HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0774CfiD~NANCE 1~v . ~ ~~ ~~. AN ORDINt1NCE OF TgE C`~TY OF Lr?~i~,~;,~;,i ;;YFRGJLQG THE. ANNEX9:i0N OF THAT Cn iT~~~P? rR~ Li;'I ~`,f ~ 3 CC?1NTY OF irJ:; ANGELES LYING i~ORTHERLY Ot' in L i ,' ~dG C.LTY BOUNDaRY ON EL GRt1NADA A~VEV'Ur. WHEREAS, pursuant to ine Annexa:`,=on of iJn~_nhabited Territory Act of 193y, as amended, there was presen*ed t~ the City Council of the City of Lynwood, California, ~ r,~~'r~ion ~_~ed _mr~r ~,6, ":..;o~l, executed by Marian W. Madden, et ~l, re:a.~ ,'-_,ng ~~~ u, ~ _,_ ., ;rain property lying northerly of the existing ~;~j, l;~ar~w~,,~ ~i ti ~r~naaa Avenue, in the County of Los Angeles, Sr,af;e of Calif:rni«, and hereinafter particularly described, and WHEREAS, the City Cour~cil of ;a_d '~tty, by Resolution No. 65-21, adopted on the 16th day of Mar_ch, 1_965, dai~~ ~a~;>~ n~:~tire o£ and fixed the 4th day of May, 1965, at 7:30 p m. ~~ r,~ ;,;~,,~-,_ ~~_ ^; ~z~~:~~ ~f ~he City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road, L,ynwood, ~~i ~+_' ~r,nia, -, , n.= 3~i;~ , h~~?,tr, and place when and where any person ;~w.n`~~ng r~al p*~o~~°,.~ ,. ;'_n -h~ territory to be annexed and having any ob~ect,ions to the proposed annexation might appear before said Cir,y Co~zn~il and show ~~ause why such territory should not be so annexed, and WHEREAS, said resolution was published in the Lynwood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Lynwood, and also in the Herald American, a newspaper of general circulation pub L shed out~ide of the City of L,ynwood but in the county in which is located the territory p^oposed to be ann.exed, and WHEREAS, no per;on owi~ing ;eal property with~n the territory to be annexed a~peared before the C+_ty Coun^i:L r_~ show ~ause why such territory shouid not b~ .o annexed, and WHL.REF.S, said C;*y :;o.~i^ L apr ~~~-:: r:k; annexativn of said territory to the City of Ly~wo~d, and WHEREAS, all ~ro^nedings have ce~en i~ ~~nfo~mity +~aith law, NOW, THER~FCRE, the C1r,y Counc7.! ,Y r,:,; City of Lynwood does ordain as follows: Section l, That pursuant to the "Annexation oi' Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939" ae arnended, ~he ar.n~ 2a _-';,~~ ;,;3_:, rerritory continguous to rhe Cir,y of L~ynwood in tY.e C~~,a.r;ty~ ,;t I,~~_ yngeles, State of California, designt:ted as "E1 Granada Nver~~z; Ar,.~e~atyon No.1" as herein- a£ter described, hereby is approvea. Said territory lying northerly of rhe exisr.ing City boundary, and in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at ~he inr~rsection of th~ C~i*~y of Ly:~,wood boundary, said boundary exisr~ng De^emb:=~~ l~, !_",'S!J, and the easteriy line of Tract ~'o, ,~£;~8, 35 ~.i~wei ;~n map rec~rded in Book 1U0, Page a3 of ~~'~p_, ;_~ ~~~ ~t'fice uf the recorder of'~the C~unry o.*.' S.~ri~~~,~,; th2n~~ northerly along sa;_3 ~;ts;Ly 1ir,~ t,~ rh~ ,.,.-~;e^rion of rhe westerly prolonge,t=.~n oP t~r= r.ur*r~rl_, _ _~~~ ;7., 'Pract No.10614 as shown on map recordea .i.~ Bo~k ?;~, ?3g~; S8 ~nd 39 og Maps, in *_he offic~ of the recurde; ~p ;;?~? G~~,,;,~~y ~p Los Angeles; rhei~c~ easterly al~ng sai7. w~s~<rly p;~longation, northerly line ana r,ne ~asterly ~ro'.;rga~~on ~f :aid northeriy line to the centerline of Ei Granada Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on saia iast mentioned map; thence northerly along said centerline to rne intersection with the we:teriy prol~noaY;~n of the ror'h~rly line of Lot 15 of said la~t mentioned `~~rac~.; *,hen^e easterly along said last m~~ntioned westeriy p.,olcnga-~to~^ az3 nortnerly line to the easterly L~.ne uf L~t 1~ .~f ;aid 1asT, mentioned tract; thenae soutnerly along :aid iaat menT,=_oned easterly line and its s~utheriy prolongation r~ the Ci*y of Lynwood bouridary, sa5_d boundary existing D~cember '.1, 1554; thence westerly along said boundary to the point, of beglnning. Section 2. The City Clerk is herPby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to rau~e tne same to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a r~ewspaper of g~neral :_`rcuiati~r. printed, published, and circulated in the City of I.ynwood. First reafl at a regular meet;ing of ;he Cir,y ^r~~,~nci1 of said City held on the 4th day of May, 1965, and finally adop.*,ed azd ordered published at a regular meeting of said council held on the i8.*,h day of May, 1965, by the £ollowing vo~e: Ayes: Councilmen Duncan, Ham, McMillan, Siokos Smith. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None ~ /~ / r ~s 4Co~ ~ ~~.' 1 ~G~~'C7n1 1 Mav r of *he r,~±y o£ I,,ynwood ATTEST: .-, , ~ ~~~,._-,-~~/`" . ~u_~~~ ~.~ City ~lerk, Crty of L wood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) ss, I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said city, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No, 774 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood, and that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 21st day oP May 1965 . , ,~1 / e z r f~c C-,.:: ~i~-'S~ L~.~~~-r%: ~. Z,'~''~Y -C~AR~J12'4~Y~6Z5 f