HomeMy Public PortalAboutSeptember 3, 2019 minutes with links Watertown Free Public Library Meeting of the Trustees Tuesday, September 3,2019 Raya Stern Trustees Room,WFPL Present:Trustees Shep Ferguson,Leanne Hammonds,Michael Hanlon,Penny Peoples,Daniel Evans Pritchard,Timothy Tracy;WFPL Director Leone Cole,Assistant Director Caitlin Browne; Teddy Kokoros,candidate for Trustee. Enclosures: Minutes of the August WFPL Board Meeting,September Meeting Agenda,WFPL Budget Report,Hatch Budget Report,Memo Concerning the FY 22-26 Long-Range Plan,Memo Regarding the Director Evaluation. Call to order:Mr. Tracy called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.Watertown Cable Access Television was on hand to record the meeting. Secretary's Report: The minutes of the WFPL meetin,on August 4,2019,were accepted as amended. Public Forum: No members of the public present. Red Leaf Cafe:Mr. Tracy noted that the Board hopes that the Red Leaf Cafe will post and more closely enforce WFPL standards of behavior. Financial Report: FY19 Budget Update and HATCH Financials Ms. Hammonds asked about the books line and Ms. Cole responded that these amounts are encumbered based on expected spending,but not yet spent. Ms. Cole noted that the Library still does not have a report from the Pratt Fund,but it should be ready for the next meeting of the Trustees. Mr. Hanlon moved to accept the financial report.The Board moved to accept the report. Chair's Report: Mr. Tracy has a connection to a local author who would be interested in an event at the WFPL. Director's Report: Ms. Cole welcomed Trustee candidate Teddy Kokoros to the meeting. WFPL 5K Race This is the most significant fundraiser for the WFPL Building Committee and Ms. Cole asked the Board for support spreading the word. Maintenance Transition Ms. Cole reports that the new Town Director of Public Buildings has begun to take over WFPL facilities maintenance. Mr. Tracy asked about the protocol for signing Purchase Orders and Ms. Cole said that they are working on those details to ensure a smooth transition and continued quality of facilities. Door Proiect No updates. Looking at a November starting window. IT Studv Ms. Cole reports that the IT survey was not actually done for the library, and they will be coming back to undertaking the survey. It's not clear why the survey was not done. Report to come. Stop the Bleed Kits The Watertown health department would like to install a kit and provide staff training as part of a Town-wide project. Lon--Range Planniniz Ms. Browne reports that the survey and information-gathering stage of the long-range planning process has begun and asked for the Board's assistance gathering information. There is special interest in gathering feedback from people who do not currently use the library or would like to see changes to WFPL services. 2,000 responses would provide a strong sample set. The survey will be ready for Faire on the Square and will be open through January 2020. Mr. Pritchard suggested that perhaps the local election cycle could be a useful way to distribute the survey. Union Contract Ms. Cole reports that the agreement has been ratified by the union membership. The Town Council will now vote on funding and a memo will be shared with the Board. Faire on the Square WFPL will have a presence focused on community engagement and distribution of the survey for general feedback as well as specific feedback on the"library of things". Food Pantry Drive As last year,the WFPL will be a drop-off point for the Town-wide food pantry drive. Town lob Description Team Review Ms. Cole was asked to join a team to review the Town job descriptions and personnel ordinances. Old Business: Library Director's Evaluation Mr. Tracy circulated the director's report for the Board to sign as final. New Business:None. Requests for Information: Mr. Pritchard asked about the 2019-2020 Girls Who Code program status. Instructors have been identified and there will be an informational public meeting in September to gauge public interest. Next meeting:Scheduled for Tuesday October 1,2019 at 7:00 pm. Mr. Hanlon raised the motion to adjourn the meeting. The board voted unanimously to adjourn.