HomeMy Public PortalAboutBrewster School Committee -- 2014-04-17 Minutes • DD 0 Brewster School Committee � D -� April 17, 2015 Brewster Town Hall Present for the Committee: Trish Hill,Marie Enochty, Dave Telman,Brenda Cazeault,Donna Kalinick Present for the Administration: Keith Gauley,Assistant Superintendent,Giovanna Venditti,Director of Finance and Op$rations, Dr.Ann Caretti,Director of Student Services, and Principals Joanna Hughes and Denise Fronius Cal to Order—Chair Telman called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Agflnda Changes—None Regognition—None Citilzens Speak—None PRIORITY BUSINESS Technology Presentation Marsha Dugas, Gr.4 teacher,gave a PowerPoint presentation on the uses of the Smart Board in her class room and how this technology enhances her lessons and student achievement through interactive learning. Disbussion regarding the use of textbooks and software ensued. Ms.Dugas indicated that the students still need to go bachh to their paper copy for annotating. Various sites for students were mentioned such as; Kahn Academy, Schblastic News, Connect Ed(Wonders)and Storyworks. Teachers' time in preparing an appropriate lesson using technology in their classroom was mentioned and teachers were thanked for their efforts. Principal Hughes indicated there are ten Smart Boards in the classrooms,2 per grade and the rest of the Smart Boards are used in Special Education classrooms. Food Service Update Susan Murray,Director of Nutrition and Food Services,presented an overview of the Food Service Program at the Brewster Elementary Schools highlighting trainings for staff, Harvest of the Month Newsletter, Connecting to the Classroom,Food Day Celebrations,Meatless Mondays,new menu items, scratch cooking, cost control,waste red ction, and feedback from staff and students in order to improve the program. She indicated that Cafeteria Ma ager, Donna Drown gave a presentation on"Beans"to students. She is also cooking outdoors on field days, hos ing take your parent to lunch days,and is connecting to the classroom. Ms.Hill requested that on the take your parent to lunch day the cafeteria serve something other than pizza to showcase some of the other new menu items thatlhave been incorporated into the menus. Ad inistrators' Reports Pri cipal Fronius acknowledged winners of the Cape and Island Peace Poem Contest. She also indicated that there are resently 67 confirmed kindergarten students with four packets waiting to be returned. Kindergarten Orientation is t ing place after April vacation. She congratulated Heather Holcomb-Jones for securing a grant to grow veggtables and herbs that will be used on pizza. Principal Fronius acknowledged the Cape Cod Bible Alliance Ch ch and indicated that the Board would like to give back to Stony Brook Elementary by sprucing up the front of the chool by doing some landscaping. Principal Hughes recognized students who participated in the Energy Carnival that was led by Marsha Dugas and Raft Torres. She reported that the students made it through the PARCC Pilot testing program. She indicated that in the end,the final portion of the test is an 18 question survey for students. The school will not see the results of the testing. The schools are testing the test and then the state will determine how they will adjust or modify it. Principal Brewster School Committee 4-17-2014 Bap 1 BREi TES'' I Cii11 i !__*R''; ti Hughes indicated that they did not have any technical difficulties with the infrastructure but with a couple of old computers in the lab. Donna Kalinick reviewed the enrollment for kindergarten indicating the projected number of students was 60,actual was 67,and the birth cohort was 52-55. Assistant Superintendent Gauley indicated that his report was included in their packet. FY14 Budget Update Giovanna Venditti,Director of Finance and Operations reviewed the cafeteria financials with the Committee comparing this year to last year's projections,participation,revenues and expenses. The projected balance at Stony Brook is$16 and the projected balance at the Eddy School is negative$3,723. The Committee was reminded that federal reimbursements were received and posted in July,the director's salary was removed,and there are two people working in the cafeterias. The projected net loss for Stony Brook will be$2,370 as compared to last year's loss of $16,542. The projected net loss for Eddy will be$7,128 as compared to$18,895 last year. Ms.Venditti indicated that the current year income is a little inflated due to the reimbursement funds coming in late. Chair Telman requested a report