HomeMy Public PortalAbout1999/10/12 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Mayor James A. Failace at approximately 7:30 p.M.on Tuesday, October 12, 1999, Municipal Court/Police Facility, 230 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: Counci lmember Patrick Crilley Jack Fazekas Stanley Gutowski J ames Mancuso James O'Brien Remy Quinones " " " " " Also noted present was Borough Attorney Craig J. Coughlin. The meeting was opened with a moment of silent prayer and the pledge of allegiance led by Mayor James A. Failace. He asked everyone to please remember Mayor Sica in their prayers. The Clerk stated that on October 7, 1999, in full compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, a notice of tonight's meeting was sent to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, the minutes of September 20, 1999 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. Mayor Failace said he had a Certificate of Merit for Baumgartner's Hardware. He told the Clerk he would wait to see if Roy Baumgartner would be present. The Certificate was for Baumgartner's Hardware being named one of the best in Central Jersey by the Home News Tribune. A copy of each Resolution was placed upon the table for public review prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of Council and upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, the meeting was opened for public input on all Resolutions. 1 ocroBER 12, 1999 COUNCIL MEETING ROLL CALL PRAYER, PLErGE OF ALLEGIANCE STATEt1ENT OF MEETING NOTICE MINUTES FOR APPROVAL CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Baumgartner's Hardware PUBLIC INPUT ON RESOLUTIONS Meeting Opened ocroBER 12, 1999 MEETING CLOSED RESOLUTION #99-315 Raffle Licenses Adopted John Sudia asked the Mayor to explain Resolution #99-324. Mayor Failace said that is the monies the Borough received from East Amwell, etc. that in the past was given to developers and is now being given to the citizens by resolution so they can rehabilitate their homes. Mr. Sudia asked if Housing Services were being retained to do any type of work? Mayor Failace said no. Borough Attorney Coughlin said they were going to administer the program. Mayor Failace told Mr. Sudia that was the administration of the plan. The next Resolution is the one giving the money out. He explained how they have the monies from COAH and they are allowed to pay a percentage for administration of the plan. He believes it is 4%. Mr. Sudia asked if there was anyone in-house that could handle that? Mayor Failace said COAH has recommended that the Borough go outside and get someone. Councilmember Crilley said they follow the project from beginning to end. The bidding, completion and inspections, etc. There being no further comments or objections to the resolutions, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, the Mayor declared the meeting closed. RESOLUTION #99-315 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-315 "DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF RAFFLE LICENSES TO CARTERET HIGH SCHOOL BAND PARENTS ASSOCIATION, COLUMBUS SCHOOL PTA AND ST. JOSEPH'S R.C. CHURCH" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. Council member Crilley abstained. 2 RESOLUTION #99-316 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas. RESOLUTION #99-316 "AUTHORIZING REFUND OF TAX AND/OR SEWER FEES OVERPAYMENT" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-317 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Quinones RESOLUTION #99-317 "PROPERTY TAX CANCELLATION" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-318 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-318 "PROPERTY TAX CANCELLATION" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-319 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-319 "PROPERTY T AX CANCELLATION" 3 was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. ocroBER 12, 1999 RESOLUTION #99-316 Refund of Tax and/or Sewer Fee Overpayment Adopted RESOLUTION #99-317 Property Tax Cancellation Re: 58 Elm St. Adopted RESOLUTION #99-318 Property Tax Cancellation Re: 25 Fillmore Ave. Adopted RESOLUTION #99-319 Property Tax Cancellation Re: 128 Whitman St. Adopted ocroBER 12, 1999 RESOLUTION #99-320 Professional Services - Killam Associates Re: Manhole Reconstruction Adopted RESOLUTION #99-321 Professional Services - Killam Associates Re: Manhole Reconstruction Adopted RESOLUTION #99-322 Donating Obsolete Equipment to Carteret Board of Education Adopted RESOLUTION #99-323 Award of Bid - National Water Main Cleaning Co. Town Center Project Area Adopted RESOLUTION #99-320 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-320 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmati ve. RESOLUTION #99-321 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Mancuso RESOLUTION #99-321 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-322 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-322 "RESOLUTION DONATING OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT