HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0922~ r , ~ • .. . . t ~. ~ •, i . ~ O}~llIIVnN:'l? NO. 922 foJlo~v~: AN OP,DINIINCI_: OF 'TIiI3 CITI' C~?~' LYI~'bVOOD ~~LPF~'nLII~~G PI~I:SLNT CITAP'I'L7.~ ~6 Ai~'ll ~ 2G•-Ll 1~1:D AJ~I;)7NG C'T,11I"PF;)t 26 TO 'i'HE ~ LYI~~Vi'OJi) J~7UNICIYAL CC7~}? P1iOlII?3ITiiVG I;MISSION O1i C1iL1~TION OT+' I~i0I5L' I3]?1'ONll CL:7i'1[~TI`.~ .1_,].VL;i~S. ~ 7.'he Ciiy Coimcil of the City of L.ym~,~oor~ does -ordain as Section 1. Chapter 2~ of ihe L,ynv,~~~od Cit,y Code, enti.tle~T "Sowid-1lmplificatiai Devices", i5 ~°epcaled in its entireYy. ~ Section 2. Chapter 26-1~ of ilie Lyn~~~ood City C:ode, eniatled "1Voise Other 7,hai1 :I'rom Sou.,d-AmplifS~ing Det~ices", ~ is r~epeale~3 in iis ent:irety. Se~tSon 3. Cl~~at~ter 2G of thc L~-nwood ~CiCS~ Code, consistin~; of six az~ficL~:; ancl entiiled "Noise Regulation" is ai:nendecl to reaci as follo~~/s; • CHAi'TLli 76, Iv'OTSI' P~7~GUI,n'PION Article ], Gencral. Provisions Section 7,6.1 Declarai:ion of Policy, IL is ]iereLy declaied to be tlie polic}~ of the Cit~~ to prohihit unnec:essary, eacessive, and anno~~ing noises from all soizrces subjecC to its }~olice po~~:er, A{ ce~-tai~7 levels noise~s arc C~flli.li=l.ll~17. TG ii~i Ilr9~i;.i(1 ~:0~~ 1~~011~i'c C~` n + ' , ih_ i~_~~~:'3- and i~, 1}„~ public intere5t~~ sha11 l~e ;,vstematical]y proscribed. -1- 4 Sectioii 26, Fi Violai~.~ions n-li_sdmr~canor~;. An~~ pcrson viol.ating an~~ of the provisions of this cl~~pt~~i° shall be deemed ~uilty of a misdemeanor and upon con~r;.ct:i_on thereof, shal7. k~e fined in an arriount not exceeding I~ ive IIundred and no/100ths Dollars (~500.00) or be ixnprisoned iu tl~e~City or Cuunty Jail for a peri oc~ not exceediiit six (6) ~~nouths, ar~ l~y both such fine and imprisonmeili, Eacl~ day such violation is committ:ed or permitted to continue sl~all constitute~ a separate offci~sc and shall be puni.sl~able as such. Section 2G, 6 ~ Violations_Adz]itional l~en~edies: Injurictions. As an additional reznecl~~, the operation or maintenance of any device, iustrument, vehicle; or machinery in violation of a~i~= provision af ttiis ~cllapl~.er, ~vl~ich or~c~~ation or maintenance cause . discomf'ort or aniio3~~nce ~o rea;;o nable persons of norn~al sensitivcne~s or Gvhi.cli endangers the comfort, repose, healtli, or peace of i esidents in t:he area, ~ha].1 be deeined and is declared to be, a public nuisance and may be subject to abateil~ent suminar•i1y by a rest~°aining ordcr or injunctioti issucd b5> a court of coinpetent j~irisdici.ion, Section 26, 7 ~Severabilii;v. If any provi ,ion, clause, sentence, or pa~r.^~gi~~tpi~ oi 1i~;s ci;aj~tCr or i.7~e a• ~:,,.~tinn t1~ei^eof " F i,_•,.