HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0899, ~ , r ~• , ., . , _ .. . • , . , , / ORDIPIC.:`iCE "0 Rqq lif, C:GDI?;G_T?CE Qr' T._L CI'.~1 Cr~ Ly^'=.dCOD PRC'dIUI.'~~ PCR TI:E: P:;C"'E~TICP~ CF PU_iLIC ;:EtiLT??, LIP'~ r.P~ „~'_~~TY T:'rC.??~"F; ADCPm7Cpr Ey Zi:~::~1.,:C~ T?T.;; ••:;I~Crx~ a??II~TJID?G r r ~ t .. ., i ,-~-- CC/<~ ( 19~0 .,.:. )' C~?,~.~~ I Pu`^~ uSTAI.'D~:RDS~~~ E;T~:PTTe^tTan _.~~.~.1, it.~ iEE BIIIIS~SNG !~F;PPRTMEV`I' Av TEE CC?~"P:?CLLI:?G A?rTEC:tITY~ aDDI.TiG ~;ii ? PPEAr, og~rr,.^7RL:, EX.E",~pm7?;:~ CEATATT..* P?IT~TOR riOR~;~ ~:9'.L'Ti?;ii',:. SLCi=C`:?; F,1~ A,2 P~ ?,1~ " r .^._"~ • • • ) -~Jf f •/! ~.6 C.~' `:. L LY:i:•JqCD C,I^1" Cr,:. ~. 1:t ~?~:'El:LI~'1 ALL C"_'F,i:c GP~~I'r.?iCY3 6Y. Pr1FtTS T~;~^I~' IP? CGPi~'LICT ?!: H";~~IT_?. T!~e Ci*~; Courei]. of the Ci*_;,* of L,yn*•rec~d c!ees h~reby orda~~1 2S f~01.101-?5: l. S~ct::or? ~,l cf 1,he I,;~r,wood Ci.tv Code i3 amended to reac'. a~ follo~as: Se^.t:ior: ~?.1 °uil.di;~~; Code, E~tab7.ished, There is hei^et~>y ~~dopted b;;~ the Cit.;; Cnt,ncS1 for the pu.~pose ~f pro'scr:b ~ x°e:"~,zl.nt;ena t,o pro~~id,c ~r.ir:i:,~G . s':2.:.u: ~~~; ",,, „^f ~•.d ~ ~~>z~- life gnd limb, he3lth, prc~^rty n~id p~~alic ~~rFlfare b;; r=~~;~,~latin;, end controllir:~ tP~: ~'_esi;;r., cen~t,rn; t:Lcr., aua].ity cf materinls, use ~7d o~ct.pann;~, location and rnaintenance ef all ti~uildin~s and s~ruct~are~ :aithi:: *he city and certµin ~au±pment specificall;r „e~ulat~u h°7'~Sn, that certain code known as the Uniform Euilding Code (1970 Ed,) Volume I, to~ether t~~ith tt:e eopendix therein contained, and the 'Jniform Buildin~ Co3e StanCards (1970 t,d.) promul~4ted and published by Internaticna.l Conierence ci Buildin~ Officials, except eecticns 202(d), 203, ?_OL~, 205, 303, 30LF.(c), and 15^1!a) thereo''and except also such portions tt:e^eof as are h~re_inafter cleleted, mod:ificd, amended, cr zcd~;a, ~?ct less than three copies of said Code and Stsndards <re filed in the of£ice ef the city clerk, The same, with the excaptions, deleticns, medificat~cns, amendments, and tidditions afores~id, are hereby adopted and incor~:crat.ed as fully as if set cut at len~t!: hcrein, Frcm and after thc date on urhich thi~ ordinance sha.11 take effect, the B~.ulding C1'fici~]_, as Bead of the Buildi.n~ Dex~~rt~~nt, is authcrized to admixiister and er.force thnse re~ulatiens, and the pro- -~ - ' • ~visicr,s thei~ecf ~hall be centrcl7~i.n~ ~:lithin the limits of the ct,ty, ~ 2, Secti.on R,2 of the Lyrnsced City Code is a?nended te read as f ollows: ~~ctio:: 8.2 3uildin~ rode, Additions, Amena^ents, and I•TOdificatiaris. A, Ri~*,ht of ~ntr~* 'dhenever necessary tc make ar insoectior. to en£orce an~* ef tt~e previsicrs ef this Ccde, cr u~henever the uui7.d?n~ Official er his autherized representati_ve t~as reascnable cause to believe thr~t there exists in any buildino or upen an,y premises, an~* conditi.cr, ~s~hich make_ s~~.ch buildi;~~ or premi.ses unsaFe as defiried in Par~;;raph (B) ef thi_s ~ectio~, the r'-uil~in~ Gfficial or his authoriz~d rel reser_tat'ive may ent,er such buildin;; or prer~i~es at; ^11 reasen~ble ti~r;a:, te inspc:ct the SAn~e er to perform any duty ~r!posed upon the ~uildi.^.g Cffic-ial by thi.s Ccde; p^ovided; ho~•r~ver, that; no such cntr5* ~h~ll be made unle~•s an inspection ~~zrront au*,her:i.zin~ the same has °?rst be:eri i.sG~;ed. . r.n~ otl~er orovi.sion her~in contained to the centrery r.etwithst~andin~, the °uildin~ nffi.cial nr his auttlorize!? r.epresentat9_ve .