HomeMy Public PortalAboutBoard of Health -- 2014-08-19 Minutes olowsk TOWN OF BREWSTER OFFICE OF Ot 0" 2198 MAIN STREET HEALTH DEPARTMENT • sj ,'" s BREWSTER,MA 02631 o• _ . PHONE:(508)896-3701 EXT 1120 ° t+; ;:.t• a FAX:(508)896-4538 BRHEALTH@BREWSTER-MA.GOV BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 AT 7:00PM TOWN HALL, ROOM A Board members present: Lemuel Skidmore, MS, MPH, Chairman, Annie Dugan, RN, Vice Chairman, Joanne Hughes, Mary Chaffee, RN, PhD and Carmen Scherzo, DVM. Call to order: Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Others present: Nancy Ellis Ice, MPH, CHO, RS, Health Director and Tammi Mason, Senior Department Assistant. 1. Chairman's Announcements Lemuel Skidmore gave the Board an update on the Stony Brook property (hoarding situation). 2. J.M. O'Reilly-Title 5 variance request for 255 Robbins Hill Road Keith Fernandez presented this to the Board. The following variance has been requested: 1. Septic tank installed greater than 3'below grade 2. Pump chamber installed greater than 3' below grade 3. Unable to conduct Perc Test due to high groundwater and presence of fill material. Sieve Analysis to determine soil suitability. Mr. Skidmore asked Mr. Fernandez to explain to the Board what a sieve analysis was. Mr. Fernandez stated that it is a practice or procedure that is used to assess the particle size distribution of a granular material. A normal perc test was unable to be done so this was done instead. Nancy Ice spoke about questions that Dr. Scherzo had. Dr. Scherzo asked how many of these types of systems his company has installed and if there were any problems with the systems freezing. Mr. Fernandez believes it to be 10 or so systems and they have not had any trouble with freezing. Dr. Scherzo stated that he knew Mr. Fernandez's client and wanted to make that known in public. Mrs. Hughes asked if they could put a liner under the tank. Mr. Fernandez stated that even if a liner was installed, the water would still come up. Motion: Finding that the owner is increasing the gallons per day, they are using a waterproof septic tank, they are installing a Perc Rite Drip Dispersal system for more efficient treatment, the new system is an improvement over the existing failed system and that the sieve analysis is accepted in place of a perc test, approve the variances as requested on the J.M. O'Reilly plan dated August 14, 2014 #6907. Motion: Joanne Hughes Second: Annie Dugan Vote: 5-0-0 Action: Motion carried 3. The Local Scoop-mobile food permit application Peter Felly & Mary Debartolo, owners of the mobile unit were present. They informed the Board that all the product is made at the local store in Orleans and are all pre-packaged. They currently have all the required permits to do this. Mrs. Hughes gave them a copy of the Assistant Health Director's recommendations. Mrs. Ice reminded them that they cannot go to the local beaches because that is a bid that is given out by the Selectmen. Motion: Issue permit for the Mobile Food Unit permit contingent on the Assistant Health Director's recommendations being met. Motion: Annie Dugan Second: Dr. Mary Chaffee Vote: 5-0-0 Action: Motion carried 4. Sean Parker-discussion on 105 Eastgate Road Mr. Parker stated to the Board that he had a previously approved septic plan and wanted to know if he was bound by that plan or could he propose something else. He is asking because the approved plan calls for an extremely long septic line due to the proximity of the pond to the septic system. A lot of installers are having a problem with that. Mr. Skidmore stated that if there was a different proposal to upgrade the system, the Board may require an alternative system to be put in and there is always a chance that the plan may not be approved. Mr. Parker will take that advice and make a decision on what to do. 5. George Heufelder, Department Director, Barnstable County Health Department-update for the Board Mr. Heufelder gave an update to the Board. Brian Baumgaertel from the County Health Department also gave a power point presentation on the new program tracking septic systems at the County level. 6. Discuss draft regulation for Septic Systems near Fresh Water Ponds Mr. Skidmore gave some background on this. There was a discussion about this with the Board. Dr. Scherzo asked if the level of phosphorus in the ponds was known. Sue Leven, Town Planner stated that it is known in some ponds but not all. Each Board member voiced an opinion on the proposed regulation. Mrs. Hughes asked if the number of households that would be affected were known. Ms. Leven stated that there are roughly 400 pond front homes. The Board suggested that Ms. Leven urge the consultant to look at things that people can do to their standard septic systems to help remove phosphorus. Mr. Skidmore asked if there were parts of the draft regulation that could be implemented immediately. Mr. Heufelder stated that there were some parts that could be implemented immediately. The Board agreed to send a letter to Mark Nelson, who is drafting this regulation. Mr. Skidmore will meet with Mrs. Ice and Ms. Leven and draft up a letter to Mark Nelson with the Board suggestions. 7. Discussion on dogs at outdoor cafes The consensus of the Board was that they were not in favor of setting up a variance policy to this regulation. Dr. Chaffee suggested that the Board educate the outdoor cafes about this issue. Mrs. Ice stated that she would send out reminders with the annual license renewals. 8. Discuss Planning Board application for 0 Harwich Road (MP Renaissance) At this time there are no BOH issues. Application was noted. 9. Discuss proposal to amend &/0r adopt fees with regards to Nitrogen Aggregation Plans (consideration of new fees to coincide with additional BOH review & oversight) Mrs. Ice explained to the Board that DEP has given the local Boards of Health some of their duties now. There is currently an application for an Aggregation Plan before the Board and this is the first time the local BOH will be issuing approval and would need to know how much to charge, etc. The Board agreed that they needed time to come up with a fee scale. Motion: Charge $75 for the application currently coming before the Board. Motion: Joanne Hughes Second: Annie Dugan Vote: 5-0-0 Action: Motion carried 10. Discuss Health Director's annual review The review was completed. 11. Discuss Health Director's proposed performance objectives Mrs. Ice had 3 suggestions for the Board. Mr. Skidmore would like to have ""the development of electronic packets" be another performance objective. Dr. Chaffee suggested that the notebooks that the BOH members recieve be digitized. Also, the septic records in the office are not in fire proof file cabinets. She would like to see them digitized also so if there ever is a fire the records would not be destroyed. The Board asked that Mrs. Ice look into the cost of digitizing the records. Mr. Skidmore suggested checking with Eastham as they had just done something similar. It could also be suggested to the Government Study Committee and brought up at a Dept. Head meeting. Mrs. Ice'will bring back a final draft of her objectives to the Board. Informational items were noted. Meeting adjourned at 10:00PM rig