~. f ~ ai~y person or circumstances, sh~ll he held valid, such invali.dity shall not effect Lhe othcr provis~ioi~s or a~~p]ica~Lions oT tLie pi~ovisions of tl~is chaptcr wi~ich can bc: givcn effc~?ct ~vii.hotil thc~ invalid j~i~ovisions or apj>lication and, to ihis end, ihe Z~rovi>ion~ of tliis chapter ~zce hcreb}~ delcared to be sevcrablc, ~, ._~_. (d) ~mer•gcncy \-Voric, "Lmergcncy worlc" shall ineln _ --T-- , wor.k made necess~u•3~ to restore property to a safe condition follo~=ruig a public calarnii:y or ~vork required to protect persons ar proper~ty from an i.mminent exposure tn danger or ~vorlc by pr.i.vate or public utilities ~vhen rest.or;ng utilii:y ,er~~ice, (e) Freqiiency, "b'requenc3~" of a function periodic iii time shall inean the reciprocal of tiie p~•irnitive period, Thc unii~. is t}ie hc~°tz and shall be specii'ied. (f) Hcrtz,~ "Hertz" shall' ir~erin i:he complete sequence of values of a periodic quantil:y whicl~ occurs duzing a period. (g) Microbai°, "R4ir.robar" sliall ~nean a ~unit of pressure commonly used in acoiistics and i.s equal to ~ one (1) dyne per square centii~neter. ~ (h) Motoi~ Vehicles, "Motor vehicles" shall include, but not: be limited to, inini-bikes and go-carts, • (i.) Nonceinmercial Purpose, "I~TOncoinmerical purpose" ~ ~ , sha11 mcan the use, operation, or maintenance of any sound eyuiprnent ior othcr than a"commcrcial purpose", . ~- - None.o~nnicr~c:~1 ~nzrpos~" shall nican arid inc]!~d~, b;,{ shall not be limited to, philanthroj~ic, polit~ical., ~ patriotic, aild charitable pnrpose, ~~ ii _g_ :1 . .. . ~ Section 2G.2 Definitions, As used in this chapLer, unless the context other,vise clearly indicates, the words and phrascs used in this chaPter• are deFined as follo~,cs: (a) Ambieni: Noise. "AmUient noise" is the all- encompassing iioise associated wiih a given enviroii- nicnt, bcinn usually a composiic of sounds from many sources near and 1'ar. For tl~e ptirpose of this ordinmice, ambient noise level is the 1eve1 obt'ained whei7 t}2e noise levcl is ave~°aged over a period of 15 mi.nutes without inclusion oT noise from isolated idc:ntifiabJe soin•ces, at thc location and time of day ~ ~~' , • , ncar thr~i at which a comparison is to hc znade, (b) Comi~~e~°cial Pur~~ose. "Comrnercial purpose" sha11 meln and include the use, operation, or maintcuaiice of any so~and ai~~pl.ifying equipnient £or the ptirpose of advertisinb any business, or any good,, or any ~ services, or i for the purpese of attracting i.lre attention i + of thc public to, or advertising for, or soliciting patrona~ e or 'cnstomers to or for any perforn~iance, shovr, @YItE`ILFl]):I;'~Clli, ('5~17~11~1G'll~ Ol' GVCIIt~ O~ i01"' t1)C ~~1i1']JOSl~ of den~onstra±ing such sow~d equipinent. (c) Decihol, "Decibel" shall ineai~ a ixnit of ]e~~el ~v17en L}ic base of tl~c lo~arithn~ is the tei:ih i•oot of ten aricl the quantii:ies couci.rned ,u-e pi•~~pc~rtional to po~~er, • 1_ (j) Period, "Pcriou" of a periodic quantily sh~a.ll mcan the smaillest increment of time for x~ hich the function repeats i.tse)S. (1:) Yeriodic ~~uantity, "Periodic quantity" shall mean oscillatin~- quantity, tlie values of ~vhich reci~r~ for eqiia]. incrmllenis of ti_me, (1) Person, "Person" shall ~nean a pcrson, firm, a.,sociation, cop~irtnersl7i.i~, joint venture, corpor.ation, or any entity, public or private in nature. ~ (n~~) Souud Aznplif~~in~ ]~;yui~n7~ent, "Sotznd a~itplifying equipn~ent" shall mean an3~ machine oi° device for the am~~lification of thc hunlau voice, niusic, or any othe~° ~ sound, "Sound amplifying equip~nen{~" shall no{: include stand~ii°d automobile radios tivl~en used ai7d heard only by the occupants of the vehicle in which t:he auto- 0 mobile radio is installed. "Sound am_plifying ec~uipment", ~ as used in tl~iis cl~aptcr, shall not ii~clude ~varning , devices on autliorired emex•gency vchicles or horns or I ; other warning devices on_ any vehicle used~only for iraffic safet~~ pt~rpose,, ~~~~ _OU;K~'T__.','~__~ ~~SOL;Irj ~C';-C)~~ (Ri)1;P. LP,VC).