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; (d) To minimize prolonged business interruptions; (e) To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard; (f) To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the second use and development of areas of special flood hazard so as to minimize future flood blight areas; (g) To insure that potential buyers are not.ifi.ed that property is in an area. of special flood hazard; and. (h) To insure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility f.'or their actions. Sec. 1'l 1/24. METHODS OF REDUCING FLOOD LOSSES. In order to accomplish its purposes, this ordinance includes methods and. provision for: A. Restricting or prohibiting uses which ar.e dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion hazard or which result i.n damagi.ng increases in erosion or flood heights or velocities; B. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected. against flood damage at the time of initial construction; C. Controlling the alteration of natural f.loodp.lains, stream channels, and natural. protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel. flood waters; D. Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and. other development which may increase flood damage; and, E. Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert f:Lood waters or which. may increase flood hazards in other areas. Sec. 12 1/25. DEFINITIONS Unless specifically defined below, words or. phrases used in this ordinance sha1.1 be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this ordinance its most reasonable application. "Anneal" means a request for a review of the Floodpaai.n Administrator's interpretation of any provision of this ordinance or. a request for a variance. 2 "Area of shallow floo__ ~i~_ means a designated AO on the Flood insurance Rate Ma dephths ran e p (FIRM of AH lone g from one to three ) The base flood channel does not feet; a clearly defined unpredictable and eindeterminateh of flooding is evident. , and. velocity flow may be "Base flood" means the flood havin on being equalled or exceeded in ang a one perr_ent c the "100- hange Year flood"), Y given Year (also called "Basement" subg ar de means any area of the bui.ld.i.ng havin (below ground .level) on a..tl g ~.ts f.toor sides. "Brea!__ ia~,,ay walls" are any type of walls, whether solid or lattice, and whether constructed of concre metal, plastic or any other suita.lbe buildin, masonr is not Y, wood, part of the structura]. support the build~nerial. which is designed to break away under abnormall g and whir_h wave action without causing any damage toythegh tides or integrity of the building on which they are usedrortanyl buildings to which they might be carried by flood waters, breadaway wall shall. have a safe design loadin of not less `9 than ten and no more than g resistance square foot. Use of breakawa twenty pound per registered engineer or architectaand shallbmeetrtified by a following conditions: the 1• Breakaway wall collapse shall. result i'rom a water load less than that which would occur during the base flood; and, 2, The elevated portion of the building shall not incur any structural damage due to the effects of wind and water loads aoting simu.ltaneousl,y in the event of the base flood.. "Development" ~.mimpro~ ealeestatey man-made change to improved or buildings or other structur.esding but not limited. to grading, paving, excavation or drillgn dredging, filling, g operations. "FJ.ood or floo~n~ means a general and temporary condition of partial or. complete inundation of normally dry .la.nd areas from (1) the overflow of flood waters, (L) the unusual and rapid accummulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, and. /or (3) the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other. body of.' water as a erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents exceeding anticipated cyc:Lical levels or result of an unusually high water level in a °f water suddenly caused. by accompanied. by a severe storm, or bnatural bod Y of water, Y an unanticipated force 3 of nature, such as flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding as defined i.n this definition. "Flood Bou__,_ ndary and F:Lo__ odWaY Mgp_ means the officia) ma.p on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency or. Federal. Administration has delineated. both the areas of f.tood hazard and the floodway. "Flood Insurance which the FPderalREmerg~-e ~ FIRM means the official map on Insurance Administration hasManagement Agency or Federal special. flood hazards delineated both areas of to the community, and. the risk premium zones a ppli.cab.le "Flood Insu_____r~n~e Study" means the of 'i.c.i_al report by the Federal Insurance Administration. that profiles pr.ovi.ded the FIRM, the Flood Boundar includes fl.ood- the water surface elevation of 3' and Flood.way Ma the base flood. p' and. "FLOOD PLAIN OR FLOOD PROOF AREA" to being inundated b means any ].and susceptible of "flooding"), Y water from any source (See definition "Floodnlain management" progr m of correc----- time --" means the operation of an overall. flood. dama and preventive measures far r. educing