TO CARTERET BOARD OF EDUCATION" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-323 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-323 "AWARD OF BID - SEWER CLEANING AND INTERNAL INSPECTION - TOWN CENTER PROJECT AREA" 4 was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmember Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-324 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Crilley RESOLUTION #99-324 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH HOUSING SERVICES, INC. TO PERFORM CERTAIN DUTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE BOROUGHS' SCATTERED SITE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-325 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-325 "AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO VARIOUS CONTRACTORS PEFORMING REHABILITATION OF HOMES PURSUANT TO COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING (COAH) REGULATIONS" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-326 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Mancuso RESOLUTION #99-326 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. 5 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Quinones and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, Resolution #99-327 was amended to ratify the payment for Friday, October 8, 1999. ocroBER 12, 1999 RESOLUTION #99-324 Authorizing Agreement with Housing Services, Inc. Adopted RESOLUTION #99-325 Authorizing Payment to Various Contractors Re: COAH Adopted RESOLUTION #99-326 Authorizing Sale of Property Re: Bicy1ces & Misc. Items Adopted RESOLUTION #99-327 Amended ocroBER 12, 1999 RESOLUTION #99-327 Authorizing Payment from UEZ Funds Re: Town Center Project - Bell Atlantic & PSE&G Adopted RESOLUTION #99-328 Construction of New Bus Shelters - NJ Transit Adopted RESOLUTION #99-329 Appointment to Carteret Housing Authority - Stanley Gutowski Adopted RESOLUTION #99-330 Supporting Assembly Bill No. 2728 Re: Indemnification of Volunteers Operating Equipment Adopted RESOLUTION #99-327 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Quinones "AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FROM UEZ FUNDS TO BELL ATLANTIC AND PSE&G FOR TOWN CENTER PROJECT" was adopted as amended. Upon individual roll call vote, Council members Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION#99-328 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-328 "RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH NEW JERSEY TRANSIT REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW BUS SHELTERS" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmati ve. RESOLUTION #99-329 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Council members Gutowski and Mancuso RESOLUTION #99-329 "APPOINTMENT TO THE CARTERET HOUSING AUTHORITY" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmati ve. RESOLUTION #99-330 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Quinones RESOLUTION #99-330 "RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2728 INDEMNIFICATION OF VOLUNTEERS OPERATING MUNICIP ALLY OWNED OR LEASED VEHICLES" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmati ve. 6 RESOLUTION #99-331 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-331 "RESOLUTION REQUESTING RELOCATION OF BUS STOP" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-332 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-332 "RESOLUTION URGING STATE ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY TROPICAL STORM FLOYD" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-333 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien RESOLUTION #99-333 "AUTHORIZING MICROBIAL ABATEMENT AND CLEANING SERVICES AT THE BOROUGH HALL ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. RESOLUTION #99-334 was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. 7 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-334 "RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF OFF-TRACK BETIING FACILITIES IN NEW JERSEY MUNICIPALITIES" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. ocroBER 12, 1999 RESOLUTION #99-331 Relocation of Bus Stop Adopted RESOLUTION #99-332 Assistance to Communities Re: Tropical Storm Floyd Adopted RESOLUTION #99-333 Abatement & Cleaning Services Re: Borough Hall Adopted RESOLUTION #99-334 Opposing Off-Track Betting Adopted ocroBER 12, 1999 PAYMENT OF BILLS APPLICATIONS: Carteret Volunteer Fire Dept. Carteret Jewish Community Center COMMUNICATIONS: Comcast Twp. of South Brunswick REPORTS: Departments Standing Committees Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed were ordered to be paid. Upon individual roll call vote, Council members Crilley, Fazekas, Gutowski, Mancuso, O'Brien and Quinones voted in the affirmative. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of an application from the Carteret Volunteer Fire Department Company #2 seeking approval of new member, Joseph Krissoff. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Crilley and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, it was ordered to be received and processed. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of an application to amend Bingo License for the Carteret Jewish Community Center. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, it was ordered to be recei ved and processed. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of a notice from Comcast regarding price adjustment of certain installation related tasks and equipment. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, it was ordered to be received and placed on file. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of a resolution from the Township of South Brunswick supporting Assembly Bill No. 2728 regarding the indemnification of volunteers operating municipally owned or leased vehicles. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, it was ordered to be received and placed on file. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of the following reports: 1. Board of Health - June, July & August 1999 2. Clerk's Office - September 1999 3. Treasurer's Report - August 1999 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, all reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Committee Chairperson O'Brien said Arnold Rubin was busy last week getting quotes for the damage done by Tropical Storm Floyd. They are looking at ways to re-do Borough Hall. Basic maintenance has been going on in all the buildings. He said all their prayers go out to the entire Sica Family at this time. He reported progress. 8 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION: Committee Chairperson Quinones said she also offers her condolences to the Sica Family and Friends. She reported progress. FIRE: Committee Chairperson Fazekas also expressed his condolences to the Sica Family. This past Saturday there was an Open House at the Fire Department and he wished to thank the Career and Volunteer Fire Departments for their efforts and especially William Richert for putting together such a program. There was a great turn out. He also congratulated the Exempt Firemen's Association on their 75th Anniversary. With that moving right along. PARKS & RECREATION: Committee Chairperson Crilley said on October 31st at 1:00 P.M. will be the Halloween Parade. This Saturday at 12:00 P.M. in Carteret Park, the Carteret Specials will be planting a tree in honor of Mayor Sica. A plaque will be installed next week. Mayor Sica, as everybody knows, did a lot for the Specials and they wanted to show their appreciation As far as their condolences to the Sica Family, they were relayed personally and individually to the Sica Family. When he was 15, he was playing in a basketball game, this was in 1971. He got injured. He received a cut over his eye that required 5 stitches. His family wasn't available at the time. Long before Mayor Sica was a politician he was a person who was very generous and caring about the people of Carteret. Pete Sica took him to the doctor's that time and waited with him while he had his eye stitched up and brought him back to the game. As a result of that he became a Pete Sica fan for a long time. People have suggested that the Council are hypocrites for what they have said over the past two days. He believes there is no hypocrisy in paying respects to someone. A lot of nice things have been said. His generosity has been brought forth many times over in the last week and before hand. That is just one story he wanted to say. Not of all of this is adversarial. They may have disagreed on a lot of things, but they agreed on a lot more than they disagreed on. He wanted to relate his condolences to the family. On September 25 and 26th they had the Skate Park Competition. Cindy DeCamp asked him to read the following letter: 9 "On behalf of the Carteret Skate Park, I would like to present this check in the amount of $304.00 to the Borough of Carteret. I would like to thank everybody who made this competition a success. Our sponsor, Subculture Skate Shop. A special thanks to the Sportsmen Football Association and to Daphne Miles, who ran the concession stand. I would also like to thank the First Aid Squad for being on hand. A special thanks to Ted Surick and Bob Kately and parks employee, Steve Green for their tremendous help in setting up. I would also to especially thank the Borough of Carteret for making this park a reality for all the kids that love the sport. Thank you. Cindy DeCamp" ocroBER 12, 1999 Standing Committee Continued ocroBER 12, 1999 Standing Committees Continued Councilmember Crilley said that goes tenfold for Cindy DeCamp. Cindy has done a lot of work with these people. This money will go to a special trust fund that will be set up to be used for equipment for that park. Cindy is going to run some other affairs and they are maintaining it themselves. The last thing he wanted to mention was this Sunday at 1:00, Carteret High School Band will be hosting its Annual Band Competition. It's great fund. He