HomeMy Public PortalAboutGovernment Study Committee -- 2015-03-26 Minutes Approved: 4/16/15 VOTE: 4-0-0 2198 Main Street `Ott Brewster,Massachusetts 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 a FAX(508) 896-8089 /%1Ing 11,Xry/11I1 R IOR U111111N\\\\\\ GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, March 26, 2015 Present: Chair Colin Odell,Todd Montgomery, Elbert Ulshoeffer, Jerri Carlin, and Dave Whitney. Absent: Don Arthur and Chris Kenney Also present: Peter Johnson, Jillian Douglas,Don Schober, Chris Powicki, and Jon Lamb The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm Video&Audio Recording or Taping Notification: "As required by the Open Meeting Law we are informing you that the Town will be audio taping this meeting. In addition if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting they are required to inform the chair." 1. Public Speak— 5 minutes maximum each speaker Peter Johnson discussed the consultant. The Government Study Committee needs to decide if a consultant is necessary and if so what kind of a consultant. The Committee is coming to an end on their investigative stage and the next steps were discussed. It is believed that looking at best practices of other towns is in the charge to the Government Study's Committee. Until the Committee discusses and reviews the information that they have collected, it is unknown what will be in the final report. Peter Johnson stated that the Open Space Committee and the Community Preservation Committee made a presentation on Open Space and the importance of it to the Finance Committee. There was discussion on priorities. 2. Review and approval of minutes of March 5, 2015 Motion made by Jerri Carlin to approve the minutes of March 12, 2015 as presented. Dave Whitney seconded. VOTE: 4-1-0 3. Interview Planning Board 6:15 pm There was no one present from the Planning Board. There was a question as to why the Planning Board was invited to this meeting as the Chair of the Planning Board and the Town Planner were already interviewed. The Planning Board requested an Government Study Committee Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2015 Page I of 4 interview. Chair Odell heard back that Jason Klump was the only member that was planning on attending. It was decided that Chair Odell to contact the Chair of the Planning Board, Rich Judd to clarify their request for an appearance before the Government Study Committee. 4. Interview Jon Lamb, Chris Powicki, and Don Schober 7:00 pm Don Schober read a prepared statement. Don Schober and his wife have lived in town since 2001. He has been a member on the Finance Committee for 8 years. He believes that safety and protection of citizens is the most important aspect of government. Thus he feels Police Department is the most important Department in town followed by the Fire and Rescue Department and then DPW for the maintenance of good roads. There was a review of how a budget should be put together. Stimulus money should not be used to hire staff. There was a review on appointments vs. elected positions. Appointments allow for hiring more qualified people and from appointing someone from outside the town whereby elected positions need to be Brewster residents. There was discussion as to whether appointment interviews should be done in public. It was felt that the process should be outlined. Accountability is different from responsibility and there was a discussion on this issue. Concern expressed about the budget and budget ov._err_ides _ . that cannot continue. Chris Powicki has lived in Brewster since 2009 but has been on the Cape since 2000. Chris Powicki reviewed his credentials as an energy consultant for the electric industry for 25 years and as an adjunct professor at the college teaching renewable energy. He is the President of Self Reliance a heating oil cooperative of 3500 members and he is active the Cape Cod renewable energy collaborative. He reviewed regionalization. There are a lot of municipal functions where regionalization would have benefit and he listed them, water, wastewater, energy, solid waste, public safety, fire and rescue, transportation, etc. There is an opportunity to share resources but gaps would need to be filled in and you need transparency and accountability as you are sending control elsewhere. There are good regionalization examples and bad regionalization examples. Chris Powicki related his experience with the Board of Selectmen and he talked about the Cape Light Compact and its relationship with the town. He was surprised by the negative reception he received and he feels that there is a conflict of interest between the town and the Cape Light Compact. The accountability of the town when it enters into regionalization agreements is important. All of the towns on the Cape take advantage of the Town of Barnstable's Weights and Measures Department and this was an example of a good area of regionalization. Regulatory capture and concern was raised about entities working closely together and regulatory boards being to close to those they regulate. It was suggested that the Cape Light Compact's costs be explained to the ratepayers. There needs to be greater interaction between regional government and reporting back to the town. There are many regional opportunities at the county level that the town could take advantage. Government Study Committee Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Chris was asked to prepare a one-page synopsis on what he feels the town could pursue on regional approaches. Chris referred this task to Ed Lewis who is on the Assembly of