HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0934~ ORDINANCE NO. 93~I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 570, AS AMENDED, BY REPEALING CHAPTER X, "M-1 LIGHT MANUFACTiIRING ZONE, " AND CHAPTER XI, "M-2 HEAVY MANUFACTURING ZONE, " BY ADI7ING CHAPTER X, "MANUFACTURING ZONE, " AND BY MAK][NG CERTAIN OTHER CHANGES RELATIVE TO THE ESTABLZSHMENT OF THE SINGLE MANUFAC'I'URING ZONE. Tfi~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD HEREBY llOES :)}iDAIN A8 FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, Section 3e 00 of Lynwood Ordinance No. 570 (the Zoning t~r:l'ar.a:~ce of the City af Lynwood) is amended to read as follows: Sec„ 3. 00~ There are hereby confirmed and established in the C'~t,~; c~~ Lyt~wood the following classes of zoning districts which are hereby ,_.,gr,a+~ed and shall be known as follows: R-1 - One family zone, R~2 - Two Pamily zone, R-3 - Multiple family zone, F'-1 - Automobile parking zone, CB- 1 - Planned business zone, C-2 - Light commercial zone, C-2-a - Medium commercial zone, C-3 - Heavy commercial zone, and M - Manufacturing zone. Said classifications of zoning districts are shown and delineated on •.~i~• Zoning Map of the City of Lynwood, a copy of which is on file in the office c.f +,he Citv Clerk, and which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof x7~: f,fiis : eference. SECTION 2. Chapter X, "M-1 Light Manufacturing Zone, " of tly dyrianee No, 570 hereby is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 3. Chapter XI, "M-2 Heavy Manufacturing Zone, " of ~?:r'~]ia.ararE No, 570 hereby is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 4, ChapLer X, "Manufacturing Zone, " hereby is added to ~?•~=!aar_:~~ No. 570 to read as follows: -1- CHAPTER X MANUFACTURING ZONE Sec, 10.00 - d'urposes The Mamzfacturing Zone is intended to provide for the development of x:t~a7~xf'acturuig areas ~id industrial enterprises consistent with the character ti>x 'i.tie ~~ommunitya A wide variety of industrial and manufacturing uses will :~ot generally have an adverse impact upon residential, commercial, and other arad:^ut:riai ai-eas withixs the City; however, in order to insure that said uses will r`{'~:c± r~a such adverse impact, approval of a site plan will be required ~herefore. ~~tr,F~r types of manufactux•ing and industrial uses may create obnoxious, offensive ~,r !_a:,ardous conditi~ns by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, -ribration, noise, or otherwiseo Such uses can be permitted only if the po~s.•n+ially obnoxious, off'ensive or hazardous conditions can be adequately car.rrol3ed; thus, these uses will require a conditional use permit. All uses ~+_~~: ~:utted in the Manufacturing Zone must conform to the developmental ~danda.rds set forth in this chapter, Sec. 10, O1 - Uses Permitted Subject to Site Plan Approval No building or land shall be used or occupied and no building shall be 4.rec.te~3, eonstru~°ted, established, altered, enlarged, or moved into or within ~~ ma;~afaeturing zone which is to be used or occupied for any purpose other than a~ fcil~urs: lo The comp~unding packaging or assembly of articles or merchandise ~rurn tre following previously prepared materials: aluminum, bone, brass, se~nopharne, canvas, cloth, cork, copper, feathers, felt, fibre, fur, glass, hair, he~rn, latex, lead, leather, paint, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals <;r stonN, shell, rubber, tin, iron, steel, tobacco, wood, and yarns. 2, The manufacture, compounding, packaging or treatment of such p.rr~dla.~ts as candy, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and food pi°odu:°is, except the rendering and refining of fats and oils. 3. Accessory commercial izses which are necessary yet incidental to a perrriitted use under this section. 4, Automobile assembly, body and fender works, dismantling and u~~d parts storage, when ope~rated or maintained wholly within a buiTding. 5. Bakeries (wholesale). 6. Bottling plants, 7, Box factories. 8o Build°ang ma±Qrial storage yards. 9a Clay products including manufacture of pottery, figurines or similar -~eram~c products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by ~fectsicity or gas. l0o Dairy products (no animals or livestock). 