HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0962~' ,LP~ ~ i~~( T~ t'd~.~'' ,.~~62-- r !" :-~~J r( I i~~TF;~I I i.iP ~ ili~ I~IT ' (~( l i. dL' ll'~t~~l C~i. ~~F'~ Il. . ~ >" .. T1~ C"T~' C>F '~~ r,~T<~t~i F+ l':~ r~ ~di~Tl_~l~ '~ ~1~_', 1 ~ti~1J ~ 1 C;E2JINANC ,:I~~ ~)54 Ft ~ A1~1 l'_~L)ITT~~N'~I_ ''C~~, F1GF'T MONTIl:~. SH~.,.', CI~l~ ~.;)~~~`1~`fL ~i I~I~~~'~ ,.~~'Z,- ti,i *,r1'•~. ' . ~ ~ „~,,.. A~~ FOLL._~~~ ~, ;'ec;`ion 1. Extension. of terrr~. Sectior. 4 of the Urdinance No. 954, adopted ~s ~.n urgF.~cy~ o~°czi .~ ~_~_ of Che Gity Council of the City of Lynwood, p-rovicling th~t said ~~~11r~`.-nc~~ ~._~ 1' be eifective for a period of tot~tr inonths aft.e~r the date of :+s a,do~tion9 s. ~,:~•' to e~ension under the terms of Government C~de Sectiori 65~5n, E~~~::~~,° ~.;~ ~mended to read as followse "This is an urgency ordinance and shall t~ke effect im~med:i.~tcly and shall be effective for a period of eight months a.fter the da+e of. adopt~on of Ordinance No. 962, ext.ending the term o~f this or3ix~~ncE nd~.~ i'~e prc ~ io~,c of Gc~vernment Code Section 658E~8. " Section ~'. Effective daxe. This ordinance is required for the immediate preserva~ior~ of p a-~'.. peace, health and s~fety of +he residents of the City of Lyr,u~~ood an~ is i~~ tri':~_<~ effecr immediately upon its adoption. Section 3. Deciaration of Facts Gonstitvting the ZJ ~~uericy. The G~ity C;ouncil hex~eby declares that the following fa,cts cot~i,;.it'1'.F° the urgency r~~uir~ing this ordinance to take effect irnmedia±el;~~~ At. the present time, the City Council, Planning Co~~~m~ssion r~nd Planning Depart~ient of khe City of Lpnwood ~re continui.ig the:;~ sti:d~~ ~~Nirr respect to ~tha zoning proposal regarding regulating the constr~~~ct.iox! of buildings upon ar~d use of any lot descrlbed in Section 3 of Ordina,nce ~To. 954. Before said study could be completed, Ordinance No. 954 woul.a ot"t.e?~~ccs:~E expire. Thus, thE: provisiot~s of ±his ox•dinance are necessa.ry to pi•e~~ent ~ases _Z_ l`ni~"L1.CY! YY1?a.j7 }~E; 1T1 COYlfl].C:i. Ve' .: i.i~:E: '~..Oi11Y1~~ ~.71"OyUOS~i.~ i'iJ.c:' v i~:ili).c `..O'._: Section 4. 'The ~ity C1erk. is 1_ere~y a_°derF.d ar.d ctirecied to :;c:rt:it~r ,~~ . U ,, of i.l~i:; ord9.nance and to c~r.se the Si:r_e to k.e Yr~,~,1~s1~ie~ ~~~<, `i,,~ ~ .,, ~'1"eSS~ 3 T18WSp"d~,JJE:Y' Of C~c rt:_"'.3.1 C11'6Q1`dul0Y1~ ]~l1Yl~t8Cl `dY1C1 p 11~,~=F'C.~ . -'-~ ti~;.- of Lynwood. ~'irst re~d, finaily adopted and ordered puY~lished at ~r~ ~dlo~~ ~': - regular meeting of trie City Council of the City of L;~r~i~ood hel~~ ~~~ !~:e :~-~ day of Jaruary, 1974, bg tne foilowing vote: AYTS, Councilmen gyork, Liewer, Malchow, Morris, Rowe NOESo Councilrnen None A.BSENT: Councilmen N~e ~/I/(J~ ~ ~~L ._..,..„,-_. , yor o the Ci.y o I_yranood~~ ATTESTe / ~'~'" LGZ~ ; ~ ~ ~.~LE~si ~. ~City e~, Cit ~~Lynw~ -2- STAlF OF C~L~CPOFcDIIf! ) . „s. COUid`l'Y OF LOS AIdGi~.l~~~'~ ) 1, the undersi~;ned, Lyrr~~ood, and cx-officio cle~°k herebV ccrtif,y that the above Ordinance No. 962~_ adopted of Lynwood, and~ th <t same wae vote tiher~ein stated. CiL~' Clerk o£ the Citp oS of th~ Council of said city, do ~s a true and correct copy of oy the City Counci.l, of tihc Ci_t,y passec~ on the date and by the Datied this 23x~d , day of _ Janu?rv -_~ ~9-~.= . , ~ ~ " ~~~G~~Lr~/~ '~/~,~~ ~CitS~ lerl:, City of Lynwood