HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1027ORDINANCE N0. 1027 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF TAE CITY OF LYNWOOD, ADOPTING REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO ANIMAL CONTROL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 5 of the Code of the City of Lynwood hereby is amended in its entirety to read as follows: CHAPTER 5- ANIMALS AND POUND Sec. 5-Ol This chapter shall be known as and may be cited and referred to as, the animal control ordinance. Sec. 5-02 Definitions of Terms. For the purpose of this Chapter unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain terms used herein are defined as £ollows: A. ANIMAL shall include any beast, poultry, bird, reptile, fish or any other dumb animal. B. AT LARGE shall mean an animal off the premises of its owner unless such animal be securely confined by a strong leash securely and continuously held by the owner of such animal, or confined within an automobile. C. CAT shall mean any cat of any age, including female as well as male. D. CAT KENNEL shall mean any lot, building, structure, enclosure, or premises whereupon o~ wherein four or more cats, over four months of age, are kept or maintained for any purpose, including places where cats are boarded, kept for sale, or kept for hire. E. DOG shall include female as well as male dogs. F. DOG KENNEL shall mean any lot, building, structure, enclosure, or premises whereupon or wherein four or more dogs, over four months o£ age, are kept or maintained for any purpose, including places where dogs are boarded, kept for sale, or kept for hire. G. HORSE shall include mule, burro, pony, jack, hinny or jenny. A. IMPOUNDED shall mean if any animal pursuant to this ordinance or any state statute has been received into the custody of any animal shelter, such animal will have been "impounded" as that word is used in this ordinance. I. OWNER shall mean any person, firm or corporation owning, having an interest in, or having control or custody or possession of an interest in, or having control or custody or possession of any animal. J. PERSON shall include any firm, partnership, corporation, trust or association or person. K. PET SAOP shall mean any place of business where dogs, under four months of age, or cats, monkeys, birds, reptiles, fish, or any other animals to be used as pets, are kept for sale. L. UNLICENSED DOG shall mean any dog for which the license for the current year has not been paid, or to which the tag for the current year provided for in this ordinance is not attached. M. WILD SPECIE shall mean any wild, exotic, dangerous or non- domestic animal, including but not limited to mammals, fowl, fish or reptiles. Sec. 5-03 Animal Control Officer. The office of the Chief Animal Control Officer is hereby established. The Chie£ Animal Control Officer may be either a person, firm, association, corporation, another municipality, or the County of Los Angeles, as determined by the City Council. The Chief Animal Control Officer shall serve for such period of time and shall receive such compensa- tion as shall be established by ordinance, resolution or by contract executed by the City Council. The Chief Animal Control Officer is hereby authorized and directed to perform, in conjunction with and under the supervision of the City Manager, the powers and duties herein bestowed upon and required to be performed by said Chief Animal Control Officer. Sec. 5-04 Deputies. Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon the Chief Animal Control Officer or other public officer, the power may be exercised or the duty may be performed by a deputy of the officer or by a person authorized, pursuant to law, by the officer, unless this ordinance expressly provides otherwise. Sec. 5-~5 License and Tax Powers. The Chief Animal Control Officer, when so contracted for, shall be vested with the powers and duties of a license inspector and shall have the power to collect the license fees and to issue the animal licenses and tags prescribed herein. Sec. 5-06 Duties. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief Animal Control Of£icer to enforce any other sect3ons of this chapter whether enumerated as a duty or not. _2_ . Sec. 5-07. IinLerirg U~~on Presises. Tlte ChieF Animal Control OEficer, any o[ticer or e_,ployee thereof or other duly designated representaCive of th~ City, or police officer shall have ttie ri~ht to nake an insper.tion to eniorce the provisions of ttiis ordinance or other appli_cable law by entering into any buildi_ng or upon any property within Lhe Ci~y o~ Lynwood Lvli°n said person has reasonzble cause to bel.ieve that there exists in any building and/or upon any property any vio- lation of the provisions of this ordinance or other applicable law; provided that: (a) -If s~ich building and/or property be occupi.ed, he sha11 firsL' pres~nt proper credeetials to Ciie occuoanC and request en~ry explaining his reasons th~refor; and if such building and/o~ nroperty be unoccupied, he sha11 first make a reasonable effort to locate t:Le owner thereof or ottier persons liaving autherity.over the Uuildin~ and/or property and request entry explaining his reasons therefor. ' (b) I~ entry into said bt:il.ding or epon s2id property be re`used, ttie C}:ief nnimal Coatrol Of*icer, any officer or e~a~loyee th~reo£ or other duly designated representative of- ttie City, or ;:ny ~olice of,`.icer shall obtain an irspection warrant pursuant to the provisions of the Cod~ of Civil Procedure (Secs. 1S7_2.50-1822.57), for the entr} and inspection of said building and/or said property. (c) i;o~`;azthstandlr; the =c~e~oing, i.E tiie C?~ie.~ 4ni:-a1 Control O.f_ficer, any oEiicer or e~~loyee thercoi, or oth~r duly desi~nzted representative of the Czty, or any police officer has reasonable cause to believe that the keepin~ or the maintaining of atiy anir,.al is hazardovs, unszfe or dan~erous as to require "' iff~ediate inspection to safeguard the animal or the public health or safety, he shall have the righ~ to icrrnediately enter and ~ inspect such buil~ing and/or property, and may~ use any reasonable means requzred to eEiect such entry and make such inspection, c:nether such building 2nd/or. propert}- be occupied or unoccupied ' and caheth~r or not pernission to inspect has been obtained. If ttie httildin; ~nd/or property be occupied, he shall first present prop>r cre~en~ials to the occupa:~t and request entry explaining his reasons therefor. This Section shall n.ot p-onibit the Chief Animal Control Ofii.cer, any officer or e~aployee ttiereof, or any police o,`.ficer from entering upon any public or private property i.n the City of Lynwo9d ic; th^ purpose o= caatu-ing 2a a~~zL=_1 i-unninb a.