HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0975. . ~ ~ ORDINANCE N0. 975 AN ORDINANCE OF THE PFOPLE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 426 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'PHE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIRF,MF,NT SYSTEM TO INCLUDE IMPROVED RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR THE SAFETY EMPLOYEES (FIREMEN AND POLICEI~[EN) OF THE CITY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 5 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 426 of the City of Lynwood to read as follows: "Section 5. That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Lynwood and the Board of Administration of the California State Employees' Retirement System is hereby approved to include improved retirement benefits for the Lynwood Firemen and Policemen, herein referred to as local safety members, a copy of said amendment to contract being attached hereto, marked Exhibit 'A,' and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full." Section 2. Section 6 is hereby added to Ordiriance No. 426 of the City of Lynwood to read as £ollows: "Section 6. The Mayor of the City o£ Lynwood is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment to contract for and on behalf of said Agency." Section 3. Section 7 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 426 of Lhe City of Lynwood to read as follows: "Section 7. The City Council of the City of I,ynwood shall levy such taxes as the City Council shall determine are necessary to maintain the City's share of the improved retirement benefits for the local safety members." Section 4. Section 8 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 426 of the City of Lynwood to read as follows: "Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 1975." : ~• ex~iraiT a~ ~ ALfEND!~N.T TO C0~lTRACT Rc^T',YE~ HOARU G'r' AU:vIIi7IST.HATION ~ JT;.,:C ~~:,0? ~~d' ric;'i irt:.lAF,N i ~VS~C::M . ~AND THl: CITY COU27CIL OF Tf~ CITY OF I,yN',yppD The Board oP Adninistration, Riblic Employees' ketirement System, hereir,after referred to 8s Roard ~rtd the CZTY COIRICIL of the CITY OF LYN900D, hereiriafter re- ierred to as Public Agency havin,; entered into a contract under date oP I~ay '7, 1946, effective Jt~ly 1, 1946, and as :unended effective tiovember 1, 1951, Febnxary 1, 1954, August 1, 1359, December 1, 1964~ and November 13~ 1966~ and as provided by Ch~.pters 170 and 31E, Statutes of 19~1, whi,ch p~~ide Por participation of Public A~ency, hereby aE,Tree as iollows: A. Paragraphs 1 throu;h 9 are hereby stricken Yrom said contract as ezecuted e~fective July 1, 1946, and are hereby replaced by the followir~ paragraphs numbered 1 throu~n 8 inclusive: l. All wor3s and terms used herein which ure deYine3 in +.,he Public ~nloy- ees' Retirement La•,v shall have the meaning as deiined therein ii~less othernise specifically provided. "?Jormal retirement age" snail :~ean nge 6U for miscellaneoys members and a~e 50 Yor local eafety n:embers. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees~ Retirer.;ent System fro~ and after July 1~ 154G, making its employees us herein- after provided, memoers oP said System subject to all provisions o~ the Yublic Employees' Hetirement Law except such as apply onl~ on elec- tion of a contractino agency ~d ~e not provided for herein a:~d to ~11 amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except such as by exprer,s pro- vision thereof apply only on the election of contracting aoenciea, 3. Bmployee.^, of Public Agency in the following classes sh~ll becorre r~embers of Uc~id Retirement System except such in each such class as tu~e ez~luded by law or this a„reement: a. Local firemen ~herein referred to as local safety member~); b. Local policeoen (herein refeired to as local safety members~; c. Employees other than local 'safety members (herein'rePerred to as miscell~neous mec~bera~. The follorring employees shail be excluded Prom memberehip in caid Retiire~ent System: NO ADDITIONAL r~'}.CCLUSIONS 4. The fi~action of finnl cov~oensation to be provided Por each yersr oP credited prior a:d current service as a mi~cellaneous member shall be thnt ~,rovide~ in 3ecticn 21251.13 of said Retireaent Law. ~ r. \ ~ . 