HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0997~ ~ 4~ + ,~ ORllINANCli tao. 997 AN ORDIN7INCE OF Tllli CITY COONCIL OF T1IE CITY OP LYN4700D R1iP~ALIA~G CUI~PT~R 10-1/2 AND ARTICLP II OP CfI7~PTER 27-1/2 OP, F~MENDING SJ~C'PIO?V 27-1/2 - 47 OF, AND ADDING CFiT1PTLI2 9-1/2 TO THli CODE OP' TFiP CITY OF LYN4dO0D ESTnr3ZISHIIQG TI1L LYNWOOD CONiI~IUNITY APPAIRS CONit~1ISSI0N The City Council of the City of Lynwood hereby docs ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 10-1/2 of. the Code of the City of_ Lynwood, consistinc~ cf sections 10-1/2-1 through 10-1/2-10, is repealed in its entirety. SBCTION ?_. Article II, consisting of sections 27-1/2-25 thr.ouyh 27-1/"1-32, of the Code of the City of Lynwood is rep~aled in its entirety. S~CTION 3. Section 27-1/2-47 of the Code of the City of Lynwood hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 27-1/2-47. Enforcement. (a) The community ai-fairs commission shall have the fol7.owing functions, power.s, and duties in addition to those provided otherwise by law: (1) To adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind suitable rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this article, provided that such rules and regulations shall be approved by the city council and, upon approvzl, filed with the city clerk; (2) To receive and investigate coreplaints alleging viola- tions of the provisions of this article; (3) To hold conferences and make investigations, and for this purpose to call upon City of Lynwood officials and employees and other bodies to aid and assist it therein. (4) To render each year to the city council a written . report of activities pertaining to,this article. (b) Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an alleged unlawful practice forbidden by this article, may by himself, or by his attorney at law, make, sign, and file ~,~ith the community affairs conanission a verificd complaint in writing ~ahich shall state the name and address of the person, firm, partnership, or corporation alleged to liave conmlitted the unlacaf.u]. practice complained of and which shall set forth th~ particulars thereof and contain such other iniormation as may be reasonably requircd by ttie community afiairs C OIllIl:l S S 1 OII . (c) F~ft~r the filinc~ of a complaint by an aggrieved person, or by any City of Lynwood resident, the comniunity a~f.airs conunission shall cause a prompt investigation to bc made of the alleged uniawLul practicc. (d) If, aiter such investiyation, the community aiiairs commission sliall determine that no probable cause exi,ts for cre~diting the allegat.ions of th~ complaint, it sl~all, within ten (10) d-ays from sucli determination, cause to be issued and served upon the complainant written notice of such determination. (e) If, after such invesL-igation, the cemmUnity affairs commission shall determine that probablc cause er.ists in accord- ance with the allegation., of. the complaint, it shall take one or more of the followiny steps: (1) Endeavor to eliminate the unlacaful practice complained of by conference and conciliation. Such conferenc~s shall be onen to the pub]_ic unless otherwise rec;uested by one or both of the parties to thc conference; (2) P.efer the matter to the Real Estate Commissioner of the State oi California for such disciplinary action as may seem appropriate, and may make any records available to the commission as may relate to the matter notwithstanding any other action which the community affairs commission may take or may already have taken; (3) Refer the matter. to appropriate federal officials for action pursuant to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (the Fair FIOUSing La~~~) ; (4) Refer the entire file to the appropriate legal repre- sentative of the City of Lynwood for such action as it may deem proper or necessary under the circumstances. SECTIOi' 4. Chapter 9-1/2, entitled "Community Aifairs Commission" hereby is a3cied to the Code of the City of Lynwood to read as follows: Chapter 9-1/2 Conununitv I~ffairs Commission Sec. 9-1/2-1. Community Affairs Commission sstablished. There is hereby created the Community Affairs Coir~mission oi the City of Lynwood. Sec. 9-1/2-2. Composition; Appointment oi idembers. The Community Af£airs Commission shall consist of seven 7) members, who shall be appointed.by, and serve at the pleasure of, the City CounciL Sec. 9-1/2-3. P~lembers to be Residents of City. Members of the commission shall be residents of the City; and any memUer of the conunission autontatically shall be deemed to have resigned from tkie commission, and hi_s office as a member of the coirunission automatically shzll l~e vacated, in the event said m~mber ceases to be a resident of the City. Sec. 9-1/2-4. Tc:nus of Offi.ce; Vacancies. Four of the me~7J~ers first appointed to the comniission shall be desig- nated by thc City Council to scrvc terms ot two (2)'ycars; and three of tlie members first appointcd shall b'e desi~nated by the City Council to serve term> of four (4) yc~~r.s. All .,ucceeding terms of off.ice shall be for a per.i_od of four (~1) ycars. Dlembers :;l~all holci office until thcir successors are qualiiicd and tal:e office. -2-- If a memLer of t;he commi~sion shall fail to attend three consecu- tivc r.egular mcetings thereof without having been excused by the commission, he shall automatically cease to be a member of the conimission. I~ majority of thc City Council may remove any member from the commission at any time without cause. A vacancy in the membcrship of the comrnission, other than one created Ly the expiration of a term, shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. Sec. 