HomeMy Public PortalAboutHousing Authority -- 2014-03-20 Minutes BREWSTER HOUSING AUTHORITY _ DI/ REGULAR BOARD MEETING THURSDAY,MARCH 20,2014 :Et.'STEP TO t _E. }: CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robert Hooper convened the regular meeting of the Brewster Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners at 6:05 PM in the Community Room of 11 Frederick Court, Brewster, MA. PRESENT: Robert Hooper,Brian Harrison, and Mary Haynes ABSENT: Dion Dugan and Len Avery,Jr. ALSO PRESENT: Leila Botsford, and Zachary and Tabatha Volpicelli APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Brian Harrison, seconded by Mary Haynes,and voted unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This item was tabled to next meeting. Unable to get a vote from those present. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Zachary Volpicelli introduced his wife Tabatha and stated they were there as representatives of the Neighbors of Northwest Brewster(abutters for the Brewster Woods Project). The board welcomed Mr. &Mrs. Volpicielli. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The chair entertained a motion made by Brian Harrison and seconded by Mary Haynes to go into Executive Session for the purpose of conducting contract negotiations with regards to Mr. Juhl and the Brewster Woods property. The motion carried a roll call vote was taken: Brian Harrison—YES; Mary Haynes—YES; Robert Hooper—YES.The chair announced that the board would be returning to regular session once executive session was complete and requested guests to leave until the Executive Session was over with. Executive Session began at approximately 6:09 PM. The board returned to regular session at approximately 6:20 PM. Guests were invited back in. The chair informed them that the Executive Session next month may be longer,just so they are aware. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: A. W.P. 5001, Fish#041019—Furnace Replacement—Update Most of the repairs needed to be done have been done in house. There is still one item that needs correcting—and equalizer pump—and that part is on order. Leila has not heard from either the engineer or the contractor recently and recommends continuing to hold off on close out until all issues are addressed. B. Capital Improvement Plan implementation Page 1 of 3 Leila has had several telecommunication sessions so far with DHCD to change the Capital Improvement Plan to now incorporate the mold remediation work at Huckleberry Lane and get funding from DHCD through the Emergency Fund. We are hoping that this change, along with the others that have been made,will be approved within the next month. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. 667&705 Update : Mrs. Botsford reported that we have no outstanding accounts receivable for 667. For 705,we have $9,687.00 outstanding in rent and damages(down almost$3,000 from last month). We have a court date next Thursday for two of the eviction notices that went out. Mrs. Botsford reported that an energy audit was done for all units at both developments. Most refrigerators were energy efficient but some may be replaced at no cost to BHA. Mrs. Botsford reported that AmeriCorps came to Frederick Court. We may be eligible for one of their projects to revamp the garden outside. Installing raised beds for better accessibility is the goal, and AmeriCorps is trying to get fencing donated to redo the fenced surround, as well. At 667/FREDERICK COURT we were 100% occupied until last night when a resident passed away, so we will have a vacancy next month. Mrs. Botsford reported that she is having some difficulties with residents and parking that she'd like some board guidance on. Some residents think that there is assigned parking at Frederick Court,but Mrs. Botsford was told by Ms. Courchesne that there was no assigned parking. The board informed Mrs. Botsford that there was no assigned parking. Mrs. Botsford reported that inspections to be done in April. Mrs. Botsford reported that at Huckleberry Lane, there is so much work that needs to be done, so we are chipping away at it. The Mashpee Director of Maintenance at MHA and the MHA custodian is coming to BHA one day a week to help John out. This will continue until things can get caught up a bit more and/or until the board consents. Mrs. Botsford reported that a dumpster is coming next Monday for clean up at the site and gutters are being cleaned on the 31St of March. At Huckleberry we have one new vacancy due to death. Other vacancy, DHCD has given us until end of May to fill. Mrs. Botsford reported that the waiting list has not been updated in a while, so we are not having a lot of luck with people responding. Waiting list update is going out to all family applicants within the next week or two. Mrs. Botsford suggests opening the Chapter 705 waiting list to all applicants right away(right now only open to emergencies). A motion to open the non- emergency Chapter 705 waiting list right away was made by Brian Harrison, seconded by Mary Haynes,and voted unanimously. Page 2 of 3 a Mrs. Botsford reported that she's having some difficulty with keeping track of maintenance items being done/accountability and was looking for some suggestions for how to better manage it. After a brief discussion, it was decided that maybe a Monday morning meeting to discuss things planned for the week/accomplished the week before would be a good way to approach. CORRESPONDENCE: The chair acknowledged the correspondence from Mr. Volpicielli and Neighbors of Northwest Brewster and stated that a response would go out from Mrs. Botsford. Mrs. Botsford informed the board that she did do a quarterly report to the Community Preservation Committee and a copy was provided. OLD BUSINESS: A) Update on Administrative Priorities: Ms. Botsford gave the board the following update: • Community Room: Newly painted, new sofa purchased along with a few other things to spruce up. Carpeting to be installed on March 26 (next Wednesday) • Smoking Survey: Sent out on March 7 66%responded (this is under new business) • Workshop: has been completely cleaned out and organized (pictures provided) • Update Management Plan/Polices—starting to work on this NEW BUSINESS: A) Smoke Free Housing: Mrs. Botsford reported that she knew a resident survey had been a few years ago, but thought an updated one would be good, so one was conducted earlier this month. Mrs. Botsford shared the results of the survey with the board. Mr. Harrison asked if DHCD had changed its stance on it and Mrs. Botsford reported that they are in fact now drafting guidelines for housing authorities wishing to go Smoke Free. It was decided that the board would table this for a little while in the hopes that the guidelines soon come out. TOPICS THE CHAIR DID NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATE: none BILLS: The Warrant was presented for approval for the period 3/1/14 thru 3/31/14 Brian Harrison made a motion to approve the bills and sign the checks presented. Mary Haynes seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Brian Harrison made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mary Haynes seconded the motion which was voted unanimously.The meeting was adjourned by roll call vote at 6:53 p.m. Resp-• y ly submitted, lair aL J Leila :ots or., Secretary Ex Officio Page 3 of 3