11, Electrical app3iance, instrument and equipment manufacture. -2- 12o Equipmen4 renhal yards. 13. Freig4rt and trucking yards or terminals. 14o Furnbtlnre manufacture. 15m Garxne:nt and glove manufacture. 16. Labora4~r3es f"or experimental or testing purposes~ 1?o Lumber yar^ds. 1~3. Precision instrument manufacture. 29. Pri~?.ting es~abflishments. 70. Puby~~ utiZity installations and facilities 21. Rubber, fabra~ation of products made from finished rubber. 22, Scx•ap xron, steQl and other metal collection and transfer stati,c~rls ~a: reclamation purposes (no retail sal~es). 23o Sheet me~al shops. 24o Shoe manufacture, 25. Toofl manufac`uree 26. Trailer manufacture. 27m Truck sspairing and overhauling (within a building). 28. Whclesale businesses, storage buildings and warehouses; provided, however, that auto wrecking yards, junk yards, salvage storage yards (except as otherwise previded pursuant ~o subparagraph 22 hereof) and dump facilities are sp~cif~cally prohibited in the manufacturing zo~ne. Each and a13 of t~ne uses permitted by this section shall be allowed r.>nly afte~ a sate pTan ha~ been reviewed and approved in accordance with Section 16, 20 through 16. 25, provided however that the Planning Department s1zal7 be t3~.e revie~ring and approving agency. Seco 10. 02 - Uses Pexmitted Subiect to a Conditional Use Permit In additian to the uses permitted pursuant to Section 10. O1, the e s~.ablishment and opera±ion of the following uses in the Manufacturing Zone ;;ha~l be perm;trted, provided that a Conditional Use Permit for such use is :~rs~ abtai;nsd frcm the Planning Commission. 1. AlIl other xn.anufac4uring and industrial uses no~ listed in Sec'i~r 10, O1 Axr_ept those specifically prohibited by said section. 2. Any mana.facturar_g or industrial use which is adjacenQ to the proger!y fline of a_~y . esidential zone or any educational institution. 3. Aray retail or ser;race use permitted in any commercial~ zone ~vi+ha~, th~ f~i±y o -3- Sec. 10.03 - Operational Standards Any activity permitted in the Manufacturing Zone shall receive prior written approval of the City and shall be conducted in such a manner as not to create any nuisance, such as, but not limited to, vibration, sound, air po~9ution, water pollution, dust, or the emission of odorous, toxic, or noxicus matter. (a) Air I'ollution Any person bui3ding, erecting, altering or replacing any article, ma~hine, equipment, or other contrivance, the use of which ma,y cause the issuat~ce of air contaminants, and or odors, shall, prior to the issuance of a bui~ding permit or business license, present a written statement from the off::ce of the Air Pollution Control Officer of the Air Pollution Control Diszrict of Los Angeles County that said use shall meet with the regulations ~f said District. (b) Industrial Waste Any person building, erecting, altering or replacing any article, rnachine, equipment, or other contrivance, the use of which may cause industrial waste discharge into the sanitary sewer system shall, prior to the issuance of a building permit or business license receive certification fr6m +he City of Lynwood, that said waste discharge will meet the standards oi t:~e City of Lynwood and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County< (c) Ground Vibration No use, except a temporary construction operation, shall be permitted which generates inherent and recurrent ground vibration perceptible, withou~ instruments, at the boundary of the lot on which the use is located. (d) Noise Noise control shall be provided as prescribed by the Lynwood Ci?y Code, (e) Testing Whenever there is a question of conformance with the performance sis.ndards of this section, the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall a°EC~uesti the property owner or operator to engage the services of a certified iestir.g firm and furnish the City with the test results. Sec. 10.04 - Storage and Loading Outdoor storage of materials, products or equipment used, produced e~r manufactured by a permitted use shall be located only to the rear or side ;ii" trhe main builclings, except when entirely screened by an approved solid architectural barrier r_ot less than six Feet in height to adequately screen view of outdoor storage areas from the eacternal boundaries of the property. Furthgrmore, all loading and unloading shall be accomplished off of the pubgi.