~ -3- large in ~zolatioa of t}iis ord~nance or o.tn~r applicable law. ~ny nerson ca}to denies or prc~vents, obstructs, or artenpts to deny, I~revent, or obstruct said capture is guilty of a mis- dea_anor. Sec. 5-Ofi Exhibition of License. No person shall fail or refuse to exhibit the rep,istration of any anisal required to be lic~nsed by this code when required tb do so by said Animal Cor~trol Officers or any pol.ice o_`ficer. A vioLation of:this section is an iPdFRAGTION, and uaon a convir_r.ioa th~reof shall b° punishable by a fine not to exceed Two ?iL-~c_ed & Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Sec. 5-09 C_~v :1r.i~a1 S~elter Prov'_ca3. T}Zere ; hal~ be provid=d b; the City or LYnWOOd or oy the Chief Ani~al Control OL"ficer, upon such ter~s and conditions 2s sha11 be nacied in a contr~ct e:;ecnted by and bet~aeer t~te Chief Animal Control 0`f.icer and the legi_slative body of the City oi I,ynwood, ~ titiitable buildin~ or enclosure to }.,~ep ~nd safely hold all znir~ls herein en _**,erated which are subject to be inaou:t'zd, wnich shall be kno:an and designated as tha "Anir~al Shelter". Sec. 5-10 In oendino. It sh=11 be the duty of the Chief Ani±~a1 Controi_ OEficer to ta.e up, inpound zrd safely keev 2ny of tne anir..zis ec~;r~erated ia this lar~e stz}:ed, chzpter fou^d running at ~, tied or beir.g hereed or pasr.u-ed in 2n3 street, l~tie, a11ey, cnurt, square, par'~c or other plac~ belonoing to or under the coatsol of caid City, or upon any pr.ivate property in said Citp, coztrar-~ to th~ provisions of this chapter_ Sec. 5-11 C2r~ of Ani~als. j•]hea zny ~;nimal is im- potinded, it sh211 be provid~d, during impou*ic:~ent, with proper~ and sufficient food znd water by the Chief Aninal Control Officer. ~Sec. 5-12 F~~claicina of r",ninals. Ti~e znimal tr~oour.d_d sh~T ---rg owr!~r of any t1-~ave the ri~it to reclaim th~ same 2C an}' ti~e przo- to ti~=_ sale thereof u~on av-~ A.nimal Contrc~l Oificer of the costs and char:-es here}inafterf Prorided i.n this chaot~r for inpoundin~ and keeping said ani~als, and the obtaining of a license for unlicensed animals Sec. 5-13 Fee , for I~oun ~ o ~ d'n~. Tne Chie~ Aniral. Control 0=fzcer ;l,;~i i cha-~~ -- fees =or serv' z poundi oc~ly~ ',-ld col ~~~~ ~hP foll.o:.in~ ices nd ic no anirals: -:4- '+ A. For picking up and inpoundirig: ' Any dog: Fi.rst impound -$5.00; se t}iird i cond irapound -$7.50• ~ npound and ev~ry impound thereafter -~ $15.00. ~--~ Any cat: $4.00 .`~ '~~ Any large animal: $20.00 Any medium-sized aninal: $8.00 1 i B. For delivering imoounded ani~als to their owners: $4.00 ~ C. For picking up relinquished zni~.al: $5.00 a D. For daily c-are aad feedin~: - '~ I.arge arii~als, (horses, co;.s z~d ani Tiediu~-sized anirals ( ozts h mal_s of si~tilar size): $5.00 , g , s eep, si.u~ilar size): $5 00 pigs an3 ani~ls of j • . Dogs, cats 2nd miscellaneous snaller ariie~alsc $2,50 E• n~l}' 3n=~-a,ls quarzntined - double the dai7y rate for care and feeding. F. For placin~ imPounded ani~als: Any dog: ~9.00 plus licease and Any czt: $5.00 AL1 other anic~als: tl2rket value In the event more than one D~rson ani~al, tn~ zni~zl c~i11 ~ t~ ~ b~ ~_~c_d rabies shots. i~is~°s to 2dopt any caith ~n~ l:;o~ zst b;dZe_ • G. Veterinary care for inpoua~ed aninals: Do~s, cats or other small an_~a1s~ per trea~~ent: $10.00 tlediu-si~ed anina_ls, per trea~ ent: $15.00 Large znitsals, n~r treatm~n~: $7_0.00 " Emergency care treatment -$2~.00 per 2nimal. Any treatr;ent thereefter, sa~z as regular Veterinary care for inpounded ani,*-ials _ Sec. 5-1l1 nestru~~ion of I~oour.ded Unfit Anirn=_1s. It sha11 be the cu~j~ ot the C~iAF-t p` ~a1 Control O~~er to issu2 and sign < ~catli uzrrant for ard to ord~r the destructi_on oi any ani~~a1 lawiully t«l;en i.nLo custody, c~hich in the opinion of the Chiei ~~nimal Control Oificer is infected iaith a dangerous or corrnunicable di_sease or c:hich is i.n an incurrble crippled condition, or which is adjud,;ed by ~ orritten report ef a licensed veterinary to be afflicted c•~ith any painful, incurzble disease. Sec. 5-lj ],i_ccnse and i:c-~.~.tr~tion .°.ec~t,i_r.ed. CJo --°----------'---- per~on G1T711TV~ ~1'Vjile PR 1Il~L~nSi, lil~ OT (??Vl.i7~ COL1Cr01~ CUSi.pC] Oi I~o~sessio~ of any dog sha11 fai1, neglect or refuse to license -5~- and register such dov if over four {4) nonths of age, in cora- pliaace wi_th the• terr-,s of t_his chapter. A v;'olation o£ tliis .^.ection i.s an I[7FP4CTION, and uoon a conviction thereof sha11 1>° ptmistiable by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars ($250_ 00) . Sec. 5-la Transfer. No dog license is transferable. sec. 5-17 FrocLraoen~ of Licease Certificates. The Chief P.nirzl Cantrol Q~iicer, . ~ahen so contracted ~or, is hereb~ authorized and dirccted to procure czch year, such n~ber o[ license czrtificates and ta~s zs nay Ue su`ficien.t for use during the Sear, c,rith the year plainly inscribed thereo~. Sec. 5-lti I=snance of Licer;~ Ta~s 2nd CertiF~ca;~es. A metallic tag an3~ icense certiiic' ate •iL~ki corresponding nu~bers shzll.be furnish~d by the City Clerk or desi.;na~ed reoreseatztive or contractual z;ent of the Cit~ as desi.~nated for the City, to 2n}' Ferson r~~uired by tnis chapter to obta__a ~_ license, upon ~a;-rent of ths appropriate license or tag fee prescrioed in this chapeer. T}ie issuer of said ta~s and lic~nse cert.ifi_cates shall keep 2 record of the n~m~, 2ddress aed telephone nt~-~ber of thz o.;,.er oi the dog or person ma'_~ciag pa}u~2nt of said license fee, aad to i.hoa a certifi.cate and ta~ shall hav~ issued, and tlte nwber ~~ 2nd d2te of such c~rtificate. Such ~ztz1 t~„ issu~d for th= current license year sh•zll Ue securel.y fzsten~d to the co11a1 or hzmess oF the c?o~ 2nd sh211 b2 c:orn by ,uch do~ 2t all tines other thza tnosz periods when confined to the o;T-ier's tiouse, enclosed yard or pen. A duplica`~ of a lost license .,. ta~ ~r.ay he procL-~e iro ~ said issuer upon p=oof of loss znd pa;~nent of One Do11ar ($1.00). ~ • Sec. 5-19 ii*_,e Limit, License Fee. Everjr person owning or havir.g custody o~ control of any dog or dods over the ag> oi four (4) rr,onths within t;ie City of Lynwood sha11 first oo~zin ~~n a~inual licease £ren the City Clerk or desi.€natnd representative or contracti~al z~;~n~ of tl~e Czt} zs des:~gn2ted for the City , for cach such dog, nnd zt the sa_me ti;~z obtain z dog license ~ao, a,id for such license or licenses shall pas ten dollars (510.00) e;:cept tnat if tt;e dog is spayed or neutered, th= fee for such ~ li.cense or licenses is five dollars ($5.00) per each dog and if e~;e~pted frc~ license fees bj Section g_Zy, _the fee shall ~7~ i.1°_ L~~ i°_°_ P-=0`I1deC~. SOr til2-'2=:1. -6 - Orioinal license fees shall be due and payable taithin thi_rty (30) day~ a.[Y~r ~ ny dog i.s acqtiired ai~d coines itlto the care, custody and control of any person in said City. P.enewal li_cense fees shall be,due and payable on July 1 of ezch year, coarnencing .Tuly 1, 1978. Sec. 5-20 Penalty Fees. Any person caho f~i1s to pay t:he required dog 1ic~nse~ee within thirty (30) days oi the time required by Section 5-~9 sha11 pay, i.n addition to said license f~e, a penalty fee of 50 percent of the original or renewal license fee. ~ Sec. 5-21 T,icen~e f'ee l::;er•_~~ti~c~s. A tc•;o dollar ($2.00) do~ ta~ i~e, in ~lieu o~license fze, sha11 be required for the followiro: A. See=n~-eye c'..o~s. E. Dogs ho~orably discharged froe the araed iorces of the linit~d States. C. Spayed bi~c~es znd neutered nales oc~-ned or in the custody or control of ~ny resident sir.ty-two (62) yezrs of a~e or older, procided, hocaever, th2t the ful.1 license fee must be paid if szid residen~ does not obtzin a license ~oitiiin the time set forth in Section 5-2~ of this chzp~er. D. ".ny C~O~ l:o~r1-::~ OL 112Vi~o Z~~_:'_C.:~~ t-0 if ~ liLOn~? rd~ fOr Cne current year iss~ied by tne CounCy o* Los Anoeles or any mer_iczpalitv ~.;~thin I,os An~eles County cah=n the own2r thereof has ~oithie tne on= (1) year lest past, rovad his principal plzce of residenc~ from the County of Los An~~les or a ... r~u;~icipal~ ty~ c;ithin said Cou-~~-y , to the Cit3 of Lynwood, procided th=_t thz County of Los Anoeles znd/or the nunici- • Pality th~r~in, sinilarly e;:e-ipts from 1=cense require~ents dogs w_=arin~ cL r~r.t Lynwood li_cense ta~s and owned by persoes :;;.o have raoved from Lynwood to the Count of Los AngeLes or z mm icipzlity therein_ y Sec. 5-22 ~?rie^e1 Identi_`icatioa T,ic.;~;~ ior Cats. In order to provic;=_ a r::~t'no~identiryin~~ c2ts, a license oay be obtained. The fee for such license shall be determ.ined from tir~ to ticne b; the Cit}' Council. This sectioa shall not require t}~e licensing oi cats, but r!erely provides for their optional lice~sir.o. Sec. 5-23 ia:' ifus~ b~ ~hc~~. i;o p~rso:1 s~all fail or reiuse to sho;o to the Ghiei ~'~nic~zl Control O~ficer or zny police _7_ nfiicer, tt~e li.cens~"and the t::; for any duly reoistered dog I~:ept or re~,aininc within zny horae or upon enp enclosed prenises uader his ir,~dial'e control. f+ violation of this section is an II~RACTION, and upon a convi.ction th~reof sha11 be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Htl~dred & Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Sec. 5-?4 Fe~oval of ReFi_stration Ta;s. Pio unauthorized person sha11 renove ror,~ any doo aay coZlar, harness, or other d~vice to which is a.ttached e reoistration ta~ for the current year or to re~ove sech tag there~rc~. A violztioa of tnis section is an I~i~RACTI0.7, znd upoa a convict:ue ther~of shzll be ptinish- able by a fine not to eviceed T:~o H~ndred & rifty Dollars ($250.00). Sec. 5-25 ~~~n*_~rfeitz*,~ Ta=-s. Cio p~rson s'~a11 i~itat=_ or cocate_~eit tne ca~s iz _his cha~te_ p=ovid2d ror, 'Or sha11 use~aay i~itation or cov~terieit of such tao_ Sec. 5-20 }~t=r='-=ns zt I~r=e Prohibited. t:o person oan:i_r.g, }12L'=P.o cR lili_~~E?St lil~ tlc_i.~Or1P.c~ 07" El~2Vli1~ C~l?r~°~ Cr3iC~ COIl- t t~.-o1, cestody or possession oi zny do~ shzl_1 cause or p~r,it such (?Oo CO tJZ OiT Y_~1? prem_ses Oi 1.~5 OSilC~t~ L_711E'SS Sl1Ci1 CIO~ 15 securely con`ined by z stron~ lezsh ot not e:•:cezding si~. (6) f.ee*_, s~curely an3 continuously lteld by a co~~; etent yerson oc~~ing, ~1~V1I1~, ci] LIl~L'L~'SC lil, hzrbori.r_S ~Oi [12V171o Ctl2i~ ~_'~ C?r2, COi.lt:.01.~ custody or poss2sszon o~ such co~„ c= unless sLich dog bn con- fined ~.itiiin an autosobile. A violatioa of this section is 2 r..isdeW=~nor. Sec. 5-27 I'_'~o~n?_a~ and Oua=antin=. It sh_ll be th~ duty o` the Chie~ An_-=i Co:~t~o~Z-Ott cer 2aci of zny police oificer oi ti~:s City, to take up all dogs found i.a violati_on of Sec*_ion 5-26 h~reo`. Lin~n such do~ is ta'c~n up, it sha11 be de- livered to the C~:ief Anz~al Coatrol O~ficer. All such dogs sha1l be i~pounded in th~ aninzl sh~lter. Sec. 5-28 Givi.r~ ~lotice o_` Cr~tnred ~~*ti_~~1s Any person 4:f10 C~cL~ttir_'.S 2T1 ~ il~'•-121 1C 12r~° 2S d2~1i1(-C~ ].:: S2Ci.lOR .rJ-26 shall, c:itnin t;~enty-four (24) hoers, give no`_c2 to the Chi~f Anz~al Control C=iicer. Such notice shall include the followino: A. Tn~ fact that he has such an i~al in his possession. B. Tne complete description of such zni~al. C. ?''~e licen;e m_~ber oi such .a_nir~al, i.F ~. ~_. .'.I.C1~)~'~. ~.C~ DO'2t_lOR 1J:rl.a~. 1Z 1_c~r.se, such p=rson shz1~ so slate. ~ r.y, aad by t:hat county SL'~~1 :!_1i~3~ :183 PO 'b- n. The place where such aninal is coniined_ ~.ny such per..;on sha_11 L-here~ Eter surrend=r said 2nimal to th? Chief Ani~al Control Officer or his deputy upon request, Sec. 5-~9 P~bies: Vaccinat~on. Every person keepino, ha_rborino or havi~i~ a dog over the a~e of fo~r (/+) nonths in the City oE Lynwood Czlitontia, sha11 cause such dod to he vaccinated c.ri_th a tppe of rabies vaccine approv~d by tLe State Depart~ent o~ Public }iealth withzn a~eriod of thirtq (30) days from the d2te si~ch doc was ha-bored, k~ot cr had within said City, or wit'~in thirty (30) ?ays iro~ the date the said dog attains the a;e of f.our (<<) nont_hs; provided, ho-:ev2r, thaC the aforesaid provision shall not apply so zs to revuire the vaccinztioa of any dor i•;hich h2s been ~~~cciazt~d with an anp-oved vzccin~ by a person licensed by the State of Californ_a, or by any other state or nat_on, to przctice veterir_ary t•iedicine where such vaccina_tion has Ueen co~pleted within ttte ~eriod of tine as hereiaa~ter prescribed in tnis section. .T-~ C~11C~1 omp-p0 ~i?CC1Tl°_ :•7?g L'32~ 1Z SL'Cl ':'7CCLTlc3~ 10L1~ . i ~ mns~ ha~~e been cortpleted :•rith:a tn_rt~ (30) ,o~ths or ~ ~ the tissu~-ty~e va_ccil--te caas tsed, it ~ust have been coopleted wirh;n on~ y~ar pr_or to tne date si!ch dog was first l:ept, hzrbored or broughtinto the City of L,ynwo od . ... . . Sec. 5-3~ F._oi~s: Ee-oaccinztion_ Every P=rson }:eeping h_rbo-i-±~ or n=_ving in tiiz City of L nwood a dod ~ahich nzs oe2n vaccina~.ed c.~ith chick e~bL-yo vaccine shall czese s~ch do~ to be vzccinated c.~ithin a n~riod of not rore than two years, or ~•~hich has heen v.~cc_nated t;ith ~ t_ssue-t~~e ,:acczne sha11 cattse t:ha c'og to ~e vaccinated within a period oi not core than one year. -9- i i 'F. f- . Sec. 5-31 ~,1bies: Certificate. Every person keepino, harborin~ or havino in the City of Lynwood any dog required by this ordinance to be vaccinated shall at all ti~es :oll_le such dog is thus kept, harbored or had, have in his possession a certificate issuzd by a person licensed by the St2te of California or any other state or ^ztion to practice veterinary ~edicine, ~ohich certific~t~ shall specify that such do~ h~s been vaccinzted in accorcance ~aith the provisions oi Sections 5-29 and 5-30, . Sec. 5-32 .Fabies: L:icensie~ P.equiree2nts_ Every person ~i~p1; ing `or a do~ licer.se r,ust e,~~iihit a certif ~r«.~ ;_~su~d 'ey a_ person licensed by the State of Cz.liLorni~ t_o practice veterir.ary medic?n~ wEtich certificate s5ra11 sho;~ that the do~ ior :ahich~the li.cense s'.;a11 be issiied, eith~r (1) has bcee v<-~c- cina~ed in accord=ace orith the provisions of Sections 5-29 <<c 5_30 hereof, or (2) ci~ould not be so ~:accin~ted by reason of a~e, infireity or ottler disabilit~. Such e:cz~_ption sha11 be ca1_?d for a PFLlOd ilnt t0 E'.::C<__d one yeci. A 11C-'t_^.SC~ iOT c1R~% CjOo s~a ~ 1 not b~ i_.> ;~:_=a u~l ess and until either s~~c;~ cerCifi- cate is exnibited. Sec. 5-33 License: Evidence. At ti~e tic!~ a dog license is issuzd, it shz11 be stz_~ped with the date of vaccina*_ie~ ~nd the type of vacciae used zs shown on seid certificate, or tnere sha11 be a vaccinatioa tag contzini..~ st~ch ic_o matzon issued by the veterinariaa at the ti~e oi such vaccination. -10 - Sec. 5-3~+ }lealth OfEicer ~r Ctiief Atiimal ConLrol Officer [o Have D~F._<ani.n~d__for_Rabi~s. Officers or persons capturing do~s under the provi;ions o~Secti_ons 5_?~ and 5_28 hereof sha11 separ.ately confine such dogs captured by then in some safe place, and sha11 report the capture to the Ilezlth OFf icer of the Citp of Lynwood or his depit~ies or the Chief ~';ninal Control OEficer or his deputies znd sha11 subnit such do~ to the e~:amination of tn~ Health Officer of the City oL Lynwood or his deputies, or the Cnief Ari~al Control OFLicer or his depuCies; aad it shall be the duty of the Health Ofiicer, or the Chief Aai~a1 Co ~trol Ofiicer wnen called upoa to ex:_,~ine or have exu~ia~d such do~, 2nd to ascertain wheLher or. not such do` is infected wi~h r.:b_es. Dogs captured under said sections shall not Ue killed, but shz11 be kept in coa~ineaer.t untzl the f'.