^.7.^.9 Gllt.:'I' o. ~1U].~.Cjirl~ CY' U1'PTtti;iSG^~ tC ., ^~i:~CCt .t.ha eAT^.r+ (~P t0 '~~P~'Cl'Itt any rluty i.mnosed upcn the Btiildina Cf`ici~l '~~a this Cc~~e ~•rithot~.t th~ nece~sity of first obtainin;; an inspection iaarrant ~~herever said Euildin~ ~f£ic~al rer~sonabl~r belie~~es that said ~ui.ldin~ or premiscs is so d~ma.~ed cr defective as to cause an irnr:euiate dan~er tc human life or an immediate hazard to public safety, No person shall hiader or prevent the Building Official or his authorized representn.tive while in the performAnce of his duties from enterin~ upon and i~to any and all buildings or premises within the city. B. Unsafe Bu~.ldin~s, a')' ~rlhenever the Building' Cfficial'det;ermirie~ by inspection that a building or structure ie: (i) structurally unsafe; (ii) not pro~.~ided with adequate e~ress; (iii.) a fire hazard; (iv) otherwise dan~ereus to human life; or, (v) in relation to existi.ag uses, ~. hazard to ~a.fety or health or public welfare, Uy reason of inadequate mair.tene.nce, dilapidatior., ebsolescence or ebandonment, a~. -?- •snzcif'ied in the Uniform Puildin~ CcdA (1970 Ld „ Vel, I, or any ~ other effective ordinance, eaid building or structure i.s"r~.r~-tt:e;pu~_ pose of this Chap~er, an iznseFe buildin~. All such unsafe buildings are hereb~ declared to be putlic n~isances and stxall br abated by repair, rehabilitation, derr.oliticn or removal in accordance with t,he procedurea specified in thi~ Chaptcr. b) Th~ Building C°fici.al shall examine or cause to be exarained e~*ery bt,ildin~ or struct~ar? or rorti-on thereef reperted as d~n;;ercu~ er d.ar!?~ed, ?^.': if he'_°~i,d~• r~:~R si:ch build5.n;; cr•.'trt.ct:.re te be an unsa£e bu~ldir_~ as 3efi.^.ed in thi.s section, the Buildinr Cfficial shall s~ive tc tY~s partp ccncernec. ~-.~~i ~ten notice stat9.n~ the def ects th~^ein. This nct.~_ce mwy require tre oorner o:r person in charge of the btiild?r.~ cr prem:.ses ~,:3-thin ~_R, hoitrs, to commence either the re- ~uired repairs or i.~r.provements or demol9.ticn ar.d removal of the buildin;; or strvct,~,re or ncr+~ens thereof, ^nd all. suc~ ~~~crlc eh~ll be ccm;leted irii;hin 90 days frem date of nctice, unlees ether~~rise. stipulatcd by the °viltiin« Official. 7f nFCessary, ~uch nctir.e shall also rcauire the buildin~, structure, or ncrtion tizereof to be vacated fcri;til~ith and not reoccupied unti.l the required repairs Unci ir~prove- ments <: e completed, ins; ected, and approved b~r the L~.zildin~ 0~'f~.ci.al. vervice cf such r.ctice sh?11 be b5~ perscnal ser.~~ice or by re~istered or certified mail upcn every narty ccncerned. In the event the °uildin~~ C~ficial, after reasonable effcrt, is ~~r_able to serve the notice as specified above, service shall be effected by postin~ on the structure a cepy of the notice, The designated period vrithin which the cwner or perscn in charge is required to cor~ply with such notice shall begin as of the date he receives such notice by personal service or re~istered or certified mail, If such notice is by postin~, ths designated period shall be~in 10 days fellowing the dato c£ postin~. The failure of any cwner or other person tc receive such r.otice shall. not effect in any