ge, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood. control works and floodp]_ain management regulations. F1°°----dnla?!? mana~t re ulations" means zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations regulations, special , building codes ordinance purpose ordinances , health grading ordinance and erosion(such as floodplain and other application of control ordinance) such state or. local. regulations power. The term describes which provide standards for thPin any combination thereof, prevention a.nd reduction, purpose of flood damage "Floodoroo___f_inP„ means any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved. real property, water and. sanitary faci.l.ities, structures and their contents. " "Floodwav" --__~_ means the channel. of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved. in to discharge the base flood without cumulativel the water surface elevation more than one foot, A]SOOrder referred. to as Y increasing "Regulatory floodway" "Funetionall dependent use" perform its intended means a use which cannot out in close purpose unless it is located or docking faci.lptiesmitY to water, The term includes on].yried port facilities that are necessary for 4 the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship building and. ship and unloading of cargo or passengers ship building and ship repair facilit,i.es, but does not include lon and g-term storage or related manufacturing facilities. "H.i____~hest ad___a~ent rade" means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed. walls of a structure. "Lowest floor" means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement . enc:losu.re, usable solely)forAn unfinished or flood resistant ar_cess or storage in an area. othernthan aehicles, building not considered a building's lowest floo r basement area is such enclosure is not built so as to renderrthedstdructure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this ordinance. "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable i_n one or more sections, which is built on a is designed for use with or without a permanent foundationd when connected to the required utilities. For floodplain management purposes the term "manufactured home" also i.ncaudes park trai.l.ers, travel. trailers and other similar veh.i.cles place on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. "Manufa.ctured home ark or subdi~n_. means a contiguous parcels of parcel (or manufactured home ) land divided. into two or more lots for sale or rent. "Mean sea level" means, for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National. Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of• 1929 or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown on a communi.ty's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced. "New constr.ucti.on" means, for floodplain managemement purposes, structures for. which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted. by this community. "One hundred ear flood' or which has a one percent annual0----~- flood" means a flood or exceeded. It id identical torthebility of being equalled. will be the term used throughout this ordinaneea ~''hich Pe---rson" means an individual or his agent, firm, partnership, association or corporation, or agent of the aforementioned groups, or this state or its agencies or poai_ti_cal subdivisions. "Remedy a vi.ola.tion" development int in-- ~o.com means to bring the structure or other pli_ance with State or local. floodplain 5 management regulations, or, if this is not possible, to reduce the impacts of its noncompliance. Ways that impacts may be reduced include protecting the structure or other affected development from flood damages, implementing the enforcement provi.si.ons of the ordinance or otherwise deterring future similar violations, or reducing Federal financial exposure with regard to the structure of other development. "Ri.verline" means relating to, formed by, or resemb:Ling a river (i.ncl.uding tributari.es), stream, brook, etc. "Special. flood hazard. area SFHA means an area having speciaa. fJ.ood or f.l.ood-re.l.ated erosion hazards, and shown on an FHRM or FIRM as Zone A, AO, Al-30, AE, A99, or AH. "Start of Constr_uoti.on" includes substantial. improvement, and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual. start of construction, repair, reconstruction, p:l.acement, or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual. start, menas either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a sate, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the i.nsta:l:laY,ion of piles, the construction. of columns, or any work beyond. the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not inc:l.ude .Land preparation, such as clearing, grading and fi.lli.ng; nor does it include 'the insta.ll.ation of streets and/o r. walkways; nor does not include excavation for a basement, footings, pie r. s, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages o.r. sheds not occupied as dwelling units or. not part of the main structure. "Structure" means a walled and. roofed. building, i_ncl.udi.ng a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground., as well a.s a manufactured