HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0768OftD'INAiV"~".E ti;''. 76t3 AN ORDINAIVCE OF THE CITY OF' LYNWOCiD APPR.OVINu THE AN~EXATION OF THAT ~~P,RTAI1i r^.R.GP~RTY Il~ THE COUNTY OF LOS A.TIG~LES I~YI~Q~ ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 107th STREET AND G1ES'iTERLY C'F ALAMEIEDA STREET. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Anriexation of uninhabited Terri~ tory Act of 1939, as amended, th~-ra ~~v~s ~presented to the City ~r~u.~cil Of' 'Gr12 (.'1G~' f_if' .L;J:~~VJ~,'.~.^~C'1g Cdl1"f7..r:~;.~.y ~ 7~;c~ti1.~Gi0(:. CaB~i;E.'C'1 1~iO~=`Tri.GF;Y' .L~y i~64~ executed by Jones L,~.mk,e^ i;ar~~.z;~~~_~, 'L:~~~,. re~ e~'~-~:~_g tn~~ >n_^.exati~n o~° certain proper~t~;r lying r~~~ ths ~~~r~`;;i ~ide o~' iC`(th Utr^ee" and westerly of Alameda Stneet in tns C~~~,,n~.,= cf' I,os A:~~.ge,es, State of Califn~nia, and hEreinafter^ ~~-~x*~Lsa,7ariy de~:~ri"s:ed, ar,d WHEREAS, the Ci'y Cu'u-V::il cf sa~d city, by Resolution No. 65-3, adopted on t:~e ~th day ~f Jar~uar~y, 1y65, duly gave r.otiee of and fixed the 19th day of Jar.uaryy lyo „ at 7:30 p,m. in the Council Chambers o£ the City Hallo 17.33u Ba11is Road, Lyr.wood, Califbrniay as the day, hour, and place when and wher.e any person owning real property within the city who does not also own property in the territory to be annexed and having atiy ob~jeet3.ons to the proposed annexation might appear be£ore said City Coanci~ ar.d show cause why such territory should not be s~ annexed, ar,d WHER.EAS, s~id resci~~tior w~s p~ablished in the L~nwood Press, a newspaper oP ~enerai circula±ion, pr•i,:~ted ar.d ~;ubiished in the City of Lynwood, and WHEREAS, no perso~~ e~w_^.ing rea~ ~roperty with~r the cit~ who does not also own pr-~perty in the territory to be an^exed appeared bef'ore the City Courc:l to shew ca~~se why such territ~.ry sh~u'd ndt be so annexed, and WHEREAS, said City C~~~n~il ap~:r~ves the an~exat~ori ofl said territory to tt~e City of° Lynwo~d9 and WHEREAS, ail ~;ro~eedings have been in conP~rrr_i*y with law, NOW, THEREFGRE, the City Co~a:~c~l ~P tne City ofl ~yn~°c~cd does ordain as follows: Section i. Z'Y~at pHr°s"aan~ f~ `ne "A:~_nexatl~n of Ur_~nnaKited Territory Act of 193`~" as azner_ded, the a:~r~xation o£ that certain territory cuntiguous to the C~ty o~" Lynwood i.n the County of' Los Angeles, State of Californiay designated as "Alameda Street Annexation No. 5-A" as hereinafter more particularly described, hereby is approved, Said territory lying or the north side of 107th Street and westerly o£ Alameda Street and in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and lying within the flcllowing described boundaries: Beginning at a point at a northwesterly corner of the Lynwood City taoundary, as said bo~ndar,y existed May 29, 1964, said point ~;eirg tr.e rortheasterly corner of Lat 99 Block A, Watts Fark Tracf, as shown on map recorded in Bo~k ~S, Page 70, of Maps is: the of'Pice of the Recorder of Los Angeles ~oun`y, State of California; thence Ncrth 83° 45t West aiong the r.ortherly bc?a,ndar;~ of said tract a distance of 128,7~ f'eet t~ tP~e rorthwesteri;~ corner of Lot 13 of' said uiock and tract; thEnce So'a,h 7° 32t east long the westeriy line oP said Lot 13 a distance of 153.00 feet to the northerly line of 107th Place, 40 feet wide, shown as First Street on said map; thence North 87° 35~ east along said northerly line to the southeasterly co~nner of° Lot 9 of said block and tract, said point being at a southwesterly corner of said Lynwood City boundary; thence North 7° 32t West along said Lynwood City bo'undary to the point of beginning. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and direeted to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to cause the same to be published once in tha Lynw~cd Press, a newspaper of general circum lation, printed, published and cireulated in the City of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said city held on the lgth day of January, 1965, and £inaily adopted and ordered published at a regalar meeting ofl said Council held on the 2nd day oP February, i965, by the Pcllowing vote: Roll Cail: Ayes: Councilmen D'ancan, Ham, McMillan, Siokos, Smith. Noes: Councilmer.: N~ne. Absent: Councilmer.: AT ~ ~PI v°' i er , o Lynwoo STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said city, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No, 768 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood, a~d that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 4th day of Mareh 1965 . ~ ,