HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0963~; ~ . .. ,_ ~. 4RDINANC$ ti0. 963 Ahl URCBt~CY ORUINA&1C~ QF TIiB C27Y ~~UtdG1L OF TFS~ CITY Cll~ LY:~iWU0~1 ADDING SECTSON 3-43 'f0 TH$ CI'fX CODB t3F 7t98 CITY OW LYP~KQOD REQUIRxHG BYgAY FER- SO:i 58L41NG CA50LINE OR 01'HER MOTUA VSHICLD FUl3L Tq IM41fiDYATELY P45T A 5IGN INaICATINr, ?HC FRI~~ OF ~ACl~ C.RA~)E Ofi STJCtI CaA!i0LIN1.? Ofi FUF'.L A'~iD ~'A,0- NIAITING ANY St#Cfd PERSOfti FROM ADYFI~TISING PRO- DUCI'3 ~IiIG11 .~EtL' titiT Ib~FIEDIATfiLY AVAILAELP. nOR SALE. Th~e City Council o£ tho CiLr of Lynxoad doee ordain as follawa: Section 1. 5ettion 3-43 it hermby ~aaoa to the City Co~ie of ths City of LYnwood to read as folloxs: Ssction 3-43 Servite 5tatior Signs (s) ~verr p~rson, firxs, copaztnarship, association or cvrpos~tion offering for aale or sellin$ any gaaaline or othos motor vohicl• fuai to the public fro~ anY plaeo of buai- ness in the City o£ Lynxaod ahall post or display a sign which ia ciearly visiblm from any atree~ or hi~hway adjacsnt to such Qlac~ of buslnoss, anA which indicates the ectuel prlco per IIxlloa, including all taxes, at which oach ~rado of gasoline or other ~ator vehicle fu'1 is turr~sntly b~sing offersd #or aale or aold. (b) No ~arson, firin, copastnerahip, essocistion or corporaxian shall adv~ertiso, eitber in connection Mitl~ ihe sign required Dy $ub-Sectiori ~s) ot this asdi~natl or cthesNisa. any gradr of ~asolins, motar fuol, or othsr similar produet which is not i~~ediately avail~bla £or sal~a ta the public on -1• . 1 ~ • ' ~ ~. the business pra~is.s. (cj Any sign ~ostad or displsyocl ~+urswant ta ~~b-Faction , (a)af this Qr3lnancc shsli not b• incon~istent with ths prori- siona of Aziicle 8 of f.haptar 7 pf Division B($ectioue 20880. et seq.) of the Cali£oraia 6u~iness and Pxofassians Goda. 5oction 2. Ths City Counc3l finds and dster~ines that tAe fo2lo~+ing facts require that thi~ ordinancm take 4f- fsct i~naediately upon ita ~aass$o As sa Ur~ency Ordina~cm for the isimadiata preserration af the public peac•, hoalth, safmty and ~mr-erai walfara af the citiaens of Lrnwood. Asnpazt of tha sner;y~ crisis, thsre !s 4 shortR~e of ~asoline end oth~r motor vehicla fuel and pri~as hsvt risen dramaLically. Hotoriats srm often foresd to aait ia lines #or loa~ periads of ti~e bafars roaching £url pus~ps at ~ervics stations. eonauming seareo fual 1n td~e grocess. If Puol prices sre not conspicuously post~d so that tAoy are visibie £rom thm sLreot, notorists may be rsislod~ and a~rr not xish Lo pay the fuel prices baing ¢t~ar~ed even aft•r xaiting in 1~h0. In rciditian, atationa oftea sun out o£ one or raaro gra~iea of gasoline. Yf motarista have nn way of ks7oxin~ thia in advanca, additional t1M~r monep and fuel wi11 be rsatod. If thia urdinanco does nat taka immediate effmct, tAe pul~lic will auffar ;reat i~convanl@nce and ezrenso and valu- able fu~l ra~aourcds will be lost. Se¢tion 3. ?he City Clork sAall ¢estify to tho sdoption of tAis ordinance and asust the samm to be publishmd ia the Lynxood Aresa, a neMSpaper o£ ~es~oral circalatfon, printed, publi~he8 and circulatod in tho City of Lyn~rood. -1- I~ ~ ` i ~ t. .. . Fisat Tosd and fina~ly ad~pted and o=derad puhllshed at a ro~ular me~tin~ of tho City CounCil aff Ehe City of Lynr+ood hold cn the 12th day of ~larch~ 1974. Dy the follmrinQ votm, Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Liewer, Morris, Rowe. Nces: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None . ATTEST: ~~ ~«,~~',~~~~~ _!Cit~Clerk, 'City of Lynw~od 6 ~~l,wL~,~ Mayor o t~ ity of Lynwood _g. I~ ~ ~ i . ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . STI~`.P1; OF CI~LI~'OHIVTA ) COUN'L'Y OI' LOS ANG1~:L]:S ) I, the u.~der~si„ned; Lynwocd, anG ex-oi'ficio c]_crlc t;ercb;~ c,e~°t ~fy that the tiL~ove Ordi.n~~nc° Tdo. 963 adopted of Lynv~~ood, ai~~9~ f.ha.~ same was vote ther-cin st;ated. Ci1;y Clerk of t}~e City oi of t]~e ~".ow2cil oi' eaid ci_l;y, clo is a true and correct cop;r of by tl~e Cii:,y Council. of ti~c City }~a5sed on the daLe and by the Dated this 13th da,y of __March_ > 19_~~1~ '~ ~V ~ ~ CiL,y lerl., City of L nwood ~ 't ~~~/ ~~'~