HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1120, ,' _ ~ <, GRDINANCE NG. 1120 ~, . ,. AN ORDIV~NC--_, OF T?3 CIT`' C,GGNCiL C.~~' _;?r, C??'_ OF LYtiriQOD ADDING SECTION 22-1C TO T:E CODE GF "_'%i~ CIT`_' OF LYN6~'CCD ~EGL'?~~-:TIiiG T:? PGSS~SSIO~: OF AEROSOL S'?R?Y PAINTS A~lD DYES AND THEIR DISTRI'sGTION TO :~INGRS WaREAS, the cefac2ment of public and private ~_ructur2s b'J ii72 any Of Spray Ddlnt gra_iltl ~ndS beCOCle ... H1a]Or pLODlea _ _^.e City, COnLZ 1~'iUt.1P.^y to ti":°_ C2Gr aCd ~.lOR Cf ':^.8 ~ OC dI ~!':71rOn:Ile.^.t, and 'N'riEREi1S, t:?2 SDr3y polnt grdif ltl ~rGb12n _C 3LLr i~i:taD~!=' DL 1nC lpollV *_o :r,inors .and 15 Da rt'_CUlaC1V agC ravat2d 1P. pU`J 11C areas SUCi d5 par~{$, _DOOlS dRd OCRE-'r ~r 2C~rE 3t10^ _3C i11tie5, 3r:d WHER~S, State law authorizes lcca_ regulation oz` the sale and possession of spray paint, VOW, TnFREFORE, t.!?e C'ty COUP.C'_1 O` the Clty Or LV:?WOOD ier2bV 0025 Ordain d5 iC110W5: JECTIGN ~ S2CtlOn 22-10 i5 aCd2d. tC C:^.dU L.2L 2~ Of `=i;2 Code of tie City of Leawood to read as fo'_'_c~::s: Sec. 22-~0. 3eculation o° _::^.a possession of aerosol spr ay paints and O yes ar:d t!-:e distribeticn Lh2recf to Tinors. a) No person under tie age of 2igiteen (13) years- of ace sha_: purc:-.~se ~:ny _ 2ssur_~~_ car. containing paint or dye. ~`J) X10 p2LSOn Shall 521'1, e:{C. ~nartC2, y1Ve Or 10aP., Or CaUSe Or p2rmlt t0 bP_ sold, exchanged, riven or loaned, ary pressurized can containing any substance comnonly Icncwn as paint or dye to anyor:e ander _:=2 age of eichteer. (i8) years, unless such person be the parent or legal cuardiar. of Szic mi:^.or. C) NG p2 r50P. Sial~ iaJe 1n h13 pOSSeSSlOi1 any Dr255L'r 1226 Can CCP.talninC dnV S'~1 ~D S"tanC'~ COIDtil0 nl.y known HS pdi nL CL dVe Whlle _., any pUD11C Da=;{, pl ~qg roll l'.G, S+/if?lID1riC p001, recr2aticr.ai =acility (other L:-.zn a hig`:~aay, Stre2=, alieV Cr Way) 2XCeCt aUL.nOr 1ZeG 2fI1plOV2e5 Gr tit Clty Or LynWOOC, Or ar. L10iViCiial OL dUt.^.C C'-wed 21;1,^. ;_Cy2° OL do individual er comaar.y under cent:=_ct ',pith Lie ~,~tV O°_ Lv r.dOOQ cJ ~~nlle ~L..ti rC pUr Sl'_ant _.. SaiC 2mplOV:P.en t. d; i~0 per SCn ~_':^.O°_ L.:2 dC~ O_ __,_.__._.. (i~~ V°?:5 ~._ d^_e Siall i1a9+' i n ..15 ~pOSCe55 i0^ any =e SSL'r iZ2C .,ar. CC..=~:nl .^:y 5'....... :. c.^:Cc cDm:~.on1v :mown as paint cr dVe a'ni'_2 cn an'J O L'~D 11C .. .^.•'riay, :, Cr22t, ~11eY, Or 'rJaV, Or Ot::or pUbl i C ~ _aOJ, ';J;:2 _..=_ i.:C.; De:"3CC1 _o OL 15 .. -.L _.. ar.V .. a:: f„OD__-_', _.a l~_,1 , O_ or_her convevaac2. } ~ , _ ' e) Any violation of this Section wall be a misdemeanor. SECTION 2: Severability. If ary section, subsection, subdivisicn, sentence, clause, phrase or portion o_" this ordinance, or the aaDlicaticn thereof to any person or place, 15 LOr any reason 11810 t0 De 1nVa110 Or UnC On5t1tUt10Ra1 b,7 file G 2C 1S iOR OL dRY COULt OL competent ]llL 15diCtiOR, SUCK deC 1510n 5:1411 RCt affect the Vd11d1t"y' Of file remaining portions of this OLd1RaRCe Or its appllCatiO^ t0 Other per50n5 Or p13Ce5. The City Ccuncii hereby declares that it would :gave adopted phis Ordlna.^.Ce, aRd e3Ch SECt10n, 5UD52Ct10I'i, SU.^.C 1Vi51O n, S2nt8i:Ce, C13USe, DhLd52 Or DOrt 10n the _*eOf, 1Lre5D eCt1Ve O" t:^e `dCt tlldt any one Or mOLe SeCt1CR5, SllvSeCt1ORS, SL:bdi V1S. '_Oi15, senteRCeS, clauses, pnrases, Or pOLt10L'iS, OL t:'10 aPD11Cat10n thereof to any person or place, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 3• The Cicy Clerk is hereby ordered and directed t0 CeLt1Ly t0 Lh8 Dd55age C° th1S OrdinaP.Ce 3R0 t0 CdL'Se the same t0 Oe DUD 115%ed Once i^ t:,e Ly nWOCd ?reSS, 3 ..^:e W5Dap2r OL Qeneral C1rCU1at 10n, printed, pULJ11Si:ed and Ci rClllat20 In ti:E C1tV OL LVnW000. F1r5t Ledd 3t d rep L'laL meetlRg Of the .r'.1tV COUnC ii OL 5ai0 City held on t:ne 3rd day of February 1941, and finally ordered pUb115i1ed dt a reQUldr iueetii:g 02 Sdid COUnC11 held on the 17th day of February 1981. ~°-°S~ COUNCILMEN:BYORK,MORRIS,ROWE,THOMPSON,GREEN NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE > _ ..- Eugene ~. Greece:, b?ay r City Of SVnw'O Od ATTST; L'~:u~rene Co~tfey, Ci~y~C1 '.< City of Lynwood -~- b Y '~ s~ 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said Cite, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1120 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood., and that the same was passed on the date and b,y trie Grote therein stated. Dated. this 18th day of _ February _> I~81 ~~~~^ -- CtS, 'Clerk, Citp of L woo (SEAL)