HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1029 ORDINANCE id0. 10~9 AN ORlliNANCB OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF LFN{~OOD AllDING SECTIOtd 19-122 TO Ah1~NDIidG S~CTIONS 19-127, 19-123, 19-131, 19-13~, 19-133, AND 19-134 OF, ANU H~PEALING S~CTIOid 19-136 OF TH~ CODE OF THE CITY OF LYNi900D RELATING TO CERTAIN PARKING PROHIBITIONS, The City Council of the City of Lynwood hereby does ordain as follows: SECTIOid 1. Section 19-122 hereby is added to the Code of the City of Lynwood to read as follows: Section 19-122 Parking Prohibitions for the Purpose of SCreet Sweeping ~Vhen signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall stand or park a vehic7.e upon any of the streets or parts thereof as prescribed Uy resolution of the City Council during the period of time as prescribed by resolution of the said City Council. S~CTION 2. Sections 19-127, 19-128, 19-131, 19-132, 19-133, and 19-134 of the code of the City of Lynwood hereby are amended to read as follows: ' Section 19-127 Required No person shall stand or park a vehi~le on any street, except as exempted in certain zoned business and commercial areas, as prescribed by resoluti.on of the City Council of said City, between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.rn. of any day except in accordance with a certificate of necessity issued by the City Clerk as provided in this Division. Section 19-128 Application generally (a) Anp occupant of a dwelling located in the City who, for reasons of hardship or necessity believes that there should be issued to him a certificate of necessity pursuant to this division which would give him an all-night parking privilege may file an application for a certificate of necessity for each motor vehicle to which he desires a certificate of necessity to apply. (b) Ttie application provifled for by subsection (a) shall meet the following requirements: (1) It shall be in writing on a form furnished by the City Clerk. (2) It shall set forth: a. The name and address of the applicant; b. 'lhe name a~nd address oY the owner of the real property where the applicant resides, or agent of the owner, if the property is being managed by an agent. . c. The ni~mber of separate dwellings on a particular lot or parcel of land affected by the application; d. The number of vehicles insofar as known by the applicant, possessed by the occupants of the lot or parcel of land; e. 1'he ]icense number and motor number or serial numUer of the vehicle or vehicles to which applicant desires the certificate of necessity to apply; f. 1'he malce, model and type of each vehicle to which the app].icant desires the certificate of necessity to apply; g. The necessity for the certificate requested; and, h. Such other pertinent information as the City Clerk shall require. Section 19-131 Permanent file or or.iginal at~plication and investigation findings The City Clerk shall cause a permanent file to be made of all original applications and all of the investiga.tive written data made and compi]ed in connection with each investigation, with the intent and purpose that tt~e file and tne information therein contained shall constitute the foundatinn for the processing of all subsequent applications affecting the same lot or parcel of land described in the original application. (Ord. No. 700 Sec. 153; Code 1961, Sec. 22.101) Section 19-].32 Issuance of certificate of investigative fee upon denial of cer duration; no r ficate. If, after an investigation as provided for in this division, the Chief of Police determines that there is not adequate off-street parking space reasonably oUtainaUle Uy the applicant at the place of his residence or ~vithin six tiundred (600) feet thereof for the parlting of the vehicle described in the applicat~on, a certificate of necessity shall be granted to ttie applicant and to which the Chief of Police, in his discretion, determines that the certificates of necessity should apply. The certificate of necessity shall be for a term from July 1, of any calendar year tl~rough June 30 of the immediate subsequent year, or any portion tl~ereof, except those applications made within a 60 day period immediately preceding June 30 of any year shall have effect for a certificate o£ necessity for the term through June 30 of the immediate subsequent year, unless terminated as provided in thi.s division. Should the certificate of necessity be denied, the investi- gative fee shall not be rePunded. Section 19-133 Attachment of Certificate to Vehicle A decal f.urnishe~d by the Cit.v Clerk pursuant to this division st~all be permane~ntly aCtached t:o the left rear portion of each vehicle to which the Chief of Poli_ce has, in writing, made the certifi- cate applicable as provided in this division. (Ord. No. 700, Sec. 143; Code 1961, Sec. 22.107 Section 19-134 Renewal oS Certificate (,a) ff, rit Lhe expiration of the term provided for in the cer'xi~ficate ol nec•~ssi(~~, irre~p~ct.ive oP wheCher the eert.ificate was issued under an ori_~~ina~l or subsequent applica~tion, the I~older of the~ certificate i5 dr~sirous nt rene~ving his certificate, the same procedure,sha71 b~~ followed as provided to this division for an original certificate. (b) Fc,r each subsequent ap~~licltion filed, a fee of f.ive dollars (~Ci.00) shall a~,company the ap~ilication and shall be paid to the City Clc~rlc, Should the certificate of necessity be denied, the fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall not be refunded. S1~;CTIOid 3. Section 19-136 of the Code of the City of Lynwood hereby is repealed, SliCTIOId 4. Secci•abiliCy In au~~ ~ect~.i~,n, st~bsection, subdivision, sentence, phrase or portion ol this ordinanre, or the application there any person or place, is for any rea~r~n held to he invalid or unconstitutional by the dec.ision oE an}~ court oI competent jurisdict:ion, such decision sha]l~not afSect th~ v,~lidity ot remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to p~r~ons ~~r places. The City Co~uicil hereby dn,clares that, it aould have ado~~ted 'this ordinance, and each section, suUsection, sentence, c.l.,itise, ~~hrase "or ~~c~rtion there~f, irrespective of fact that any one or more sectioiis, subsections, suUdivisions, senLences, clauses, phrases, or portions, or the applieatio^ to any ~erson, place, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1978. 1'irst rea~i at a regiillr meeting of the Ci_ty Council of said City held on th~ 18th ~{~y of AE~ril , 1978, and f~inally adopted ~nd ordered pi~Ulished at a regular meeting of said Council held on ttie 2nd day of May 1978. AYliS: COUtdCILh1LN: BYORK, GREEN, MORRIS, RO~dE, I[IGGINS. NOES: COUNCILIt1IiN: NONE. ABSliNT: COUIdCILPdliN: NONE. ) /; . / ~= ~ ~ > y~ (, ORGP~.~~, 11 ,GI , ~tayor City of Lynwood ATTLST i G-~,v~R--r'~Ci_ ~/ y~~~~ LAUHIs'Nli COP1~liY, CiC le ic City of Lynwood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ae.. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City oP Lymoood, and ex!~officio clerk of tha Council of ea~,d City, do hereby certffy that the above ie a true and cor~ect copy of Ordinance No. $~a'~ adopted by the City Council of the City of Lymaood, and that same wae paseed on the date and by the vote therein etated. Dated this ~~ day of '~ , 197~, `"~Cu~--e~ C City Clerk, City of p