Delegates, as he would know what is available countywide. Not all town operations should be regionalized, but some of them would be more efficient on a regional basis. He thought perhaps a survey could be done so that connections are more apparent and the town should perhaps develop an inventory of what is already regionalized. Regular and frequent reporting from regional entities is important. Jillian Douglas reviewed the current reporting done by the town such as the annual report and concern was expressed about the time involved if everyone reported to the Board of Selectmen. Several years ago, the Cape Cod Managers looked into regionalization and prepared a letter and this may be a good tool for the Government Study Committee. More information on the website was suggested as to including why Brewster is involved and who to go to for problems. A public hearing from regional boards such as the Cape Light Compact could be helpful. Jon Lamb has been in the business of the development of new technology and services. He felt that there is an opportunity for the town to look at change as a concept and invite in all those who are stakeholders in the concept for their opinions. Then he reviewed the steps involved such as you try to crystallize the concept and test any assumptions and ask the question of do we have all of the data available that is necessary to go forward with a concept. Once agreement has been reached on what the concept should be, detailed design can go forward. A lot of time can be spent in the concept phase until an agreement has been reached as it eliminates conflict further on into the project. The Government Study Committee should convince the Selectmen that this is a better approach, have a champion on the Board of Selectmen, and then you need a Town Administrator who understands the approach and can guide the Selectmen in this approach. The Mass DOT website has this process outlined and this could be modified for the Town of Brewster's use. There was discussion about if this change should be a bylaw or a policy. Any solution works better if it engages the local people and the people who are most affected by a change. The present atmosphere in the town is combative. The overall good of the community vs. not in my back yard was discussed. If the neighbors are engaged from the beginning, the whole atmosphere changes and conflicts are reduced. The Dog Park was used as an example of a combative issue that may have been reduced if the question had been does Brewster want a dog park and invited participation for discussion. A comprehensive plan that outlines the process to improve the results may be a good thing for this Committee to bring forward. It is important to not start out with a narrow idea. The concept phase should be broad but not deep. The culture of the town needs to change so it is more effective. There was discussion on good people going in a wrong direction and the greater good of the town. Designing to state standards and context sensitive design was discussed. Everyone should be involved in the concept phase. Government Study Committee Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Property taxes have increased faster than the cost of living and wages. It was suggested to re-evaluate how things are done and to get away from the departmental way the town is set up, to work smarter and build a culture whereby what is the citizen coming into town hall to do and how can we accomplish what they need the most efficient manner. Town meeting should review changes, benefits, savings, and how the town has become more efficient. Town meetings are great with people coming together to give their opinions and Jon opposes having town meetings online. With overrides, if you want this and you are not going to fund the override, what do you want to cut? This would be a great alternative that is currently not available. 5. Other items the Chair did not anticipate There were no other items discussed. 6. Schedule of the next meeting. The next meeting will be April 16 and the Town Administrator will be invited. April 30 will be the second meeting of the month and the Selectmen will be invited. There was discussion on what should be included in the final report and whether a consultant was necessary. Regardless about any problems brought to the Government Study Committee's attention and whether they can be rectified, they should be outlined in the final report. There was discussion on the bylaws and how to correct them. There was a discussion whether some boards should be appointed or elected and that should be in the final report. The Saturday town meeting may be a suggestion and there was discussion on this. The Human Resource Department and whether it needs a new designated person or just a consultant was briefly discussed. Recommendations by this Committee could be both positive and negative. 7. Schedule Meeting with Peggy Jablonski The meeting with Peggy Jablonski will be held starting at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in Room C. There was discussion on how to prepare for the meeting with Peggy Jablonski. Peggy is a professional facilitator. It was recommended to have a list prepared for this meeting in advance. S. Correspondence, if any The Chair has received correspondence from the Planning Board. 9. Adj ournment Motion made by Berri Carlin to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 pm. Dave Whitney seconded. VOTE: 5-0-0 Respectfally submitted, Donna J. Moberg, Recor ing Secretary Government Study Committee Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2015 Page 4 of 4