HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0937~KDiNAN~E NO. 937 AiV URGENCY ORL)iNANCE ~J~ TT_IE CL'TY COUNCdL Ok THE CITY rJ~' LYNWGf~D aMEN1y NG THE ZONING OR~dNANCE ~~' THF. CE`I'1' Ok LYNWOOD PROHI?3I`I'~NU 'I'HF. CC~i~TS~'Ri!C;TgC>1V ~F SERVICE S"I'ATIONS WITFII~ ANY Z~IVE (~k' T~IE CITY OF LYNWOODa THE CITY COliNC.L Ok TFiE ~.ITY t~I+ LY;VWOCJD IIEREBY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Any provz~icr ~f t'~e ~~..•~c~o~] Ciry Co~lu a,~d~c~r~ th~ Lyn~vood Zoning Ordinance to the c~ntrar} r.~~h~rith~~:and:...g, r1n ~a. . icF: .'ata~r.+ c~f any kind shall be constructed in any zc*ning L~.str%c~ w~tk~i~: tf~;- ~;i:`.y'e SECTION 2. Any servi.c~ stat;ian, th~ ~ cnut~ix~*b.nn o~ ~:Ta9~ich 9?a: been ~c~mmenced on or before the effective dat~ cs~ ~~ha~ c~°darsa:ac~:, ehalfl ~F a~3c~av~d te be completed and operated as if this ordBnance had nc~~C be~~rx ade~p~e~~ SECTION 3, No exastsng ~~rurtt;wF ~-hY~:G~ a;s x~t~~ br:•yxng ~~rske-~ a: a s~r/i~e statnon on the effective date of ±hfil ordin~nc~ sr.aRY her~ ar'.'~er be ~r~ u.;~e~~o SECTION 4. This is ara urgerx~°v or~?in.ax~ce an~ ~~aabl tak~ »~iS~~t immediately and shall be effective for a pe~^n~d ~*f :°r:u.r mamtd~c„ ~ab3eew tc* ~x~:~rnt~ion pursuant to Government Code Sectian 858S3s Tk~~ ~ac::; caaa;.tx~:~ni.~r~ tR~te iax'g~encq a.~e tha4 the City Council, Planning Cc~mmi~~idm~A and ~P?a.z.na:ig Dp~astrrs~x^_w ar~ s~etdying and intend to study within a r~a:~.ona:;u»- ~am~• a?bnim~g pxop~.al reg',?.Yatan;g 4ka~ i~cation, construction and operat_~n ~P ~~zvi~;~ sta'i~+w~'u. Th~ p~~ ?.~ r~a~,~he ~afety' a~nd welfare of the citizen~ of Lyna~~*~*a ;:c~~xn~°v khat ~~1~~ p;ca',Y~s~ar~c ~£ ~~as d~°dinan~e take effect immediat~3p br~ a~-~=~: d.~ pr~v -? '+zo,a~ r'}:'.+.-.-~ p:.ac be bm ~~=_i4?ct rvith the aforesaid proposaR. SECTbON 5 The Cflty C~iex°k f~ here ~y ard~~Y ~;~' a~xd ~i:a°c ~r~rd ~~t~ ~:g.r°tnf~ ~~ ~he paseage of thie ord"arnarnse axa~ *~+~ r.au~~; ~d;1~~= ~amc tc, ~b~~ ~~~~Ak~;k~~e~ ~:ace in the Lynwood Press, a a?~v~spap~°r ~'_' geraeraLl a~_.rc~~Pa~7~u,.p prin~~d9 ~ulbflish~d, and circulated in the City of L; n~F~a~~d,, First read a~ a r•~g~Aar m~u`irng od ~he C=tu. Ca.nrns.i~ or vaid Cb~y h~3d on the 15th day ~ff Ma,vg 19'~<:3 a*~ci a~~pt~~. a~~ c~rcl~~~ed p~P~di3!hed at a regular meeting of said C~e~ ,:~4 h~^Yd Qa~ tPa~ 15~ta day ~'.`.' May, 19 d3 by ~he foilowing vote: AYES - Councilmen Byork, Liewer, Morris, Rowe, Steuens. NOES •- Councilmen None ABSENT ~Councilmen None -- ~ ATTEST: \ G ~ ~/~ ~ ~~7c/ ave:r, City o Lynwood ~ ~ r ,C ,+ ~/~.~ l _ ity C ~~°k, Ci~~i ~{" L~._~ov~~~3 ~ S`CIl`7'E OF CALIPOHNIA ) ss. CO~IQTY OF+ LOS APdGF,LES ) 1, the undcrsigned, City Clerlt of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the~Council of' said city, do t,ereb;y eerti_fy tha+ the abo«e is a true and cor°rect cop,y of Ordinance ]~?o. _9~___ adopteci by the City Council. of tihe City ~ o£ Lynvrood, and that: same h~as pa.ssed on tne da~e and by the ~ voYe ther~eiri stated. Dated this 1 th_, day of _~~,.~_ _ __~ 19~__• i ~' ~ ;` ~ ` ~, C>~~ it5 Clei°lc, City of ~yr~wood ~