home. "Substantial improvement" means any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure, either: (1) before the improvement or repair ,is started; or. (2) if the structure has been damaged, and is being restored., before the damage occurred.. For the purposes of this definition "substantial. improvement" i.s consi_dered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or. other structura]. part of the building commences, whether or. not that alteration affects the external. dimnesi.ons of Y,he structure. The term does not, however, include: (l) any project for improvement of.' a structure to comply 6 with existing state or local code speci.ficat,ions which are safe Li_ni.ng conditions; or health, sanitary, or safety solely necessary to assure (2) any alteration of a structure :Listed on the Nat'i_onal Register of Historic P.taces or a State inventory of Historic Places. "Var.i.ance" means a grant of relief from the requirements of this ordinance which permits construction im a manner that would otherwise be prohibited. by this ordinance. "Viola.tion" means the failure of a structure or. other development to be fully compliant with the community's floodplain management regulations. A structure or othr development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compl.i.ance required i.n this ordinance is presumed to be i.n violati.on until. such time as that documentation is provi.d.ed. Sec. 1.2 1/2-6. LANDS TO WHICH THIS ORDINANCE APPLIES. This ordinance sha.l.l. apply to all. areas of sper_i.a1 f.l.ood hazards within the juri.sdicti_on of City of Lynwood. Sec. 12 1/2-7. BASIS FOR, ESTABLISHING THE AREAS OF SPECIAL HAZARD. The areas of speci.a:L flood. hazard id_enti.fi.ed by the Federal. Emergency Management Agency or. the Federal Insurance Administration i.n a scientific and engineering report entitled "Flood. Insurance Study for City of Lynwood dated ), with an accompanying Flood. Insurance Rate Map is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. This Flood Insurance Study .is on file a.t 11330 Bul.l.is Road, C1Ly of Lynwood. This Flood Insurance Study is the m.imimum area of appl.i.cabi_lit,y of this ordinance and may be supplemented. by studies for other areas which allow implementation of this ordinance and which are recommended to the Cj.t;y Council by the Floodp].ain Admini.st;rator. Sec. 1.2 1/'L-S. COMPLIANCE. No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed., located, extended., converted., or altered. without ful.t compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other app].i.cable regulations. Vio:l.ations of Y,he provisions of this ordinance by failure to comply with any of i_t.s r.equir.ements (including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with conditions) shall. constitute a misdemeanor. Nothing herein sha].1 prevent the City Council from taking such l.awfu]. action as i.s necessa..ry to prevent or remedy any violation. Sec. ]2 1/2-9. ABROGATION AND GREATER. RESTRICTIONS. This ordinance is not intended. to repeal., abrogate, or i.mpa.ir any exi.st,i.ng easements, covenants, or deed. restrictions conflict or overlap, whichever. imposes the more stringent restrictions sha:Ll prevail. Sec. 12 1/2-10. INTERPRETATION. In the 9.nterpretation and. appl.icat:ion of this ord.i.nance, all. provisions sha:Ll be: A. Considered as minimum requirements; B. Liberally construed. i.n favor of the governing body; and., C. Deemed. neither to ].i.mi.t nor repeal. any oY.her powers granted under state statutes. Sec. 12 1/2-11. WARNING AND DISChAIMER CF LIABILITY. The degree of flood protection required. by this ordinance is considered. reasonable for regulatory purposes a,nd i.s based on scientific and engineering cons.dera.tions. L,a.rger floods ca.n a.nd wi.a.l occur on rare occasions. Flood heights ma.y be increased by ma,n-made or na.tura.l r.,auses. This ordi.ttance does not, impa.y that land outside the areas of special flood. hazards or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create J.:iabi_:Lity on the part of City of Lynwood any officer or employee thereoY, or the Federal Insurance Adm.nstrati.on, for any flood damages that result from re]i.ance on this ordinance or a.ny adminstrati.ve decision Lawful y made thereunder. Sec. ]2 T/'2-T'L. SEVERABTLITY. This ordinance and. the various parts thereof are hereby declared. to be severable. Should. any section of.' this ordinance be declared. by the courts to be unconstitutional. or .invali.d, such decision shall. not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, or any portion thereof other than the section so declared. to be unconstitutional. or invalid.. Sec. 12 1/'2-13. ESTABLISHMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. A Development Permit shall. be obtained before construction or. development begins wi.thi.n any area of special flood. hazards established i.n Secti.on Sec. 1.2 1/2-7. Application for a Development Permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Floodp.lain Administrator and may include, but not be limited. to: plans i.n duplicate drawn. to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and. elevation of the area i.n question; existing or proposed structures, f'il.]