~-alth OPficer or his deputies or the Chief Fnical Control Officer or his deputies si1a11 find that further observation ot the zni~zl is not n=cessary ior tlte deternination of• the presence oi rzbies, or absznce of rabies. Sec. 5-35~ Unl~~~fu~_ ~_or=n~ ?erson to Fai1 to tiotiLY _ . - ------- }I^`~ (_tl ~f~1C2r Oi t~l° (,~ ~ti" Of_ LYIIWOOCl~__ ~i15 1)2i]ll~le5_Or Chiet Ani~ ~~~ Control Ot i.cer or_~is lleeuri~s F:e~ardzng IZabid ~ Po~. It sh211 be unla;aful for ~r.y person havin~ knowledoe of the ~•;nereabouts of an rnir..a1 knoc~ to hzce or suspected of havin; rabies or has shoc.~n syLLp~c~s of rzbies to Lai1, reiuse or neglect ta i~mediz~ely noti`y tt;e H~zlth 0`£icer of the Ci~y oi Lynwood, or his d~ou=ies or the C~~~f F,ni-~a1 Control O<<~C2= O~ ilLS C~.?O~~"_'85~ OT ~-0 f?lL, ~E~llSA p~ P°o~2Ct: ~O a l.low the F?e.z1 ~h 0-=~ ce~ or his d~puries or th~ Chi.ef Animzl Control Officer.or his deput:~s to make an inspection or e>:anznation of such 2;~ira1 until it sh;ill be est~blish~d to tne satisfactioa o~ e,aid o"icial tnat sech ani_nal has or. has no~ ~ rabies. ine 1~~a1=h 0=iicer or his deputies or r_he Chiei Aniral Control Orficer o- his e~octies sna11 lik~wise he notified of • nny person bitten b, a~ ani~al of a species subject to rabies, ~~nether or not tne aniezl is suspected of havi.no rabies. Sec. 5-36 no~~ znd O~her '.nicnals to be Qi~erantined for Ten (10~_Dav:: [:l~e~~~.,~- it is ~o:,-n i~t an~= doh o= ot ie~~~~ar- }1~5 t)iCC"P. 7C!}' ~?2CSOR, ~P.O o.•rner Or (72r50i1 }l2VLP." ~I12 CllSCOC}' ~r possession thereof, t~~on order of the Chief Anir~al Control OEficer, any police ofiicer, or tne Nealth Office* of the City of Lynwood, shall fzil, refuse or ne~ol.ect to quarzntine such aninal and yr_eo it s~curely confined on a chain or in a closed caoe or p~c;docl: for ~ r~riod of tc~n (10) days, or shall ;z1 re.-._;. or r,;1~,.~ tc alioa ...~ Ch_-- r.n_._-1 Control 0= :__r or his, deputi_es, Co c:al:e ._, inspect.ion o=`examination thereof ~ at any. tir..~ diirin~ said I~~ri.od. ?~o such do; or animal sli~1]- be 7-('[^CVEC~ ~~1!t[1rJl:i. ~~.-2"1t:tE'i1 a2iTi7:5S10i1 Oi t}i~? Ch1of ~i,*~l[nal CORtTO~. O~ficer or his deputies. -11- sec. 5-37 ~~no~.~lec~~e of F,~.te: Dut:v to P.eport. FThenever ~a«y person havin; cha?-~e, care,-cont'roi, custody or possessi.on of zny do~ has kno~aledoe that ~uch do~ has bi.tten any person, the person having charge, care, control, custody or possession oi such do~ sha11 report said izct i_n writing forthcaith to Lhe Chief Animal Control Officer, his deputy, or a police officer. The report sh=11 st.3t~ the n~e znd address oi the person bitten and the tio_ and place such person was bitten. Sec. 5-3~ tlot.ice and P.ed=__,~~ion of Inoounded Uo~. I•Then r~ny doo or cat i.s i•~~ounded, the Chie~Ani_oa1 Gontrol Officer ~t12~ 1 lr-:?C~~ ~ i_~1~ P.~~~1Ty r"~";e O*n-12r tn~reof ~ lf ;:nown ~.O rtLa~~l~ by writ~e~ notiee or telephone. Sec. 5-39 F•-~ fo- ~~~ , o - ov~_rv of Do or Cat F~edin€.- Subject to tne o,t,~~r rovisions o~- `~ - ~---- P tFi~is c~iapter, any ~~erson na~ n~]ce apnlicatio;~ to the Chizf Anic~l ControL CEficer for th~ retur~ of ~.ny ~o~ or. cat, a~~d uaon pres~nt~_tion or proof satis~zctory to ti~e sazd Chiei ~nimal Control OEficer, that ~ sucn persoZ is th~ o~~ner or is rioht~ully entitled to the pos- session o` such doJ or ca_t, r_may recover such ce~, or cat upon t1i° pay~ent oi th= :equired fee. The fee for recovery sliall be as stated i~ ~~ction 5-13_ nereof, plus any license fee then due and pa~ablA, Sec. 5- 40 1iir.zr-:~.~ F~-;od o~ Ir.oounded Dn~. All licersed ao~s i~~noi~nc'ea a` t~r~ a,=~a1 c~~t=~r sha_1 ~_be -~id by t;-iz C%ti~f ~~`~11[7H~. ~.ORCTO~ ~i-~=1C5_'r _p~ ~ Pz,-:,~d OY. (-1~P. 31i..'3L L•T'1LCE'Tl IlOC1CL' is ~iven t.o th~ o;<n.~r azd the e:~~er fails to or is unable to re- de~~ the an_~al ~f~er contact c:ith the o~.on~r, or if unable to establish cortact wit'~ th=_ oc~-ner, the aninal is determined by ttle Aninal Co~tro~ Or•`icer to be abandened. Linlicensed, un- identiiied does s1~~11 be held fo~ reder~ption ~or a period of at least three (3) days. inereafter the dogs nay be disposed of in accordance with Sectior 5~-12. Sec. 5-41 1iin=z,.-~ Period oi I~~ocaded Cat. All cats im~ounded at the aniral snetter d=solaying sooe type oF id~Ztifieation shall h' }1e1~ ty ~i"- C!~'-== ~',ni-,a1 Co~trol Orficer `or a period o[ time af~er or?-itt~n r,ot~c~ is ~iven to th~ o~~ner and ttze o~mer fails to or is tinable to r~cae~ th~ an:nel aiter contact w_th th~ ocmer, or if unable to E>tatlish contact ~~ith the ocm~r, the 2nimal is deter- c*~in~d by the Chi.ef ~~.nic~=1 Control Officer to b~:~ a'~andoned. Cats without id~ntificat_on sh=11 be };eld for r.ede~c~tion for at least three (3) days. ?~_.-=~_tor, tne cats *~ay Ue di.sposed of in accor- i~;l1C~ '.""!l .~°C':._:;:1 .r7-1{2r F.y,•.'~7i. i:~ld~ C:'.~5 C~~CfLlLrl°(~ iJj tile Citief E;nz~~ 1 Cont~ol 0`=i_cer to be :oild ~s set iorth Uy Scc~ion 5-56 ~~~'y h= disoosed of b~ the Chief Anim=_1 Control Officer upon i~pound~.=nt. -12- Sec. 5-4? Sale' oi Imooun~'ed Doos, G~ts and Ot?ter Ani-~els: Sl:i.1I.°7?i~J U~35LCl..Ci_10R [~OcS~ C~~"S ~RCI Ortli.i rill[Il1~5 IlOt~IP.dE9vQIL~C~ nay be sold by t}~e Ch-ef Animal Control OFiice to thn person of- ferin~ to pay th~ hidhest cash :r,~unt therefor, provicied that tne purchaser shall not be given oossession of zny such aninal unCil h~ she11 have paid to the Cnie~ Ani.~a1 Control Officer, or deouty, the charges prescrtbzd for such :~ni~=_1~ and obtained a license or per~it where apnliczble. IL 2ny dog, ca~ or other ~n_*~al irpoL*t~'ed by tn? Chief Ar.i~a1 Control Oificcr, sha11 not tiave been redeenad, and can!not b~ sold ~.ithir. a reasonable tiee thereaL~er, it n,~y be sL-~arily d:sposed of by t'~e Ctiiei Aai~21 Control 0.`fice~ i_;1 =o~e htnane :•;ay. Ti1e Chief_ E1ni1-!=1 Control. Oificer sna11 Fi~z a~ t!ie an_ma1 shelter a fu1~ d~scrzotion oi ~2C}? !~O~ aRd C2t =i~DOI:i:C°G~ ttl~r°'__? iCL 52i'a 7~~-=,.JG~ :)?~i-1n;Za . on the day a~y sucn dog ~~d cat is tzken or celiv~red'into the possession oz the C'aief Ani~=_1 Controi Ofiicer. Sec. 5-a 3 S;~3y=n~ c:r Alteri~, i eanired. T;;e Chie~ Anir•_=_1 Cortrol 0=-ic:~ sha11 nn~ se1I-or ~ire a:oa~ zny `e~ale cat rore th2n si_.~_ (6) n~ntEi, of a~e that h=_s not been sp2y~d, or any r-z1e cat o~ Rore thzn sir (6) *_~on~ns o` z~e tha= nzs not been altered. The Chiei Ani~a1 Control O~~icer sh=11 not sell or g_ve a-azy an~ cat l~ss than sis (6) rontl-:s of a~e enl~ss the cost of spayin; or zlterir.o such cat has b~en d~pos_ted in trust ~:-i~h th~ Cnief A.ninal Control 0•`=ic~r for ~a~-~-.=_nt to a veterin_=.rian or sp~.-;in~ or : lteriao clznic des~~-*~ated by th,~ pe.:son purcnzsing - -c o,- rece_i~~n~ t?Ze czt. The d=posi~ shall be for.r=_-~'ed to th~ ' t~eterir~arian o_- clinic e on recei ~ - ~ p; b}~ th~ Chi~t Ani~a1 Ccn~=o1 O~=Picer oF a r.~~t=ce fr.cr~ the vete=inarizn or cL*_?zc tha~ the cat has been spzyed or zltered. Sec. 5-44,,.