5. The fo:lo~ng additional T.. ...ti_..1. __i. . .. . =rt~- . "i0,^. - to t'.ie Yublic A~ency and 6 . ~, ~ . provisions oP th~'ublic ~oployees' itetirement BLIG:iJI: C.° t. ~:.-~ii~:'3CLlf~ ~.~;Cil;_~ G2~LSli 6i)ki~ its employees: ~ ~ a. The fraction of Pinal compe~sation to be nrovided for each year oP credited prior and current service as a:~cal safet~ memoer shali be that provided in Section 21252.01 of the Retirement iaw, b. Section 21380-7 ~providin~ for allowances for survivors of ineo- bers'covered under the program upon death before retiremer.t). c. Section 21263 (providing upon death of a local safety member who retired £or service or disability Por Lhe continuation oi one-half the retirement allowance to certain survivors~. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retireoent System as follows: a. With recpect to miscellaneous members, the public a~encv :;hall contribute the followin~ percenta~es of monthly salaries earned as misccllaneous members of said System: ~1~ 1.01 percent until June 30, 1980 on account of the liability for prior service bene£its. ~2~ 7.67 percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. ~3~ ~•75 percent on account of the liability for the 1a59 ~~rvivor~ program, b. With respect to local sa£ety members~ tt~e public a~ency st.31i con- triUute the £ollo;ri n~ percenta~;es of monthly salaries earnad e^, local safety members oi said :;ystem: ~1~ 0.955 percent ur.til June 30~ 19'77 on account oP Uie liability for prior service benefits. ~2~ 23•770 percent on account of the liability Por ciirrec:t scrvice benefits. ~3~ 0.098 percent on account of the liabilit;~ :'or the 1979 Survivors program. c. A reasonable amount per annum, as fixed by 23oard to cover t`~c co;ts of administerin~ said S;~~ter~ ae it affec;;s the cmployeec oi F~ublic Agency~ not includin,n, the cost~ oi speciai valuations or ;.ne period- ical investi~ation and valuation required by law. d. A reasonable a:,ount us fi:ced by the T3oard, nayable in one ±~stal!- ment as the occasions arise, to cover co,ts of special valuatior.c on account of emoloyec, of °ublic Agency, tutd ~oots of tile ~,erio9- ical investi~ation and valuation required b;/ lri,v. ~ ~. \ ~ ,~ - ~ ~ . . 7. Contrib•ons required 'oy F'ublic Agency~d its employees stuill be sub- _ ~ ec t. r~, ;~~ j_..- y-:,,n ~ ~y io~z'd or. nc~sw: , c'i ~,;.;.ec, ~nen ts to , t~:~ ?u ~, ic Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the ezperience ur~drr the Retirement Systen~ ¢s detarmined by the periodical inve~ti~etion and valubtion required by said Retirement Law. B. Contribution; required oP Public Agency and its employees ^,hall be o~id by PuDlic A~ency to the Retirement System w~thin thirty days after tiie end oY the pcriod to which said contributions refer. If more or less than 1,he correct a-nount oP contributions is paid for any period~ proper adjustaent shall be made in connection vrith subsequent remittzric~s~ or adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of a~i~ employee ~^ay be made by direct cash nayments between the employee a~d Boas'd• Payments by Public Agency to IIoard may be made in the Por,n of warrants, bank checks~ bank drafts, certified checks, money orders, or cash. S• This amendment shall be attached to ~aid contract and shall be effective on the day oY VPitness our hands this dny oP BOkHP OF ADi~IItlISTRATION YUE~LIC EbIPLOYE°S' R~;TIRE:~NT SYSTEM BY William E. ?a;,~n~, ~xecutive Officer CITY COUNCIL OF Tf~ CITY OF Li'i7clOOD BY Presiding ~fficei Aitest: Clerk ~ \ \ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was submitted to a vote of the quali£ied electors of the City of Lynwood, California, at a special municipal election held in said city upon the 5th day of November, 197~, and that said ordinance was adopted by more than a majority of the qualified electors voting on said ordinance at said election. Dated this 5th day of December, 1974. '~~ / /~ y,(G~c.l~L-c ~~~ ~~-~.~~'. \ TCity Clerk, City of Lynwood