on participation for breakfast and lunch to see patterns over time. Ms. Venditti reviewed the expenditure reports for Stony Brook and Eddy noting changes in various line items. Ms.Hill indicated that Stony Brook runs lean because of special needs expenditures and asked about the collaboration between the two schools. Ms. Hughes indicated that there is a great deal of collaboration between the two principals. Chair Telman asked about the repairs in the gym and Principal Hughes indicated that the backboards needed to be secured as required by the insurance company. End of year spending plans were reviewed. Motion: On a motion by Marie Enochty, seconded by Trish Hill, it was not voted 2-3,to accept the spending plans for Stony Brook and Eddy Schools. Amended motion: An amended motion was made and seconded to accept the spending plans for Stony Brook and Eddy Schools and to approve movement of funds in the rental and building use accounts,as well as utilize circuit breaker funds. Ms.Kalinick questioned purchasing technology items without a spending budget when capital money is voted for those items every year. She reminded the Committee that the town voted$52,000 for a kindergarten teacher and have authorized special needs expenses,but in this plan we return nothing to the town. She agrees that some of the items need to be replaced but perhaps the committee could split the difference. Chair Telman asked that this be considered in May. Ms. Venditti suggested approving the end of year spending plan except for items that need further discussions. Discussion ensued about moving money vs.waiting. Ms.Venditti indicated that the schools still need to run and will have expenses. As the year comes to a close,purchases can be made and that way we are not making assumptions relative to expenses. Other members agreed to not vote the plans now and to wait until May. Assistant Superintendent Gauley asked that the committee approve other items to be purchased. This will impact the FY 15 budget. He suggested identifying use of circuit breaker money and rental account money. Ms.Kalinick asked that they reduce the purchase of three Smart Boards at Eddy to two and reduce the purchase of four Smart Boards at Stony Brook to two. Motion: On motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Trish Hill, it was voted unanimously to reduce the spending plans by $5,000 at Eddy and $10,000 at Stony Brook. Brewster School Committee 4-17-2014 Page 2 Donna Kalinick indicated that these items were not in the budget that was presented to voters and that the School Committee cannot spend at their discretion. Chair Telman indicated that he agreed it was good to give back to the town but we are trying to educate the students. He¶would like to spend the money on the Smart Boards sooner than later. Revisit this in May. Capital Ms.Venditti reviewed the HVAC maintenance balances with the Committee indicating the amount available to sped is$50,085 and that is the balance in that account until November. Ms. Venditti indicated that the replacement and updating of clocks is ongoing and may be complete,the playground is ongoing,window screens—purchase orders$2,100,purchased cafeteria tables and chairs noting balance goes back to the town-$1,406,technology is ongoing, window replacement is complete,testing and abatement funds will be utilized when the flooring is replaced, and bleacher repairs will be expended. Revolving Accounts— Ms.,Venditti reviewed the cafeteria balance with the committee noting that it has not yet been reconciled. She lalso indicated that circuit breaker money is received at the beginning of the year and there may be a payment on the town side that has not been recorded. She stated that the Committee must spend$20,160 and there will be$7,000 remaining that does not need to be spent in this fiscal year. Quotes have come in for the telephone system and Mr.1Sumner felt that$30,000 would be more than enough to cover the system. Mo ion: On motion by Marie Enochty,seconded by Donna Kalinick,it was voted unanimously,to reduce the amount of the telephone system to$30,000 to replace the phone system. (Initial request was$40,000) FY 5 Bud et Ch r Telman met with the Finance Committee and he had a discussion with them regarding the school committee's desire to hold off on line item reductions. He also stated that he does not feel the Committee should micromanage the rincipals who compiled the list of reductions. Ms. Venditti met with the town account and town administrator to revi w amounts to reduce and the amount the town will give the school committee. The School