rianner the validity of any preceedin~s taken hereunder. A person netified to vacate en unsnfe building by the Buildin~; Cffici.al shall v~cate within the tir.ie specified in the erder. The 13uildiag Cfficial may file wit:h the of£i.ce of the County Recorder a declaration th~t the buildinm described-has been -3 - ~'inspseted and foun3 to be an unsafe b>>ildin~, as defined in this .. ~ • . ~ Secti.on, and that the o~~=ner thereof hn~ been so nctified. After all required work has been ccmpleted, the B~.iildin~ Officia.l shAll file with the cffice of tF;e County kecordor a nctificaticn terr:inatin~ trie above decl.aration. As used in this sectien,"party concerned", means the person, if any, in real or aprarent ctiarge and control cf the premises in- vol^ed, the record owner, the holcler of ~.ny mort~eoe, truat deed or othc~r lien or encumbrance of record, the o~,~~ner or hol3er of any lease of record, th~ record hclJer cf arty othcr estatc or interest i~ cr t~ the bui-lr,i.n~ or st;ructure or the lar.d upon ~rhich it is loc~ted, c), The ~u'.1~?i:-.;; C`fl'.ci^1 ~hell cause to be peste.d at e~ch entrance to such building a notice to read; "DC ^;CT EidTF,R-IIAT84FE TO CCCII~Y". Such not1CP, shall remain posLed until the required repairs, demol.iti.cn, or ren~cval arecc~!pleted. Such notice shall not be remcved. -.~itt?cut i~rriiwten permi.esie^ of th~ '_?t~~1.~9.n.~ Gffici.el t;.nd ne person si:all enter the build~^_ except for the purpc:P of mak9.n~ the reauired repairs of demolishii.g the building, ri.) mt~e n~r*S ccncerned ~r tl~~~~ Bu:i_ldi.n_a., Cfficlal ma.~ re- nuest a pub7.ic hearir.g regardin~ tt,? unsafe oo:rdition an3 or nuisance conditior~ of the huildin;;~ cr structures, Such request ana hearir.~ shall follow the san:e procedureG ~s stated in Sectien R,14, e) IInw~fe or nuisance '~ttildin~;s shal). '~e abated by repair or demolition and such proceedings shall £cllo*,a the prccedures cf abatement as contained in Chapter 17 of the Lynwood City Code. C. Approvals Re~uired. 1) .~Io work shall be 3one cn any part of the buildir.g or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inGpection without first ebtai.ning the written appreval ef the 3uildin~ Official or,his authorized representative, Such written approval shall be given enly a£ter an inspect3.on shall have been made as i~idicated by each of t!:e inspections required in sections 30LF(d) and 30!}(e) ef the IIniforri: ~uildir_~ Cr~e (19?0 ~d. )~'ol. I. 2) There shall he a final inspection and approval en a17. buildings or structures wi_en completed a.nd ready for occnpanc;,*. 3) The I;uildi.lg C`fficial may refuse t,o allow any or al.l of the publi.c utilities to be c~r.nected to any buildin~ or structn~re _ la_ _ . •until~a final approv~l has been issued. . ~ D, 6lork Er.empted, The folloi~*ing ~tructures are exerpted from all the provisiens of th:is o.rdinance except tho~e centained iri Chs.pter li5 ef the Uniform Buildia~ Gode (197~ f'~.) t~ol. I; 1) [Jire, wood, ar.d other miscellaneous tgpe fences not over ei~ht,feet in hei_ght, and masrnry type fence~ nct o~*er fcur feet in hei~ht, 2) Tents ~nd similar cloth ~tructures, 3) Friva~te bath ho~ses, ~l.ass hotisP~, per~olas, tree houses, and other similar struct~.re~. !,_) Gantry cranes and sirnilar eouip^!ent urhen not an in- tre~al part of t;he building structure, >) Retainir!