~Leed;~o of Do~s aad Do~ fienaels. ~+- No per~on sh=_11 ke~o cr naintai~ }'ept or raintainn~' upon a~y pr2Lises o- it, ~~ny doo, na'_e or fc~:,ale, ke~t cxcept caitnin pro~erl~ zoned propert kennel. or saifer or perr~it to be oc~~2c? or con"rolled by h1IIl L:3=iliy io~' t~-~zc~_i7a purnos25, /, and then o~ly in an approva3 ~+C7}' t'1Ci8i_10R Di t(l15 °;~?C~iOII 15 cil Ir~F..AC1T_ON~ ;?;'+~a llpOII 3 COR- viction th~r~of shall be ;uais}1=_b-e bp a fine not to exceed i'wo Hundred ~ Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Sec. 5-4 5 1'-~~'e~in~ of Cats .~~d Cat };ennels P;o p~rson q~?11 }-C~,F~ n'-~ T~'~'-1~`~=R O~ SLIYLP_' O- D=-i:,=t t0 i;2 '--o '7.`.. C?r i:12i:1- ~':~il2c~ . iil :-~1'y' ~1-:.~1=St95 O'.1:_'C 0- C~C~_'OllnC] t)j~ L11L1. 2il'1 C~C, r_1e or ~~c-.-~.~la ker.t n2ie1•. for C-."rp -,.- ' - ' - ~ - ~, nurpos~s, e::ccpt :.iti~i_n p=cperly zoned property, a;d then only in an a nroved F:~n~=1. ~- -13 - ~"~ny violation of tl~i.s section 's an I[JFP.ACIION, and upon a con- '~ i.ct?on th~reoE ~E~al1 be pisi~',~ble by 2 fine not to exceed _ Tc;o :Iundred & PiFty Doll2rs ($250.00). Sec. 5-46 ~~t ~. Do~ B-~~~c~1n~ F~,-;~it. E~ny person o:~-nin~ ca=----~ ~- or hzving control, cust~y, ch`roe or possessioa of any cat or doo for breeding purposes sha11 secure a cat or do~ bre~diao pernit from ttle Chief ?ni~:z1 Control O~ficer or his authori~ed reoresentative. Fee for said cat or dog breedino per~;t s4a11 be ica2nt~ Do11a_rs ($20.00). F,r~v ~itten or p~?py so~d irom a Iitter ior a prc~it ot>er and above the cos~ o` advertisir_g, if aay, sha11 be p~i~a facie evidenc_ of cat or dog breeding_ Sec. 5-47 n~o gec~s, i?o ow--ier or p~rson havino cha-'e, ri_3~0(~'7 oC COnriol OS ?~.V CaU? Si,~~l ' . ~[?rOL'`il T'a11L'r2 i0 E';i°_ o~ ~7~y'~-C• 2:.LR2~ iJ1~=ll~lj/ OL' -cis~ due czre to co;itr~l, zny such do~ C.O C~2i2C~[° ~3i?(1 t0 2~ ZGw .^~UC}1 T°Ce5 ~tl°_LC~~i.C'r t0 rE'i1d1I1 OR ?Ry publi~ sicecoalt- or nar'.-, or ~ny otner public property, or or aay '-.-'~r0~°d F)I'=V?(_2 ~7LOr2=tr O~CI°r ~C72i1 t[12C O~ ~t:~_' O~~7i12r OL' person c.-no has c•~stotly or coatrol oP snch dog; proci_de th~ fore^o~ ~ ,~ d, ho:aever, Cnat n~ sh~__1 not znply to pt:blic or pri.vz~e street ~;u~~_ers. "~ ciolation oi this sect.ion is ~n Ii1? 1CTLOiI t=?~reof, shz11 be punisilable by a fine not to2e~ceec~~Two~gundredn F1 Fi?=ty Dollars ($Z50.00). sec. 5-48 F.unnir ; ar_ Lar`e D- ,i , __o} b'ted - Oth_r Ani~.als. i;o i,~rson o;~-nir.g or hz~~ing cont~ol of 2np o- --- - }:orse, co?t, cn { i ,`;~°er, bu11 cow, , 1, s~~^en, goat, or ~n,v an=_aI co~only reFer_~d to as a wild specie shz1l: Y-• Perait su~n an~.al to run at 1-~_ z~b.. in th=_ City of Lynwood; p. Cdll52 Oi I7~`!-_~ gr_J qu`~ a,inal t~ 3 0 ~~gSY_ll~2'~, herded~ Si.d~d°CI o: tied in any street, lzne, zlley, pzrk or o~her public olace; C. Tie, sta'::~, pasturz or e*_-ri~ the ty:. P ~n~;, stal:i~o or pastvrino o" any ;uch ~nir=_~ upon any p-iv~_tz property c:ithin the li~its of tne C_ty- o` Lynwood, «_tho~t ' ~• tne cons=_nt of the o;.-ier O~ OCCI-D?i.~ Ot SL:Cil ^'CDrr_y ~ 0= -i ~r `' i,. sL_h ~ way a; to p~-nit any si:ch zn_^a1 to t~cspzss L~on any s~reet or public pla~e or LDO:1 a:~y such orivate prope~ty ~ , D, Ferr_it any of s2id ~nir,.als to be or re~=in durind the ni~ht tinz securec' by a stake, or s~ctr~d in ary -~enn~r other than .'7_/ e;!closir.' $UC[l c:llid~ 171 8 72.II~ CJ~~2_ O~ Lc~II $Ui~1C1~3i1~ - l i{ - and ac'eq,iatA to resLr2irt . uc~ z~ii,-:,~1, Or t,y.s~~. f~stenin~ s urely ~, u~h zniQal by r,e~ns of ~ repe, or ciTain oi su~fic=~nt si~e, strength and c~~i~~ r restrazn such aninal; or ° oht to ef~ectively E. Fail to provide the necessary sust=;?anc~, drink, shelter or protection from tha weztner, or otherwise. A violation of this section is a~isd~eaaor. sec. 5-4 ~ Foz;ls ~nd .°,abbi , It is hereby d~ ts_I,ot to iiun at L~r.-e CI.~r~''Cl t0 b~? 2 P.i[15?1Z!'E?. r-ilu il0 1?c?r.i071 S}ldll. Sl'iiAr OL n2_T1C 1R~ r2~Jf~1C5 ~:1C~OT p?T_-liCt°~ tJ='_'d^ =ow1, oN-n~3 or cont*_-o11 ~ nnd/or 1~r~-~ or `d li9~h?~ or it, to ~~n u- fly•at ~,- ~o u~on the pr~ises o` zny othe,-. p~rson in the C_ty of Lynwood., ~ V101~r10R Oi t:t115 S°rt10R 1S 2:1 1.!i_ FFACTIOi1, rnd unon a coavicticn ~hereoi, shzil be punis_iable by a fine r.ot to exceed ~~o Hu.,--~cred ~ Fifty llollars ($250.00) , Sec. 5-50 ~,rtif~~i ir~a~_~~t I~o Pz~~,.~,~ shall dv colo- or oth<~r;~ise a - e, -~~i~icia-Iiy tr~_at any raboit, bab~ chick, ci~.~c?:Iing or ot`ier fowl. - ,~ A vioiat~o~ or this section is an Ii~_P~CTIOid, and upon a convictio?, sha11 be ounis~able by a fine not to esceed Two Hundred & Fi~ty Do11~rs ($2j0.00). Sec. 5-51 5~~~ of Fct~n~ :io ~ i i -~--- L' P r50R Shal 1~15 Ic 5°1~. o=fer or sa_e, 'r,ar~er,to ive ac.;- ~ P '~~ , cuc~:lin~ ~ °~ c~-' r'~~~it, baby cnic~_, or o=}:er row1. A viola`icn of this <,~ction is zn ICIFRt1C'?'IU!I, ~_~d upcn 2 convic*_:o~ tn~rcof, shal~ bo pun=sh~ble by a fine r.ot to exceed ~ao H~...*-~Z=ed & Fifty Dollars ($2j0.00) . Sec. 5-52 tIiscell-r.eous 'ni-n~_1~, r;o~~;A~~ c,: ;~ing or }iev;no--con~roG o~~ r.,on.~-~~-"r; P7o p~rson otner anir~al ~c t},o ;,onLe ~', ar_, c,~_r.~anze~, or s~ch ani~al to =,.n ar ., y t''pF' sna11 P=rnit, zllow o.- suifer l~rge wi``!zn the City o~ Lynwood, or i,r.r~it, a?1~-~ or sLt_`~r such ~nir.~' to be or Fo upon any : ~-rE'C't= OI" ~.1511C ~r P pl__e within t:?e C_t; oi }iavin5 sn L,ynwood without _C}I 2_:!LT_'31 S?CllTClj~ ~25~~P.cC: Dj- 2[l 2r?F r•g ~ ~~p°, fi~1;~ ~z~1d by or att2ched to a coc, ~ter.t pz2SO~2in or . Such 2ni~~1 shall be deened znd consi~~rec? ~; rtt,n~no a~ 1<~r'e, c~ithir, th~~ reanin~ of ~~ ; ~' ~„ t..~ C::~:'~5 ~10^ ~5 ?la_ 1 ~'.~_n not con~lned coit ~ ,. • 'ein use~, hin an en_losure or orhen not securely tied or chained. _15_ A violation of this section is z misden~azor, Sec. 5-53 Be~s. T;o persou sha11 }:eep or ciaintain, or ~uifer or pe*_~±it to be kept or riaintazn~d, upon p~.-emises owned or controlled by hiuZ or it, in ctie City oE Lynwood, a t:ive oi bees. 'T_-his section shall not apply to the k~ep_no of ~~_'25 within .n educational institutioa for study or observation, or iaithin a ph; sician's oifice or izborztor.5- for r~edical re- searcn, trezt~ent, or ocher scientiFic ou~os~s, provided they are not pz~itted to fly 2t la=ge. A t-i.oLation oi this sectzon is an Ii]F?^,CTICtd, and upon a convzction thar=o_ shall be nunzsheble by e fine not to ~:cceed ~~o N~~nd=ed & Fi°tp Dollzrs ($250:00) Sec. 5-5~ ~1=u,,ter of Ani~=_ls. tdo per,on shall,~witzin th° ~=tJ of L nwood, ~oi1iu11 s~~- r~ - Y , y Lav.,h ~r o= caese i_o be ~~.?lloiltCT'f_'.C ."iv C2:~Zc., Cdli, horse~ GL'IA, ::~1_E'.~.7,~ S:~lil°_ Or ~cat. T}tis sect_o~ sh~11 not ~:~~1 to the si~,~o. ~ ~ r Y - ,hter of suctl 'ni~als ~.i.~t:ia a, e~'uca~ionzl i_~scitu~ion, pli}'siciaa' of.iice or l:oorato-, ror T?ed?cal research or other sciearific purnoses, to the slau~:ht•~r of such 2ninals by a oerson ?.iceased by the St2te oF Criiioraia to pr~ctice v=terinz=y ^:edic;n~ ~r by any co~,_...ercizl establish_,.ent dul}' licen;ed b3 the C-ty and tne U. S. Dzpzrtnent of Aoriculture as a sla,~o;iterhouse. P. viol.a`ion cf th_s section ia a~ I„F, ^,';T~p'.I, ~rd L'j%Oil ? COPV'_C~101 ~71_=_Of, SC121~ b? k71iII15:lcG~_~. tJj a£ine not to exceed 1:0o Hun~red & Fifty Do112rs ($270.00). Sec. 5-55 Allo:o_n=- idild or Vicious .ininal~ to .°.ert at 1.,.2T~C' ~T0f11'7-`-.~d. [':O ~erson O~v?71i.'~ Oi fl?V1C7~ C:l?