HomeMy Public PortalAboutConservation Commission -- 2014-12-16 MinutesBrewster Conservation Commission Minutes — Meeting Under MA General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C, Massachusetts General Law Ch. 131, §40, Wetlands Protection Act (WPA), 310 CMR 10.00 Regulations Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) (M.G.L. C.131. § 40) And Code of the Town of Brewster Chapter 172, Brewster Wetlands Protection By -law (BWP By -law) Wetland Regulations 1.01 — 9.15 Call to Order Chairman Paul Wightman convened the Tuesday, December 16, 2014 meeting of the Brewster Conservation Commission at 7:00 PM at the Brewster Town Offices, 2198 Main Street, Brewster, MA. Present Vice Chairman Michael Tobin, Commissioners Shana Brogan, Bruce Evans, William Klein, Stephen McKenna, Chairman Paul Wightman, Alternate Member Virginia lannini, Conservation Administrator James Gallagher, Natural Resources Director Chris Miller, Department Assistant Carol Spade Not Present Commissioner Hayley Winfield Chairman Wightman read the following into the record: "As required by the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, the Conservation Commission is informing the public that this meeting will be audio* and video* recorded. Anyone else intending to record is required to inform the Chairman prior to the meeting." Public Hearings (Continued Hearing) Town of Brewster proposes a restoration project to reduce the potential for further erosion of the coastal beach and the paved surface at the north end of the existing parking lot at Ellis Town Landing. Specifics include removal of an existing rock revetment and drainage culvert and galleys, and removal of the existing parking lot; a parking area and stormwater infiltration system are proposed directly landward (south). The existing parking area is proposed to be stabilized and planted with native coastal plantings. Property is on 0 Ellis Landing Road, Assessors' Map 91, Parcel 42 (formerly 7116 -1). Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, Tobin, Wightman, Winfield (Hearing opened September 10, 2014 (no testimony) continued to December 2, 2014 (testimony taken) The hearing of December 2, 2014 was continued to allow the applicant to submit a detailed drainage calculation report and Operations & Management Plan* and a revised plan showing the items discussed at that time, and for the Conservation Administrator to draft findings and special conditions for an Order of Conditions for the project. Summary of Applicant Testimony Tim Brady, PE.,PLS, East Cape Engineering, Inc., represented the Town of Brewster. At this time he submitted copies of the above referenced drainage calculation report* and site plan *. Summary of Staff /Conservation Commission Comments Mr. Gallagher reviewed the draft special conditions with the Commission for this project; affected resource areas of which are (within 50 feet of) a coastal dune and coastal beach. Conditions Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 included a statement that the Conservation Commission does not confirm the resource area boundaries as shown on the plan. Particular discussion among staff, the Commission and Mr. Brady centered on special condition A7, regarding operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities to ensure effectiveness of the system, given the large volume of sand that accumulates in these coastal areas. The Commission agreed the condition shall be amended to state it shall be required that the stormwater system be cleaned quarterly, at minimum; more often if necessary. Summary of Public Comments Mr. Ted Ellis, abutter directly south of 0 Ellis Town Landing, attended. Following clarification from Mr. Brady on certain specifics of the project, Mr. Ellis (also) expressed particular concern that the catch basins in the project area be constructed and maintained to ensure against sand accumulation at all times in these coastal areas. He strongly supported the condition requiring that the stormwater system be cleaned quarterly at minimum and more often if necessary. Following this in -depth review of findings under the WPA and BWP By -law and special conditions under the WPA and BWP By -law, Michael Tobin moved, William Klein seconded the motion to close the hearing, approve the project with findings and the special conditions revised as discussed, and issue an Order of Conditions.The motion was approved by Commissioners Brogan, Evans, Klein, Tobin and Wightman. Stephen McKenna abstained. *List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Site Plan Showing Ellis Land Road Stormwater Drainage Improvements Prepared for Town of Brewster revised 12/16/14 (submitted at hearing) 2. Stormwater and Septic Solutions, Cultec, Inc. Calculations for Ellis Landing Parking (submitted at hearing) (Continued Hearing) William Hanney proposes to relocate an existing dwelling to an off - site location and construct a new dwelling with associated restoration, in and within 50 feet of coastal resource areas, on 29 Captain Dunbar Road, Assessors' Map 91, Parcel 37 (formerly 7112). Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, lannini Hearing opened on April 15, 2014 (no testimony taken), May 7 (no testimony), May 21 (no testimony), June 3 (testimony taken), July 1 (no testimony), July 15 (no testimony), August 5 (testimony taken), September 10 (no testimony), September 23 (no testimony), October 21 (no testimony), November 5, 2014 (no testimony), November 19 (testimony taken) (Continued Hearing) William J. Hanney proposes to demolish an existing building and replace it with a proposed relocated dwelling, to be reconstructed primarily on an open piling foundation, within coastal dune resource area(s), on 35 Captain Dunbar Road, Assessors' Map 91, Parcel 38 (formerly 7/13). Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, lannini Hearing opened on April 15, 2014 (no testimony taken), May 7 (no testimony), May 21 (no testimony), June 3 (testimony taken), July 1 (no testimony), July 15 (no testimony), August 5 (testimony taken), September 10 (no testimony), September 23 (no testimony), October 21 (no testimony), November 5, 2014 (no testimony), November 19 (testimony taken) The applicant has requested in writing to continue the two above hearings to January 6, 2015. William Klein moved, Bruce Evans seconded the motion to continue the hearings to January 6, 2015. The motion was approved unanimously. (Continued Hearing) Deborah Bond - Kennedy and Michael G. Kennedy propose to apply stone blocks in a wall configuration at the top of an existing coastal engineering structure (rock revetment), re- adjust existing stones and replace timber stairs with stone slab steps on the structure, on 306 Breakwater Road, Assessors' Map 58, Parcel 32 (formerly 4/11). Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, Tobin (lannini) Hearing opened November 19 (testimony taken) The hearing of November 19, 2014 was continued to allow the process for consultant review to investigate the potential impacts to coastal resources at the site and for the owners to consider an alternative to the project. Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 2 In the interim, the Commission received a report" from the Greg Berman, Coastal Processes Specialist. The report suggested feasible alternatives to the project so that it would not affect the ability of waves to remove sand from the dune, and cause removal of sand from the dune artificially. Summary of Applicant Testimony Robert Perry, PE, Cape Cod Engineering, Inc., represented the applicants. He stated that in addressing the Conservation Administrator's comment on the stone step component of the project, the proponents agree to remove the existing concrete pad at the bottom of the existing wooden stairway. He repeated comments of the previous hearing on the owners' wish to prevent wrack from entering their deck, and referencing Mr. Berman's suggested alternative to the proposal of filling the existing cap stone with compatible sand instead of block stone and bedstone. Mr. Perry explained that the owners considered an alternative of confining the granite block to the area of the deck, which he did not believe would adversely affect the ability of waves to remove sand from the dune or cause removal of sand from the dune artificially. He believed this would also create more wildlife habitat than now exists. He displayed the change to the plan" ** depicting this alternative. Summary of Conservation Commission /Staff Comments The Commission discussed the project and its potential effects as contained in the consultant's report, and ultimately universally agreed that the increase in the height of the revetment component does not meet performance standards of the WP ACT and BWP By -law. On behalf of his clients, Mr. Perry formally requested to withdraw all components of the project excepting the granite slab stairs on the existing coastal engineering structure (rock revetment) and removal of the concrete pad at the bottom of the existing stairway. Mr. Perry will submit this request in writing to the Commission and MA DEP. Following discussion, the Commission and Mr. Perry consensually agreed that an Order of Conditions shall include a special condition requiring annual sand nourishment at a determined amount. Bruce Evans moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 6, 2015, to allow the applicant to submit a site plan showing the project changes as discussed, and for the Conservation Administrator to draft resultant findings and special conditions for an Order of Conditions for the project. The motion was approved unanimously. "List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Greg Berman, Coastal Processes Specialist Woods Hole Sea Grant Cape Cod Cooperative Extension December 10, 2014 2. Topographic Plan of Stone Revetment Cap Improvements ... 