~ ~~a11s that retnin not me^e than t?~ree feFt of e3rth ~_znless ~upForting a surchar~~, 6) ?3rid~e^ nct invel~,~in~ buildings, E. D?cn-nublic Hecards, ??othj.n~~ herein shall. be deemed_ to avthorize or perm_t the nuildi::~ Cfficial tc revesl er furnish to an? person escept to a duly authori.~,ed. emplcy~e or officer ef' the city, e.ny recor~. ef t!;e city or infor^!aticr_ fre*n scch reccrd, ~ahich under the law does act consti_tute e. pub.lic .rece~d, 3) Sectien R,3 ef t!:e L~:~rrocd Cit;; Ced.e is amended to read as fellows: Eection r~,3 °~t?ildinF Code, r^ees, A) E~uildin; Permit nees, A fee for each building permit shall be paid to the City as set forth herein, The determination of value or valuaticn under any of the pro- visions of this shall be made by the Building Cfficial and for such purpoase's he shall be ~uided by accepte3 estimating practices, Fee Schedule, Valu.ztion ' Fee Less than ~?_0.00 No fee `$20.00 to and includin,~, ;;200.00 ~ 5, 00 ~;~200,01 tc and including ~2000.00 w20.00 Each additicnal ;;~lOCO or fraction, to . ~ and includi.ng „.25,000.00 a 5.00 E2ch additional ~~1000 or fraction, to and incluclin~ ;,`~0,000,00 ;~ (~,~p -5- . .. . Each A(3d?1:iOC1A1 '~~1000 or fracticn, to . t and including „lOG,000.,00 „k 3,00 Each additional ;;11000.00 or fr~ction over .;s1G0,000,00 ~, 2.00 F3. Flan-checYin~ P'ees, i~Jhen a plan is reauired to be subrn;tted by thi~ Cod~, a plan-checkin~ fee shall be p~id to the City a.t the time of suh~:ittin~ plans and specificatior.s for check9.nr , Said plan- checking fee shall be eqizal L'o six.ty percent of the b~zilding permit fee as set fcrth herein, provided however the min3mum fee shall be five dr,llars, C. P,eft,:-~d^ '_:n the e~vent that an^, p~rson shall ha~;e eLtained s Y~uildir_=~ pe;'rmit and nc porticn o~' the ~.aork ccvered by such permit shal.l have been com~^er.cad ar.d such pern~it shall have been cancelle3 ~s p~rm?tted =.n t,his Code, the permittee upon presentation to the E•>>ildir~ Cff=cial of a request therefor, in writir?g, shal]. be entitled te a.reiur:d in an amovnt equal tc ei~hty percent of t.he nc;rrnit 1'ee actualJ_y paid, P7o pcrti_en cf i:he nlan-checking fee or other fees Sh~.ll bB I'efli_r.43.~1~, • D. Other ~'~r~ mhe folleUairr~ f'en sh.=~.11 t;e paid before a*.Y i~ '""a er. ~t is i~sued, inspection m~de, eccup3:cy allowed, or a search cf public reeords made, a id such .°ee is net other*ai.se co~~er~d herein, Said fee shall hc~ charoeab7_e at s rate of ten dollars per hour or. fraction tP~.erecf, provided ho~.!ever the minimum fee shall be ten dollars, E. Double I'ees, l~lhere work for which a permit or permits is~are reauired by this Code is started or preceeded with pricr to ebtainin~ said nermit or permits, the fees specified herein shall be'doubled; but the payment of such double fees shall not relieve any person frem fully compl,ying with the reqtzisements of this code in the execution of the werk ncr ^rem a?.y cther penalties prescribed therein. !}. Secticn £?,!~ of the Lyn:aocd City Ccde is amended to read as £ollows; Section P..L~. Buildin; Code, Appeal. a) LJithin 30 days after the Buildin~ Cf£icial ha~ rejected an applicaticn i'or a permit or etherwise made a rulin~ ss.fl~*er,e tc the applicant, the applicant may file s written appea]. or request for a hearing with tbe City _(~_ ~ Cl.erk-btat~n~ in detail Y.he reascns wh,y the permit shc>>1~3 be -- ~ranted er the rulin;; should be reversed or modified, no*ti~ithstandin~ the epinion of the Buildi~.