~, 1^ decibcls (dl3) is the so~znd ineasui•ect ~rdth thc A weigi7tin~ and s1o~v ~,•c:;j~onsc by ;i sowid le~~cl metcr, ~ _q_ :, (o) Sound Level Meter. "Sound level mcter" shall mean an instrument including a micr~ghone, an ampiifier, an output meter, and frequency weighting networks for the measurement of sound levels which satisfies the pertinent requirements in American Standard Specifications for sound level meters 51.4-1971 or the most recent revision thereof. (p) Sound Truck, "Sound truck" shall mean any motor vehicle, or any other vehicle regardless of motive power, whether in snotion or stationary, having mounted thereon, or attached tl;ereto, any sound amplifying equipment, Section 26.3 Sound Leve1 Measurement Criteria, Ar,y soimd level measurement made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter sha11 be measured with a sound leveJ. meter using the "A" weightinga Section 26.4 Am6ient Base Noise Levele Whe~ e the ambient noise level is less than designated in this section the respective noise level in this section ~hall govern, Sourad Level A, decibels Zvne 'I'ime R1 and R7. 10 pm to 7 am „ 7 ~i;i tic 20 i>:~: ~~ 7 am to 7 prn R3 and R4 10 pm to 7 am " 7 am to 10 pm Commercial 10 pm to 7 am " 7 an:~ to 10 gm M 1 anyti m e M2 anytirme Slightly Noisy (Urban) 50 5S 6U 55 60 60 65 70 75 -5- l~r?ic)c 2, Speciril ~7oisc Sr_,tirces. Sectio~z 2G.8 l~adios, Tclc,~vi~~inri SctS and Similar Dcvices. (~a) Use_restricted, Tt sllall.be iinlawful f.or an5~ pe,rsoai withirl any residential zene of the C;tS~ to use or opcrate at~y radio i~eceiving set, iniisical inst~•ument, phonograph, television set, or other machine or device for the pronucing or reproducirig of so~ind between the houra of 10:00 Y, Nl, of onc da~> and 7:00 L~,A2, of ti~ie following day, in stich a man~ier as to disturb the PS~ace, quiet, and comfort of neiRhboi~iiig residents or an}' reasonal~le person of noriiial sensitiveness i esiding in the arc,c, (b) I'rii~~~ fncie vi_ola{.i<m. Ati,~~ noise Jo~~cl exceeding the ambient Y~ase level at the propet-ty li_nc of any prope~~i:y -or, if a condorriinium or apar~lmcrit hotasc, ~ within an}~ adjoinic~g apartinent by more than five (5) ~ decibels sl~~all. be deeined to be priina. tacie evidence of a violaiion of the pro~risions of this section, Section 2G.9 Hawtcer.s and Peddlers. ` -- -- ~ ! It sl~all be tiinl~awfui for an3~ pei•son wit.hi.n the Cit3~ to sell an3~thing by outcry ~vithin any area of the Ci{y zoned for residential uses. '1'hc I,rovision5 0; thi ; r;ectio,; ~hall not bc construed to prohibit tl~e selling bS= oiitcr~~~ ~,f inerchan;lise, Tood, and beveragcs at liccused sportin~ et~cnt ,, paraQcs, fairs, circuscs, and otlier similar licensed public entertainment evcnts. -7- Section~ 2G. 10 Drums, Llse l~esiricted. It shall bc unlawi'iil for any person to use any drum o~• otLer instrument or device of an}~ Icind for the purposc of at:Lracting attention t>y the cre a.tion of noi'se witl~in thc Cit.y, ']'his section shall not a}~p15~ to any person who is a parEicipant in a school band or du7.5~ licensed paxa de or u~ho has been othcrwise duly airthorizcd to enfnagc in such~ conduct, ~~ Section 2G, 11 Sc6ools, Flospitals and Churches. It shall bc u~~la~vful foi~• any~ person to create an3~ noise on any street; sidetia~allc, or pukilic place adjaceni~. i~o any sclzuol, i~~stitution of lea~~niug, .or church whi~e t.he same i.s i~i use or adjacei~l io r,u~~ ho~pii-a1, which noiee unreasoi~b7.~- ir~terfere:; ~s~ith the worJiings of suc}~ insti.tution or which disturbs or undul3~ ai~i~o~~s patienCs in thc hospital, provided ~coiispi,cuoue signs ai•e di.splayed in such street>, sidewallt or pubJ.ic place indicati~~g' tl~e presence of a schovl, chui°ch, or hospital, Section 2G. 12 Animals and 1?owl, No pcrson shaJ1 lceep or n~aini:ain, or permit the keeping of, upon any premises o~vned, occupiecl, or cont:rolled by such person any animal or fo~vl other~vise pcrmitted i:o be kept which, by any sou~zd, cr~-, oi~ uct~a~ i,~,.r, si~. ~~~~,_,.. an.,~o~~c.ncc ~,r r.i~c~znfort to a reasonable person of normal scnsitiveness in an~° residential nei~;hbnrl;ood. > -£;-. Secti.on 26. 13 Machiner}~, 7?yuipment, I~'ans, & Air Cond,itioninr?, _`,_ ---- --- ~~ Tt sl~iall he unlalvFul for any person to o~~erat~e any machinery, eo,~aiprnenf, punzp, fan, air conditioning apparatus, or eimilar ~necl~auical. device in any manner so as to crcate any noise which ~~~ould caizse tize noi.se levcl at tiie pr•operty lii~ie c~f ariy property to exceed fhe arribient base noi:;e ]evel by more'tli~:ui five (5) decibels. ~ Article 3. Construction, Scction 2G, 14 Constru^.tiori of 1~tzildinns and I'rojects, It shall k~e unl~a~vful fer an3~ persou ~vi{:hin a resideirtial zone, or within ;~ radii~s of 500 feet tl~erefroin, to operat~e equi~~~ment or perTornl any outside constrnction or~ repair work on buil~li.ngs, si:ructures, o~~• projeci.<; or to operate any pilc dri.ver, power shovel., pneumatic hamrner, der~•ick, }~o~~aer hoist, or ~ny- other constxi~ctiari i.ype device betwecn the hours of ] 0:00 P, M, of one day- and ~ 7:00 A,R7. ~of i:li~ next rc:siding in i:l~e area is causcd discomfort oi• annoyancc unless beforet~~and a permit theretor has bee~i duly obtained from thc Cl~ief o£ Police. No pcrmit sl~ial7. bc i°eqiiired to perform erner~~;ency ~vorlc as c]efined in Article 1 of this cha~~ter. . Articl~ 4. Vehicles, Section 2G.1~ Vchiclc l;epairs. It r,hall i~e tin:~i~x/ful for any per:;on ~viil~in aily resi-dei~fial area of the City to rep:zi_~°, re}~tiild, ot• test an5~ motox~ vehicle bet~veci~ ihc hotn~s of 10:00 I?, i17, of one day and 7:00 L1, M, of il,~e nc~t da}- in su~~h a manner tl~at :x re~isonal?7.e person of norm~l ~cusiti~~cno~s residing in tl~e a~°ea is cattsed discomLorti