HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0968 ORDINF~NCE NO, 968 . „ . AN ORDINANCE OF THr, C'ITY CC~L?:VCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADDING SEC"T'IONS 19~26 AND 19 -27 TO THE LYNWOOD CI'TY CI~DE REI~'I"ING T'O 'I"HE ES TABLISHMENT OF A TRA~FIC AND PARK:NG COMMIS- SION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CYT'Y Or LYNWOOD HEREBY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, Section 19-26 hereb~,~ ia added tu the C"ode of th~ City of Lynwood to read as folYows: Seco 19-26 Traffic and Parkir:g C'or_~mission -m est- ablished; compositione There ie ~sta~iished here- by an advisory traffre ar~d parkang cornrnissecn con- sisting of five membera, to sEr~•e withorzt cor_lpen- sation, Said commfssion shal~ con~ist of fr~ve per- sons appointed by the Ci~y Cou~:~i2 w~ao sFnaiY b~ residents of the City not holaing a position for which compensation is pand F~y the City, Three o£ the members of the commiseion inr~t appo~nted by the City Council shall serve for terms of' four years each, and the remairning two members oi tF~e eommission first appointed by the City Council shabl sexve a term of two years, 'I"l~e det~ rminaticn as to which of the members serves ar. ii~nitial ~err_~ of two yEars shall be by lots drawn by theme T'here~i'ter, aP~i members shafll be appointed T"or terms cf four years; provided, however, ihe City Councii rnay remove any member from the comr.zissior. a4 ~r~~ ;irn~ and wikhout causEe The City Co~cnci~ shaY: =i1i a, y~racancy~ o~,- eurring in the Committee ~b~r app~oir.tm~~,t for the~ re- mainder of the term, SECTION 2. Section 19~27 here~~• is added to ilhe ~ode of the City of Lynwood to read as foib~w~ _ Sec, 19-27, Same -- DctiESo (a) Wikh respe~t to parking matters, the Cornmi~sion sna-b exerc~se all such powers and duties over •,~~F~ncY~ ~S~rkin~ dis- tricts in the City as are accorded tc~ s~nch rommis~ sion by the Vehicle Parking Dis;ri~,k Law of 194;~0 (b) With respect to traffi:^ ma.~:~rs. *h~ ccmmissfor. shall suggest the rnes~ prdrtr~u~ m.ean~ ror ~aordin- ating the activities of a~i a~ficers and agera~ne; of the City ha*ring authority w:t:~a resgect tc~ thF admin- ietration and~or enfor~~e:n~r.t ~~f traffac re~guflatiorna; stimulate and as~ist an the preparatior_ and p~rbiicd- tion of traffic reportcy rece:ve com1,Pai~,t~ F~;~,-irng to do with traf£'ic matt~rs; acid re~aamx±ner_~a to fh~ City Couneil and to khe Cit~ Engin~~r ar,c~ C~h,ieS' e~f Pr.,Yrc-~ and other City officia~s wavs and m~ac~ of Yr_:proving traffic corndition~ amd the admir.istr~.tior~ ~r.d ~r..icrr°ce- ment of traffic reg~alationse ~ I ... Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to cause the same to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said city held on the 2nd day of July, 1974, and finally adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of July, 1974, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris Rowe Noes: Councilmen Aosent: Councilmen Liewer ATTEST: i~~OcQ=~c~ V' "~/'~c~r~~~~ ~Cit11 Clerk, City o Lynwood _---' ~ ~ ..c<,~.~>c-t~ ~ ~~iayoryoY the City of Lynwoo P~o TE~P~~eF -2- 1 I y. ~ ~.~~'.~I~li. ~~r ~f\li~_l~~lif?l~1i.11 / . J5• cour~~~~~ oT~ r,os ~,.r,~cr,r,rs ) ~ I, t.~c undersi_~r,n~d, Lynvrood, and ex--oifici.o c;_erk hereby cei :;~-t'S- t1 ~.t; t)~~c ~at~ovc Ordirianc.e No. 968 adopted. oi' L;ymr~ood, and tr,2t same vaas votc thcre~.n st.~tted. C:it;,~ Clerlc oi' i;i;e~ Citiy oP oi' the~Counc~i7 of said c~ty, do i s ~ tr°uF~ and correct cop~~ of ay tne r,ity counciL of the cit,y passc~ci on tiie date and L;y tne . ' ,. Dateci th-is _19thds;y of ___Ju~___,_, ~9~ ~,;~~~~ -E,`ity lerk, Citg of Lyr~wood