~ Cfficial to the contrary. b) 6dlt:iin 2!~ hours oP tt;e r~ceipt of the written appeal or request, the Cit;; Clerk tri].1 a3vise the ?~uildin~', Cffioial a.nd *.aithin the sa^ie time fix th~ date and ti-oe for a hearing by the City Ccuncil ~rhich da.te *~ust noti be mcr~ t~~n ?0 days from the date the appeal or reauest is filed. Ttie City Clerk stia7.1 git'e notice c£ s~id hea.ri.t_;; to the ~pplicant b;~ reg~stered mai.l and to the Euildin~ Cfficial in V~ri.ting. The City Clerk will Surt!~er cause a nctice of said tie~ rin~:;, ~~e.^cribi.r,~ t!~e pL,cF , date, a,d ti:^e, to be pcstee? cr thc~ property i-nvolved arid publish same nctice in a nei•rspaper or ~eneral cir- cul~tion ~rith~.n the cit5~ at l.e^.st five days pricr thereto, c) :t the nl~ce and t9t~e ct hearin~, ±he, Cit~* Ccunci]. sha11 examinc all data presented and consi!ier all presentat+_~rs bti interested pe.rties ~•iF:c desi:•~ te be he~rd. The CwtS- Council shal]_ make written fir.dir.~s of the e~~idence as to i-:hether or net the buildi:i~s cr ~tructures are unsafe zn<1 a.re ~ nui^~nce ~.s ~'ef;r_ed ?.n t!~i~ Cc~e, ~.r.a•~hall fur`h~r rrake ~ •~i or~.r,r '~as~~? upc;~ its £9.rd-. , ~_ , d) The p.roeiaion of this ~ecti_on shall net ser~~e to L-erminate cr cther?,;i:~e afSec` variance.~s, p~.;~:~~its, or ot.tier adjnst~ents e;cistin~ prior tc i;he ~doptio^ cf th~s Code U•hcn so d~ils~ Authcri~ed by the Cit3 Ccuncil cr t"a Lui?.d:inT Cffici-sl, 5. Secticn 8.5 of the Lynwocd City Code is amended tc read as follows: Sectien ~?,5 B~.aildin; Ccde, F`ire `Lones. 1) Fer the pur- pose of tf~is Code, the entire incorporate~ area of the city is hereby declared to be and hereby established as a fire district, aad sa9.d fire di~trict sh~all be classYfied in either of two fire zones which shall be known and des3~nated as Fire ?ene 2 and Fire Zcne 3, All land and structures ~aithin the city i.ncluded in Fire 'Lenes 2 and 3 shall be restricted by sucr. zones in the manner prescribed hy this Code, 2) Pire Zcne 2 shall 3nclude all territory c,rithin the city ncyr cr hereaf'tcr zoned or usc~d for commercisl purpeses ptirsiiant to the ci.ty zonin~ ordinAnces, A1] other parts c£ the cii;y now or -7- ~ere~~.±'tr:r nct ~n zcned ~h~ll be jncluci~d in c'ire ?cne 3, + ' 6, Sectica 8.6 cf the L,;~~wcod Ci.t;~ ;'c.de is amended to re~d as foZlows; „„ _ . . .. , . • ,~ .,C 1nn ~(~ n•,'~]./lit;v ~O!jC~ ~'..._~31~'IC:1S ?I]i 17C','.7'~ZtlE,7°. S~ it sha11 b~ unlaUrfull for an;; ~cr; cn, fir-~, cr cerpcrst_cn to erect, co::- 3tPU^t~ `,'*11^.Y'~~ ~.^:Zf;~r~ 7?niF._.P~ 1ttG~~8~ ~!7^.~PO~IE'~ remeve, Cn'1VC:1't C:^ .^cli,~~~ cr,~yp, u_°e ccc in cr .,,~i i '. • s :;r, '.~.~ °:,; buil~:in~ or str~acti,re ~;, th~: ci_t;,r, ox~ caus~ t-;~t .,~n~_e tc `~~> _~cnr,, cc~rtrary tc cr in viclar.:icn of --r. oz t!_c pro-~; _~ icns ci' thi..~ ~ede. ~ , ~ , i b ';!Le.l ~,~ ~,~ _1Ji. _ or ..-~r ~.c2;~.~rP 3_s mainta;,~~;d i~n n_olatio~~~ OF' 't:'11° C~~~O OP _... 410~St~_~`:~ Ct' ^..'„ Tl^t:~_C~ _.~SI.lE?,'~.. Dti~..?'91~.'1,'.+; t~~.~l'Ft,(~~ +,;hg a~~^7 r-.r,, .~ =t~:at~ .. ~e or +`- c~+,f s~~~ ti _~~±it,;~. ^~~ a.pprc ':., t~~_. t °i~. •lc nec~s~a_r;;~ „~ inst~tute proceedi_rr~s _-~ r,i~i~~ coo.r~L cf co^.r,ete~zt jnri~_ di.c~icn i^ crder t~ rreveni;, re~tr_:;:1, correct or ~rate the vir7_at=on, ~ Cl I:11~T r'3"SO:?