_L~Z~ CUSCOQy __- o ~ control or ooss=ssion o~ any an=-~al or rep~_1e }:~oh~t by such ~'C'.tSO.Tl t0 tJP_ J'_C1CL!~ Or C~iZi!~E~iOllS~ OS CO~O'.7~.y 50 ~CRO+~Ti~ Or o:~-~i~J or ha~i_,~ ch=-,~, custody, contro7 0: nossession of any e'^on=_nt, b~a=. hzp~o~ot~es, rhinoceros, lioa, tiger, leopard, ~.~.. 'h~~ `, nonkeJ. ~7~7°, Ci ~~7~LLZL'?, tJ'JbC2t, ]. i.n. 4ii1CjC~.t F71_II:Id~ cneetah or ~ny ani~=_1 co~only re~erred to as ~_ ~~eaild spec:e•~ 0= 2Ry T~O7_ ~O.^.JL'S T.?Cr:l~ n~ 5}ldl~ ~)or:'_[ Or': ~ ~r(J ~I12 i2W°_ tC t7L' ~-~ 1.2rge u; on .__ v}:_~;,;;ay, st; eet, 1ane~ a11~- , c'ourt, or other t~.!?~lic olac~ orlt;po, a;ly ,private property oth~r thzn within tne er.closed prec~ises qf such persoa. f,ri~ dog ha;~ir:c a dispositio~ or propen~; rv ro attzc:: or ~=t° 2;l}' VE'LSJP. O~ 2iliP_2~ ~:1ttlOll~ ~JrO-iOC:ii:Oil 1~ t?8CE'.~4 C~-^_iined • 1i ".:iC p' .:; _Qll: .=[1173~. _tl~' C':~'_ ~:-•~-~'. ~'1^,._'('~L n°~1C~~, ~V }'.I.S aLt}?C:1[.°Cj Ci2DUty'~ 5}:21~ T1~=1i t~l°~G'::: ~_ r -~ r F ~-- o_ h~roore_ in -16- o~ri tino to keep such ani.Mal witlii_n a subsCantial enclosure or securely attached to a ciiai.n or any other type~ of •control which is reasonably acle~~uate w~der ths~ circurnstances: If such restrainC is ic.^,possible or imprzcticable, such animal shall be ir_~pouZded unt'i1 tfie o:~ner or }iarborer is able to cornply wittt the Chief Ani~al Coatrol Officer's order. If, upon receiving said c•rritten r.otif.ication, the o.~ner or harborer fails to provide ac'equate restraiat or control of said zr.i~al as ordzred by the Chief Aninal Cnc:trol Officer, or his authorized deputy, within a reasonabLe tioe, s2id aninal shz11 then be subject to su~ary des truction. [There tne o`=icial records of the Ch_e£ ~ini~~l ConCrol Ofricer indicate a do~ 11as bitten zr_y perspn or oersors or a_ni*~al on tc,;o (Z) or nore separate occasions, it shall be pr~sa facie evidence that said doo is a wild or vicious ani~al. - ~ Sec. 5-56 }::eeain, iJ_1d or Vicicus ~•,nir~~1 '.Iittlin or Upon (~Liil ~"I-C~=~cS. ' 1~0 Fl°r50R Oi~.~lIIo OL t72Vl.i`.o Ct'2L~°~ CllSCOC~y~ control or possession of anj~ ani~al, reptile or s~rpent desc__b2d in Sec`ion 5-55 hereoi, shell 211o:r such animal, , rept~le oc ser~e.nt witiiin tne enclosed prenises of such person tinless and until he has first secured a pere;it so to do .a_nd cor~lies with a11 terr:s and condi~ivns of such Pernit 2nd, in a_ddition thereto, sucn znisal, reptile or serpeat shall a~ 211 tiWes be so con`_ned, controlled znd restrair,ed ~n such ~ar.r.er ~o the 7.if~, li~o or pro~~rty o[ any pe-son law=ully enterin~ _:~~cn premises shz11 not be endanoerzd. Sec. 5-57 Per~eit _,.=quired. F,scept as h~~z2inaiter provi.ded, Tio p~rson sn211 tiave, E:eep, naintain or have in his possession ~r under his car._rol within the City of Lynwood any aninal ~ or reptile descrzbed ia Section 5-55 tiereo` without first r:pplying to :~d recei~r_r.~ a pernit from_ the Chiei Animal Control • 0=f icer, or his aLthori~ed representative, to do so. Sec. 5-.58 A:~oea1. F:ny person dissatis`ied with the ruliag of the Chief Ani~a1 Control Officer c!ay, coi_thin ten (10) dzys tiiereaft^- 2tpe?1 ~ro~ said decision to th~ C=ty Counci.l; snch ~p;~ezl shz~l-iiz a s~c.?le state~ent in wrzting setting forth in co~on ter,na the basis oi said appeal. An appeal fee o~ Ten Dollars ($10.00) shall be reqnired for each appeal to th~ City Council. tIo zppeal shall be placed on ti1~ a~enda oi any m2eti~~ oi the Citj~ Council until such fee __.,~ o~en pa; d. -17- Sec. 5-51 F~r'~i•C Conditior~s. No permi.t sha11 be ~_-anted ~>-cept with sucll conditions att.~ched as shall, in the opinion of the p.~rson or a;?ncy aporovino s~ich per~i.t, reasonably insure ttie public health, saEety and general t~elfare, and cio p2rmit sha11 be grantcd in any event for any animal, reptile or serpent at any pzrticular loca_tion e>:cept tpon an e;:nl.icit findin~ by til~ person or aoency anproving such permit that the i.ssuance ~herzof cvi11 not be contrary to the public hezlth, safety znd generzl weliare. Sec. 5-60 T~-~:-~or.ar~7 Fer-~it. The Chie` f~.nimal Con~rot C,°Cicer ~=y, f.^1 ~ o--=.,^,a ~ pp ~ i_ca[ -on for a perriit and pendin ; `-r.a1 dispositicn o` the same, graat a teoporai~ permiL for thz ^3i~tena~ce wirnin the City ot Lynwood os ~ny sucli 2ni~:a1 or re^t_le npon s>>ch conditions ~s n~ shz11, ia his sol'e dis- cretion, reqt!ire w~=r, in his opin:on, there is no reasonable UO~iI.]i. &S i.0 Ct?2 C^1<~_SC'~'RCy t}12=c'OL W~ ~tl tt12 711t7?1C t1C'31t'R~ :~1i~?~j 27d o~il~_"c ~.~=~ ~c?'E?~ ~7L~ Il0 ~il=L.l'nl O'_" Y:=.~r112 St1211 C~~"_' OC~'1°_"J~52 ~'.~1'~i. U~ 7c1~'!i.2=CIC'Cl ~oith_n tfl?~C=C3 Oi L}~RWOOCI ~' P'-~'~tted to occ~_py zry pr~~iszs o~ititzn the City oE Lynwood e;~:c~pt conil~ =ucn z regular or tecporzry pernit is in fu11 iorce znd et`ect, Sec. 5-61~ Fossession ar.d C~!stody. Tne ChieF Anim=_1 Control 0"ic:r, or his au=';,.cri~ed deou~v, shall ta_1-z possession of <_ny ar?~=1 or r-nti'_e Zescribed ue3~r Sectioa 5-55 ;aith=n i_no CL O_ LYCIWOCC] 'Or -.~.._^~~,~ ~ EPL?'.1~ fl?S 710= U2°G 13:L'?d. <nd k~~p Cn~ sa~= ~~;itil ~~h~ proper pernit has been seci±~~d by ~he CwT1Pr ~C;°_L'E'Oi c-?'~ .`:rl.?11. LE'_.1.~_',?52 ~Cl~ SZTtl2 Y_O t}lG OWTI_°.L Wi:°TI <ll~ Eees and costs ha:e been pazd z.d a11 12ws and perr~it ccnditions co~plied with. I~ the o~.Jrter is unable to redee*.~ the an~mal or " rept:le, or the~o:.?:=r cznnot be zscertained b~ th~ Chief Animal Control Officer, tne aninal or reptile may be disposed oi in ~ acco:daace with S=ction 5-~2., Sec. 5-62 A~;~1_c~_tion fo- Fermit. F,n apolicar_ion for any pe~!it required t:u-s~nt to this zrticl_e sha11 be mzde to the ~.}l1!3L ~_~1~:?~. COi:~-C~ ~Li1CC.'T 1P, .:'li_lilo ?Rd L ~ i aon a forn ~.urn_shed ~)j ~f'.°_ ~.Rl_°F t1~ '_'.?~ ..~ii~T01. n'LLCE:i 1~ 50 T/._' ~711rFd. .ScZld apali~- catioa shall be v=ri=ied bj~ tne }arson ~.'ho dasi-es to have, keep, r~=intain or hzve in his possess_on, or under his control, in the City o_ Lynwood, the ani~al or reotile for which a pertait is reGuired, znd ;hall set forth the following: ... ~~_.~°~ 2C~C'r_`3. :.T?~ r^_~nD~"101°_ n:_1tJ0_ Of t~"in 1 - ~!~a_icant. , C. Th~ ~polica~t s interest in s+~ch 8R1Q131 or reptile. C. :ne rroF,oseu location, a.nd th=_ n:~e, adclres; and tzle~hone nc-'~er of the o::~er oi s~ch location, and oE the lessee, if C 1 : . -18- D_ The ntn5er and general de;rri_plion of all ani~r~ls or reptiles for which the pernit is sought_ E. Any inforyation known to the apolicant concernind vicious or dangerous oropensities of all such an~als or reptiles. F, lee housin~ zrrznoecents for all such an~.~als or reptiles wi.th particular details as to safety or structure, locks, fencing, etc. G, Szfety precautions. H. Iloises or odors 2n~icipated in the k~epi.g oi such anis,als or reptiles. I. Prior history oi incidents involving thz public health or sziety involvino any of said aniaals or reptiles. J. nr;r ~dditional in`or:~~t-on requz~ed by th~ Ch~~f nnirial Control O~ficer a~ tne time oi £ilino such z2Plication or thereaiter. Sec. 5-63 F;~viecv of Ao licatioa for Per~_.i`s. Copies o- zny z;plicztion for ~r~i .~--___"__________ ~ p~ t~mder tnis article <ti_all be sent oy~ the C6ief ~.n-*-ia1 Control Ofiicer to t'tt~ l~:o eniorce~ent agenc~, Pl~znino Der.a=t-.~nt, and to a~~ other d:~part~:=rt or agency fron ~:hich inforr=_tion is sou~ht; 2nd ~io pemit ~hall oe ~ranteti '.:i _}lCl!