or annoyatlce, , -`~- Section 2G, 1G Motoi~ Dr.iven Vehiclc:s It shall be unla~vful for any pErson to oj~cral:~ ariy mot;or driven v~hicle within~ the City iu sucl~ a inanner that a. reasonable person of nor~ nal sensii~icreness re siding in tl~e arca is ca.usec] discomfort o1~ anno5~ance; pro~-idecl, however, any sucli vchiclc which is operatec~ upon any ~~ublic highway, s creet, or rigi~t-of-ti~va3~ sha11 be excl.uded from the provisi ons of this s~ct~ion. ~ Ai°i~.iclc 5. Amplificd Sotmd. ' ~ Section 2G, 17 Purpo~,e, < 7'he Coiaiici.l c~iacts ti~is legislation for the sole purpose of securing and proznoting~ tl~e pub]ic heali~l7, coinfort, safeiy, zud welf'a.re or iis citizenry. 1A~hile recogr~izin{; {:hat. tl~e use of sound ampl.ii~5~ing cquip~nenC z, protected l~y tl~e con:~~titul:ional x~igLts of frcedo~n ef spcecli and assembly, . t}ie Council. ne~~crtliclcss fcels obliga{ed to ~ reasonabl}~ regul~~te the use of sow~d ampli_f~~ing equipmcnl: in order to pi~otcci: ihe cori•elative constitiri.ional ri~lits of the citirens. of this co~nmtmity to privac3~ and freedom fi•om piiblic nui.sance of loird and unneces,ary r~oise. , Section 26. 1S ]Ze~ i sirai;ion:_Reqiai red, It shall be unlawfLil for any person, other ihan }^=JOS,!;C~ ^F ln~~:~ CllfoTrr7~C11f~ 07' f(p~~~@`P77]]lerl'~1l £1~e19CicS, to iIIf'tti11, i16e, or oper~ii.^ within tl~~e City a]oudspeal;er or sound ainplifyii;g equipruc~nt in a fi~cd or moval~lc posii.ion or mounicd upon :u1y :;ound trticJc for the purpo~;es of g~iving iilsi:ruction~;, directic~,ns, ta]I:s, addra~~;es, 1eci.ure<;, or transmittin~; music tb any ~x:i•sons or n;;scn~blages of persoi~s in or -10- upon any street, a]ley, siQcwa]k, p,u~l~, ~~lace, c~r public property wil:houC first filling a registratiai stal:ement and obtaining approv~~l thereol' as sef. f.orth i-n this l~rlicJ.e. Section 26.19 l~egisirrition: ~]~equircinei~i:s and Duties. (a) Registr~it~ion statemenis;_ I+i7ing. I~vex•y user o~ sound amplifying ec~uipment shall filc a regi.~tratia~ statcment crith~~tl~c Chict~of Policc three (3) day~ pi°ior to the date on whicl~ tl~e souiid amplifying equip- meni is intended to 1_~e uscd, which staternen± eha11 coniain the folloi~inf; infor•~natiou: (1) The iia~ne, address and te7epl;one num},cr oT both i:l~e o~vncs a.nd uscr of thc sound ~ ~ amp7.ifyi.n~ equipt;lent; (2) ~ The mnsimwi~ sound producii~ig powcr of tbe ~ ~ sound anzplifyii~g equi~~mctit wl~ich s}~all inc]ude the wat~tabe to be used,. the voltunc _ in decibels of sound ~=rhich will be produced, ~ • and the approsimate distance Tor wl~ich ~ . sound ~vil] Ue audibl.e from the sound ampli.fying' equi~~rneiii; !`,? 'I'hc licei~se ancl moCor ^umber if a sound ~ trucl: is {:o be iised; (4) A gencr,il. dcscription o~ the soi~nd amplif5~in~ equipment which is to bc used; and ~J~ ~~/~]C'l~lP.]' t]1E'. SOl1RCj fl19~1~~).7.15'711~~ CC~Lllr)]l]E`t]{ VVlll be u.5ed for comn~~ rcial o:, ,;nneonunercial. ]~Ul'~)OSCS, .. i J _ (b) lic~ietration Si~atement~-: A~~prov~:il, The Chief of Policc ~sliall return to the applicant an approved certified coPS~ of the registration ;tatement unless