~ r'.Y'^;~ CI' CO:'i~i^.1.;10:~ ~i~.^.l~tj.r''%-„ .-. _' Of t~:^,B " ~~ 'J i np~.; , ~^.i;~ .•F th'.^ (`iCC~C O~' dnV OP~P7' r~?~jC'. 1 hP.TfDnr~6T~ C1' "~,1~ 1_`li?' ~;C cor~p7,~ '~.:t1 ~~-~~; 3eta;le~ ~atei~,~-nt ef ~peci.Fieations or nlans sub- mittcd ar.d apYroeed t6ereu. d.cr or witl~ ~n;~ certifi_c~ tes or.permite ~i ~u-~r ther~~~_,:idar~, . i-t~~,.n t~~.~__ i,~Lmn f.._ d uhall, se~~erw17 " ,/ •~n~ fox° C~.CF: ^Ili;ti ~".~'.C]^t.1C`~:7 ?11~ tiC~.i_CC~1Ullit.*l~L~ ~'E':1J°(.'.{;J':'1!Z~.~T~ t`E ~l;;.l.t.;~ Of Ci P'ZSC~.::T1C~.!:f~;' 7>>..^...~~r?.~:k)I.E'. ? f~~i.' Cf Y'~ ;1; r r.;, . _ .C ..O , t.r~ri :P1~,e h,i_t,n.?,-,E,r_' ~tOl~_pn~ ^~ b;; ic-pr__~ont~~nt fcr ?~ot *~cre then o~:^ l.ur.cred ei„t~t3 d~:~re, or bj hr1;~: .. ~:c! ~ln ; a'ld i^:p2'7_~ n:1".Cri1;, The ir:pc~iticn o£ a pena.lty er pene.lties for any viclatien or nen-compliance shall not excuse said violation or ner-ce:npliance nor per*.ait it to continue, All persons incurring such e penalty er penalties shall be required te cerrect or re^:e~~ such violatiens or non-cempliance t~rithin a reascnabl.e time; and, when net otherwise spec9.fiFd, each ter da~*s d.ur~:ig t-~hich nrohibi.ted ccnditions are mrin- tai.ned shr.ll censtitute a.separate effense, The applicati.on of a pEn^lty for viol~ti.on of thin CodE shall net ~~e held to prevent the enforced reme~~a1 ef prohibited ecnditi.on~. 7. Severabilit;;, If any secticn, subsecti_en, ser.tence, cl~u~e, nhrase, or perticn c~' this Crdinance is for an;; reason Peld te bc i.m~alid er unconstituticital by tY:c: d.eci~ion of any ccurt ef compet,e~zt jcr{s~ietion, sucb dec9_sicn sha11 not al'fect the validitg -~- of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the Cit~~ of Lynwood hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection,sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsections, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. All previous sections of the Lynwood City Code and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to cause the same to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated in the City of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said city held. on the lst day of November, 1971, regular meeting of the City Council of said City day of November, 1971,third and final reading at of the City Council of said city on the 7th day and finally adopted and ordered published on the Decem~er, 1971 by the following vote: Roll Call: second read at a held on the 16th a regular meeting ~£ December, 1971, 7th day of Ayes: Councilmen Byor~, Green, Liewer, Morris, Stevens. Noes: None. Absent:None. r~ ~ /,~~ ' <L~LZ~fi"'L. Mayor o t e City of Lynwood A~EST : ~~ - ~"~ ~ i/ _L _:r_,,_ _;`, < ' l~?~'!t~ ~. ir~C~ ~>s ~ City Clerk of the City of Lynwodd S'PATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ss. COLJNTY OF LOS ANGELE5 j I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynw:~od, 3nd ex-oificio clerk of the Council of said °i*g, ~-: ha:°eby ~ertify that the above is a true and ;o~ ~,, r.:.opy of Ordinance Nc. 899 adopted by the City Coun~~i1 of the "ity oi Lynwood, and that same was passed or: ~~h:: :lace and by the vote therein stated. Dated *his 7th day of December , 19 71. ~/~%j" `'~''~i/ G~( ' ~%~~'i~//IL2~f' ~/~G CITY CL K, CITY OF LYNWOOD ~' "~~/ ~~/G~