HomeMy Public PortalAboutPleasant Bay Alliance -- 2014-03-11 Minutes Pleasant Bay Alliance Steering Committee Meeting Minutes March 11,2014,4 pm Brewster Town Hall - Attending:Fran McClennen,Chris Miller,Judith Bruce,Jane Hams,Chuck Bartlett • T' '"` C?EP Judith called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm. Minutes of February 11, 2014 were approved on a motion by Fran and second by Chuck. Jane abstained. Coordinators Update: Fisheries Meeting—The Alliance convened a meeting to review the status of fisheries stocks and habitat in Pleasant Bay,and to discuss research questions and approaches to achieve the recommendations of the Pleasant Bay Resource Management Plan. Representatives from MassDMF, local resource managers and local fisheries committees,Friends of Pleasant Bay,Cape Cod Fishermen's Alliance,Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies,Massachusetts Audubon and other citizens attended.There is strong interest in redoing the 1967 MassDMF survey. It is also acknowledged that fisheries counts provide only a snapshot,and perhaps more emphasis should be placed on habitat inventorying and characterization and on ways to restore or enhance habitat. It was agreed that the best approach would combine some counts/monitoring at select stations with other habitat assessments.The Center for Coastal Studies and Friends of Pleasant Bay are developing a scope of work to look at fisheries and habitat in Pleasant Bay. They will incorporate the input from the meeting in a revised scope for further discussion.The Alliance will continue to play a convening role and will help shape the scope of work along with others. Fran noted that this it is positive to have a project that many organizations can collaborate on. Aquaculture Discussion-Brewster consultants Horsley Witten met with the Watershed work group to discuss the potential for Shellfish Aquaculture in Pleasant Bay for nutrient(N)removal.A number of questions were raised about the feasibility of this approach including nitrogen removal potential,market variations,siting issues, prior experience with aquaculture in the Bay and jurisdictional issues.There was a Idt of interest in the idea of pursuing expansion of public propagation as a way of increasing the number of shellfish taking up nitrogen. There would need to be discussion with DEP about how this could work. Horsley Witten indicated they would consider the discussion and continue talks with DEP and also further explore the potential for a public aquaculture approach. 208 Meeting—A possible letter from the Alliance to the Cape Cod Commission outlining questions about the 208 process was discussed. The letter could touch on the following topics: nutrient removal and cost estimates for non-traditional alternatives, particularly fertilizer and stormwater controls;and timing and sequencing of non-traditional alternatives.A draft letter will be developed for consideration. Dock License Comment—The 197 Strong Island Road hearing was continued. This application will be discussed at the next coastal work group meeting.Also,Jane mentioned an inquiry regarding a pre-existing unlicensed dock in Crows Pond. The status of the Silbert pier application was briefly discussed. In light of recent regulatory activity,the idea of developing a legal brief in support of the guidelines was discussed. Carole will explore options and costs for that. Muddy Creek Comment Letter—Carole noted that she is serving as project coordinator for the project.The NOl for the project has ben filed.Carole provided the presentation slides from the Harwich Conservation Commission hearing. The Notice of Project Change also has been filed with MEPA.The comment period extends through March 28th. Given the Alliance's history with the project it was agreed that a letter of comment should be submitted to MEPA. RMP Update and Dredging Regulations-The Wetlands Regulations Package is now with Senior Managers of the DEP Office of Genera Counsel. From there it will be sent to the Secretary and then Governor's Office.The RMP approval will be sent to the Secretary at the same time. In other business,Fran asked if the Alliance should comment on the new Fertilizer Bylaw circulated by MADAR.Carole will circulate the bylaw and all can review and determine if comments are called for. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. Signed: Date: y D /v