., storage of materials, drainage facilities; and. the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required: A. Proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest. floor (includi.ng basement) of al]. structures; in lone AO or V0, elevation of highest adjacent grade and proposed elevation of lowest floor of al.l structures. B. Proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level. to which any structure wi1:L be floodproofed; H C. A11. approp.r.iate certifications listed i.n Section 1'L 1/2 15.D of this ord.i.nance; and D. Description of the extent to which any watercourse wi.1:L be altered. or relocated. as a result of proposed. Sec. 12 1/2-14 DESIGNATION OF THE FLOODPLAIN ADMINSTRATOR. The Director of Publ.i.c Works is hereby appointed to administer and. implement this ordinance by granting or denying development permits in accordance with its provisions. Sec. 12 1/2-1.5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FLOODPLAIN ADMINSTRATOR.. The duties and responsi.bi.l.i.ties of the fl.oodpl.ain administrator. shall include, but not be Limited to: A. Permit review. 1. Review al]. development permits to determine that the permi_Y, requirements of this ordinance have been satisfied; 2. All other required state and federal. permits have been obtained.; 3. The siY,e i.s r.easonab:Ly safe from flooding. 4. The proposed development does not adversely affect the car.ryi.ng capacity of the f].oodwav. For purposes of this ordinance, "adversely affects" means that the cumulative effect of the proposed development when combined with al:l. other existing and. anti.ci.pated development will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood. more than one foot any point. B. Use of Other Base Flood. Data. When base flood elevation data has not been provided. in accordance with Section 1'L ]./2-7., the Floodplain Ad.mi.nstraY,or shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize any base flood. elevation and. floodway data available from a Federal, State or other source, in order to administer Section Sec. 12 1/2-]6. Any such information sha.tl be submitted. to the City Counci.]. for adoption. C. Whenever a watercourse is to be al.ter.ed or reiocated: 1. Notify adjacent communities and. the California Department of Water Resources prior. to such alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Feferal Insurance Adminstrati.on; 9 2. Require that the flood. carrying capacity of the altered nr relocated portion of said watercourse i_s ma_intained.. D. Obtain. and. maintain for public inspection a.nd make availabel as needed.: 1. the certification required i.n Section 1'L 1/2-16.c.1. (floor elevationsj; 2. the certi.fi_cation required. in Section 12 1/2-].6.c.2. (elevat,ions in areas of shallow floodi. ngj; 3. the certification required. in Section 1.2 1/'L-16.c.3. (el.evati.on or floodproofi.ng or nonresi dential st.r.uctures); 4. the certi.ficati.on required. in Section 1'L 1./2-16.c.4.a.. or l'L l/2-1.6.c.4.b. (wet fl.oodproofi.ng standa.rdj; 5. the certified el.evati.on required i.n Se ction 12 1/Z-18.b. (subdi.v,s.on standa.rdsj; 6. the certi.fica,tion required in Section L2 1/2-20.A (t'l.oodway encroa.chments); R. Make i.nterpretati_ons where needed, a.s to the exact :Location of the boundaries of the areas of special.. f:Lood hazards (for example, where there appears to he a conf].i.et between a mapped. boundary and actual fie:l.d conditi.onsj. The person contesting the l.ocat.on of the boundary sha:11 be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal. the interpretation as provided i.n Sect.ion I2 L/2-21. F. Take action to remedy vi.ol.ati.ons of this ordinance as spec.i.fi.ed i.n Secti_on 12 I/2-8. herein. Sec. 12 I/2-16 STANDARDS OF CONSTR.t7CTION. In all. areas of spec_a]. f:Lood hazards the fol. ].owing are .r.equired: A. Anchoring 7. AL1. new const.r.ucti.on and substantial i.mprovement.s sha.l.l be anchored to prevent flotation, co].:Lapse or lateral. movement of the structure resua.ti.ng from gydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, i_nc].udi.ng the effects of buoyancy. 'L. A1.7. manufactured homes shall meet the anchoring standards of Section L2 1/2-16.4. B. Construction Ma.teria].s and Methods. 1. A1.1. new construction and. substantial 10 improvements sha:l.l. be constructed with ma.t,er.i-al.s and ut.i.a.i.ty equipment, resistant to flood. damage. C 2. A1J. new construction a.nd substantial. improvements shaa.l be constructed using methods and practices t,ha.t mi.n.i.mi.ze flood. 3. A17. new construction a.nd substantial improvements shal_] be constructed with electrical, heating, venti.].at,i.on, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and. other service facilities that are designed and/or located. so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating wit,hi.n the components du r.i.ng conditions of flooding. 