HomeMy Public PortalAbout1999/08/12 A Special Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was ca\1ed to order by Mayor James A. Failace on Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 6:45 P.M. at the Municipal CourtlPolice Facility, 230 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual ro\1 ca\1 vote, the fo\1owing were noted present: Councilmember Patrick Cri\1ey Stanley Gutowski J ames Mancuso James O'Brien Remy Quinones " " " " Noted absent were Councilmember Jack Fazekas and Borough Attorney Craig J. Coughlin. The Clerk stated that on August 6, 1999, in fu\1 compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, a notice of tonight's meeting was sent to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bu\1etin board. To hold a Public Hearing on Ordinance #99-26 and take action on various resolutions and any other business that may come before the Council. The Clerk stated that Ordinance #99-26 was introduced and passed upon First Reading at a Regular Meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough ofCarteret held on July 15,1999. It was duly published in The Home News Tribune on July 20,1999 with notice that it will be considered for final passage after Public Hearing to be held on August 12, 1999 at approximately 6:45 P.M. The Ordinance was posted on the bu\1etin board and copies were made available to the general public and according to law, she read the Ordinance by title. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Mancuso and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be open: 1 There being no comments or objections to the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Mancuso and unanimous affirmative vote ofthe five (5) Councilmembers present.. AUGUST 12, 1999 SPEX::lAL MEEITNG ROlL CALL STATEMENT OF MEEITNG NOITCE PURPOSE ORDINANCE #99-26 Length of Service Awaro Program Re: Carteret First Aid Squad Public Hearing Hearing Closed AUGUST 12, 1999 Adopted MEEITNG OPmED Pubic In¡xJt On Resolutions MEEITNG CLOSED RESOUJTII~ ffl-263 Waiving 20 Day waiting Period Re:Ordinance #99-26 Adopted Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien ORDINANCE #99-26 "ORDINANCE CREATING SECTION 25-10 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET AND ESTABLISHING A LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM FOR VOLUNTEER MEMBERS OF THE CARTERET FIRST AID SQUAD" was fina\1y adopted. Upon individual ro\1 ca\1 vote, Councilmembers Cri\1ey, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones. Councilmember Fazekas was noted absent. Approved and Adopted: August 12, 1999 Introduced: July 15 J 999 Advertised as adopted on First Reading With Notice of Public Hearing: July 20,1999 Hearing Held: August 12, 1999 Approved by: Mavor James A. Failace Advertised as fina\1y adopted: August 17, 1999 A copy of each Resolution was placed upon the table for public review prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of Council and upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was opened for public input on a\1 resolutions. There being no comments or objections to the Resolutions, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present. RESOLUTION #99-263 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-264 "RESOLUTION WAIVING THE 20 DAY WAITING PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH ORDINANCE #99-26 was adopted. Upon individual ro\1 ca\1 vote, Councilmembers Cri\1ey, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Fazekas was noted absent. RESOLUTION #99-264 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Mancuso RESOLUTION #99-264 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REVISIONS TO THE IMPROVEMENTS TO LOUIS STREET AND FILLMORE AVENUE CONTRACT TO INCLUDE IMPROVEMENTS TO VARIOUS CROSS STREETS AND AUTHORIZING A CHANGE ORDER" was adopted. Upon individual ro\1 ca\1 vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Fazekas was noted absent. There being no further business or discussion, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Quinones and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:50 P.M.. KMB/sj 3 AUGUST 12, 1999 RESQLUITOO #;99-264 Revisions to ~ts to Louis St and Fillmore Ave Qlange Order Adopted ADJOORNED AUGUST 12, 1999 SPEX::lAL MEEITNG $