10/10/14, Narrative, Variance Request, 3. Topographic Plan of Stone Revetment Cap Improvements ...10/10/14 (showing option of reduced granite block area)** Associate Member Virginia lannini was recused from the following hearing. (Continued Hearing) Sears Point Condominium proposes to construct a rock revetment coastal engineering structure at the toe of a coastal bank and nourish a coastal landform with sand, on Sears Point Drive, Assessors' Map 57, Parcel 3 (formerly Assessors' Map 4). Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, Wightman The hearing opened on October 7, 2014 (testimony taken) continued to November 5 (testimony taken), November 19 (no testimony), December 2, 2014 (no testimony) Summary of Applicant Testimony Jason Norton, Coastal Engineering, Inc., represented the applicants. Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 The hearing of November 5 was continued for the Commission to obtain proposals from professional coastal consultants and to request the Woods Hole Group consider reducing the scope of its submitted proposal, to assist the Conservation Commission in its permit decision. In the interim, the Commission received a proposal for the review from Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc. Following discussion of the two quotes ", Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to accept Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc., to review the proposed project. The motion was approved unanimously. Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 6, 2015. The motion was approved unanimously. *List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Sears Point Condominium Association Plan Showing Proposed Shorefront Protection, 8/18/14 Coastal Engineering Company, Inc. Narrative, Variance Request 2. October 23, 2014 RFP letter, Proposal for Consultant Review of ...NOI, Sears Point... Leslie Fields, Coastal Geologist CFM, Woods Hole Group 3. Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc. proposal for review of Notice of Intent... December 16, 2014 (Continued Hearing) William Kerlin, Trustee, Kerlin Crocker Lane Realty Trust proposes to construct an addition to and remodel an existing dwelling, and construct a new sewage system in compliance with Title V of the State Sanitary Code, in and within 100 feet of coastal resource areas, on 217 Crocker Lane, Assessors' Map 69, Parcel Eligible voters: Brogan, Evans, Klein, Tobin, Wightman, Winfield (lannini) Hearing opened December 2, 2014 (testimony taken) The original hearing was continued for a legally posted Commission site visit with the applicant to review the coastal dune. Summary of Applicant Testimony John O'Reilly, PE, PLS, Stanley Humphries, Senior Coastal Geologist, LEC Environmental Consultants and Peter Haig, architect, represented the applicant. Mr. O'Reilly clarified that the site plan` incorrectly depicts an area on the northernmost portion of the proposed dwelling reconstruction as cantilevered, as opposed to the correctly proposed sono tube posts. Summary of Conservation Commission /Staff Comments Commission comments included concerns that an existing fence north of the existing dwelling may be preventing the lateral dune movement, and that the proposed addition be set on pilings in the interest of protecting wildlife habitat. The Commission consensually agreed on the importance of carefully protecting the interest of wildlife habitat under the WPA in this review. The Commission discussed that under the regulations of the WPA and BWP By -law, when a proposed project involves the ... alteration of a coastal dune, the issuing authority must presume that the area is significant to the interests of storm damage prevention and flood control in addition to the protection of wildlife habitat under the WPA. This presumption may be overcome only upon a clear showing that a coastal dune does not play a role in any of those interests, and if the issuing authority makes a written determination to that effect. Ultimately, the Commission consensually agreed that to make such a determination, an in -depth analysis of the coastal dune by a coastal processes expert shall be performed to further the Commission's review of a dwelling addition with a full foundation in a coastal dune to address storm damage prevention and flood control. Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 4 Also, an in -depth analysis by a professional wildlife consultant shall be performed on the effect of the project on wildlife habitat. Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 20, 2015, to allow the Conservation Administrator to contact experts to submit proposals to professionals to review the above interests. The motion was approved unanimously. *List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Site Plan, Kerlin Crocker Lane RT Site and Sewage Disposal System, Narrative, Variance Request, J. M. O'Reilly & Ass.. 11114/14, LEC Environmental Letter, 11/14/14 Terry and Susan Lichty propose to restore previously disturbed native shrubs within 100 and 50 feet of inland wetland(s) with native herbaceous and woody plants and construct a protective fence within 50 feet of wetlands, and to create a view corridor, leaving an area open for a maximum four -foot wide path. Some disturbed healthy native shrubs on and off the property will be allowed to re -grow — on 42 Barberry Lane, Assessors' Map 68, Parcel 13 (formerly 51218). The project is not located on the MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Map* as an area of rare plant and wildlife habitat and rare wetlands wildlife. Summary of Applicant Testimony Theresa Sprague, MALD, Blue Flax represented the applicants. Displaying photos* and a restoration plan* of the subject area, she described the history of this required "after- the - fact" filing for altering an approximate 40 -foot wide swath of native woody vegetation (red oak, pitch pine trees, bayberry, arrowwood, blueberry shrubs, etc.) in the 100 and 50 foot wetland buffer zone to wetlands, and explained the proposed restoration, as contained in the Notice of Intent narrative, variance request, DEP Delineation Field Data Forms and accompanying site plan *, which depicted the site conditions as they now exist. As on October 21, 2014 *, Ms. Sprague repeated that her clients maintain that such alterations have been historic — were ongoing before they purchased their property, and unaware of wetland laws, they continued the alterations. She stressed that the altered native Clethra alnifolia (sweet pepperbush) shrubs (south of the Lichty's property) are presently re- emerging as healthy shrub species. She then described the proposed new shrubs /trees as contained in the application, in addition to the proposed management of the existing vegetative (stump) remains which are appropriate for re- growth (These are remains which have not been improperly cut and will likely generate into healthy canopy -sized trees, etc.). She explained that no ground cover exists or existed in this cleared area and the owners would like to maintain their view (corridor) while protecting wetland interests by planting the native low growing herbaceous forbs and grasses listed in the seed mix shown on the restoration plan. This meadow area shall be cut with a power scythe annually only. They propose to irrigate the altered area above ground only temporarily, until all of the plants are fully re -grown and /or established. Summary of Conservation Commission /Staff Comments The Conservation Commission did not officially confirm the boundary/boundaries of the resource areas shown on the site plan at this time. Specific Commission comments included the following: The present owners must understand that historic cutting which occurred prior to their purchasing the property does not relieve them of complying with wetland laws. Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 5 It is import that the altered Clethra alnifolia off of the subject property survive or be replanted with new Clethra alnifolia plantings. The Commission requested a revised plan showing a more natural area with more vegetation height (native woody vegetation) in the proposed view corridor, particularly at the low elevation of the 50 foot buffer zone to wetlands to provide shade to the pond in the interest of aquatic wildlife habitat protection. As requested at the October 21, 2014 Show Cause Hearing, this woody vegetation shall include at minimum, two to three canopy producing native trees. At the request of the Conservation Administrator, the Commission consensually agreed special conditions for an Order of Conditions shall include the following: • Submittal of a bond to ensure replacement of any plantings or altered existing vegetation which fails to survive • Requirement of a professional consultant to oversee all on -site work • Specification on management of all altered native trees /shrubs • Submittal of regular (annual) management reports. Summary of Public Comments There was no public comment. Bruce Evans moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 6, 2015, to allow the applicant to revise the mitigation plan as requested, and for the Conservation Administrator to draft findings and special conditions, including those discussed, for an Order of Conditions for the project. *List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Photos of existing conditions 2. Existing Condition Site Plan Terry and Susan Lichty, 42 Barberry Lane, J. M. O'Reilly & Associates... 10/21/14, Narrative, Variance Request 11/25/14, Restoration /Planting Plan, Blue Flax Design.. 