4. Require within Zones AH, or AO, adequate drainage paths around structures on slopes to guide flood. waters around. and. away from proposed structures. Elevations and Floodproofing 1. New construction and. substantial improvement of any structure shall. have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above the base flood elevation. Nonresidential. structures may meet the standards in Section 12 1/2-]6.C.3. Upon the completion of the si;ructure the elevation of the lowest floor including basement shall. ve certifi.ed by a registered. professional engineer or surveyor, or verified by the community building inspector. to be properly elevated. Such certification shall be pr.ovi.ded to the Floodpla.in Administrator. 'J.. New construction and substantial. improvement of any structure i.n 7,one AH, or AO sha].1. have the Lowest fl.oo.r, including basement, elevated. above the highest adjacent grade at least as high as the depth number specified. in feet on the FIRM, or at least two feet if no depth number .is specified. Nonresidential structures may meet the standards in Section 12 1./2-].6.c.3. Upon the. completion of Y.he structure the eaevation of the lowest floor i_nclud.ing basement shall. be certified. by a registered. professional. engineer or surveyor., or. verified by the community building inspector. t,o be properly elevated. Such certi.f.icat,i.on or verification shall be provided. to the Floodplain Administrator. 3. Nonresidential construction shall either be elevated in conformance with Section 1'L 1/2-1.6.c.1. 17 Sec. 12 1/2-18. STANDARDS FOR SUBDIVISIONS. A. A7.1. preliminary subdivi.si.on proposal shall. i.denti.fy the flood. hazard area and. the elevation of the base flood.. B. A:LI. final subdivision of proposed structure fil:Led above the base shall be cerY,ified by engineer or surveyor Administrator. plans wi].1. pr.ovi.de the elevation (s) and. pads. If the site is flood., the final. pad elevation a registered professional snd provided to the Floodpl.ai.n C. All subdi.visi.on proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. D. Al.l subdivision proposals shall have puba.ic utilities and fa.cili.ti.es such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located. and Instructed to mi.nimi_ze f:Lood damage. E. All subdivisions shall. provide adequate drainage to reduce exposure to flood. hazards. Sec. 7.2 1./`L-19. STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES. All new and. replacement manufactured. homes and. additions to manufactures homes shall: A. Be elevated so that the lowest floor i_s at or above the base flood. elevation; and B. Be securely anchored to a. permanent foundation system to resist flotation, collapse or lateral. movement. Sec. 12 1/2- 'l0. FLOODWAYS. Located. within areas of special flood. hazard established in Section 12 1/2-7. are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous are a due to the velocity o f flood. waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and. erosion p otential, the following provisions apply: A. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and. other development unless certification by a registered. professional engineer. or architect is provided. demonstrating that encroachements shall. not result i.n any increase in flood. levels during the occurrence of the base flood d.i.scharge. B. If Section 1.2 l/2-20.A. is satisfied., a,ll. new construction and substantial. i.mpr.ovements shall comply with all other. applicable flood hazard. reduction pr.ovi.sions of Section 12 1/2-16. 1:3 or together with attendant utility and. sanitary i'aci.l.i ties: a. be floodproofed so that hea.ow the base flood l.eve:l. the structure is wat,erti.ght wi.t,h walls substantially impermeable to the pa.ssa.ge of wa.t,er; h. have structural. components capa:bl.e of resist.i.ng hydrostatic and gydrodyna.mic loads and effects of buoyancy; and., c. be certified. by a registered professional engineer or. architect that the standards of this subsection are sati_sfi_ed. Such certi.fi.ca.ti.ons shall be prnvi.ded to the F:Lood.p:La.i.n Admini.stre ator. 4. Require, for a.:Ll new construction and substantial improvements, that Yully enclosed. areas below the :Lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall. be designed to automatically equalize hydrostats.c flood forces on exterior. walls by a:l.l.owing for the entry and. exit of fl.oodwate.r.s. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or ar.chi.tect meet or exceed the fol.l.owing minimum criteria: a. Either. a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not, less than one square inch for every square toot of enclosed. area subject to flooding shall be provided. The bottom of al.l openings shall. be no higher than one foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves or other coverings or devices provided. that, they permit the automatic entry and. exit of floodwater; or b. Be certified to comply with a ].oca.l. floodproofing standard approved. by the Federaa. Insurance Administration. 5. Manufactured. homes shall also meet the standa.r.ds in Section 12 1/2-19. Sec. 12 1/2-17. STANDARDS FOR UTILITIES A. All new and. replacement water. supply and sanitary sewage systems shall. be designed to minimize or. elimi.na.te infiltration of flood.. waters into the system and. discharge from systems into flood waters. B. On-site waste disposal. systems shall. be located t,o avoid i.mpai.rment to them or contamination from them during flooding. 