HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0989 ~t . ORDINANCE N0. 989 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL af the (Name of 6overning Body) CITY OF LYNWOOD autharizing ari (Name of Public Agency) CITY COUNCIL b1MENDMEPiT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE (Governing Body) APiD TME 80ARD OF ADMINISTRATIORi UF 4NE CAIIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMEPIT SYSTEt4. The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF LYNWOOD _~~, Name of 6overning Body) (Name of Public Agency) does ordain as follows: CITY COUNCIL SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Contract between the Name of of the CITY OF LYNWOOD ancJ tha Doard of Governing Body} (Name of Public Agency) l.dministration, California Public Employees' Rettrement Systeni is hereby authorized, a copy of said ame~dmenY being attached hereto, marlced "Exhibit A", and by such refer- ence made a part hereof as though hernin sat out in full, SECTION 2, The 1°iayor (Title of Presidi~g Offi CITY COUNCIL is hereby authorizad, (Name of Governing Body) execute said amendmeni for and on behalf of said Agency. ~r cn~ ce r) empowered, and dirmcted to SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect ~~ days aFter the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 10 days from the passage thereof ,hall be publtshed at least once in the Lynwood Press Name of Newspaper ~ a ~ewspaper of general circulatfon, published and circulated in the (Nama of City of Lynwood and thonceforth and thrxreafter the samo r~ublit Agency) :~~iall be in full force and effect. Adopted and approved this 5th day of Au~ust „ 19~. AtCest: r ?,; r~ i, ~' /,,~~~ , ~C c,~ ~-: P i g Officer PERS-ACT-Il (Amendment) ~9/7~) ~~szT a . ni~~~;r;~r,;~,~~r ~ro cor~a~l:nc~.~ i,~~r~~~:,-;;_ra ~rn~. i~o,~r,v o~~~ ~.~,,~;,l~;le~7~~~n~t~ro;, '?~ ~'I,OYPF°' 18~;iJi:1~~!iE~I37' SY :-i P1 rvLz,~:c ~,,_ .., ~~"~ pIJD '.i'1:E CITY COOivCII, OF TrIL CIi 1 OP I:~Y1~~400D . The Roerd cf A~ir:iriic,trr~,t~ioi., Publ.ic Ee}ployee;;' Retiren~cn.~ Syhtem, herei-n•- aftie, referred i.o n.r, L'o;+rd r-r~:, t,h~ ~f9'S.' CO;Jr.C]:I~ of clin CI7X ~r' Li'~° Ovll, l~c.re- ina~tc'i referred to i Fu:~:!.ic At;enc5, l,avin~; entca~r~x i.nto a contx~~ t t;;ciet dute of l~gu,~• ~J, 191+6, ci'f~.c~.~vc Ju].y 1, 194~, as aa~~ndr,d cf;.cc'tivc t~;ovc~~bcr ]., 1~;6G, Janu~~~,y l, 197j. and Jul;p 1'~, 1~~~, and -nr~ px'ovidcd by Chapterr, 1J0 ~nid jl(„ St~~tiutr•r; cf 19'Jl, ~,'liicix provide iar pa.ri:i.r.ipation of Yui;]ie A~;ency, k~ereUy a~ree e.s follo~,r:;: ~, Subpcera.,;x'a.}~h 5~e) sball be stricke~i froui ~r1id contract, .md th~ iollo:ri~ R siiUparaorai:~n 5(e) ~ha:1]. be ~;i:bstituted ti~erefore 5,(e) ~`',ection ?_00_~+•2 (cicfining "f9.nal conpencnti.on" for loce37_ c- '~''~v meerbcrs on tlie basis of averaf;e cornpensatio:i ca.rn.aU7.e dt~r:i_zi~; ;..ie ~~ear irnmed:iatcly preceding retirer~;ent or a~iy ol.her oi~e ye;zr pe- riod elected by the memuer). B. Para~'r•aph G(b) ~'ha].l. Uc .^,tri.clce~r from ~aid co;xtract aud tYie ColJ..oe~ii~;; p~raE;r«;i,~ vub.:titutied i.herefor: 6(b) 1i:.tY, i~esp^ct to local saSeby mer:~bers, the pizblic a~renc,y s)xul7. ~ contribu~e tlie follovrinT percentt~;~e~ of monthly salaries eariie:~ as loca7. s~.fety raenberc of ~aiu Sy~ter~: (li ?9.710 percent on account of the li~bilit5 for current service bcnefitc. (~) pex•cent on account of the li~bility for the 19j9 curvicoi•.^, program. (~) 0.400 pcrcent w~til Decer.iner 31, 19f34 on a.ccount of the bena9;i'Cs provided under Section 21.222.1 oS tiie Govcrnrnent Code. C. This arrendment shall be attached to said contract and sha.7.1 Ue effectivc ori the _ __ day of Witness our handc this day of Ret. Fonn 702-1 1;OARU ('~l~ AD;~iI1~:T,fi1'ltfl7_'70Pt Yi11iL7L' ]:i;i'LO~is::5' RE'iIili~tii~]'Tl' ;;F"'1'P.h; P}.' --- _ ._.__._ C;ira- 7. ]tlechin~,ei. , ) ~;ecutin~~ Gi fi.cer P.pprovcd ~ ~ " o l~ orm: LloS~d C. Grti;,~bi7.1, L~c:t~,inisi:xative Adviser CITI COUI~bI7, ~ 0~ `i'Ftr CITY OF LYI:r!001> IIX ~ _.~.~_. i'res;i.di~i~{~ Oi'Si~~` . ~ ~ o ~ •~1 'r~u..e..~~rk ,. k~ 'h; ~a~ )~~ "~+' G^. . ~i~y a~ ,~/:~' r',~+y ~r ~.. , j n~;t.~";{,-1`,.qe.• . ..te. ~,a;. . ~~. ~ ~ ~ p~' fi~ ~S, ~ ~ ~,. ~; ~CJei~L- `- -- ~____~-._ _____.._ Ret. Form '702-`L s2~n2r~ or cnz,i:~~~or;~t~ ) COUC7TY OF I~~O;? I~N~tiL}',~; ) ~~. I, t]~e unciersi~rncd, Ci1;y Clerk of the City of I,yi~~wood, and ex-off'icio clerlc of che Council oi' sa.id c9{:,Y, ~O herebY cert.ify tl~iat t~.he above is a true ai~~d cor~rect; copy of Or~tinance No. 989 adopted by the City Cou nci-], of Lhe CiLY oi' Lynmood, a»d that samc: was passed on~the date and by tl~ic: vote tl~crein~stated• . Dated thi s 6th ~~~ y oi.' __August _______ ~~ .7~ • ~ ; , ~L~CLZ_t.~__~ /L~--~r-` ~~~' , City Clerl;, Cii;y o~Tynwoo~ci