HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1089~_ ORDIhP.hCE h0~ 1089 ^N 07?DIIdP.?dCE GF i'I?E CI`1'Y COU1?C1L OF !'IiE C.1! Y OF L1?;i00D A.,1ETvD1hG SEC`l'1.ONS 32-21 (a) and 3~-53 (d) Ole' 'PEE LI'I~l•100D CI'1'Y CODE REhA`I'Ih'G `1'0 'r;.4!I.R CHlaRCES 'iliE CL'I'Y COUT;CiL OF 'i'HE Cl'1'Y Oi'' }~`~?-i1~i00D .._}ir}3Y D'JES ORDAI?J AS I=0LL01.7S: SEC'i'ION_1. Section 32-?_1(a) of t}]e Code of the City of Lynr:ood is 2rlendcd to reed as follo"~;s: "(a) Sereice si]all be dl.scont;]nt;cd Gn al.l l~:at.cr meter accounts ren;ai.ning ur.naid fifteen (15) days after ti]e accJUnt- becomes dL:e and payable. ]io;;ever, 1f t.}]ere is a i9eposit to secure pa~~ment of rater char7,es, ;:ester service shall be dis- continued on meter accounts 1rLmediately upon the deposit being exi]auste~ and '::ester service shall not ::"a1n i]e rc-esiabl.i.shed until all currc-nt and arrears are paid and the equlred.depJSit rlacie. kn additional charge Jf ten cio]lal's ($10.00) for ..he ex- pense of discontinuing and re-establishing ranter servlce shal_1 he mac9e fcr each disco:,necti.on made by the rater dep~rtloent, and a charge of tr:~cnty-five dollars (°?_5.00) for the expense of discontinuing and rc-establishing renter service in each instance r:hen it bc-comcs necessary to discontinue and rc-establish .:ester service as a result of a nnn-<:uLhorized use. 7n i:he event that ti]e C1ty discontinues ';:ester service purs.:ant to t.}]is section a;d the '::ester service is re-established '~eltheut the ora;alaent Gf the fees or '::ithout due aui.hGriz2_LiGn from the City, ti]e.o-•:ner or user of any such aL.er yr •.ater service shall be ]'~1'e 13111-ed t0 1;3 :'C' e1'feC ted Gr 2L1Lh01'i LC'd S11C1] 11111: i:'f ul I'C-CStab- l.i!"}resent Gf r:aLcr servlce unt11 L}]e cGnLrary is satisfactJrily esLabl.ished." S_EC'I'IO?J ?_. Section 3?_-53(d) of the Cede of the City of Lyn::ood is amended Lo re~~.d as fo]1G'::s: "(d) P.s an additional fee there ::ill be added to ti]e othcrr•:lse applicable bell or a!~JUnt to be paid ti]e sum of Five Dollars (55.00) with receipt of any ci]eck returned to L}]e City for i.nsufficlent funds. Said acidltlonal fee shall be due and pay.-ble along ::Sti] eny outstand_ng irllance." ScCt1Gn 3_ If any Sc:Ct1Gn, l?b S~Ct1Gn, SL1bClib"i S10n, s@I]t r-;:C@, Cl.a]ti C:, p17 i'8 s@, GI' pOt'L10n JT L%]1s OI'Cli nG!7C t', Jr Lf]C' . appllc2tlon the--reef to any ncrson or place, is for any rerson held t0 };e 177 ~'Hlid GI' UnC JnsLl LUtiGndl by L e dcClsi On Of cny COi]I't Of CO::: iietcLc!]t ,~j 1: I'1 sC7 i.Cti.On, Sl1 C}7 deCislGn Sha 11 nOt eff ECt L'rie ':'a 11d 1ty Or t}]C !'!r'. F_]Ii _~Cg pJPt1 Ji'.S Of Lhis OrrinciiC E. Gr 1tS cDL•l iC2tiOn LO JLI:~r pC!'SOCS OP pLc.C~S. `1 f:~C C1ty CGU^CS1 hereby deC laI'es L}?aL iL 'r;OL]ld nc':2 cd JpLed t1L5 Jrdlnc nC-', end ec.C}l :>cCtlOn, Sl:bSECtiGn, SUbC11v1SIJn, SCntcr:C@, C1fll:5E', ]i}:'atiC Gr pGI'L 1GP. tl]cr elf, irrC•SpeC ti VC', OI' the fact t};aL aI]y G:?E Or e":G i'B SC_Ct?J.^.s, s~J CS GC LIO(]5, sL bOi V_S iJ'!s, SE'!1L i!:C CS, Cl ell sC'S, p'I]resCS, Cr pJi'L1An5 Of Lhe cC!pliCctlOn Ln:C_'eof LO any pG_'SJn or place, be declared ln':~alid Jr uncGnstitu~lGna1. ~. ~2'Y .• Sr,C`£IO_N__4. 11^he City C].erk hereby is authorized 2nd directed to cause a copy o£ this ordinance to be pt;blished in tine L]'IC~li00D Y;~rS~ a ner:spaper o£ general circulation in the City, ~,iithi.n fifteen (15) days ai'ter the adoption hereof. First read at a regular neeting o£ the City Council o£ said City held on the ]$t~__ o~'-Y °£ n~r~~,ii?.er__> 1979, and £inal.ly adomed and ordered. publ3.shed at a reF~ular ~:,eeting of said Cot:ncil i;eld on the ?nd day of __ ~ ~ t~. ~ v 1~0 oy tine follo:r- ing vote: -- ------ °i'~~5: n]'ORK~ GREEIJ, Ii1GGIh~S, R0;•!E, isORRIS. NOBS: 1~ViJF,. E. L. I•;ors~~~- ;~i~yor o£ the City of Lynr:nod A `i' S'r S `P ~i ~ _ G~--t~9-,~ . _ _ _ ----- City Clerk, City o L rn:~ood ....~_. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ) S5e COUNTY OF LOS ANGEI;ES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Counci~I of said C~.ty, do hereby certify thatvhe above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ~.Il~39 adopted by the City Council of the Citg of Lynwood, and that the same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this ~~_ day of ~~a.,tla~ ______, 1980 City ~ erk`u, C y/ ~ yn 'od (SEAL}