Committee cannot utilize the amounts from the region savings which will be a further reduction of$20,000. She indicated the committee needed to cut$12,968. Ms.Kalinick indicated that presently the committee is$20,144 over town guideline and suggested not cutting it out, because it will get cut out of our bottom line. The amount will be over 2.75%guideline. She suggested keeping reductions in the budget as it is part of the budget base. She suggested voting the number the committee will support to v to and not make any more cuts. She indicated that the committee recently learned of a retirement in preschool and retirement of an educational assistant at Stony Brook. She also stated that the town is not in favor of the co ittee using the YMCA and Circuit Breaker money to decrease the budget. In the end, if things work out,there cane a transfer of funds from the School Committee. The School Committee may not have to use those funds and will!still have their net. The committee does not need to approve more cuts. Mot"on: On motion by Marie Enochty, seconded by Donna Kalinick, it was voted unanimously to cut$12,968 from the budget. Ms.Hill and Ms. Cazeault indicated they were not micromanaging the principals but trying to explore,discuss,and get 4larity on line items. Ms. Enochty agreed the discussion about cuts in not micromanaging but if you don't like what they brought forward and send them back to the table to come up with a new list,that is micromanaging. Chair Telr#►an apologized for his comment about micromanaging. Ms. Cazeault indicated that she believed in the process and sometimes you have to wait a little longer to get where you need to be and this is one of those years. The children,the curriculum,the hard-working staff really means something and so does the school committee as a team. i Brewster School Committee 4-17-2014 Page 3 She wants to save the programs that are presently at the schools. Ms.Kalinick indicated that the school committee can finalize the budget number on town meeting floor. Policy Update Ms.Hill reported that the attorney for the schools was present at the meeting as well as a representative from MASC to get clarification on the two sections of policy in question, fundraising and school committee and staff communication. The attorney indicated that staff can come to public forums and speak freely regarding issues pertaining to the schools without repercussions. The subcommittee will be clarifying the language. Coverage Plan at Town Meeting Chair Telman will get wording from town with amended amount. Survey Results Discussion postponed until next month. Future Agenda item is school committee goals and Donna Kalinick would like to be involved in the discussion. Superintendent's Evaluation Chair Telman asked that committee members get their evaluations to the Chair of Union 54,Ann Crozier by May 10t. There is a Union 54 meeting on May 8th at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Office. REPORTS AND INFORMATION Preschool—none Cape Cod Collaborative—Trish Hill reported that there are a lot of things happening at the Collaborative but are geared toward students at the middle school and high school levels. PTO—Trish Hill indicated that the PTO is looking for some new officers and someone to be president. They are also looking for a chair of the hospitality subcommittee at Stony Brook Elementary. The next big event is Field Day, June 16—Stony Brook and June 19 at Eddy. Building and Needs—Chair Telman indicated that the bids for the Eddy roof were very high. Playground—Mr.Gauley updated the committee on the playground indicating that the holdup is a result of the weather. Modifications to excavating needed to be made. He noted that the contractors are volunteering their time Volunteer Day will be announced and the budget is on track. Donna Kalinick announced that the RED SOX WORLD SERIES TROPHY would be on display on April 27 from 8:15 a.m.—10:00 a.m. at the Eddy School gym. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: On a motion by Marie Enochty, seconded by Donna Kalinick, it was voted unanimously,to approve the minutes of March 20 2014. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Trish Hill, it was voted unanimously,to adjourn the meeting at 9:29 p.m., subject to payment of bills. Respectfully submitted, • Ann M. Tefft Included in the packet Food Service Report,Principals'reports,Expense Reports,Capital Balances,Revolving Accounts,Spending Plan, HVAC expenditures,Survey Results,Supt.Evaluation documents,Preschool Enrollment and Minutes. Brewster School Committee 4-17-2014 Page 4