HomeMy Public PortalAboutHousing Authority -- 2014-01-16 Minutes '51K BREWSTER HOUSING AUTHORITY :7E;r. -_, ,.t ; Pr_ REGULAR BOARD MEETING THURSDAY,JANUARY 16,2014 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robert Hooper convened the regular meeting of the Brewster Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners at 6:05 PM in the Community Room of 11 Frederick Court, Brewster, MA. PRESENT: Robert Hooper,Dion Dugan, and Brian Harrison. ABSENT: Len Avery,Jr. &Mary Haynes ALSO PRESENT: Leila Botsford, and some audience members APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Brian Harrison, seconded by Dion Dugan and voted unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for the regular meeting of December 19,2013 were reviewed and a motion to approve the signing of the agreement was made by Brian Harrison,seconded by Robert Hooper and voted unanimously. !CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None at this point !CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: A. W.P. 5001, Fish#041019—Furnace Replacement—Update Mr. Hooper reported that DHCD came down to meet with Leila and John. Pictures were sent to the Engineer about the outstanding problems. He is on vacation until early February, but when he gets back everyone will have a walk through to figure out what problems are outstanding and how they will be addressed. Leila recommends holding off on substantial completion and close out until the issues are addressed. B. Capital Improvement Plan implementation Mr. Hooper reported that Leila has had the Construction Advisor from DHCD down to review some of the conditions of concern and he agrees that some of the items in the Capital Improvement Plan should be switched around so that priority issues can be dealt with. Leila already had one meeting over the internet with the person at DHCD who will assist her and re-organizing and re-prioritizing the plan. There are funds left over from 2013 that will be allotted for Community Room rug replacement,and everyone at DHCD agrees this is a priority. Leila recommends doing it right away and already has some estimates. C. Brewster Woods—consultant search/selection { Mr. Hooper stated that the board needs to vote on the selection of a consultant for this project. Jon Juhl is obviously hoping he will be selected, and with the guidelines DHCD gave us, we should be able to contract with him. A motion was made by Brian Harrison to approve Jon Juhl as the consultant for the Brewster Woods Project, Page 1 of 4 since his fee is less than $25,000.00 AND since there is only one practicable source for the service we are procuring, seconded by Dion Dugan and voted unanimously. He has submitted a proposed contract which the board needs to review,make changes to, and present to him. It could be voted on at the next meeting. At this point, some of the members of the public asked to be recognized. Martha Mohnahan asked if Mr. Juhl was the only consultant considered for the job. It was explained that Mr. Juhl is in the unique position of having been extensively involved in the project for many years already,working pro-bono for Brewster Housing Authority. Chris Yerkes asked what the protocol for hiring was It was explained that procurement law has different requirements depending on how much money was being spent. In Mr. Juhl's case,his fees will be under$25,000.00 and that process was followed appropriately. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. 667&705 Update: Mrs. Botsford reported that we have only a small amount of accounts receivable for 667 ($17). For 705, we have $11, 755 outstanding in rent and damages. Three eviction notices went out and we will most likely go to court on two of them. Pat Grace has been contacted. The other one is working out a payment plan. The others who have small debts are working out payment plans with us. Recertification paperwork for all 667& 705 residents went out. There was some unhappiness from the residents because apparently we do things a little different, but they are submitting them. All are due by next Friday and will be processed in February. All 705 inspections were done over the past 10 days. I have some really big concerns: • Mold/ventilation problems. Several apartments have severe problems which we need to address as soon as possible. Oceanside Restoration has been called in to give an estimate for each • Landscaping issues—trees hitting and damaging buildings. Some siding off. • A lot of debris in residents yards, including furniture, falling down fencing, old grills/bikes/lawn furniture. A 30 yard dumpster should be brought in in the Spring to do a clean out of the area. • Gutters are full and they will need to be cleaned out. This could be contributing to the mold issues. • There were several emergency work orders generated and there will be 50-60 more I think it would be helpful to John to have some help over the next few months. If it is acceptable to the board, and to the Mashpee Housing Authority board, Mrs. Botsford would like to bring her Director of Maintenance to Brewster one day a week to help out. The board agreed that this certainly would be beneficial. • Some housekeeping issues—which we will deal with through lease enforcement Mrs. Botsford reported that the DHCD director of facilities management popped in today and inspected the unit that John has finished. He noted that it did not pass there Page 2 of 4 inspection: there were several issues that need to be addressed before it can be rented but most are minor CORRESPONDENCE: none OLD BUSINESS: A) Mrs. Botsford reported that the truck has been sold. We received$600.00. I have a signed Bill of Sale and$600 money order. Title will be signed over tomorrow. B) Mrs. Botsford stated that this item was discussed at the previous meeting and it was agreed that Board member signatories be able to have their signature scanned into the bookkeeping system so that one signature on checks could be a scan and the other would be "live". This means that only one board member would be required to come in and sign checks. Mr. Dugan did not want to have his signature scanned. Mr. Harrison and Mr. Hooper did so. C) Update on Administrative Priorities: Ms. Botsford gave the board the following update: • Computerization: Now about 90%of residents have been entered into computer system; and about 75%of Waiting List has been entered into computer system. Will be done by end of month • Website: Domain purchased, as well as website. Should be up and running in a couple weeks. • Phone System: Ms. Botsford reported that she has an appointment with Comcast tomorrow. The system should be switched over and running by the end of the month. Should save the authority approximately $2,000/year. Additionally, the residents will once again have cable TV in the community room, as this is part of the package. • Computer Purchased: Came in under budget by about$4,000.00. After Comcast hooks up the new interne service, an IT person will have to come and network the two computers and printer. They will also do a data transfer. • Shredding of old records: Completed • Annual Inspections: 705 done. Will wait to do 667 until Spring • Recertifications: Both 667 and 705 are underway. Regulations allow housing authorities to do bi-annual recertifications for their 667 properties and DHCD will approve this but the board needs to vote on approval of it. This will save a lot of time for the staff and be less of a burden to residents. A motion to approve bi- annual recertifications for the 667 Program and seek DHCD approval was made by Brian Harrison,seconded by Dion Dugan and voted unanimously. • Newsletter: Even though not on list—I started one for 667 • Piano: Found someone to remove it and dispose of it for$250.00. This can be done in February. A motion to approve this cost was made by Brian Harrison,seconded by Dion Dugan and voted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: A) Carpet replacement and spruce up in Community Room: Mrs. Botsford reported that Carpet replacement should be about $4,000-$4,600 for community room,but can be Page 3 of 4 i covered by Capital Improvement Plan. Mrs. Botsford would like to purchase some new furniture and paint the room as well,and can do this with the money collected from the truck sale and through the operating budget, as well. The board agreed that a spruce up would be very nice. TOPICS THE CHAIR DID NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATE: Mr. Dugan stated that he wished to say that he welcomed input from the audience members and wants to keep this process and communication about it open. Mr. Yerkes asked the procedure for being on the agenda in the future. It was explained that this request could be made through the office before the agenda was posted. BILLS: The Warrant was presented for approval for the period 1/1/14 thru 1/31/14 Brian Harrison made a motion to approve the bills and sign the checks presented. Dion Dugan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Brian Harrison made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dion Dugan seconded the motion which was voted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned by roll call vote at 6:40 p.m. Respe fully submitted, Leila 1. +tsford Secretary Ex-Officio Page 4 of 4