he fincis that: (l.) The conditions of the mot~or vehi_cle movement ai•e such t]iat in iha opinioii of tl~e Chi.ef of Pol~ice, use~ of the equipment ~=~oiil-d constitute a d~triment to traffic safet} ; or (2) The coiiditions of. pedesCrian movem~nt ax~e such that nse of the equipment w,ould ` con,l.itute a detrimcnt t~o ti°affic safety; or (3) The rebi,tration statcment recauired revcals that tl~e applicant~ would violat:e thc: provisions . set fo~-tl~ ii~ Seciion 2G, 22 of tt~is Ari:iclc or ~ any o1:i~er pro~>i~;ions of t1~i; Code, . (c) Disapproc~il, in thc event the registration statement is disapprored, the Chicf of Police sl~all endorse upon the statcme~it his re~isons for disaA7,~roval and retui°n ii: forth~vitl~ to applicant. , Section 26. 20 Appcals. Any pei•;;on aggricved by~ disal~proaal of a re~;istra',~,; ~t~a~~n~f.i~t may- appe~il ihe same to tl;e City Cour~cil in accordance ~~~ith such rulc~s f;overning appcals as tl~ic Coimcil may from tin~e to tirne establish, ~ -1'L-. ~ • 1 Secti.on `L6.21 7?ees, , ~Yrjor to the issuance of the registration I ' si~atement, a fee in the an~ount of tis10.00 per day, or an3~ portion th~reof, s]?all bc paid io thc City,~ if the ]otid5pca.lcer o-r „ound amplif.ying equipment is to be used for commerci_al purposes. No fee shall be requirod for tl~c operat~;on of a loudspcaker or soruid amplifying equipinent for non- commercial purposes. Section 2G, 22~ Regiilations. The coin~vercial anci noncommcrci_al use of. sound ampl_if~~inb eyuipment shall be subjcct to ~il~e follo~ving retulatiotis: (a) The only s;oui~ds pex~mitted shall bc eitl'iex~ i~~usic or humau ,peech, or both, ~ -~ ~l)~ ~~.~I1C O~~Cl"fl{-.70!7 O1 SGii17G ulYl~Jili)'Ifi~ Citjliij):1lCi;i: Sil?Il Oi.~~y occt~r Uet~veen tt~e hoiirs o: 10 :00 ~'1, A7 , ancl F:60 Y, M, each ~ day e~cept on Sw~~da5~s and ]egal holidays. ~ No operation of sonnd amplifyin~ equipment for con~mercial purposes shali _ be perrioitted on Sundays c~r legal holidays. Thc opcration • of soiand amplifying equip.inent for noncoznmcr•cial puz•poses ~ , on 5undc~i~~s and legal holidays shall only occur between the hours of 11:00 A. ~7, and 7:00 P, n1. (c) Soimd level croanai~.ing "irom sound amplifyii~; equipmait sl~al.l not cacecd 15 decibels abo~~e tlie ambient base noisc level, I i -13- S ' . : ~ . - . , ~ (d) Not~vitl~standing tlie px•ovisic~tis of subsection (c) of tliis section, sound ampliSying equipment shall not Uc operated within 200 fcet of churclics, schools, hospitnls, or City or' Count:y buildings. (e) Lz any event, ihc volim~e of soruid sliall Ue so controlled thaY iC wi11 iiot be unreasonabl.y loud, raucous, jarring, disturbing, or a nuisance to rcasonable pcrsons of. nornial sensitiveness w~thin tl~e area of audibility, /lrticle 6. C'=eneral i~'oisc 1ic:~ul<itions Seci;ion 26.23 General. Notwitlistanding any othcr provisio^ of tl~~is chapter, and in addition thereto, it shall be w5lawful for any person to ~ Wl~Tll~ly 1T13.~iC OY' C017~,1i1ll@~ OY' C3USC ~:6 }7E2 ll]HC~('. OY' COY1C7llUCQ~ 2A71~' ivteC.