urges all to attend and support the Carteret High School Band Parent's Association. He reported progress. POLICE: Committee Chairperson Gutowski said everyone here is talking about poor Mayor Sica. He just wanted to say that death touches us all. It's very difficult. He had basically the same type of experience with his own Dad, who was taken from him suddenly, as Pete was taken from his family. It's kind of difficult when you don't get to say thank you or goodbye to the individual, so he knows what the family is going through at this moment and his condolences are definitely with them. He thanked the uniform services, our Police Department, our Fire Department, our First Aid Squad and anyone else who participated in the honoring of Mayor Sica at the funeral yesterday. They did an outstanding job. He just wanted to express his appreciation to them. PUBLIC WORKS: Committee Chairman Mancuso said people have spoken to him about it and regardless what any body's political beliefs or differences are has nothing to do when it comes to something like this. As far as sewers are concerned they are taking three steps forward and getting knocked back two, but they are making progress. He reported progress. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Committee Chairperson Crilley reported progress. MAYOR: Mayor Failace said he had two proclamations. One should have been read last week for Columbus Day, but due to the meeting being cancelled, he will read it now. Proclamations: Christopher Columbus Day Mayor Failace read the following proclamations: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DAY WHEREAS, the members of the Italian-American Social Club of Carteret are devoting their efforts toward implanting the example of the courage and progressive ideals of Christopher Columbus in the hearts and minds of all our people; and WHEREAS, we must individually dedicate ourselves to these principles as the major bulwark against totalitarianism; and 10 NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES A. FAILACE, Mayor of the Borough of Carteret, in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey do hereby proclaim TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1999 as CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DAY in the Borough of Carteret and request that all nationalities of this Borough stand allied with the Italian Citizenry in helping them observe this Patriotic Day of their Compatriot, Christopher Columbus, whose name shall be honored at the Flag Raising Ceremony conducted at the front of Borough Hall on Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 10:00 A.M. FURTHER, I JAMES A. FAILACE, Mayor of the Borough of Carteret do hereby proclaim TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1999 be designated IT ALlAN AMERICAN DA Y in the Borough of Carteret and hereby order the Flag of Italy be displayed at Borough Hall this day in honor of all Italian-Americans who fought and died to save the freedoms of the United States of America. Signed and sealed this 12th day of October, 1999, JAMES A. FAILCE, Mayor Borough of Carteret, New Jersey NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION MONTH OCTOBER 1999 WHEREAS, the vitality of our town depends on how safe we keep our homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces and communities; WHEREAS, crime and fear of crime destroys our trust in others and institutions, threatening the community's health, prosperity and quality of life; WHEREAS, people of all ages must be made aware of what they can do to prevent themselves, their families, neighbors, and co-workers from being harmed by drugs, violence and other crime; WHEREAS, the personal injury, financial loss, deterioration resulting from crime are intolerable investment from the whole community; community and require 11 WHEREAS, crime prevention initiatives must include self-protection and security, but they must go beyond these to promote collaborative efforts to make neighborhoods safe for all ages and to develop positive educational and recreational opportunities for young people; ocroBER 12, 1999 Proclama tion Continued Christopher Columbus Day National Crime Prevention Month ocroBER 12, 1999 National Crime Prevention Month Con't. Mayor's Designee Appointed - Planning Board Mayor Sica PUBLIC DISCUSSION Incinerator WHEREAS, adults must invest time, resources and policy support in effective prevention and intervention strategies for youth and teens must be engaged in driving crime from their communities; WHEREAS, effective crime prevention programs excel because of partnerships among law enforcement, other government agencies, civic groups, schools, faith, communities, businesses and other individuals as they help to nuture communal responsibility and instill pride; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR JAMES A. FAILACE do hereby proclaim October 1999 as Crime Prevention Month in the Borough of Carteret and urge all citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions and businesses to invest in the power of prevention and work together for the common good. Mayor James A. Failace Mayor Failace appointed Jeffrey Pino as the Mayor's Designee for the Planning Board. Mayor Failace said he saved his comments about Mayor Sica until he finished. He said it was a tragedy, certainly a great tragedy for the family, but a loss to Carteret. He has said many times he has certainly battled Mayor Sica since 1985 on incinerators and everything else, but never once did he ever believe that in his heart Mayor Sica never thought what he was doing wasn't the best for Carteret. They may have disagreed on many things, but they each felt which was better and he never thought that wasn't in his heart. There have been so many testimonies about the Mayor and he couldn't embellish them, he has known him since 1985. He once called him into his office and told him he was the saner of the "Wackos". One thing he will say is that there will ever only be one Peter J. Sica. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Gutowski and Quinones and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, the meeting was declared open to the public for discussion. FRED GERSTLER asked after all these years that have gone by about the incinerator battle, does the Mayor think the town is better off not having it? Mayor Failace said absolutely. There are incinerators that are dying and not getting any garbage and will now have to take New York's garbage to exist. He absolutely believes that it was the best thing. Mr. Gerstler said they are not taking New York garbage to exist. 12 Mayor Failace said no, they are taking it to exist. If he read the papers over the last few months, it stated that incinerators are in trouble. The Freeholders in other counties were trying to force other cities to bring them their garbage. We take care of our garbage in Middlesex County and we don't need an incinerator. Mayor Failace said the truck industries that we have, the White Roses' and DB Browns are great. He understands there are truck traffic problems, but they will do what they have to to take care of them. He said he realizes and he thinks everyone here realizes that we are not Basking Ridge or Short Hills and the best industry we can get, we will get and Mayor Sica started that with the property down in Port Carteret. He believes that they are better off without it. Councilmember Mancuso said he was on the Solid Waste Committee and there are municipalities that are deeply in a financial hole because of incinerators and they don't know how they are getting out of it. Mr. Gerstler asked if the incinerator that was coming into Carteret was a private entity? Mayor Failace said it was no different than the one they put in Rahway. They just turned it over to them. Councilmember Mancuso said there are two or three new laws that are coming down that will affect them all. Mr. Gerstler asked about the mall. Mayor Failace said there are a lot of things going on. Bell Meade has spent a lot of money going through the testing process. He believes that there are three or four companies interested in this project right now. Mr. Gerstler asked if Bell Meade was still involved? Mayor Failace said Bell Meade is still involved, that project will continue and will come into fruition. It takes time. Mr. Gerstler asked about the company that won't sell unless they get major money for their property? They are kind of extorting the borough. Mayor Failace asked if he was talking about the property in front? Mr. Gerstler said yes. Mayor Failace said that should be dealt with by Bell Meade or whatever company that does the project. Mr. Gerstler asked if the town should help in settling this matter? Mayor Failace said they should, but that's not of the utmost importance at this moment. There are three to five investors interested that don't have a problem. He said he couldn't say anymore. 13 A. MUHAMAD thanked the Mayor and Council and Senator Vitale for helping his group. He spoke about the students taking a trip to the Ivory Coast for a youth exchange program. They wanted to bring computers with them and with the effort of Senator Joe Vitale, they are getting 12 computers from Lucent Technology. ocroBER 12, 1999 Public Discussion Con't. Incinerator Mall Computers ocroBER 12, 1999 Comvuters Con t. Mayor Peter J. Sica Turnpike Mr. Muhamad said right now he is in the position to have 12 computers in his possession. Since they received the computers, they found out they didn't have enough kids for the Ivory Coast Exchange Program. He is trying to raise the money to try again. In the meantime, he doesn't want to keep the computers in his possession. He said he would like to give the Mayor and Council the computers. If there is an area in the school and the whole community can use the computers that is what he wants to do. The purpose of Lucent in giving the computers to him was to benefit the students of the community. They belong to the