~ r'~9C21 0- 2 r@70~~~ '^T_Oi.l hin~ L~p~o-..' ~~`- a.o . ~= - ----. ~a or a~~ac~es to ~:h=cn copi~s of th~ a;.n7icetion have been sen~, ualess waiv~d by the City i•i=naoer ior good cause_ Sec. 5-64, ~':_ceotion ier Tra.nspor~~tion e_` !_ni~als Thro~~h y Citv. The F~~i~ ~eet!ire~;:e~ts o~this c~apter sna11 not 2pp13 . to any persen so 1~=_epz~c or maint2inin~ c= hav~nd in his posses- sion or coat_ol any gni~zl or'reptile def;_n~d i.n Section 5-5'5 ~~h=r su~:1 person is transportir_~ sucn a;iinal or reptile tnroegh th=_ Ci~y o` Lynwood, has tal-ea ~~?eeuate safe~tia=ds to protect the p~,~ol?c, and has notified the loc=_1 law enforcement ~-_~,ency znc' tn~ C`~ie~ ~_ni~=_1 Control Of=icer o_ th2 oroposed route oE traasporta~io~ and ti„e therzof_ Sec. 5-65 ~'f"-~it ree. The iee fo~ a pe.~.:it application r•}1~11 be ~~oenty I~oll2rs $20.00) for one o:ild or danderous znimzl_ plus zn additional rive Dollars ($5.00) for tc:o (2) or nor~ c:ild or cangerous ani.~als, tne total fee not to e~:cced T~aenty-Fi~~e '~_~1~~_- ~~9J.Q:~) rC~_ ' ' , - = c !~' ne~it ~n>> '_~rn. Said =ns s}~ai1 hC ~~?.}'2~Jl.C' i:0 ~_flE ~.fl=E'~ i Il1Cl?1. CORC!'OL n..IlCi:r ?~ ' ~? ~ - ~ il C' i_ 1?l _ O t I7-Z1Tl~ ~fl" F7C:Ii11~ ?~~pilC:?i.1Ci7. E~CCLE't]_pR5 tl'/ ;1?.[Lr31. birth S71?1]. 7!O~ IEOll1.TC' ~?CC1.C10;1?1 F>i'-i:~.1t5 (jllCiP,o CCIr.` ~i.:'70'~ Oi 2 Vfl11C F~~T~lt. ~~.1C~ feL'S 2-"a nn~ rC.'SL'L1C~a~1~ C TE'b2:C~~ eS5 (Ji Wi-;L:t(:?i OL TIOt 2Llj' pe `it is issu~d. -19- Sec. 5-6b Cor:~erciel F.st;_blislinents. Coru~ereial establisi~;cents possess:ng any :~n~mals or reptiles delined in Section 5`55 for the ~.~iirpose of sale or display may , repl2ce the sz;ne wi.th oth~rs c~ the szme }:ind; but the r~u~b~r of each shall nat bz i_n excesr; of th~ ni~~ber. th2reof allocved by the terns of such perni_t. Such establish~nents may, in the ~ discretioa of th~ approving z~,ency, be granted a permit for those sucn nt!mbers of eacfi kind oE .ni~al or reptile as do not exceed tne na:;ictun such esta_blistiment esti~tates will be naint2inzd by iL' in the City o` Lynwood a*_ a:~y ore t~cie C~llL~__Tl~ 2=}l2 7;?rlOCl O~ i.R°_ F1C'rm1`L. SUCtl i°_tTIIl~ Srl?~.~. TC'C1111T2 Ctle ir=-~ed? at~ noti`ic~tion of the Chief l~~irral Control O~ficer upoa r_i1e acqiiis~tion of anv ani*_~a1 or reptile having a prior history o` any i_ncid~n~ i.ricolvin~ th~ ptiblic h~alth or sa`ety, or resultiag in any bodily injury or property da~naoe. sec. 5-67 Trl~ a~id i'.ena~~al of Permits. I`o permit reqi.iired by this article sliall bz ~ranted ior a period in e:<cess of oae r year. An ap~~licatioZ Lor rcne~~al of .in;~ I~mit sh?11 U2 r„2de r.ot less t'han i:ort}~-fi_,~e (45) days prior to the e~~iratio : ~^ere- of, znd siiall be accoTpanied bti the sa~e fee as required upoa e?aking th= original applicatio;t. Seo. 5-68 P~~'~cation oi Pertzits. The C6iei Animal Control 0~ `icer may, Lo_- ~ooc! cause, re_v~ce any pernit or r:iodif? a~y te:-is or , rovisio~s th~reof, e_~cept such pen=ts o;nich hzc•e been approved b? the Lvnwood Plannin; Corr,aission or Lynwood (.1•.`_~ C.OL'i1C1~ , ~ ~`-" '-~_.7^3~ ~-!!:~11C }~.nar_^v c-~~ ~'.g/~ 1P. ~-ti~ .. .. G"~t_'i~~ lt 15 Tc'.?50;12~J1'~ R2C25:3Lti j_O j)rOi=EC~I~o.~1II3t= ?il ]_LT'?CS13CC' t:hrezt or dari;er to i-~e ptiblic health or sa~ety, st~sp~nd any ~er- rnit or po-tion tnereof coithout hearing for a pariod not to exceed thirty (30) days. sec. 5-69 ~:na2=~. A~y p2rson aogrieved by such actioa ma,~, upon paynent o~ ~n appeal fee oE Ten Doll~~s ($1p,00) h~ve such act=on re-.~zec-~d b~ the Ci_ty Council, but the iiling of an zppeal s~,all not stay zny order oi suspension. Sec. 5-70 C~_~anLness of Fre~!ises T7here An_:n~ls tlre Yep~. F.~er,~ n~:son c::rin~; c_ orcua~in~ premises--can_re rn~ aninal, tocol or oird is kE~E,r_ =1i~11 l:~Pp the stable, barn, ,tzl1, pen, coop, b:t_1_din~ or pl_ace in o:hich said animal is }:ept in a clean znd sanitzry condition. ' Sec. 5-71 ~~eterinzries. t7otice of Death o_° 1ni.r:,als. r~ :e•_ nerso;~ o;:~i.n^ o- n~--ra.tin~ e~ }~ •~e r r., ~---- - ~Y_. ~ te i.~; . , osp;.ta~ or other c.~...?'1!i.-,~1.~E'(1~ 1Ci C~1B ~;'~?."1~ilFi1~ Oi <(11i.:2.15, :;}•_~~ ~"1':B wI"1~C~E'R no=ice to the oc„~er o_` any such 2ninal left in su h hospital or -2~- institutior. for .trcatnent, of t!:e death of s~i.ch ani~al, provided ttie r.ane and addres; of the oc,rn.r has been filed in the oEfice of the veterinary hospital or o!:h=r institution. Sec. 5-72 ReL'entzon oi Der~d Ani~als. Every person ow;?ing or operatino an}' veterinary hospital or other establish:~ent for the creatWent o~ animals shell hold any anio2l which dies therein for a period oi twelse (12) hours after ~,rritten notifica- t~on o£ the death of such ani~al has been sent to the owner thereoi. Sec. 5-73 Carcass oF Anic~1. It is liereby declared to bz ~^ nu=sa~ce and no ~erscn shall cause, su~fer or perciit the carcass C~f 21l}~ ci1li:.c1 ~O TE?L731P LI]Oi1 any IOC~ F7TeC11SC'S OT [)1.2C2 O~Ji1~C~~ con=roli~~, or occepied by hia or it, for a period of IIOre than t~~enty-four (24) hours or to bury the carczss of any ani~al u~on any prami;~s oN?:ed, controlled or occupied,by him or in the Cicp of Lynwood. 52C. S-~4 TI~RU~C' ~~_i 5_aPC~ _Z._~C'v.'_~ Of I-~~nurz. Every ~%o'"~OR (`:7i.11'lo Or occ~pyi.ilo f7L~'R1SE?5 ~d~12r° rr.anure FTOi~ 2Lly horse~ ~~OIly. i::ule, co;a, pigeon, Fo~a1, rabbit or other aninal accumulates shall provide for the re~oval of such r,.enure d~ily. Unless <1 1 ~,:anure acct~ulat^d on any pre*~ises be re~oved dzily, boxes, bins or receatacles of a design and coastruction acceptable to t`:~ li=alth O~f=cer o~ the Chief f~~inal Control Ci•`icer sh?11 b= provided b;~ `he oc%~er or occupaat o` such. :•;:•'~-~; ~?5, FITlG~ :~LCf: }i0::23, 1J1i1S C= i^C-2~JC~ r~ C'S 5'1,1~ 1 t)~ LS2i: Oll~ly fo- th2 pnr~ose of cc~tainino the acci~~ulat_on or n2nure, w!~ich s1i~11 be placed therein or rer:.o~~zd therefroa, and in no instaece shzll r,.anure be so p12c~d in sucn boses or re.ceptacles in such ~i n3:u~er c S [Q,~r~'V~P_t t~1L' tl~l';t C~OSlII~~ Oi the 12G~; proviai"..CI" ~ ~ ho:oev2r, tltat not}:ir.g contained herein shall apply to mane-e ' cahzch is spread as ~ertilizer o~~er or arotmd cultivated-plants, v=nes, ve~etzbles, 1--~~s, busliAs or trees, or to manure keet by atly nti=ser~ for ce~-i~rcial fertilizer purposes, unless such ts~inure creates 2 ni!isance either fro~ f1y breeding or excessive obno:t_ous odors. Saic' boxes, bins or receptacles sha11 be con- s=ructed o~ bricr-, =~_o~~, conerete, r~etal or orood lines cai*_n c~~tal or eth,r so_mc? r=i.erial and shall be prooi a~ainst access tu the contents thereof by flies. The contents of said bo:ces, bins or receptacles shall be reroved once a~aeek. ~ Sec. 5-75 }~~;~1C}1 0,`.Ei.cer or . , ~__._-~--_-r.-----------.-_ _ -----~-~ C~_e` E~.n-ca1 Control 0__icer Pla~ order Yre"i.s~s ~itd i~anure i;_-.=C'- c and--U;.,ic_ected. _~~o ue-::un ..no i;---e- -•, ~._ o=c; red u~ tc.e -21- }i~a1t:~ Oificer ~ . or Ctiief Animal Control Ofricer to clean or disinfect any stable, barn, corral, sta11, pen, coop, building, or p1~ce in tahiclt any horse, pony, r,ule, coa, fowl, bird or other a_nir~al is kept, or who is ordered bjJ suc'.i officer to clean or disinfect any bo-r., b=n or receptacle used for the zcc~_*~ulation of manure s4a11 f~i1, neglect or refuse to clean and disi.nfect such stable, barn, co~-ral, sta11, pen, coop, building place, box, bin, or recept2cle. Sec. 5-76 Do~-s in Stores or Com-~v,=nces. fio person snal_1 - -°---- l~'1R~, 2ny ~;p~a~ C_L OT OCFL2r 1J2 2R1~~~ OI" (7~~1r ?R~ (~i0~~ CHr O_*' Oi:[??: 1' VL' aRif~dl t0 t7°_ tiJ.