~: right of way in an adequately reserved loading area on the premises. Sec. 10.05 - Hei ht No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall exeeed six (6) stories or seventy-five (75) feet. -4- S~ce 10.06 0 Yard Requirements (,a) FronQ S'ard 'I'here sha~.~' be a required front yard of three (3) feet m~nimum which sha:~t be ?andsc:aped and permanently maintained and sprinklered as a condition tr~ th~ pzrini~ted u5e, (b) Sic~e I'arc? 'Phere ar~ r:c~ side yard requirements. (c) Rear Ya:d No :~ea.~ „~ard ~ha11 be required, See, 10~ 07 - Off-Street Parking Th~ pa:~king requirements of the Lynwood City Code and of Ordinance Na, 5~0 ~hal& go~-Qr.~o A total of five percent (5%) of the gross lot area shall b~: '~ar.c~s::aped, e;~ ~uhich may include the front yard landscape requirementsm St._:~ landsc.aging ;,:~ai3 be permanently maintained, and sha13 include permanent ~;ndPx~grvurnd autcmati~ ~prinkler system. Seco lUe 08 - No Permits to Issue No pers~rr, shalfl be issued a building perxnit or a business license for a use ~ri~hin the Manufacturang Zone without receiving prior written approval frflm the PYa^ning Director or person so authorized and any permit issued without such agprozral shal? be invalid. SECTION 5 Subparagragh (c) of Section 12. 04 of Ordinance Noo 570 is amended to r~ad as f'n1Y~vrs: (c) M Zone Parking Requirements 1, Manufacttxring or industrial uses, including office or other incidental operations on the site shall provide one space for each 500 square feet of gross fboor area, but no~ 3ess than one space for each employee on the maximum shift, 2. Warehpuse and storage buildings sha1T provide one space f~r each 1, 000 square feet of gross floor area, but not ~sss khan one space for each employee on the maximum shift o SE(~TION 6 A~~ r~fRrences in Ordinance No, 530 or in the Lynwood City Code ':o ~i!; ;~r Lhe M-1 Zor.e r:r the M-2 Zone shall be deemed to refer ~o the px°ocisian~ af this ehaptr~e.r. -5- SECTION i Any b~aildang, structure or use of property within the manufacturing z~::e whicY: is in ~xistence on Che efFective date of this ordinance and which ~~~on~_d be permitte~l plxrsuant to either Section 10. O1 or Section 10, 02 shall 1:>c ailc~wed to conE~nue in existenceo All other buildings, structures, and uses .~3' land h~:x ebv ar~ dec9ared to be nonconforming and shall be terrriinated ~arsaarat to the provy.sians of Chapter XIII or Ordinance Noa 570o However, ;:o~ '.?ie parpase of co.nput:ng the time within which such uses must be ±+>r:~iinated if such uses were conforming prior to the effective date of this ordanance the geriods of" time set forth in Chapter XIII shall commence on said ~ate, SECTION 9 If any ser,tir~n, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of `,h~s ordulance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court o~ c~~mpetent jurisdic,tion, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct ar;d independen:t pr~vision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaLring portions r.hereof, SECTION 9 This ordinan~:e shall take effect on May 4, 1973• SECTION 10 The City Cl~rk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the pas~age of this orditzaxice and to cause the same to be published once in #.he Lyr_wood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City he:td on the 20th day of March, 1973, and adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day c;f April, 1973, by the following vote: AYES - Councilmen Byork, Liewer, Morris, Rowe, Stevens. NOES ~ Councilmen None ABSENT - Councilmen None ~ . "yor of the City of Lynwood (SEAL) ATTEST: ~~~ ~~;~~ ~ ' ~.~~ Cn±y erk, City ef Lynwood -E- .,.~ s2~ni~r or cnLlro~~ntTn ) ~s. courl~r~ or r.os ~raG~~;L~~.~ ) I, the under~i~~ned, City Cle~°k ef tihe Cit;~~ of LS~nv,o~d, and ex.-ofiicio clerlc of the Council of said city, do l~e~°~,b~ certify that T~r~e above is a true and correcti copy of Ordinance No. g34 _ adopted b5- the City Council o£ t-he City of Lynv~o~d, and~thaL same vras pa.ss~d on the date a.nd b,y ti~e vote therein stated. DaLed this 4th ,day of April __~ 1973_• ;'~f~,r_e c-o~E' „~~f---=~~~2`C ~ City Clerlc, Cit~~ of Lynwood \