9-1J2-5. CempensaL-ion of t1embers. Members of thc commission sha11 scrve as sucli without compensation; provided, however, the meml~ers may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in conriection ~aith the official business of the commission, to the extent authorized by the City Council. • Sec. 9-1/2-6. Organiz~ti.on. The commissi_on shall elect its chairman £rom among it, members for a t.erm of one (1) year and,subject to other provisions of law, may create and fill such other o£fices within its membership as it say determine are necessary and convenient. The commission may appoint, at its discretion, subcon~~nli.ttees to addr~ss specific problems dealing with comsnunity af.f-airs. Tliese subcomir~ittees may include citi.zens who are not mei~ibers of the commission; provided, however, that the chairman of each such subcommittee shall be a menJ~er oi the commission. Sec. 9-1/2-7. Meetings. The conunission shall hold at least on~ (1) regular meeting per month, which meeting sliall be neld in the City Council chambers, unless the City Council shall provide for another place of ineetinc~. The commission may hold additional m.eetinrs at places other than the City Council char,tbers to the extent othertaise permitted by law. The comrnission shall adopt such rules Zs it may deem e;:pedient for the conduct oi its business. It shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which record shall be open for public inspection. All mectings of the coirunission shall be noticed, held and conducted in accordance e,*ith the provisions of the Ralph M. Broom Act and all other applicable laws and ordinances. Sec. 9-1/2-8. Responsibilities of Conunission. It shall be the responsibility oY the corunission toc (a) Z'oster muiual resp~ct and understanding among all racial, religious, and ethnic groups within the conununity; (b) Make sucli studies in any field of community relation- ships as will, in its judgment, aid in eifectuating its general pur~oses; and, (c) Recommend to the City Council plans, programs, and activities which ~ai.ll increase communit}~ awareness and good will among all residents of the ~ity and open new opportuniti-cs for a11 residents to Uecome involved in all phases of conmiunity life. Sec. 9-1/?.-9. Duties of Conuni.ssion. The comrnission will discli~ r~c thc Lolloo:inc~ duties: (a) Propose, dc~~clop, and recommend ~>royrams and plans intendecl to p~^omotc tlie full acccptance ot all -3- citizeris in ilie community i_n all aspects of conununiLy life wi_thout recTarct to race, reliyion, or nationai origi~i; provided, however, that all such Proyrams and plans shall be subject to the approval of the City Council; (b) To cooperatc wi.th and assist those comr~unity agencies engaycd in fostcrinc~ mutu~l undcrstanding and respect among all racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic yroups, or. which are engzccd in activites to dis- couragc discrimine,.tory practice against such groups or individuals; (c) To coopcrate with city departments, agencies, and commissions in icientifying and ameliorating human relations problems caith which they may be concerned; provided, however, that nothir.g herein shall be construed as authorizing the commission to act as a heariny agency or tribunal in a personnel matter; (d) To examine possible sources of conflict in the field of conununity relations and to provide a forum for the expression of differences of opinion and clarification of issues; (e) To recommend to the City Council and various city departments and agencies clianges in proceuures, policies anQ/or l~gislation for the piirpose of improving conununity relationships; and (£) To serve as the agency responsible for the enforce- ment o£ nrticle III of Chapter 27-1/2.. SECTION 5. Severability. Ii any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, plirase, or portion of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or place, is for any reason held to Ue invalid or unconstitutionzl by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not afiect ihc validity of tlie reroaining portions of this ordi.nance or its application to the remainin~ portions of this ordinance or its application to othcr persons or places. The City Cowicil hereuy declares that it would liave adopted this ordinance~ ancl each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irres- pective.of the fact that any one or more sectio;is, subsections, sub- divisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portion,, or the application thereof to any pcrson or place, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. First read at a regular meeting of tlie City Council of said City held on ihe 6th day of April , 197G, and finally adonted anci oraer.ed Puulished at a regular.meeting of said Council lield on tlie 20tYrlay of April , 1976. AYES: COUNCILD;L:N: Byork, G e n, Higgins rris, Rowe. NOES: COUflCILDiEN: None. I~IISLNT: COUNCILbIPN: None. i- / (SliF~L) l~1'i~l'L•' S T : ~ ~,., ~/c~:,.f',ro,r~v ~~~L-'_i_c-~,~.~~f~~~~tZ~ ~SL~1~.NE: L~. SIiIsI'lJl_;1~1) City Clerlc, City o1 Lyi~wood -n- . ' ,. s~r~~ri,; o~~ c~i,1~~~oH;a_~n ) coun~~r~ or~ r,os nta~a~~;~,l;s j .,~. _ I, tl~e w~de.rsi~ncd, C~1;y Clerlc of th~~ Cit;y of' Lynwood, and es:-o~f'i.cio cJ.es~]c of {;he ~Couilci:L of ;~~.id c:ity, do }~~:t~~~;y ce~°i:i_f',y th~~t 1;he above is a t~•ue nnd correct coPy of Ordinaiice ~v'o. 997 adoptr•d hy thc~ Ci.ty Coui~ciL of tY,e City of Lynvrooci, and LLut same was passed on Lhe dat:e and by Llie voce ther~ein sLat;ed. ~9 6 Dated t.h-is 22nd day oi' --Apri1 -------' 7-- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ( L~G _ ~_'L'u'! l _-~2-c~C~C9~ \ '(,icy lerk, ( lty oi' Lynvaood