HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 1008ORDINANCE N0,_ 1008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIb of the (Name of Governing Body) CITY OF LYNWOOD authorizing an (Name of Public A9ency) AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL (Governing Body) ANO TME BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION Of THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF LYNWOOD Name of Gover~ing Body) (Name of Public Agerscy) does ordain as follows: ~ECTION 1, That an amendment to the Contract between the CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LYNWOOD Name of of the a~d the Board of Governing Body) (Name of Public Agency) Administration, California Publfc Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by sueh refer- ence made a part hcreof as though herein set out in full, ° SECTION 2, The ~Y~R of the CITY COUNCIL ~T~tle of Presidi~g Officer) is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to (Name of Governing Body) execute said amandment for and on behalf of said Agency. SECTION t, This O~dinance shall take effect 30 daya after the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 1~ days from the passa9e thereof shall be pubitshed at least once in the L nwood Press Name of Newspaper ~ a newspaper of general circulatlon, published and circulated in the Cit.y of (Name of Lvnwood and thenceforth and thereafter the same Public Agency) shall be in full force and effeet. Adopted and approved thts 5th da f October ~g 76 Attest: ~Presiding Officer ~, ~ ~ / ' , ' ~ ~.~~~ ~~l_(~.40,~ ¢Ie\~ PERS-ACT-11 (Amendment) ~9/7~) CERTIFICATION OF FINAL ACTION OF GOVERNING BODY DATE: October 6, 1976 . Board of Administration ' Public Employees' Retirement System P,o, Box 1953 Sacramento, California 95809 I hereby certify: That the i%~Ti' COUP~CIL of the CITY OF LYNWOOD pted on October 5, 1976 ~ by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of said governing body, GRDIivATdCc: ryo 100i5 approving the attached Anendment between the governing body of said Age~cy and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a certified copy of said Hmerldment in the form furnished by said Board of Admfnistration being attached hereto, ~ , ~ /i z`-c=c~~tL-C„~a~" ~~'i ',~-f[t~~C-~27~ Clerk et-Secretary ' CITY OF LYNWOOD Name of Ageney PERS-ACT-S (1/74) Al~ND~T TO CONTRACT SETNEEN Tf~: BOAHD OF ADffiINISTRATION PUB7,IC EMPLOYEES' RETIRED~NNT SYSTEM AND Tf~ ~~ CITY COUNCIZ, OF TfIE CITY OF L~TWOOD The Board of Administration~ Publie Emploqees' Retirement Syetem, hereinaPter rePerred to as Board and the CITY COUNCIL oY the CITY OF I.YNWOOD, hereinaPter re- Yerred to ea Public Agency, having eatered into a contract under date of May 7, 1946~ efYective July 1~ 1946~ as amended eYfective November 1~ 1966~ Janusry 1~ 1975~ July 13, 1975~ and September 7, 1975, which provide ior participation oP Publia Agency, hereby agree as followe: A. Subparagraph 5(e) ehall be stricken Yrom said contraot, and the following subparagraph 5(e) ehall be substituted therePor: 5(e) Section 20024.2 (deYining "fYnal compensation" on the basis oP average compensation earnable during the year im~ediately pre- ceding retirement or any other one year period elected by the member). B. Paragraph 5.5 ahall be added to said contract: 5.5 Public Agency, in accordance with Section 20740, Government Code, shall cease to be an "employer" for purposes of Chapter 6 of the Publie F~uployeea' Retirement Law effective aa of the effective date oY this amendment to thie contract. Accumulated contribu- tions oP the Public Ageacy as oP the date oY such amendment shall be Piaed and determined as provided in Section 20759~ C~vernment Code, and such accumulated contributions and contributiona here- after made shall be held by the Board as provided ia Section 20759, Government Code. C. Paragraph 6(a) shall be strickea from said contract and the following paragraph 6 (a) subatituted thereYor: 6(a) With respect to local miscellaneous members, the public agency shall contribute the Pollovring percentages of monthly ealaries earned se local miscellaneous membera oY ea3d System: Ret. Form 702-1 ^ . _ (1~ 0.489 percent until June 30~ 1980 on account oY the liability Yor pr3or service beneYits. (2~ 8.784 percent on account oP the liab3lity tor current service ~ benePite. (3) 0.173 percent on account oP the liability for the 1959 survivore program. - (4) 0.190 percent until December 31~ 1984 on account oY the beneYita provided under Section 21222.1 oY the Government ' Code. D. This amendment shall be attached to esid contract and shall be ~pfective on the 17th ~,of October, 1976 Witnese our hands thte 6th BOARD OF pDMINISTRATION PUBLIC EMPI,OYEES~ EETIREBIENT SYSTEM BY Carl J. Blechinger~ Eaecutive OYficer Approved as to Form: ~y of October, 1976 . _,, ~ ~ ~«~~ i~~i~~~` :'~-~'1,~, j~~ f ^-~'l~°L L ~ - Clerk Ret. Form 702-2 CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF L7(NWOOD