~ unnecessa~°5~, or unusual noise ~viiich distux•bs tLe peace or quiet of any nei~hborhood or ~vhich causes discomfort or annoyanc~ to any reasonablc person of nor~nal sensiiivenees residin~ in the area. _ ~ The standards whicli sha11 be considered in determining ~vl~ethei a violation of the provisions of this section e?;ists shal] inc?ude, but not be limited to, thc~ follo~ving; (a) The le~rel of tlic noise; (b) The intensity of the noise; (c) Whei~.her thc iiature of ttie noise is usaal or wiusual; (d) Vi~hother t.l,c ori;i^ of Lhe noisc is natural or mina{~urn); -1•~- ~ [ , . . ' . ~ ' ' . . . . - ' . . . , . .' '~ _ /. L__ ~ (e) '1'he level~ aud ii2tensity ot the bacl_~round noise, if any~; ~ ' (f) 1'he proximity of the noise of residential ' ' sleep'rng faciliti.es; ' , !~;) The naiurc ancl roning of th,e area vaithin which the noise ema.ii~ates; (h) The densit~~ of the inhaUitati.on of the area within ~vhich i.lic noiee emanates, (i) 'Phe tiine of the day or night the noise , ~ occurs; , ` (j) The duratic~n of t)ze noie,e; (k) WI~etLcr ttlc noisc is r.ecurrent, interrnittent, ~ ~ ' or constant; and (1) \'~~hether the noise is produced by a commercisl . r' or nonconunercia]. activity. Section 4. The Cit3~ C1erk is t~ereb~~ ordered aiid ~directcd to certify to tl~e pa~sa.~;e of this ordinance ancl to cause tlie saine to be published oncc in the Lyn~~~ood Preras, a ne~rspapcr of general ci.r- culation, printed, publi.shed, and circUlated in ihe City~ of -Lyi7wood, i'irst :~ead at a regular meeting of the City Council of s.aid City hel<i on the 18th day of October, ] 972, and fina2ly adopted and ordcred pub)ished at a regu~ar meeting of said Cotmcil -15- . , ~ , . ;~ . held on the 8th day of November, 1972, by the follo~ving vote: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Liewer, Morris, Rowe, Stevens. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. ~ ~~' \.'~~~ ~ M11YOR OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD A'PTEST: i~~i /' / /~t--~:~; ' ~.~-Z~`-f ~~ -~z~ . •. CIT CLERK, CITY 03! LYNWOOll =-1fi- 0 , : ~ • . . .' ~. -r ~. . . ;•. . , , ', . . . , S7'A7~'i1 OF ~l~.L'IPORI~Ile ) . S5. Cfl'~i~ ~ ~ l!T' ~.,O:i C\rtif %'~i~z',~ ~ . 'T ~ I:llt: lAliGel:'Si.~`]?~Ci ~ ~1.1." G~.:'.~.,1{ Of l,ric: Oi~L\' Oi. flfl- Lynwoo:;, and ex-c~_~lcio clerk of t:;e Co~n~cil of said citiy, o her~~by cert,ify tnat t;he above is a tr~~ie ~nd correcti copsr of Ordin~nce P~o. 922 _ adopt;ed by tYie Citiy Council oi' the City o£ L,-;~nvaood, and~ ~l~ai: samp was passeca on tL~e date anci by the vote t;hr r.~in stacec;. n;,ted tliis 9th day of ___November ~ 1`~~2• , . ; j'r ~ ~~cku ~;' ~~~`" ~ ~~~~ ~/' ~City C7.erk, CitS~ oi.' J~ym~rood . ~ , sTn~r}~; oF c~Ln,cxt~lA ) . .s. co~J.~~rv or Los n~:~ur~~~;,s > I, ~lie L,ndersigned, Cii;S~ Cic~'k o1' the Cit,y of Lym,eo~?c1, arid ea-officio c].erk of the Council of said ci.ty, do hez~ek,~' cert~i-f'y that Lhc above is a. true and correct copy o£ Ordinance No. 922__ adopLed by the Cit;~ Council, oY tihe City ~ of l~ynwood_, and that- same was ~~assed on Lhe date and by the votc ther~ein stated. Dated this 9th a~Yy of November , 19~• ~ ~ !- ~ F, > - -~-E~; ~J~"~~~{_~ f /~ if, Clerk, City of Lynwood