`.OL'`~~.~.t 1?1i.0 Or I=0 Zz~l?lIl 1P_ 2r!~ i00~ or place other.thrst a private hon= where ~ood is not hzndled for COi=W~~~~=?~ OlliD05°S, 1R WRLC~t'7i0dt~ -19R~ u_=i~°~ OOll~i.T~T~ iiL'1t~ ~%='~2i.~_JI°S ~ }J~{z= a ocpOCS Oi 2R~ Ot_~2i .fOOCI 0- -00G~ t iOCllCC 15 ~tored, kc_o~, he1d, prepzred, e::posed or of~ered for sa1e, or sold ~o- hv.^~,=_n c.r,;~s~,yption• or per~it an~ dog, ca~ o~ other live ~n_~31 to ri`z upon or ~eC~zrtto or uporz zny ~ce~;on, or oth=_r v~t~iclz ir. o:2i;ich :;,;~ such articl~s of=ered or to be o~fered For ~a'e ~or h't~-an c~:i;t~~o~:ion are bei~o kep~: o- t-znsported; pro- ci_ded, i,:o.;ever, t}~at the provisions of this sectioa sha11 not applp to a do~ trair.ed to guide tne blind. F~ ci.ol.ation o` this sectio;~ is an INrRACTION, and upon a cenvict_on tnereo` snall be ~unishzble by 2 fine not to exceed Tc•:o i:~~red & Fi_ _-j Dol lzrs ($250.00) . Sec. 5-7'~ iran;UOrtin~ An-~als on i~lo~or ~'e_hicles, ivo l.erson s~1z11 tra!-n~port 2ny zZi~ __~~ tne r~~~n:~o boar~c of ~ny ii.OtOr V~~l7.C~ e pr.Ol!CS1C~2 Ct1C' p2sser.ger CO:.l~3?'~~ ~Rt, t'Oi1IlEZL ,cr bod~ thereof, u~less such an~al is proi.ec~ed by a fr2~ework • C~i Oi.R~'L CieV1C~ ii:`±~~[1 ;.7=11 prevent SLC~1 3711ff:?1 fTC~ fai]_lilo Oii, j~_nnir.g or being tit.:o~..~ froia such rotor vehicle ~ahether in Motion or no~. ~ viotztion o` this section is an I:~rP~CT?O~I, and upon a convict?cn thereo~ si:a11 be ncnisnable by a fine not to exc~ed T::o ?;~,~~~=e-~1 & Fi:ty Dollars ($250.00) . Sec. 5-78 L'tcznse znd Fer~~t Fees-i)abts-L-_ca1 Iiabilitv.. The c-'OL'^r O' 2.*ly ~.1~~~152 OT' P2T~,i1C i2°5 1[`;pOS~C; FJ;' CC115 C~12D~0T Sil?11 be d2ec=_e 2 debt to t}t~ City and znj~ ~2rson ~:eepiri~ a~y ani~zl ~:i_thout ha'~i^~ oota_in_d a license or per~,it and re~istration certificate :roc: *he City sha11 be liable to zn actior! in tYle n=_me o` th~ City .'' ~. '7 COL'TC O= C"-7°`CRC :1~15!01C~_pR =C' ~ ' ? ° ~ - ' .7 ' `_"." •-•[it-it- O_ ril-, l _C8~5~ `=~,' ~'-'Z'- t~2i13~.t1~'-,i 1^~7052C: 2ad r~c~uirad L`.i [(ti5 Ci:d~Jt.~i CO EJ2 Yaid _2?- for the privile~;e oL keening s~_:ch a_ni_~al and it shall be the uuty O~ t:tl°_ Ct11°_i i~IlLL:2~ CUTli-LOL ~ri1C°_T i.0 CBLSP_ 2 COula1.31RC t0 t-'e filed against any p'rson vi.ola~i_~~ ~n~ o~ the pro~.risions oF this chapter. Such action shz11 be cu~~ul~~iv~ and sl-:all not be deemed ~ t]~r t.0~ OY <<~d1V°_i O~~ t~'I? T1oClt Oi i~t'-° C1tj~ CO ~TO.^~2CLCE.' zn~ person for a ciolation of this article or any other zppli- czble provisions of this chapter. Sec. 5-79 t~~=°oin~ Diszasnd e~_ni~als Prohibited_ E:_ceotion. t~o ~~_son s`~~11 ~:eap y ~ ~`tichi=-~S=oc,~ cr be _ie~~c~by o,- ~ an 2~~~a1 a~ tli.~ 1:0 })2 iniec=~3 ~iLti~ 2ip ~i2I1~°_LOUS O-" CO=::L'.r!=C2b~2 C~15825°r or ;;'~ictt is a[`licted N-th zny painLzti d=sezse believed by him to be incurable, ~~itnout a per~it to do so from tne Health O~~ icer. - _ i Sec. 5-84 p2b-es. 4';_°n2ver it is si~.soected th~t any ~-~1-^'-Z ~i~~=1 h~VE? t?e~rl ~)? tt/?il ~y cIlOttle'_" a111'?L }7c V1P.~~ OT Sll572Ci.C'd ~~ F7,a•v-i.~co _^~J1°_S~ 21_~ Til~_E'S cilC~ T2~LZt10C5 Uil.jB?" i:i115 Ct1:1~:.21" SR31.1 2~~1y 4.'i 2Z2 c~~plicable Sll~J~tlLlltlllo t~"t°_ 4%OT3 ~~2R1.^__='1~~ LOr ~~ClOg~~- sec. S-al I+o?s~ ~u1=~?ls. It is herebp d~clared Lo be a r,~.~isznce, and no p~rscn shall keep, naintain or p2~it uoon an~ lot or parcel of land within tne Cit? of Lynwood. _,'und~r his CCiI ~i0~ ~ ?R~ 2i11~~?1 O?' 2illu2~ S~ 1L1C1~_'C~=:lo 3T-ly i~~`~l Or fOW1.5 ~ . ,~'~iCR }JV aily SOL`Z1.~i~ O~" CTjT, C'il1C 27:C2SSi~'C'. Or n.i~';_Z[ i_lIIlZ I10152~ r;hich int^rferes •.'ith ~he ccc~orta~le r-~joyr~,nt of ii`e or ~'.~CGi,°_~~}' 1_il t:~"!2 T:'_-.1~''~Ci:1COC~. E1 'v-10~pj:i.0it Of Lill`.> .`;°_CtlOi1 15 an It:rP,~',CTI0:1, a^d npon a convic~ion shall be p~~;,~ snzble by a fine not to exceed Two Y.undred ~ Fi=~y Dollzrs ($250.00)_ Sec. 5-82 iiorses - Spe=d Restricted. t+o p'rsoa shall drive o~ ri.d~ anj~ tiors~ ~r c`;~'-'" a~-iipcn z~} publ_ic hi;h,~ayo ur tll0~"Oll~~!i~L2.~ iv=ttli_! ti?° ~'.li_}'~ 1~:~1.OCErc t~11"~ OT ~°yond 3 iIOClC.'Z'dtE? ~;:it, or in s~_ic's a c~r,~'r as to endano2r the sa~ety o£ persoas on such hiohwa~s or thoroughfares. Sec. 5-83 '~~~s °rohibitec'. Y~o persor, ,hall s~t or use any s,~-i_n~ ste°1 tra~, ';c. or' arger, ie tce Cit? Lynwood. inis sectiorl•sna11 ~ot, ho:aever, prohibit the usa oE oopher traps. Sec. 5-811 ~_~nLcat-cn Bv P.e-e_ence: ~;`:°n=~'r 2ny reference i~ c'-~de to any port,o o t iFi s c.a~F-ter sech re~e:e~ce applies to ~ ll a~~~nc'Tents _r~ addi*ioas thereto no>> or her~after nad2. T?ie p~es~-r.t tense incl•,±das the past and futurz tenses and the future, ,._ ~~~se::t. -23- Sec. 5.85 Penalt.ies. Unless other penalties are speci- fi.ci.aLly provided for elsewhere in this chapter, any person firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chaE>ter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person, firm or corporation convicted of a misdemeanor under the pro- visions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than P'ive Il~~ndred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the city or cvunty jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be yuilty oE a separate offense f.or each and every day durinq any portion of which any violation of any provisions o£ this chapter is committed, continued, or per- mitted by such person and shall be punishable accordingly. SEC'PION 2. SeverabiLity. If any section, subsection, subdivision,:sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Or.dinance, or the applical-ion thereof to any ~erson or place, is for any reason held to be invali.d or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining por- tions of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or places. Tha City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivi.s.ion, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, i.rresE~ective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub- sections, subdi.visions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions, or the applicati.on thereof to any person or place, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. I'irst read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 21st day of March ,]978, and fi_natly ordered ~~ublished at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of April , 1978. AYES: COIINCILMEN NOES: COUNCILMEN ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ATTEST: BYORK, GREEN, ROWE. NONE. MORRIS, HIGGINS. ge ty ! i; ~; ~A.~(.~.~. r., .., 4~ l, i? ~'~__D_~c- Z'aurene~'~ey-,Z ~ity~ lerk City of Lynwood - 2 i~- STATE.OF CALIPORNIA ) es.. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undereigned, City Clerk of th~ City of Lynwood, and ex4officio clerk of the Council of sald City, do hereby certffy that the above ie a true and correct Gopy of Ordinance No. 1027 8dopted by the City CPUncil of the City of Lymaood, and that same was paeeed on the date attd by the vote therein stated. Dated this 6th ~y of Api'il ~ 197~ b~~(i/~(/h,1 ,M~2J </'~ 71 /I'-C~ City Clerk, City of od