HomeMy Public PortalAboutPleasant Bay Alliance -- 2014-01-14 Minutes Pleasant Bay Alliance Steering Committee Meeting Minutes January 14,2014,4 pm,Brewster Town Hall Attending:Allin Thompson, Sue Leven, Chris Miller,Judith Bruce, Fran McClennen, Chuck Bartlett,Larry Ballantine,Jane Harris(via Skype),Carole Ridley Allin called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm. Minutes of December 10,2013 were approved unanimously on a motion by Chuck with a second by Larry. Coordinator's Updates The Resource Management Plan Update and Dredging Regulations are still traveling through state approval channels. Lealdon Langley assures that when regulations are brought to the Secretary for approval the RMP Update also will be presented for approval. Coastal Work Group • The Work Group is developing best management practices for erosion control structures. MCZM fact sheets provide detail on specific technical approaches,so the guidelines will stress the need for consideration of system-wide impacts, and for thorough assessment of alternatives. • The 197 Strong Island Rd hearing resumes Wednesday, 1/15.Jane asked if new information had been provided and Carole reported that none had been circulated. • A chapter 91 application has been filed for the at 34 Viking Road. Carole will check with Dave Hill at DEP to clarify the status of this proposal and see if this proposal differs from the plan that the Alliance already has commented on. • Ted Keon provided the Coastal Work Group with an update on a proposal for additional parking at the Ryder's Cove landing. Carole noted that the proposal was intended to facilitate traffic flow at the site and not increase utilization, although it seems that increased utilization could occur over time.Jane asked if the Marconi Maritime organization had developed a position. Chuck reported that the organization decided to support a park at that location but did not take a position on competing proposal. Judith noted that the site is within the ACEC and therefore a resource area. There would need to be substantial mitigation to justify development of parking in a resource area. Chris noted that mitigation could be offsite if it could not be accommodated onsite. It was agreed that the Alliance would send a letter to Chatham officials that would not take a position on the project but rather would raise issues such as assessment of alternatives,the need for mitigation and concerns about intensification of uses at the ramp. BREt►STER TOWN CLERK ,.4 'FEB 5 12:4 pm Watershed • The 1/29 meeting will address aquaculture as a strategy for nutrient removal. Mark Nelson from Horsley Witten will be there. Dawson Farber and Renee Gagne have been invited as well. • The Alliance will distribute another round of fertilizer information cards in the Orleans spring Water Bills. • Jim McCauley who is working with POCA to spearhead a citizen effort to comment on the NSTAR plan. He emailed me to see if the Alliance would sign on to another letter to NSTAR being put forward.Fran reported that OPC has agreed to sign the letter. The consensus was that the Alliance would write a letter that would reiterate previous comments and also note that until the EPA study on health effects of pesticide use was completed,and until scientific research demonstrated there was no health threat,then pesticide use should be suspended. Water Quality • The water quality work group met with Rich Nadler and Dolly Howell of Friends of Pleasant Bay to talk more about the remote monitoring project. Brian Howes joined in by phone. The main feedback was genuine interest, but that one or two buoys would not generate a sufficient number of data points. Judith commended Friends of Pleasant Bay for seeking to engage in new projects. Fisheries Meeting • A fisheries meeting is scheduled for February 13th at 9 am at Orleans Town Hall. Representatives of DMF will be on hand to talk about latest research and issues with respect to fmfish, shellfish and fish runs. Carole noted that this also may be an opportunity to partner with Friends of Pleasant Bay along with other groups. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. ' Signed: Date: 2/4/14 6kei