whole community. He thanked Stan Gutowski and Mr. Mancuso for helping him out. He wanted to present computers to the Mayor and Council. Mayor Failace thanked Mr. Muhamad and said they will be used. WILLIAM KOLffiAS, JR. said he was here to thank them for the kind words they spoke this evening and to the family at the wake. He thanked them for attending the services. He told Pat Crilley that he was sure no one in his family called anyone a hypocrite. Councilmember Crilley said it didn't come from Mr. Kolibas' family. Mr. Kolibas told the Mayor and Council the family appreciated all the support. He also thanked them for the use of the Fire Department, the Police Department, Emergency Management and everything else they did. He thanked them. Mayor Failace said it was the least they could do. TOM LANG said he would like to bring up one thing that he would like the Council to keep in the back of their heads before any new construction comes into Carteret or any kind of trucking industry comes into Carteret. He is not against it. He is a union member. He is all for any kind of construction that would come into Carteret that would help us. He read the paper about the survey that was done about truck traffic. It said if we had more trucking in Carteret it wouldn't affect the normal traffic in Carteret. He doesn't know who did that survey. The turnpike is horrible from 5:45 A.M. to 6:45 A.M to try and get on it. There are two booths open. They don't open a third lane until 6:50 P.M. The traffic is horrendous. He asked if there was anything they could do to get the turnpike to open the third lane an hour earlier? He doesn't want to sit 20 minutes to 30 minutes to get on the turnpike. Getting off the turnpike is no better. It takes him 25 minutes to get off and pay the toll. He has been in Carteret and has never seen it this bad. Mr. Lang spoke about the intersection at McDonalds and the light. Only three cars can get through that light. He asked if it could be made to last longer. He said something has to be addressed at that intersection for traffic to flow more smoothly. His last point is there is a stop sign right by St. Joseph's School, coming out of the shopping center. It's been knocked down at least 100 times. Something has to be done. 14 Mayor Failace said he understands, it took him 20 minutes to get off. He tried to open up discussions with them. Mayor Sica had plans prior, as a matter of fact on September 1st, he was with Mayor Sica at an event for the Specials honoring the volunteers. He sat down with Mayor Sica for about 30 minutes to a half hour discussing the turnpike. At that time he asked Mayor Sica if he would help them. If he knew anybody at the turnpike that would give us a hand. Mayor Sica said he could talk to a couple of people. He was supposed to talk him this past week. They will get in touch with the turnpike and set up another meeting. As far as the traffic light, that is a county road. In the big picture, when the mall was first talked about coming in, there were designs, that are gone, for the turnpike and the bridge over to West Carteret. He is trying to find out what happened to them. It is a dangerous intersection. John Riggio had someone from the turnpike with him and John showed him the traffic. If there should be an emergency, there will be a terrible problem. It is something we have to work out. Mr. Lang thanked the Mayor and Council for going to the Board of Education meeting about the lease-purchase. He said he was very impressed with Mr. Higgins. He wasn't against fixing the high school or the other schools. He just didn't like the underhanded sneaky tactics they used. He calls that sneaky politics. He was glad that the Mayor and Council went to that meeting and stood up for the people of Carteret. He spoke about the teachers' contract and how it affects the kids, after school activities, Open House, etc. . Councilmember O'Brien said one of the spokespeople from the turnpike authority said there policy is to open all the lanes during rush hours. He said he has never seen all the lanes opened. He suggested that a letter be sent to the turnpike. Councilmember Mancuso said about a month and a half ago, the head of the Teachers' Union had an article in the paper that said because they are in negotiations he is advising the teachers he represents, not to do anything extra unless they were paid for it. That's why nothing is being done. Councilmember Quinones said in addition to addressing the Council about this, people like Mr. Lang should address the School Board as well and tell them how he feels about it. There being no further business or discussion, at approximately 8: 15 P.M., upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Crilley and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, the meeting was adjourned. Respectful y submitted, 15 'û.' KATHLEEN M. BARN~_/Ý Municipal Clerk KMB/sj ocroBER 12, 1999 Turnpike Con't. Board of Education ADJOURNED ~ ocroBER 12, 1999 COUNCIL MEETING 16