HomeMy Public PortalAbout1961-11-25 Meeting116 C. 7111, Superintenden` Comparisons _ :,alaries cf e 1'loyees hcicing the same pcsitiens in Surfside, Mbre`. and North Miami oach were msde and after discussion tlr. t rt m,v::u that a Sf.t.00 per m nth increase be given tc It ss Wetterer, China. 'wens .I:a 3111. G'.r, i=.ul4rer secented the motion and t was soaui rust, v^ted. . Webh asked thu unr,il 'r 'h. w uld rats a res.]'.tirn in cede: . 'up a lien asses sment .ell t er.r3 1'_ ir,s Avo!.ur, f,.r 1c"eS5 tC the harbsur Us@. Ddring rSIC; °AT. lluersb: fell that inasmuch as ohl; theVillage an,! twt ether porties were .twelve: n7. ,.: .i. ght meet witt them in srdef tc nngeti.te r. centrist ioI th.s work. lf this does, not fleet w:''heir .,pPr:cull ,' wuu:u the:1 e 1:2ee7,^n77 intt a lie!. r 11. 1. -. order., the h` o: tho sus Sr. Webb trld the donnsll that Winsan—H arney Juil?l,a.] L ^;any w;Ilti lc, move the temporary uull '.i i n w leb 'e . in Tract E `s Tr et D of Dal harb C:._ f"ceanfrent. Ave!, t: d. It w rl the �i-�i'✓f: �. }:C .. is W�'1 that ,' `s dulidigg should nut be allowed ti be siveU w'thout suffirl n bons fsr remcvds. nreema oc.veu that. the 'Jilldye Mdnagnr dilocr `.insa."-;soney 2uilu;.rg `hey car„J1ov- _uilui.ty until the/ have rested a cash` urn ant: ns! iidd the Village the uefiniud date i the remnval. There :,eirig no further ous-lge c, `ion seer r.ded by Mr. hart, the meet.og was "a j ur"+ u. Jillage ::lerk October 2f , COUNCIL MINUTES November, 25, 1961 T _Z.' --e-- Mayor The Council of Bal Harbour Village met at 9:30 A.M., Saturday, November 25, 1961 at the Village Hall. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Broeman, Hart and White. Absent: Mr. Faulkner Also present were Mr. W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mar;- T. Wetterer, Village Cl rk; Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. 117 Upon motion of Mr. Beatty seconded by Mr. Hart, the minutes of the previcus meeting of October 28, 1961 were approved as submitted. The Village Clerk advised the Council that the application of the Beau Rivage Hotel for a liquor license had been tabled at the October 28th meeting inasmuch as two sets of finger prints were needed to com— plete the application. The finger prints were received soon after the Council meeting and the license was issued on verbal approval of the Councilmen reached. Mr. Hart moved to confirm the issuance of the liquor license to the Beau Rivage Hotel as issued by the Village Clerk. Mr. Beatty seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Mr. Webb reported that since the last Council meeting the Surf Cab Company and the North Beach Yellow Cab Company had merged with the Morse Cab Company tc operate as one company. Mr. G. Morse and Mr. J. Nudelman appeared before the Council with the request that the permits that had been previously granted the Surf Cab Company and the North Beach Yellow Cab Company and then canceled by the Council, now be reissued. After discussion of the case now pending before the District Court of Appeals between Ea] Harbour Village and the North Beach Yellow Cab Com— pany Mr. Beatty moved to defer action on this matter until the case has been dismissed from the court and at that time if the cab company wished to present an application, the Council would then take their application under advisement. Mr. Broeman seconded the motion and it was unani— mously voted. ".'r. Morse further requested that the Police not bother cabs that are called in to handle emergencies and the Council assured him that the Chief of Police would cooperate with him under such con— ditions. Mr. Webb read a letter from Mrs. Valentine, President of the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce requesting that Bal Harbour Village contribute $40.00 a month along with Bay Harbor islands and Sua-E— side who each contribute $80.00 a month for the upkeep of the Library until Surfside's new community center is completed where the Library will then be located. Mr. Halt moved to allow $40.00 a month be paid to the Library Committee until the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Broeman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Village Clerk advised the Council that au application for five Avis U Drive It Cars at the Singapore had been filed. After discus— sion Mr. Beatty moved to accept the application for five U Drive It Cars at the Singapore. Mr. Broeman seconded the motion and it was unani— mously carried. Mr. Webb read a letter from the County Manager, Mr. Irving McNayr, regarding the reduction of the parking fines from $2.00 to $1.00 and suggesting that a check be made in the various municipalities in the County to see what their attitude was in this respect. Mr. hart moved to reduce parking fines from $2.00 to $1.00. Mr. Beatty seconded the motion and it was unanimously voted. November 25, 1961 118 Mr. Webb reported that he had met with Mr. Sol Taplin aird Mr. Stanton D. Sanson regarding the extension of Collins Avenue to the entrance to Harbour House. He said Mr. Sanson has agreed to pay two— thirds of the cost of paving construction and possibly part of the cost of the landscaping and will verify this by letter to Mr. Webb. There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Broeman seconded by Mr. Hart, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Village Clerk November 25, 1961 _)4L2Y---1-2—ZL- • Mayor, COUNCIL MINUTES December 16, 1961 The Council of Bel Harbour Village met at 9:30 A.M. Saturday, December 16, 1961 at the Village Hall. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Broeman, Faulkner and White. Absent: Mr. Hart Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; mazy T. WeLterer, Village Clerk; Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Beatty seconded by Mr. Faulkner the minutes of the previous meeting of November 25, 1961 were approved as submitted. Mr. Anderson reported on the status of the North Beach Yellow Cab litigation. After discussion Mr. Broeman moved to defer action on the request for additional permits until litigation is finally termi— nated. Mr. Beatty seconded the motion and it was unanimously voted. Mr. 'Webb advised the Council that at the May 27, 1961 Council meeting Jtaniey Whitman had been given a six month extension of time for the removal of the overhead lightinJ on Area No. 5 of the Business Section of Ba1 Harbour and that to date no effort n„d been made to remove the poles. Mr. Whitman appeared before the Council with sketches of the shopping center to be erected on said Area and stated that leasing would start soon after January, 1962 and construction of the shopping center will eliminate the overhead wiring. Therefore, Mr. Whitman asked that the Council grant him another six month extension. Mr. Anderson sug— gested that his request be granted with the provision that at the end Dec. 16, 1961