HomeMy Public PortalAbout20140825 - Parks & Recreation - Meeting Minutes    TOWN OF HOPKINTON PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION  TOWN HALL, 18 MAIN STREET, [Lower Level]   MEETING MINUTES ‐ MONDAY AUGUST 25, 2014 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Chairman Bob Dobinski. Present were Dan Terry, Tim Kilduff, Amy Markovich, Eric Sonnet, Kevin Nathan, Kevin Hanley, John LaMalva from Alpha Youth Sports. 7:05PM ALPHA SPORTS (DISCUSSION) 2. John LaMalva from Alpha Sports will talk to the commission about potential partnerships for our In‐Town Basketball program. The commission is in favor of working with Alpha Youth Sports on some level. Interest was expressed in exploring the use their coaching platform, clinics, and potentially more. Action: Kevin will analyze numbers and see where he can be of best help. Kevin will ask Jerry Spar talk to John. 7:35PM APPROVAL OF MINUTES (VOTE) 3. It was moved by Bob Dobinski and seconded by Eric Sonnett to approve the September 11, 2014 meeting minutes of the Hopkinton Parks and Recreation Commission. The vote was 4 in favor and 0 opposed. (Tim Kilduff left meeting at 7:30 pm to present at the Hopkinton Planning Board meeting and returned at 8:10 PM) 7:40PM DIRECTOR EVALUATION 4. The commission will review and approve the performance evaluation for the Parks and Recreation Director for the first 6 months of employment. Action: Bob will distribute materials to the commissioners and the commissioners will review with director at the September 8, 2014 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. 8:00PM DIRECTORS REPORT 5. A. Trees on the Common‐ Kevin Nathan met with tree warden, Paul Gleason, on August 15, 2014. It is the tree warden’s opinion that no trees on the common are dead or unhealthy enough to cut down at this time. There are some trees that have dead branches that could use a trimming. Action: Kevin and Tim Kilduff will meet with Peter Mezzit to seek his thoughts on matters relating to the trees on the Common. B. Fall/Winter Brochure 1. Brochure went out to public today, August 25, 2014. 2 Sign up will be Sept 2. 3. Working closely with MyRec and town treasurer to get everything ready for online signups for Sept 2. 4. Kevin will set up banner on tennis courts, bullet out all programs. 5. Kevin will ask superintendent if there is any more need for adult education programs. C. EMC Repairs‐ the parts for the repair are in and will be installed within the week. D. TDA Drivers Ed‐ Patty from HPEC highly recommends TDA. Met with TDA and buildings and grounds to work out facility rental. E. Ski Program Meeting/Solution‐ met with Middle School Principal and Phil Powers and came up with solution for drop off equipment procedures. a. No more dropping off equipment in morning. b. Parents have 2 options for dropping off equipment. 1. After 2:15 in the Middle School Parking lot 2. A designated time on Sunday at EMC Park. Rent storage unit. Set up time with a parent volunteer to supervise a drop off hour on Sunday evenings for parents who can drop off after school on Mondays. If it is the only solution, we will add procedure to the brochure and the reason for the procedure change. Kevin will e‐mail everyone involved to reinvestigate the issue. 8:15PM CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 6. A. Hockey update‐ no update, no meeting. B. School Meeting‐ no update. 8:35 PM LIAISON REPORTS 7. Amy Markovich ‐ Sandy Beach – Mid September completion. UCTC‐ Master plan is being put together. Eric Sonnet – CPC Update Request to add a long range plan discussion to the next meeting 8:45 PM ADJOURN