1.2 Sec. 12 1/2-21. VARIANCES; Appea]. Board A. The City Council of the City of Lynwood. shall hear a.nd decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this ordinance. B. The City Council. shall. hear and decide appea:Ls when it is a,ll.eged there is an error i.n any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Fl.oodplain Administrator i.n the enforcement or admi.nstrati.on of this ordinance. C. In passing upon such applications, the City Council shall consider all techmical evaluations, all relevant factors, standards specified. i_n other sections of this ordi.na.nce, and: 1. the danger that ma.teri.al.s may be swept onto other lands to the i.nju,ry of others; 2. t;he danger of :Life and property due to fl.oodi.ng or erosion damage; 3. the suscept.i.bi.:li.ty of the proposed. faci.l.ity and its contents to flood damge and the effect of si.ich damage on the i.ndi.vidua.l. owner; 4. the i.mporta.nce of the services provided by the proposed. faci.l.ity to the community; 5. the necessity to the faci_l.i.ty of a waterfront location, where appl.i.cab].e; 6. the avai.labi.l.i.ty of alternative locations for the proposed use which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage; 7. the compatibility of the propo s ed use with ex.i.sti.ng and. anticipated development; 8. the relationship of the proposed. use to the comprehensive plan and floodplain management program for that area; 9. the safety of access to the property i.n time of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; 10. the expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and. sediment transport of the flood. waters expected. at the site; and, 11. the costs of providing governmental services during and. after flood. conditions, including maintenance and. repair of public uti.li.ti.es and. facili-ties such as sewer, gas, electri.cal., and water system, and. streets and bridges. 7.4 D. Generally, variances may be issued for. new construction and substanti.a]. improvements to be erected on a l.ot of one- half acre or less in size contiguous to and siarr.ounded by lots with exi.sti.ng structures constructed. below the base flood. :Level, providing items 1.2 1/2-21.c.1. through 12 1/21.c.11. have been. fully considered. As the lot size increases beyond one-half acre, the techni.ca]. justi.ficati.on required for issuing the variance increases. E. Upon consideration of the factors of Section 12 1/'L-21c. and the purposes of this ordinance, the City Council. may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as i.t deems necessary to further the purposes of this ordinance. F. The Floodp:Lai.n Admi.ni.strator shall, maintain the records of all appeal. actions and. report any vari-ances to the Federal Insurance Administration upon request. Sec. 1.2 1/'L-2'l. CONDITIONS FOR. VARIANCES A. Variances may be issued. for. the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed in the National. Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places, without regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this section. B. Variances sha:11 not be issued. within any designated fl.oodway i.f any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would. result. C. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance i.s the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford. relief. D. Variances shall only be issued upon: ]. a. showing of good. and sufficient cause; 2. a determination that failure to grant the variance would. result in exceptiona:L hardship to the applicant; and. 3. a determi.nati.on that the g.r.anting of a variance will not resu:Lt i_n increased. flood heights, additional. threats to publ.i.c safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of, the public, or conflit with existing local. laws or ordinances. R. Variances may be issued. for new construction and substantial improvements and for other development necessary for the conduct, of a functionally dependent use provided. that the provisions of Sections Sec. 1.2 1/2-22.A through 12 1/'1.22 D. are satisfied and that the structure or other development is protected. by methods that minimize flood. 15 • ! . , damages during the base flood. and create no additional threats to public safety. F. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will. be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation below the regulatory flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest, floor elevation. A copy of the notice shall be recorded by the Floodplain Board in the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder and shall. be recorded. in a manner so that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel. of :Land. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council. of said City held on the Sth day of April 1988, and finally adopted and ordered published. at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day o:f the follot,~i.ng vote: v'L8.450 ri.l. 1988, by AYES: COUNCIT.,D4EMBER HEINE, IIF.NNING, D40RRIS, RICHARDS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COLiNCILMEMBER l^,rELLS ABSTAIN: NONF. AT'I'F..ST: _ n rea L'. Hooper, City lerk Pau ]. II. Richar s, Mayor 1.6