11/25/14 3. Rare Species, 310 CMR 10.69 Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Map as Priority Habitat under the MA Endangered Species Act (MESA) and Estimated Habitat under MA Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regarding the existence of rare plant and wildlife habitat and rare wetlands wildlife 4. 310 CMR 10.55 Delineation Field Data Forms 5. September 16, 2014 Enforcement Order, Notice of Violation, 6. Minutes, August 19, September 10, October 21, 2014 Robert and Suzanne Young propose to remove an existing dwelling and reconstruct a new dwelling within 33 +- feet of a coastal bank, on 91 Cedar Hill Road, Assessors' Map 38, Parcel 26 (formerly 2136). The project proponent submitted a written request to continue the above referenced hearing to January 20, 2015. Bruce Evans moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 20, 2015. The motion was approved unanimously. Gloriae Del Artes Foundation proposes to remove two existing greenhouses within 50 feet of wetland resources and construct a steel building which Is required to meet stormwater standards under MA DEP approximately 50+ feet from wetland resources, on 36 Southern Eagle Cartway, Assessors' Map 138, Parcel 43 (formerly 30118 -1). The project is not located on the MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Map" as an area of rare plant and wildlife habitat and rare wetlands wildlife. Summary of Applicant Testimony Tim Brady, PE, PLS, East Cape Engineering, Inc., Christopher Kanaga, Trustee, Gloriae Dei Arles Foundation and Andrew Miao, architect, represented the applicant. Mr. Brady described the resource areas and project as contained in the Notice of Intent, narrative, variance request and accompanying displayed site plan*. Mr. Brady stated that the owner is willing to plant native vegetation and transplant native vegetation from other areas of the project site as mitigation for Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 6 the project, and possibly relocate an existing chain -link fence directly bordering the westernmost wetland further from the wetland. He added that the proposed new building with full foundation, will be used for educational purposes. Summary of Conservation Commission Comments The Conservation Commission did not confirm the boundaries of all the resource areas as accurate, as shown on the site plan. As stated by the Conservation Administrator in written agenda comments ", the Commission requested clarification as to whether the project will entail construction of a septic system. Mr. Brady explained no septic system is proposed. Commission requests were as follows: 1. Specific detail on the plan on the proposed building's roof drainage, to ensure protection of the wetland 2. Detail on proposed outdoor lighting showing lights will not be directed toward any of the wetlands 3. Mitigation for the 8,000 square foot building for an overall benefit for this variance project, to include: • removal of the existing bicycle trail outside of 50 feet from the wetland • removal of the existing chain link fence outside of 50 feet from the wetland • additional plantings in the 50 foot buffer zone, shrubs /trees; species chosen from the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Service (www.capecodextension.org) list of acceptable plantings for fresh water buffer zones, depicting the species, size and natural spacing of plants appropriate for this environment. Further discussion centered on the Commission's discovery of evidence of a possible oil leak within 50 or 100 feet of wetlands. Mr. Brady assured the Commission that he is investigating the evidence and will report findings to the Conservation Commission. Summary of Public Comments Paul Lucier, abutter to the project, attended. He stated that he believed an existing building on the project site within the Commission's jurisdiction is used to house buses and other large vehicles, and was concerned any associated fuel, etc., may impact wetland interests. He expressed other concerns regarding the proposed project which are not relative to wetland laws. Chairman Wightman reminded Mr. Brady of the Commission's authority to require applicants to coordinate with applicable boards in accordance with §172 -6 of the BWP By -law. Mr. Brady stated that the applicant fulfilled that requirement in part through the staff review process, and subsequently filed the project with the Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals, which has set a public hearing date. Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to continue the hearing to January 20, 2015, to allow the applicant to complete and submit a revised plan as discussed, and documentation on the other items discussed. The motion was approved unanimously. *List of documents submitted for the Notice of Intent and discussed at this hearing: 1. Site Plan, 36 Southern Eagle Cartway ... Gloria Del Artes...East Cape Engineering, Inc. 11/25/14 Narrative, variance Request 2. Rare Species, 310 CMR 10.59 Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Map as Priority Habitat under the MA Endangered Species Act (MESA) and Estimated Habitat under MA Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regarding the existence of rare plant and wildlife habitat and rare wetlands wildlife Citizens' Forum There was no public comment at this time. Show Cause Hearings/Violations Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 7 1. (Continued Hearing) Robinwood Homeowners Association, Inc., unauthorized clearing and removal of vegetation and placement of fill in and within 100 feet of inland wetland resources on Robinwood Homeowners Association Common Land, 0 Holly Avenue,125 /91 (29158, 999) 2. (Continued Hearing) Philip I. Kenney and Denise A. Vettori, unauthorized clearing and removal of vegetation and placement of fill in and within 100 feet of inland wetland resources on Robinwood Homeowners Association Common Land, 0 Holly Avenue,125 /91 (29158,999) Representative(s) for the above hearings requested to continue them to January 20, 2015. William Klein moved, Shana Brogan seconded the motion to continue the hearings to January 20, 2015. The motion was approved unanimously. Discussions Town of Brewster Beach Landings - parking lot maintenance Following discussion on the fact that the parking lot at town Crosby Town Landing experiences a large amount of sand deposited by wind action, which the town would like to transfer to other town landing beaches when needed, the Commission consensually reversed its informal decision of November 3, 2014, and agreed sand deposited at Crosby Landing by wind action can be transported by town officials when needed, to other town landing beaches. Wind blown sand deposited at other town landings shall remain for reuse at the landing where it was deposited. Report of the Natural Resources Director The Natural Resources Director reported it is the goal of the town to file Notices of Intent for environmental improvements to all its coastal town landings by early 2015, and the above discussed sand transfer request might be a component of each of those filings. Report of the Conservation Administrator Stephen & Christine Richards, 36 Arnold's Cartway; Order of Conditions SE 9 -1593, Assessor's Map 38, Parcel 69 (formerly 2/33 -1) Mr. Gallagher requested the Commission determine whether to allow the above referenced applicants to install an underground propane gas tank within 100 but outside of 50 feet to wetlands to service their fuel needs, as a minor modification to the approved plan. The Commission consensually agreed to this change as described. Requests for Certificates of Compliance I. Cape Cod Engineering, Inc. /Robert L. Porter, Order of Conditions SE 9 -1115, mitigation plantings, etc. 90 The Tides Court, 59/1 (4/60) Following the recommendation of the Conservation Administrator that the project essentially complies with the Order of Condition, Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to approve the above referenced Certificate of Compliance under the MA ACT and BWP By -law and refund any funds in the applicant's consultant advisory account. The motion was approved unanimously. 2. Hamlyn Consulting /John M. Aubin Jr., Order of Conditions SE 9 -1619, house addition, 213 Run Hill Road, 4613 (3512) The Commission took no action on the above request at this time. Request for Administrative Review 1. Town of Brewster 0 Slough Pond Landing, 11134 (38/14 -1), boat access, slope Improvement, parking, dogs Natural Resources Director Miller described conditions of the above town landing and needed improvements to protect the resource areas from recreational uses. The Commission consensually agreed the activities will require the filing of a Notice of Intent. Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 8 Review and Approval of Minutes 1. November 19, 2014 2. November 19, 2014 executive session The Commission postponed review of the above referenced minutes to the following meeting. At 9:40 PM, Stephen McKenna moved, Michael Tobin seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. Carol Spade *Note: The words, "wetland" and "resource area" are synonymous. The 100 and 50 foot buffer zone is the protective upland area located within 100 and 50 feet of a wetland. Among the list of documents* for this meeting are the following: 1. Conservation Commission Approved Planting List: Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Service (www.capecodextension.org), list of native woody plants for coastal /inland wetland buffer zones depicting the species, size and natural spacing of plants 2. (Brewster Conservation Commission) Acceptable Plantings for Buffers to Resource Areas I Administrative Report of the Conservation Administrator 4. Meeting audio recording, and video recording, Town of Brewster Website http.11town.brewster.ma.us Brewster Conservation Commission Minutes December 16, 2014 9